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过去20年中国稻田土壤有机碳变化的模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) of rice paddies in China were simulated from 1980 to 2000 by linking a coupled bio-physical model to GIS database. The coupled model consists of two sub-models including Crop-C for simulating net primary productivity and hence residue retention and Soil-C for computing the turnover rates of SOC. The GIS database included parameters of climate, soils and agricultural activities with the resolution of 10 km × 10 km. Model simulation indicated that Chinese rice paddies covering 22.6 Mha sequestrated a considerable amount of C, about 0.15 ± 0.07 Pg C from 1980 to 2000. Annual sequestration rate increased sharply from -180 ± 45 kg C ha-1 year-1 in 1980 to 440 ± 170 kg C ha-1 year-1 in 1989. Thereafter, a steady sequestration rate of 460 ± 170 kg C ha-1 year-1 occurred till 1994 and declined since then. Approximately 84% of the Chinese rice paddies sequestrated carbon, while 15% lost carbon and 1% kept balance over the 20 years. Great SOC sequestration occurred in eastern, southern and central China, while a slight decline of SOC existed in some regions of northeastern and southwestern China.  相似文献   

菜地土壤有机碳分级以及总量变化的动态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertilisers significantly affect crop production and crop biomass inputs to soil organic carbon(SOC). However, the long-term effects of fertilisers on C associated with aggregates are not yet fully understood. Based on soil aggregate and SOC fractionation analysis, this study investigated the long-term effects of organic manure and inorganic fertilisers on the accumulation and change in SOC and its fractions, including the C concentrations of free light fraction, intra-aggregate particulate organic matter(POM) and intra-aggregate mineral-associated organic matter(MOM). Long-term manure applications improved SOC and increased the concentrations of some C fractions. Manure also accelerated the decomposition of coarse POM(cPOM) into fine POM(fPOM) and facilitated the transformation of fPOM encrustation into intra-microaggregate POM within macroaggregates. However, the application of inorganic fertilisers was detrimental to the formation of fPOM and to the subsequent encrustation of fPOM with clay particles, thus inhibiting the formation of stable microaggregates within macroaggregates. No significant differences were observed among the inorganic fertiliser treatments in terms of C concentrations of MOM, intra-microaggregate MOM within macroaggregate(imMMOM) and intra-microaggregate MOM(imMOM). However, the long-term application of manure resulted in large increases in C concentrations of MOM(36.35%), imMMOM(456.31%) and imMOM(19.33%) compared with control treatment.  相似文献   

中国农业废弃物种类多、数量大、利用率低、污染重。将有机物料还田,是实现废弃物资源化利用的重要途径。该研究以循环农业理念为指导,选择代表农田内循环的秸秆以及代表农沼循环、农牧循环、农菌循环、农工循环的废弃物沼渣、猪粪、菌渣和酒渣为试验材料,开展了等碳量还田定位试验,分析各有机物料还田后对土壤有机碳及其组分的影响。结果表明:1)连续施用有机物料提高了土壤总有机碳(TOC)、易氧化有机碳(LOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量。随着有机物料还田年限的增加,土壤TOC、LOC和MBC含量均不同程度地增加,年平均增幅分别为:15.57%~22.82%、20.00%~38.31%和16.30%~50.56%。还田5年后各有机物料处理土壤TOC、LOC、MBC和DOC含量平均分别是无机肥处理的1.24~1.62、2.07~3.19、1.20~2.06和1.05~3.36倍。2)不同有机物料中均利于土壤TOC含量的提高,秸秆提升效果相对最差,沼渣、菌渣、猪粪、酒渣和秸秆还田处理的0~20cm土壤TOC含量平均增长速率分别为:22.82%、21.88%、16.42%、16.13%和15.57%。  相似文献   


To evaluate the carbon budget in soils under different cropping systems, the carbon dioxide (CO2) flux from soils was measured in a total of 11 upland crop fields within a small watershed in central Hokkaido over the no snow cover months for 3 years. The CO2 flux was measured using a closed chamber method at bare plots established in each field to estimate soil organic matter decomposition. Temporal variation in instantaneous soil CO2 fluxes within the sites was mainly controlled by soil temperature and moisture. Annual mean CO2 fluxes and cumulative CO2 emissions had no significant relationship with soil temperature and moisture (P > 0.2). However, there was a significant quadratic relationship between annual mean CO2 flux or cumulative CO2 emission and soil clay plus silt content (%) (R2 = 0.72~0.74, P < 0.0003). According to this relationship, the optimum condition for soil CO2 emission is at a clay plus silt content of 63%. The cumulative CO2 emission during the no snow cover season within each year varied from 1,159 to 7,349 kg C ha?1 at the different sites. The amount of crop residue carbon retained in the soils following a cropping season was not enough to offset the CO2 emission from soil organic matter decomposition at all sites. As a consequence, the calculation of the soil carbon budget (i.e. the difference between the carbon added as crop residues and compost and the carbon lost as CO2 from organic matter decomposition) ranged from –7,349 to –785 kg C ha?1, except for a wheat site where a positive value of 4,901 kg C ha?1 was observed because of a large input of organic carbon with compost. The negative values of the soil carbon budget indicate that these cropping systems were net sources of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

  【目的】  提高土壤有机碳水平对提升农田生产力有重要意义。基于长期定位施肥试验,比较施肥影响下相同成土母质发育的红壤性稻田和旱地土壤的总有机碳 (TOC) 及其组分的积累差异,以深入理解红壤有机碳的固持及稳定机制。  【方法】  稻田和旱地长期施肥试验分别始于1981和1986年,包含CK (不施肥对照)、NPK (施氮磷钾化肥) 和NPKM (有机无机肥配施) 3个处理,在2017年晚稻和晚玉米收获后,采集两个试验上述处理的耕层 (0—20 cm) 土样,通过硫酸水解法分离土壤活性与惰性有机碳,测定并计算土壤中TOC及其组分的含量及储量,并利用Jenny模型拟合试验期间耕层土壤TOC含量的变化动态,估算土壤固碳潜力。  【结果】  与CK相比,长期施肥可提高稻田和旱地土壤各有机碳组分的含量,且NPKM处理的效果优于NPK处理。相比于稻田土壤,施肥对旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的提升更加明显。NPK和NPKM处理下,旱地土壤活性有机碳组分Ⅰ、活性有机碳组分Ⅱ、惰性有机碳含量的增幅分别是稻田土壤的2.7、2.7、5.8倍和2.0、1.4和2.5倍。不论施肥与否,稻田土壤TOC的固存量和固存潜力均显著高于旱地土壤。施肥促进土壤固碳,在稻田和旱地土壤上,NPKM处理的TOC固存量分别是NPK处理的1.7和25.5倍,TOC固存潜力则分别是NPK处理的1.4和5.8倍。长期不同施肥均显著提高稻田和旱地土壤年均碳投入量,线性拟合方程表明,随碳投入量增加,土壤活性有机碳储量的累积对稻田、旱地土壤TOC储量累积的贡献率分别达64.7%、44.6%。不同处理间稻田与旱地土壤活性有机碳 (包括活性有机碳组分Ⅰ与活性有机碳组分Ⅱ) 含量的差异可解释其TOC含量差异的52.9%~60.0%。  【结论】  与施氮磷钾化肥相比,有机无机肥配施可更好的促进土壤固碳,且在旱地土壤上的促进作用比在稻田土壤上更为明显。与稻田土壤相比,旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的变化对长期施肥的响应更敏感,且在施氮磷钾化肥条件下表现更为明显。红壤性稻田和旱地土壤TOC积累的主要贡献组分分别为活性有机碳和惰性有机碳。红壤植稻虽有利于有机碳固持,但红壤性稻田土壤的活性碳占比较高,可能易因不当管理而发生损失。  相似文献   

Tillage practices can potentially afect soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in agricultural soils. A 4-year experiment was conducted to identify the influence of tillage practices on SOC sequestration in a double-cropped rice (Oryza sativa L.) field in Hunan Province of China. Three tillage treatments, no-till (NT), conventional plow tillage(PT), and rotary tillage(RT), were laid in a randomized complete block design. Concentrations of SOC and bulk density(BD) of the 0-80 cm soil layer were measured, and SOC stocks of the 0-20 and 0-80 cm soil layers were calculated on an equivalent soil mass(ESM) basis and fixed depth (FD) basis.Soil carbon budget(SCB) under diferent tillage systems were assessed on the basis of emissions of methane(CH4) and CO2 and the amount of carbon (C) removed by the rice harvest. After four years of experiment, the NT treatment sequestrated more SOC than the other treatments. The SOC stocks in the 0-80 cm layer under NT (on an ESM basis) was as high as 129.32 Mg C ha 1,significantly higher than those under PT and RT (P < 0.05). The order of SOC stocks in the 0-80 cm soil layer was NT > PT > RT,and the same order was observed for SCB; however, in the 0-20 cm soil layer, the RT treatment had a higher SOC stock than the PT treatment. Therefore, when comparing SOC stocks, only considering the top 20 cm of soil would lead to an incomplete evaluation for the tillage-induced efects on SOC stocks and SOC sequestrated in the subsoil layers should also be taken into consideration. The estimation of SOC stocks using the ESM instead of FD method would better reflect the actual changes in SOC stocks in the paddy filed, as the FD method amplified the tillage efects on SOC stocks. This study also indicated that NT plus straw retention on the soil surface was a viable option to increase SOC stocks in paddy soils.  相似文献   

稻草还田条件下水田和旱地土壤有机碳矿化特征与差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用14C示踪技术,通过100 d的原状土柱室内模拟试验,得出以下研究结果:培养100 d后,有34.74%(水田覆盖)、17.85%(水田翻埋)、35.68%(旱地覆盖)和36.06%(旱地翻埋)的稻草碳被矿化,水田和旱地土壤分别有0.99%~1.17%和2.25%~2.53%的原有有机碳被矿化。土地利用和稻草还田方式及两因素的交互作用,对添加稻草碳的矿化速率和累积矿化率均有显著影响(p<0.01),但对于土壤原有有机碳的矿化速率和累积矿化量,只有土地利用方式对其有显著影响(p<0.01);添加稻草后,土壤总累积矿化量没有发生显著变化(旱地翻埋除外),因为稻草还田抑制了土壤原有有机碳的降解,使100 d的累积矿化量相对于各自对照减少了13.95%(水田覆盖)、15.68%(水田翻埋)、11.04%(旱地覆盖)和3.34%(旱地翻埋)。水田翻埋和旱地覆盖是稻草资源合理利用的较好方式,更有利于土壤有机碳的积累;添加的稻草碳和土壤原有有机碳在水田的矿化速率均显著低于旱地,是水田有机碳含量通常高于同一景观单元旱地的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

根际土壤有机氮组分在土壤养分和作物氮素营养中具有重要作用。本研究依托长期(37年)定位施肥试验田,设置4个施肥处理:不施肥对照(CK)、单独施用化肥(CF)、秸秆还田+化肥(RF)和30%有机肥+70%化肥(OM),于晚稻成熟期测定大麦-双季稻田根际土壤基础理化性质、微生物量氮和有机氮组分(氨基酸态氮、氨基糖态氮、酸解氨态氮、酸解未知态氮、非酸解性氮)含量。研究表明:相对CK处理,RF和OM处理显著增加了稻田根际土壤有机碳、全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮的含量。RF和OM处理土壤微生物量氮含量分别比CK处理增加了19.8%和30.7%。酸解性氮作为根际土壤全氮的主体部分,占全氮的59.6%~72.1%;各处理根际土壤酸解性氮含量大小顺序表现为OM>RF>CF>CK。各施肥处理中,酸解有机氮中的氨基糖态氮、氨基酸态氮和酸解未知态氮含量均以OM处理最大,分别比CK处理增加139.3%、47.9%和110.0%;酸解氨态氮以RF处理最大,比CK处理增加69.9%。土壤有机碳、全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮与土壤氨基酸态氮、氨基糖态氮、酸解未知态氮以及微生物量氮均呈极显著(p<0.01)正相关。因此,秸秆、有机肥配施化肥均能有效提高大麦-双季稻田根际土壤的供氮能力,是改善稻田土壤肥力的有效手段。  相似文献   

To evaluate the impacts of organic cropping system on global warming potentials (GWPs), field measurements of CH4 and N2O were taken in conventional and organic rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping systems in southeast China. Rice paddies were under various water regimes, including continuous flooding (F), flooding–midseason drainage–reflooding (F-D-F), and flooding–midseason drainage–reflooding and moisture but without waterlogging (F-D-F-M). Nitrogen was applied at the rate of 100 kg N ha?1, as urea-N or pelletized, dehydrated manure product in conventional or organic rice paddies, respectively. Seasonal fluxes of CH4 averaged 4.44, 2.14, and 1.75 mg m?2 h?1 for the organic paddy plots under the water regimes of F, F-D-F and F-D-F-M, respectively. Relative to conventional rice paddies, organic cropping systems increased seasonal CH4 emissions by 20%, 23%, and 35% for the plots under the water regimes of F, F-D-F, and F-D-F-M, respectively. Under the water regimes of F-D-F and F-D-F-M, seasonal N2O-N emissions averaged 10.85 and 13.66 μg m?2 h?1 in organic rice paddies, respectively, which were significantly lower than those in conventional rice paddies. The net global warming potentials (GWPs) of CH4 and N2O emissions from organic rice paddies relative to conventional rice paddies were significantly higher or comparable under various water regimes. The greenhouse gas intensities were greater, while carbon efficiency ratios were lower in organic relative to conventional rice paddies. The results of this study suggest that organic cropping system might not be an effective option for mitigating the combined climatic impacts from CH4 and N2O in paddy rice production.  相似文献   

不同种植年限水田与旱地土壤有机氮组分变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王晋  庄舜尧  朱兆良 《土壤学报》2014,51(2):286-294
在浙江慈溪地区,由于不同时期围海造田形成了具有长时间尺度序列的典型水稻土和旱地土壤,为研究长期的土壤氮素生物地球化学循环过程提供了很好的对象。本研究运用封管水解Bremner法测定了不同种植年限下土壤氨基酸氮、氨基糖氮、氨态氮、未知氮等酸解性有机氮组分,以探究不同种植年限和种植方式对土壤有机氮组分的影响。结果显示,旱地土壤的不同氮组分含量仅为水稻土相对应氮组分含量的50%~60%,水稻种植较旱地更利于土壤氮素的保存和利用。从长时间尺度来看,除氨基酸氮和水稻土氨基糖氮外,有机氮各组分含量随时间呈指数变化趋势,水稻土主要呈增加趋势,而旱地土壤则表现为降低趋势。该地区土壤氨基酸氮占全氮比例为23.5%~29.3%,氨基糖氮比例为6.0%~7.6%,氨态氮为21.0%~28.8%,未知氮为13.0%~21.1%,不同种植方式和种植年限对土壤主要有机氮组分所占全氮比例影响不大。  相似文献   


This study was designed to explore changes in soil bulk density, soil organic carbon content, soil organic carbon stock and soil labile organic carbon fractions under 34 years fertilizer regime in the double-cropping rice system of southern China. The experiment including five fertilizer treatments: chemical fertilizer alone (MF), rice straw residue and chemical fertilizer (RF), 30% organic manure and 70% chemical fertilizer (LOM), 60% organic manure and 40% chemical fertilizer (HOM), and without fertilizer input as control (CK). The results showed that soil bulk density in the 0-20 cm soil layer with long-term fertilizer treatments were significantly decreased compared to CK treatment. The soil organic carbon content and stock with RF, LOM and HOM treatments were significantly higher than that of MF and CK treatments. These results confirmed by the soil carbon management index which were significantly increased with RF, LOM and HOM treatments. As a result, combined application of organic manure with chemical fertilizer is a benefit nutrient management for improving soil organic carbon content and stock, soil carbon management index in paddy field of southern China.  相似文献   

Maintaining soil organic carbon (SOC) in arid ecosystem is important for soil productivity and restoration of deserted sandy soil in western plain of India. There is a need to understand how the cropping systems changes may alter SOC pools including total organic carbon (TOC), particulate organic C (POC), water soluble carbon (WSC), very labile C (VLC), labile C (LC), less labile C (LLC) and non-labile C (NLC) in arid climate. We selected seven major agricultural systems for this study viz., barren, fallow, barley–fallow, mustard–moth bean, chickpea–groundnut, wheat–green gram and wheat–pearl millet. Result revealed that conversion of sandy barren lands to agricultural systems significantly increased available nutrients and SOC pools. Among all studied cropping systems, the highest values of TOC (6.12 g kg?1), POC (1.53 g kg?1) and WSC (0.19 g kg?1) were maintained in pearl millet–wheat system, while the lowest values of carbon pools observed in fallow and barren land. Strong relationships (P < 0.05) were exhibited between VLC and LC with available nutrients. The highest carbon management index (299) indicates that wheat–pearl millet system has greater soil quality for enhancing crop productivity, nutrient availability and carbon sequestration of arid soil.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥红壤旱地的生态功能,筛选出较优化的玉米种植系统,本研究依据近23 a (1984~2006)的田间试验资料,从农田生态系统的生产功能、能流功能、价值流功能以及用养结合功能等四个方面对红壤旱地15种玉米种植系统进行了分析,并采用灰色关联度法从生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三个层次13个指标对各种植模式进行综合评价,筛选出了3种适宜于在红壤旱地上推广的较优化的玉米种植系统。结果表明,处理(10)"豌豆/早玉米+旱稻/晚玉米"的社会效益和生态效益关联度值分别为0.750和0.986,均居第一位,其经济效益关联度值为0.841,居第二位,经灰色关联度分析,得出其综合加权关联度值最大,是最适宜在南方红壤旱地上推广的优化种植模式。处理(12)"紫云英—早玉米—芝麻"和处理(11)"豌豆/棉花+早玉米"的加权关联度值也较大,分别为0.739和0.716,居第二位和第三位,这两种种植模式对今后红壤旱作区种植业结构布局和种植方式的优化具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Long-term effect of mungbean inclusion in lowland rice-wheat and upland maize-wheat systems on soil carbon (C) pools, particulate organic C (POC), and C-stabilization was envisaged in organic, inorganic and without nutrient management practices. In both lowland and upland systems, mungbean inclusion increased very-labile C (Cfrac1) and labile C (Cfrac2) in surface soil (0–0.2 m). Mungbean inclusion in cereal-cereal cropping systems improved POC, being higher in lowland (107.4%). Lowland rice-based system had higher passive C-pool (11.1 Mg C ha?1) over upland maize-based system (6.6 Mg C ha?1) indicating that rice ecology facilitates the stabilization of passive C-pool, which has longer persistence in soil. Organic nutrient management (farmyard manure + full crop residue + biofertilizers) increased Cfrac1 and carbon management index (CMI) over inorganic treatment. In surface soil, higher CMI values were evident in mungbean included cropping systems in both lowland and upland conditions. Mungbean inclusion increased grain yield of cereal crops, and yield improvement followed the order of maize (23.7–31.3%) > rice (16.9–27.0%) > wheat (lowland 7.0–10.7%; upland 5.4–16.6%). Thus, the inclusion of summer mungbean in cereal-cereal cropping systems could be a long-term strategy to enrich soil organic C and to ensure sustainability of cereal-cereal cropping systems.  相似文献   

【目的】研究土壤有机碳的平衡特征对于更好的了解土壤有机碳的稳定性和培肥效果具有重要意义。本研究以旱作潮土为研究对象揭示长期施肥对土壤有机碳平衡的影响并探讨可持续利用的培肥模式。【方法】以旱作潮土34年长期定位试验为依托,通过田间取样和室内分析,研究不同施肥条件下土壤有机碳的含量、平衡,并通过相关分析分析土壤有机碳与施肥年限和作物产量的关系。试验处理包括不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮磷配施(NP)、氮磷钾配施(NPK)、有机肥配施氮肥(NM)和秸秆配施氮肥(NS)处理。【结果】经过34年的不同培肥措施,有机无机配合施肥处理(NM、NS),施用化肥(N、NP、NPK)处理和CK处理土壤有机碳分别平均增加52.9%,29.0%和11.1%;不同施肥模式下有机碳的盈余量差异显著,施肥的各处理和不施肥处理土壤有机碳均有盈余,其中NM处理盈余量为C 6.61 t/hm~2,显著高于其它处理,其次是NS处理(C4.68 t/hm~2),不施肥处理盈余量最低,仅为C 0.21 t/hm~2,显著低于其它处理;旱作潮土有机碳的固定量与有机碳的投入量之间呈极显著的正相关性(r=0.86**);碳投入的平均转化效率为8.5%,要维持土壤有机碳的平衡,每年有机碳投入量为0.04 t/hm~2。土壤有机碳含量与小麦(r=0.37**)和玉米(r=0.42**)的产量呈极显著正相关。【结论】不同施肥处理(包括CK处理)土壤有机碳总体呈增加趋势,该地区旱作潮土有机碳仍具有一定的固碳潜力,其中有机肥与化肥配合施用是提高旱作潮土有机碳的最佳培肥措施,可以使土壤有机碳呈显著性增加,其次是氮磷钾肥配合施肥处理。  相似文献   

通过田间长期定位试验,分层采集冬小麦-休闲种植体系0—40 cm土层的土样,研究了常规、地表覆膜和覆草栽培对土壤有机碳、无机碳和轻质有机碳的影响。结果表明,覆膜或覆草可以显著增加地上部小麦生物量和子粒产量。不同地表覆盖对0—40 cm土层的无机碳含量和分布无显著影响,但与常规栽培相比,地表覆膜使0—5 cm土层的有机碳含量显著降低,0—40 cm各土层轻质有机碳表现出明显降低趋势,平均降低 C 6.1~74.5 mg/kg;地表覆草却表现出明显增加土壤轻质有机碳的趋势,0—5,5—10,10—20 cm土层的轻质有机碳含量分别增加C 235.2、190.0和144.9 mg/kg,相当于常规的38.7%,32.9%和34.5%。同时,覆草栽培还表现出降低0—10 cm土层轻质有机质含碳量的趋势,并使0—20 cm土层轻质有机碳占有机碳的比例显著高于常规栽培和地表覆膜处理。可见,地表长期覆膜不利于旱地土壤有机碳累积,覆草不仅可以增加表层土壤的轻质有机碳累积,还可改善土壤碳氮组成。  相似文献   


In Tigray, Ethiopia, land degradation is a dominant environmental problem and hence the regional government has undertaken restoration measures on degraded soils since 1991. The present study was aimed to assess the impact of land uses and soil management practices on soil properties, and consequently on soil quality of degraded soils. The catchments selected were Maileba and Gum Selassa, and land uses included cultivated (CL), grazing (GL), plantation (PA) and area exclosure (AE). Replicated soil samples were collected from topsoil and profiles of four land-use types in both catchments. Soils in area exclosure showed higher soil organic carbon (SOC), total N and extractable K than grazing land, cultivated land and plantation area mainly at 0–40 cm soil depth. Estimated soil organic carbon stock at Maileba in 0–40 cm depth varied between 54 to 74 Mg C ha?1, being lowest in cultivated land and highest in area exclosure, and the soil organic carbon stock in area exclosure represents 63% of total carbon stock stored in the profile. Soil organic carbon stock (0–40 cm) at Gum Selassa ranged between 33 to 38 Mg C ha?1, being higher in cultivated land and lower in plantation area. Soil quality index (SQI) of area exclosure (0.794) at Maileba and cultivated land (0.721) at Gum Selassa scored highest among all land uses, and the order was area exclosure>grazing land>plantation area>cultivated land at Maileba and cultivated land>grazing land>plantation area at Gum Selassa, highlighting the effectiveness of area exclosure in restoring soil quality of degraded soils.  相似文献   

Currently, there is little information about soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and changes in Mediterranean areas at a regional scale. We modelled an area of 95 269 km2 in northeast Spain using the Global Environmental Facility Soil Organic Carbon (GEFSOC) system to predict SOC stocks and changes in pasture, forest and agricultural soils. The spatial distribution of the different land‐use categories and their change over time was obtained by using the Corine database and official Spanish statistics on land use from 1926 to 2007. The model predicted the largest current SOC stock in forest soils at 578 Tg C. Agricultural soils were the second largest SOC reservoir, containing 244 Tg C. During the last 30 years, the model predicted a total SOC gain in the 0–30‐cm soil layer of 34 Tg C. Forest and grassland‐pasture soils had a decline in their stored SOC of 5 and 3 Tg C, respectively, because of the reduction in the soil surface occupied by both classes. The greatest SOC gain was predicted in agricultural soils with 42 Tg C caused by changes in management, which led to increases in C inputs. Although model uncertainty was not quantified, some hypothetical assumptions about the initialization and parameterization of the model could be potential sources of uncertainty. Our simulations predicted that in northeast Spain soil management has contributed to the sequestration of substantial amounts of atmospheric CO2 during the last 30 years. More research is needed in order to study the potential role of soils as atmospheric CO2 sinks under different managements and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of up to 23 years of agricultural cropping of a boreal forest soil on soil organic carbon (SOC) and N, P, and K pools were studied. The cropping systems studied were: (a) continuous barley, (b) continuous forage bromegrass, (c) continuous forage legume, and (d) barley/grass-legume forage rotation. Continuous bromegrass increased while other cropping systems decreased SOC in the surface soil. Kjeldahl N in soil approximately followed the trend in SOC. The net gain in N under continuous grass was attributed mostly to nonsymbiotic N fixation. Changes in SOC content appeared to be also influenced by cropping and tillage frequencies. Changes in fixed (intercalary) ammonium were small. There was no measurable change in total P, in part, because input was only slightly higher than crop offtake. Organic P increased under continuous bromegrass, and tended to decrease under continuous legume. The C/N and C/P ratios of soil organic matter decreased slightly with cropping. Exchangeable K (Kex) was decreased by cropping systems containing a legume crop to a greater extent than those without a legume crop. Most of the decrease occurred in the 0–15 cm depth. Nitric acid extractable K was not affected by cropping. Since net loss of Kex to 30 cm depth was substantially less than crop offtake, it is suggested that subsoil K reserves and matrix K were supplying a major portion of the crops' K requirement. It is concluded that the effects of cropping systems on SOC, N, P and K are influenced by crop type, and cropping and tillage frequencies.  相似文献   

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