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郑文波  申飞  闫小梅  张舒玄  孙波  胡锋  李辉信 《土壤》2015,47(2):361-368
从江西红壤花生地中,筛选出3株产吲哚乙酸(IAA)菌株,其中ZH5菌株具有较强分泌IAA的能力且性能稳定,培养24 h时IAA产量达到43.18μg/ml,且菌株ZH5具有较强的解磷能力。通过菌株形态、生理生化特征测定及16S r RNA的保守序列鉴定,初步确定菌株ZH5为巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)。对菌株生长和发酵条件进行研究,结果表明促进菌株ZH5生长和增强分泌IAA的最佳培养条件基本一致,最佳培养条件初始p H为6~8,最佳通气量为50 ml/250 ml,30℃摇床培养24 h;最佳碳源和氮源分别是蔗糖和酵母粉。在实验室中进行盆栽试验,结果表明用ZH5菌株处理的花生株高增加了54.0%;植株鲜重增加了49.8%;并且ZH5菌株处理的花生植株全磷及花生根长、根尖数、根表面积及根体积均有显著增加,分别增加了21.84%、64.20%、28.20%、34.35%和68.67%。该研究结果为菌株ZH5在农业生产中的应用提供了理论依据和实验基础。  相似文献   

为研究适合长江中下游地区水稻生长的微生物肥料提供优良的菌种资源,采用选择性培养基法从东乡野生稻根际中分离筛选出A2、A5、A8、A11、A16、A18菌株6株根际促生菌(PGPR),并对菌株的促生特性和生态适应性进行测定。结果表明,分离筛选出的6株PGPR在促生特性和生态适应性方面存在差异,A5和A18菌株有溶磷能力,A2、A5、A11、A18菌株有产生铁载体能力,A5、A8和A18菌株有溶钾能力,6株菌株均有产生生长素的能力和产ACC脱氨酶的能力;A5和A18菌株表现出极强的耐酸碱性,在不同酸碱条件下均生长旺盛;A5和A18菌株可在NaCl浓度为1.2 mol·L-1的培养基上生长,表现出极强的耐盐性;A5、A8和A18菌株可在聚乙二醇含量为30%的培养基上生长,表明其能耐受重度干旱;A2、A5和A18菌株可在含有不同稀释浓度的乙草胺培养基上生长,表明其可耐受除草剂;6株菌株可在含有不同浓度的嘧菌酯和吡虫啉的培养基上生长,其中A5和A18菌株生长最为旺盛,表明6株菌株均有耐药性,且A5和A18菌株耐受性最强。优选A5和A18菌株进行16S rDNA 基因序列分析鉴定,A5菌株为温哥华假单胞菌 Pseudomonas vancouverensis,A18菌株为Pantoea cypripedii。水稻田间试验结果显示,在减施50%氮肥的条件下,与不接种对照相比,接种A5、A18和A5+A18菌株可分别增产23.11%、17.33%和29.68%,表明接种A5、A18和A5+A18菌株对水稻有很好的促生增产效果,其中接种复合菌的效果最佳。  相似文献   

磷在植物生长发育过程中起着重要的作用。为获得优质的解磷促生菌,以北京平谷桃园根际土壤为原料,从中筛选具有较高解磷促生能力的菌株。通过平板试验初筛可产解磷圈的菌株,再进行液态培养,采用钼锑抗比色法测定其最大的解磷能力,并探索菌株解磷能力与pH变化的关系,同时借助盆栽试验研究其促生特性。从桃树根际土共分离筛选出3株解磷菌,编号分别为JP01、JP03和PG62,初步鉴定分别为黑曲霉、杰氏假单胞菌和苍白杆菌。其中,黑曲霉JP01解磷能力优异,其溶解磷酸三钙的能力为112.52 mg/L,对卵磷脂的转化量为145.50 mg/L,最大解磷矿粉能力为95.74 mg/L,在培养过程中,该解磷菌对应的培养液pH显著下降。盆栽试验表明,黑曲霉能增加玉米幼苗株高、茎粗和地下部干重,还可使植株全磷含量增加。本研究结果可为开发解磷微生物菌剂提供优良的菌株资源。  相似文献   

一株植物促生菌的筛选、鉴定及其对花生的促生效应研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
徐文思  姜瑛  李引  张振  徐莉  胡锋  李辉信 《土壤》2014,46(1):119-125
从南京板桥镇自然条件下的潮土中,筛选出JX15菌株,具有较强分泌IAA的能力且性能稳定,20 h分泌IAA达到22.55μg/ml,并兼具解磷能力。经形态观察、部分生理生化特征测定及16S rRNA的保守序列鉴定,初步确定该菌株为巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium),GenBank登录号为JX424613。设置单因素试验对菌株生长和发酵条件进行初步研究,结果表明促进菌株JX15生长和增强分泌IAA的最佳培养条件基本一致,最佳培养条件是初始pH 7~8,装液量为50 ml/250 ml,30℃摇床培养24 h;最佳碳、氮源分别是甘露醇和酵母粉。在实验室条件下进行花生盆栽试验,结果表明接种JX15菌液的处理,花生植株较未接种菌液的处理其鲜重、株高、全氮、磷、钾及花生根系总长度、根平均直径、根表面积和根尖数均有显著增加。研究结果为该菌株的工程应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】植物根际促生菌 (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR) 能够促进植物生长、防治病害、增加作物产量,具有较好的环境兼容性、不易引起抗性、效果持久稳定等优势。筛选高效多功能菌,探索抗病促生机理,对开发防控大蒜土传病害的微生物技术,发展“高产、优质、高效、生态、安全”的大蒜产业具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。 【方法】以实验室前期从山东省金乡县连作大蒜根部分离的 70 株细菌为供试菌株,筛选对大蒜根腐病病原真菌拟枝孢镰刀菌 (Fusarium sporotrichioides) ACCC37402 和大蒜叶枯病病原真菌链格孢属菌株 (Alternaria sp.) D14011-1 具有较好拮抗效果的菌株;采用 16S rDNA 基因序列同源性分析,对其进行初步鉴定;通过测定菌株对抗生素的敏感性、水解蛋白能力、产铁载体能力、产 HCN 能力等,研究菌株的拮抗特性;通过测定菌株的固氮能力、溶磷能力、产 IAA 能力,产 ACC 脱氨酶能力等,研究菌株的促生特性;通过温室盆栽试验,进行多功能菌菌悬液及其无菌发酵液对大蒜幼苗生长的影响以及抗病效果研究。 【结果】菌株 DD3 对大蒜根腐病病原真菌 ACCC37402 和大蒜叶枯病病原真菌 D14011-1 具有较好拮抗效果,抑菌率均为 45%;经 16S rDNA 基因序列同源性分析,初步确定为芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus) 菌株。其它功能特性研究结果显示:菌株 Bacillus sp. DD3 具有水解蛋白能力、产 HCN 能力、产铁载体能力、固氮能力、溶解有机磷和无机磷的能力;对氨苄青霉素钠、硫酸卡那霉素等 11 种抗生素无耐受性,不具有分泌吲哚乙酸 IAA 能力和产 ACC 脱氨酶能力。盆栽试验显示,接种 Bacillus sp. DD3 菌悬液对大蒜根腐病的防治效果较好,防控率达 80%。接种 Bacillus sp. DD3 及其无菌发酵液后能够促进大蒜幼苗的生长,其中接种菌悬液效果更佳。 【结论】菌株 Bacillus sp. DD3 兼具多种功能特性,对大蒜根腐病具有较好的拮抗效果,同时可以显著促进大蒜幼苗生长,有望进一步研究开发成为微生物肥料生产菌种。  相似文献   

从盐生植物根际土中分离得到4株含1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)脱氨酶的植物促生菌(PGPR),通过无菌育种袋栽培试验,考查其在不同盐分条件下对燕麦和黑麦草幼苗的促生效应。结果表明,4株菌对5 g/kg或10 g/kg NaCl盐分胁迫下的燕麦和黑麦草幼苗均表现出显著地缓解促生效应,其中假单胞菌属S1最显著,10 g/kg NaCl比无NaCl时促生作用更大。4株PGPR的ACC脱氨酶活性与植物生长参数(根长和下胚轴长)之间具有极显著的正相关性(Pearson相关系数>0.81)。  相似文献   

东北黑土区大豆根际促生菌群落组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确东北黑土区大豆根际促生菌的群落组成,选择内蒙古自治区鄂温克族自治旗、黑龙江省海伦市、黑龙江省克山县和黑龙江省农垦红兴隆农场4个采样点,分析了大豆根际自生固氮菌、解磷菌、溶磷菌和硅酸盐细菌的群落组成,解析了促生菌种与地域之间的对应关系。结果表明:东北黑土区的大豆根际土壤中存在大量促生菌,自生固氮菌达到104cfu.g 1,溶磷菌和解磷菌达到105cfu.g 1,硅酸盐细菌达到103cfu.g 1;分离得到具有自生固氮能力的菌株5株,溶磷菌6株,解磷菌7株,硅酸盐细菌4株;自生固氮菌多样性指数在0.94~1.60之间,溶磷菌多样性指数在0.83~1.52之间,解磷菌的多样性指数在1.07~1.67之间,硅酸盐细菌多样性指数在0.52~0.96之间,4个取样点大豆根际促生菌的多样性指数均大于2。采用对应分析确定了不同地区的典型促生菌,内蒙古鄂温克族自治旗的特征种为自生固氮菌LLN8(Azotobacter beijerinckia indica),黑龙江省海伦市的特征种为溶磷菌DHS13(Micrococcus),黑龙江省克山县的特征种为溶磷菌DHS19(Pseudomo-nas),黑龙江省红兴隆农场的特征种为自生固氮菌LLN1(A.chrooco-ccum)和溶磷菌DHS5(Azotobacter)。同时明确了LLN2(A.azomonas)、LLN6(Bacillus mucilaginosus)、DHS9(Arthrobacter)、DHSO2(Pseudomonas)、DHSO14(Erwinia)、DHSO17(Corynebacterium)和LSJ21(Bacillus)在东北黑土区大豆根际分布较为广泛,这些菌株为研发中国东北黑土区大豆专用型复合生物肥料提供了基础条件。  相似文献   

一株固氮解磷菌的筛选鉴定及其对花生的促生作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
姜瑛  吴越  王国文  徐文思  张振  徐莉  胡锋  李辉信 《土壤》2015,47(4):698-703
本研究从南京板桥镇的灰潮土中,筛选出了一株高效固氮解磷菌,命名为JX14,其固氮酶活性达C2H438.9 nmol/(h·ml),对磷酸三钙的转化量达96.19 mg/L。通过形态观察、生理生化特征及16S r DNA基因序列分析,确定JX14为贪噬菌属(Variovorax sp.)。在温室条件下进行花生盆栽试验,结果表明,接种JX14菌株的处理,土壤NH4+-N、NO3–-N、矿质氮含量较不接菌处理分别提高了1.08、1.18、1.16倍,土壤有效磷含量提高了18.14%。花生根系总长、表面积、体积以及根尖数,较对照分别提高了1.61、1.28、1.37、1.12倍,花生根系变得更长更粗并且具有更多的分支,增强了根对土壤中营养元素的吸收,花生地上部鲜重、株高显著提高了44.78%、14.10%,花生全氮磷钾含量分别显著提高了35.14%、171.43%、133.33%。该结果为植物促生菌JX14在农业生产上的应用提供了理论依据和研究基础。  相似文献   

为了筛选高效植物根际促生菌株,分析菌株促生应用潜力,为微生物肥料的研发提供宝贵的菌种资源。采集了海南省乐东黎族自治县的根际土壤,采用稀释涂布法分离筛选促生菌株,研究其产吲哚乙酸(IAA)、铁载体、蛋白酶、溶磷的能力,通过16S r RNA基因系统发育分析和全基因组特征对新分离菌株进行物种鉴定。分离得到一株产多种促生活性物质的菌株S03,基于16S rRNA基因和系统发育树分析结果表明,新分离菌株S03与NR157736热带芽孢杆菌(Bacillus tropicus)1A01406亲缘关系最近,结合全基因测序结果,确定菌株S03为Bacillus tropicus。Bacillus tropicus S03基因组全长5.42 Mb,碱基对G+C含量为36.02%,共编码5666个基因。通过GO数据库对比分析,S03具备促生物质(IAA、铁载体等)合成相关的基因。Bacillus tropicus S03的促生潜力良好,IAA产量为45.73 mg·L-1,溶解无机磷能力为82.30 mg·L-1,同时还具备产蛋白酶和铁载体的能力,Bacill...  相似文献   

从哈密瓜根际土壤中筛选高效耐高温促生菌株,并通过盆栽试验来探究其促生效应。利用改良难溶性无机磷固体培养基、透明圈法和钼锑抗比色法评价菌株的解磷能力。以哈密瓜为试验材料进行盆栽试验,设定CK(不接种菌剂)、接种菌株F40(阴性对照)、F1、F9、F70和B25共6个处理,探究接种菌株对哈密瓜的生长以及土壤化学性质的影响。从哈密瓜根际土壤中共筛选出4株耐高温解磷菌,其中菌株F9经鉴定为烟曲霉  相似文献   

The efficiency of 13 phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB; four Burkholderia sp., five Enterobacter sp., and four Bradyrhizobium sp.) was assessed in a soil plate assay by evaluating soil phosphorus (P) availability. A commercial argentine strain, Pseudomonas fluorescens, was used for comparing solubilizing activity. Burkholderia sp. PER2F, Enterobacter sp. PER3G, and Bradyrhizobium sp. PER2H strains solubilized the largest quantities of P in the soil plate assay after 60 days as compared with the other strains, including the commercial one. The effect of PSB inoculation on growth and nutrient uptake of soybean plants was also studied under greenhouse conditions. Plants inoculated with Burkholderia sp. PER2F had the highest aerial height and showed an appropriate N/P ratio. However, none of the PSB increased P uptake by plants. This suggests that PSB inoculation does not necessarily improve P nutrition in soybean, nor was there any relationship between P availability in the soil plate assay and P content in the soybean shoot in the greenhouse. We concluded that the selection of efficient PSB strains as possible inoculation tools for P-deficient soils should focus on the integral interpretation of soil assays, greenhouse experiments, and field trials.  相似文献   

溶磷菌株组合的溶磷效应及对玉米生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】 本研究以革兰氏阴性菌Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0、F113、Phl1c2、PF5与阳性菌Bacillus megaterium X14为研究对象,通过各菌株及菌株组合的溶磷能力评判组合效果,并进一步通过玉米盆栽试验验证其应用效果。【方法】 通过菌株在NBRIP培养基中对难溶磷源Ca3(PO42的溶解能力评价各菌株及菌株组合的溶磷能力,测量接菌处理后的玉米干重、株高和全磷含量评价各菌株和菌株组合的盆栽应用效果。【结果】 1)纯培养实验中CHA0、F113、Phl1c2、PF5在NBRIP无机磷液体培养基中可溶磷含量均显著高于X14,且4株阴性菌两两组合后,培养基中可溶磷含量显著高于对应的阴性菌与阳性菌的组合,即阴性菌组合后的溶磷效果高于阴性菌与阳性菌组合后的溶磷效果。2)单菌比较,盆栽试验接种阳性菌X14对玉米生长及全磷吸收累积量的效果与阴性菌的差异不及室内实验显著,说明该阳性菌盆栽应用效果较好。比较菌株组合的处理,发现接种阴性菌与阳性菌组合的处理,其对玉米生长及全磷吸收累积量的效果与接种对应的阴性菌组合的处理效果相近,甚至显著高于一些阴性菌组合。3)综合比较室内实验结果与盆栽试验结果,发现阳性菌X14虽然在培养基中溶磷效果差,但在盆栽试验中,无论是单菌还是与阴性菌组合后的处理均表现出了良好的溶磷效果,且部分阴性菌与该阳性菌配合后,在玉米盆栽应用中促生和溶磷效果最佳。【结论】 与阴性菌组合相比,阳性菌与阴性菌组合室内溶磷效果均较差,但盆栽应用效果良好,甚至优于部分阴性菌组合,表明筛选溶磷菌株组合时,单一的室内纯培养结果不能作为唯一的评价指标,应同时结合盆栽的促生及溶磷效果。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of co-inoculation with different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (i.e. Helinitro, Rizoking, and Nitragin) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species (i.e. Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus versiforme, Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus etunicatum) on soybean growth, fungal root colonization, and nutrient uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). Co-inoculation with various AMF species and rhizobia significantly (p<0.01) increased the soybean biomass production as compared to the non-inoculated controls. Furthermore, AMF colonization of roots of soybean plants increased by 79, 70.1, 67, 63, 57.5, and 50.1% in the presence of G. fasciculatum (GF), G. versiforme (GV), G. intraradices (GI), G. mosseae (GM), and G. etunicatum (GE), and Gmix (a mixed culture of fungi), respectively. Higher nutrient contents were observed in plants co-inoculated with Helinitro and GF. More insight into these results will enable optimization of the effective use of AM fungi in combination with their bacterial partners as a tool for increasing soybean yields in Iran; however, its general analytical framework could be applied to other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The effect of sewage sludge application, as a source of phosphorus, on dinitrogen symbiotic fixation in soybean was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and included eight different treatments: (1) no fertilization, (2) complete fertilization, (3) inoculation with rhizobia plus phosphate fertilization (IS+P), (4) inoculation with rhizobia without phosphate fertilization (IS-P), (5) inoculation plus dose 1 of sewage sludge (IS+SS1), (6) inoculation plus dose 2 of sewage sludge (IS+SS2), (7) without inoculation plus dose 1 of sewage sludge, and (8) without inoculation plus dose 2 of sewage sludge. The two rates of sewage amendment corresponded to 11.2 t ha-1 and 22.4 t ha-1 and were calculated on the basis of the sewage phosphorus content and the amount of phosphorus recommended for soybean fertilization. Results were evaluated 49 and 63 days after plant emergence. Nodule number and weight decreased as follows: IS+P>IS+SS1, IS+SS2>IS-P. No nodules were formed without inoculation. The acetylene reduction activity was highest for the IS+P treatment 49 days after plant emergence. At the 63-day harvest that parameter was similar among IS+P, IS+SS1 and IS+SS2 treatments. The total amounts of nitrogen in shoots were similar for IS+P, IS+SS1 and IS+SS2 treatments at the first harvest but by 63 days after plant emergence, total amounts of nitrogen in above-ground parts (shoot and pods) were higher in IS+P and IS+SS2. This was due to higher pod dry weights. This study demonstrated that soybean growth can be improved by sewage sludge at a low application rate without the necessity of additional phosphorus fertilization.  相似文献   

Tofu was prepared from 13 soybean varieties according to three different methods (bench, pilot, and production methods). Different soybean varieties showed significant differences in storage protein composition (glycinin and beta-conglycinin). The beta-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) contents were 7.3-9.9 and 14.1-22.9% on the dry matter basis, respectively. The 11S/7S protein ratio varied from 1.64 to 2.51 among the varieties. Glycinin content and 11S/7S protein ratio of the 13 varieties did not change significantly from soy milk to tofu for the production and pilot methods. Soybean 11S/7S protein ratio positively correlated with the 11S/7S ratio of soy milk and tofu (0.57 < or = r < or = 0.83, p < or = 0.01). The correlation coefficient depended on the processing method. Processing method affected 7S and 11S protein contents of tofu and their contribution to tofu hardness, yield, and sensory quality. This may explain in part the contradictory findings of the relationships between storage proteins and tofu quality because processing methods differed in various studies.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of four fractions of isoflavones from soybean cake were evaluated and compared with those of ISO-1 and ISO-2 fractions, five isoflavone standards, and mixtures of two or four isoflavone standards, as well as four commercial antioxidants, using DPPH, TEAC, reducing power, metal ion chelating, conjugated diene, and TBARS assays. Both malonylglucoside and glucoside fractions were isolated using preparative chromatography with Diaion HP-20 as adsorbent, whereas acetylglucoside and aglycone fractions were separated with silica gel as adsorbent. The other two fractions, ISO-1 and ISO-2, were soybean cake extracts containing 12 isoflavones for the former and a combination of 4 fractions for the latter. Both acetylglucoside and ISO-1 fractions exhibited the highest efficiency in scavenging DPPH free radicals, whereas all six fractions were effective in inhibiting conjugated diene formation. However, a low reducing power was observed for all six fractions and isoflavone standards. The aglycone fraction and genistein standard showed a pronounced increase of TEAC value and a moderate decrease of TBARs value. For chelating metal ions, both ISO-1 and ISO-2 fractions were the most efficient. Overall, the isoflavone fractions showed a better antioxidant activity than the isoflavone standards, probably caused by the presence of some other functional components such as saponin, flavonoid, and phenolic compounds in soybean cake.  相似文献   

豆浆富含植物蛋白,但由于植物蛋白相较动物蛋白不易被人体吸收。利用产蛋白酶菌株发酵豆浆,可将植物蛋白降解成多肽和氨基酸,提高其消化吸收率。传统农家酱是以大豆为主要原料的传统发酵食品,含有大量能够水解大豆蛋白的优良菌株。该研究从传统农家酱中分离到8株产蛋白酶的芽孢杆菌并用于豆浆处理,处理后豆浆的可溶性肽含量显著提高,其中菌株BJ-20处理效果最显著;氨基态氮含量和水解度也有显著变化,其中BJ-6处理后的豆浆最佳,氨基态氮含量提高了10.87%,水解度为23.49%。同时,处理后豆浆的组织状态得到了明显改善。本研究丰富了豆类发酵菌种库,提高了大豆蛋白利用率,丰富了大豆产品种类,为大豆保健产品开发提供参考及理论支持。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of the spores and their heat-treated residues from different strains of Bacillus species (B. pumilus, B. altitudinis, and B. megaterium) on the early growth of paddy rice cultivars, including Hitomebore (short-grain japonica rice), Takanari (high-yielding indica rice), and two new lines, TULK-143-6 and LTAT-29. The spores of seven Bacillus strains positively affected Hitomebore root growth, while, the root volume of TULK-143-6 with inoculation of B. pumilus TUAT1 and JM52, and root length and root surface area of LTAT-29 with inoculation of B. megaterium MAFF301694 were increased significantly. In contrast with Hitomebore, Takanari root growth was significantly inhibited by the spores of six Bacillus strains. Surprisingly, inoculations with the spore residues from all tested Bacillus strains increased the root dry weight of Hitomebore, with the effects of four bacterial strains being significant. Furthermore, there were more Bacillus spores than vegetative cells at different time points during the initial rice growth stage, and most plant samples mainly consisted of Bacillus spores. Thus, the spores of Bacillus species likely promote rice root development.  相似文献   

磷是植物生长发育的必需营养元素之一,主要以难溶性磷化物形式存在于土壤中,难以被植物直接吸收利用。溶磷微生物作为土壤磷循环中的重要组成一员,能通过酸化、酶解等作用将难溶性磷转化分解为可供植物吸收利用的可溶性磷素,进而提高植物对土壤磷素的利用率,被普遍认为是能促进植物生长的一类重要有益微生物。对溶磷微生物的种类、生态分布特征、溶磷能力检测、溶磷影响因素、溶磷机制以及促生应用现状进行了系统综述,并结合目前溶磷微生物在实际应用中存在的问题,对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in this study in order to investigate the impacts of soil type, soybean genotype, and the reproductive growth stage on bacterial communities in the soybean rhizosphere. Communities were evaluated by principal component analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) banding patterns and sequencing of partial 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons. A pot experiment analyzing three soybean genotypes grown in two different types of soil (Black soil and Dark Brown soil) indicated that soil type was the major factor in influencing the bacterial communities in the soybean rhizosphere, with a more significant effect observed in the Black soil samples than in the Dark Brown soil samples. A field experiment was conducted in Dark Brown soil using three soybean genotypes, and the results gleaned from both pot and field experiments indicated that bacterial communities in the soybean rhizosphere changed with growth stages, and higher number of DGGE bands observed in early reproductive growth stages, while surprisingly, a significant impact of genotype on the bacterial communities was not observed in these experiments. However, a plate culture experiment targeting the culturable bacterial communities detected a remarkable difference in the community structures of the rhizosphere between the two soybean genotypes, suggesting that a small portion of the total bacteria was influenced by genotype. Sequence analysis of DGGE bands indicated that bacterial phyla of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Nitrospirae, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia and Acidobacteria commonly inhabit the soybean rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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