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Compared with small rivers and streams, the study of fish communities in large rivers remains challenging as spatial and temporal data variability can be greatly influenced by sampling strategy and operator choice. In an attempt to limit this variability, a new sampling protocol for fish communities in medium‐ to large‐sized rivers was developed, based on point sampling by electric fishing and using standardised procedures and effort. Here, change in data quality (assemblage abundance, richness, structure and biotic index) with increasing sampling effort (from 1 to 100 sampling points) was evaluated. A total of 75 sampling points are proposed as the standard number of samples per site. Broadly, the results show that the application of 75 sampling points provides a reproducible representation of fish community structure in medium and large rivers, with little additional information provided by further sampling except under certain conditions, when 100 points are recommended to maintain data quality.  相似文献   

Growth of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L. and fish community structure between sites within a marine‐protected area (MPA) and unprotected sites in the Baltic Sea were examined. Von Bertalanffy, logistic and Gompertz growth models were fitted to P. fluviatilis length at age data, and the logistic model was the most parsimonious for growth between locations. A larger mean maximum size (L) and a smaller instantaneous growth rate (g) were found within the MPA. All three models also predicted that after age seven, fish inside the MPA would be larger. Community structure differed with more P. fluviatilis collected outside of the MPA, and more roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) collected inside the MPA. These growth differences may be indicative of recreational fishing effects on P. fluviatilis outside of the MPA, a result of complex interspecific and intraspecific species interactions, or other undetected environmental variation between locations.  相似文献   

There is international recognition for greater inclusion of recreational fisheries catch data in species, fisheries and ecosystem assessments. Recreational charter fisheries provide important social services and contribute to total species catches. This study compares and validates industry logbook catch and effort data (1,357 trips) against observer data (154 trips) across six ports in a recreational charter fishery in eastern Australia. The mean numbers of clients and fishing effort (hours) per trip varied inconsistently between data sources and among ports. Logbooks did not adequately report released catches, and the mean number of species retained per trip was consistently underestimated in logbooks compared to observer data. For both data sources, catch rates of total individuals and key species displayed similar trends across different units of effort; catch per hour, client, client/hour and trip. The mean catch rates of total individuals and most key species, except those retained for bait, were similar across data sources, as were estimates of total fleet harvests. The length compositions of retained catches of some key species displayed truncation of larger organisms in the observer data whereas other species did not. Despite the shortcomings of the logbook data, future fishery and species monitoring strategies could include industry and observer data sources.  相似文献   

Abstract The blue‐throated wrasse, Notolabrus tetricus (Richardson), is a site‐attached protogynous hermaphroditic species, with a small home range of 1000–2000 m2, and the most abundant fish on inshore coastal reefs of South Australia. Long‐term studies over 18–24 years were conducted at an island reserve site and a fished mainland reference site. At the reserve site the retention rate of fish (reduced by mortality + emigration) was directly correlated with female mean size; the female:male sex ratio ranged from 10 to 20:1, consistent with an induction‐inhibition model of sex‐change. At the fished reference site, female mean size declined under intense fishing, and the sex ratio became strongly skewed towards females. Additional spatial surveys over >2000 km of coast showed that: (1) juvenile and adult abundance was variously determined by habitat features, such as substratum‐type, depth, bottom relief, wave exposure and algal canopy cover, and by geographical factors, such as distance off‐shore and within gulfs; and (2) that female mean size and the sex ratio were strongly influenced by recreational fishing, and to a small extent by bottom relief and other factors. The results suggest that female mean size and the sex ratio together can be used as an indicator of recreational fishing intensity at local scales. As populations of sequential hermaphroditic species are sensitive to size‐selective harvesting, management measures should aim to prevent sperm limitation, reproductive failure and skewed sex ratios in this species.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries using length‐based harvest regulations is common, but such policies often create trade‐offs among conservation (e.g. maintaining natural age‐structure or spawning stock biomass) and fishery objectives (e.g. maximizing yield or harvest numbers). By focusing harvest on the larger (older) fish, minimum‐length limits are thought to maximize biomass yield, but at the potential cost of severe age and size truncation at high fishing mortality. Harvest‐slot‐length limits (harvest slots) restrict harvest to intermediate lengths (ages), which may contribute to maintaining high harvest numbers and a more natural age‐structure. However, an evaluation of minimum‐length limits vs. harvest slots for jointly meeting fisheries and conservation objectives across a range of fish life‐history strategies is currently lacking. We present a general age‐ and size‐structured population model calibrated to several recreationally important fish species. Harvest slots and minimum‐length limits were both effective at compromising between yield, numbers harvested and catch of trophy fish while conserving reproductive biomass. However, harvest slots consistently produced greater numbers of fish harvested and greater catches of trophy fish while conserving reproductive biomass and a more natural population age‐structure. Additionally, harvest slots resulted in less waste in the presence of hooking mortality. Our results held across a range of exploitation rates, life‐history strategies and fisheries objectives. Overall, we found harvest slots to represent a valuable option to meet both conservation and recreational fisheries objectives. Given the ubiquitous benefits of harvest slots across all life histories modelled, rethinking the widespread use of minimum‐length limits is warranted.  相似文献   

  • 1. This study compared the catch rates of targeted dolphinfish or mahimahi (Coryphaena hippurus), and sea turtles and other fish bycatch in a shallow‐set Costa Rican longline fishery using 14/0 circle hooks with and without a 10° offset. The effect of hook offset on hooking location and injury in captured sea turtles, specifically if the hooking was external, in the mouth, or in the esophagus was also evaluated.
  • 2. Results were compared from six trips totalling 33 876 hooks with squid (Dosidicus gigas) used as bait. In total, mahimahi catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE, expressed as number caught per 1000 hooks) was similar between hook types (CPUE~52).
  • 3. Olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) were caught on all 42 sets. In total, 640 olive ridley turtles were caught and released alive. There were no significant differences in the number of sea turtles caught between hooks with and without an offset (CPUE~19) nor between hook type and anatomical hooking location, suggesting similar levels of injury for turtles caught on each hook type.
  • 4. These data suggest that a 10° offset on 14/0 circle hooks does not confer any selective advantages over hooks with no offset with respect to capture rates of mahimahi, sea turtles, sharks, or pelagic stingrays in a shallow set pelagic longline fishery. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

为了解我国东部海域(渤海、黄海和东海)和南海的鱼类生态结构和渔业资源变化特征,本研究在1983—2013年中国海洋渔船渔获统计数据的基础上,首先将渔获物中的鱼类按照营养级归类,然后计算其平均营养级(TL)和Fi B指数,并结合海洋捕捞作业方式,对鱼类的营养级结构长期变化进行分析。结果表明,在东部海域捕捞的25种主要鱼类渔获中,31年间TL呈现下降趋势,低营养层级鱼类比例增长了60%,中营养层级鱼类比例增长了129%,高营养级鱼类则下降了近51%;而在南海,31年间TL变化不明显,低营养级鱼类比例下降了6%,中营养级鱼类下降了43%,高营养级鱼类增长198%。东部海域和南海的渔获物鱼类生态结构变化说明,就营养级水平而言,东部海域近海渔业资源呈现明显的衰退现象,而南海则还未出现这种现象。  相似文献   

The Pilica River has warmed at a rate of 0.06°C per year since 1969, threatening the ecological services provided by the Sulejów Reservoir. Gillnet sampling revealed that the reservoir is inhabited by a cyprinid‐dominated fish assemblage with roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) (42% of the total biomass), the dominant species. However, the interest of the anglers was primarily focused on common bream, Abramis brama (L.) (almost 65% of the catch), as revealed by the catch statistics (2004–2014). No direct evidence was found that the temperature increase had an influence on the recreational fishery or fish assemblage structure. On the other hand, changes in the fish assemblage that were reflected in angler catch composition were observed. A decrease in the catch of common bream in gillnets was accompanied by a shift in angler choices towards roach and other fish species. The sustainability of recreational fisheries is more likely to be influenced by changes in the economic status of society, water quality (toxic cyanobacteria blooms) and water management practices in Poland. The question arises about which species will dominate in the impoundment in the future if the warming trend continues and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., stocking is maintained.  相似文献   

  • 1. Five side‐channels and small tributaries of the River Avon (Hampshire, UK) were examined between spring 1999 and spring 2000 using point abundance sampling by electrofishing to determine the status of fish listed in Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive prior to habitat management works to enhance spring feeding habitat of wading birds.
  • 2. Seasonal patterns of abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and accompanying fish species were examined. Parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were sufficiently abundant for microhabitat analysis at one site only. Only two specimens of brook lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis were observed, one at each of two sites. Bullhead was amongst the most abundant fish species at all five sites, 0+ bullhead predominating.
  • 3. Bullhead microhabitat preferences were generally similar at all five sites, but seasonal variations were observed, as was the case for the accompanying fish species, which included dace Leuciscus leuciscus, chub Leuciscus cephalus, stone loach Barbatula barbatula, roach Rutilus rutilus, and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
  • 4. Bullhead conservation status is discussed, in particular the possible exemption of British bullhead populations, such as already granted for those of Finland, from Annex II of the Habitats Directive.
© Crown Copyright 2004 Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于网箱控制法和模型法的长江4种淡水鱼目标强度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目标强度(target strength,TS)是将回波积分值转换成绝对资源量的关键参数,同时也是渔业声学技术的热点研究内容。2012年12月及2013年6―7月,在三峡水库中华鲟基地网箱内使用BioSonics DT-X(199 kHz)分裂波式科学回声仪测定了4种共计31尾不同鳔室构造和体型的长江淡水鱼类背腹方向的目标强度,并将此结果与基尔霍夫近似模型法测定结果进行比较。实验鱼包括鳊(Parabramis pekinensis) 6尾、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) 8尾、鲇(Silurus asotus)10尾及长江鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)7尾。结果表明,模型法测定结果与网箱控制法所测结果无显著性差异。构建4种鱼TS值(dB)与体长(BL, cm)的标准方程分别为鳊:TS=20lg(BL)-70.1 (R~2=0.94);鲢:TS=20lg(BL)-67.0 (R~2=0.80);鲇:TS=20lg(BL)-74.5 (R~2=0.80)及长江鲟:TS=20lg(BL)-66.1 (R~2=0.94)。模型法获得实验鱼目标强度的分布表明,鱼类不同的形态学特征及鳔室数量会影响目标强度的大小与分布特征。低频(38 kHz)下鳊、鲇及长江鲟目标强度最大值对应的姿态倾角出现在-10°~0°,而鲢目标强度最大值出现在-20°~-10°,且不同种类鱼的目标强度最大值所对应姿态倾角的位置各不相同。本研究通过网箱控制法和模型法测定了4种不同鳔室构造和体型的长江淡水鱼类目标强度,可为长江淡水鱼类目标强度研究提供有益借鉴,为采用渔业声学方法进行长江淡水鱼类垂直原位监测评估资源量提供相关参数。  相似文献   

We apply a coupled biophysical model to reconstruct the environmental history of larval radiated shanny in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. Data on the larvae, their prey and predators were collected during a 2‐week period. Our goal was to determine whether environmentally explicit information could be used to infer the characteristics of individual larvae that are most likely to survive. Backward drift reconstruction was used to assess the influence of variations in the feeding environment on changes in the growth rates of individual larvae. Forward drift projections were used to assess the impact of predators on mortality rates as well as the cumulative density distribution of growth rates in the population of larvae in different areas of the bay. There was relatively little influence of current feeding conditions on increment widths. Patterns of selective mortality indicate that fast‐growing individuals suffered higher mortality rates, suggesting they were growing into a predator's prey field. However, the mortality rates appeared to increase with decreasing predator abundance, based on the drift reconstructions. The relationship of growth and mortality with environmental conditions suggests that short‐term, small‐scale variations in environmental history may be difficult to describe accurately in this relatively small system (~1000 km2).  相似文献   

  • 1. Smaller members (<10 mm) of the sediment‐surface macrobenthos of Nanozostera capensis meadows across 9 km2 of the marine Outer Basin of the Knysna estuarine bay (Garden Route National Park, Western Cape, South Africa) were investigated at a series of 24 stations.
  • 2. Ordination (nMDS) disclosed the existence of five clusters of stations related to degree of exposure. Relatively sheltered stations were dominated by two endemic species of deposit‐feeding microgastropod, and they supported significantly higher macrobenthic densities but lower species diversity and less evenness than relatively exposed stations. The latter were dominated by polychaetes and also possessed more suspension feeders, equivalent to more open seagrass beds in other latitudes. Species richness per station, however, was relatively constant across the whole basin.
  • 3. The smaller benthic macrofauna, totalling 82 species, was found to include several animals (<5 mm) hitherto unknown from the region, including one gastropod genus (Cornirostra) not previously known from Africa.
  • 4. Species were patchily distributed across all scales from 1 m to >1 km, but variance partitioning showed components of total variance to decrease with increasing spatial scale: sample (46.5%), station (30.0%), site (23.5%).
  • 5. These findings are discussed in relation to conservation site selection in rich but faunistically heterogeneous seagrass beds that are impacted by bait collection or other human disturbance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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