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The pimelodid fish Rhamdia quelen (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824) in South America harbours two species of proteocephalid cestodes, Proteocephalus bagri Holcman-Spector et Ma?é-Garzón, 1988 and P. rhamdiae Holcman-Spector et Ma?é-Garzón, 1988. These species are redescribed based on a detailed morphological study, supported by multivariate analysis (principal component analysis). Features distinguishing these species are: (1) the shape of proglottides, (2) the mean number of testes, (3) the topography of vitelline follicles, (4) the thickness of internal longitudinal musculature, (5) the mean number of uterine branches, (6) the ratio of cirrus pouch length to proglottis width, (7) the shape of ovary in mature and gravid proglottides and (8) the genital pore position in mature proglottides. The specific status of P. bagri and P. rhamdiae is confirmed and neotypes of both species are designated.  相似文献   

A survey of proteocephalidean cestodes found in the firewood catfish Sorubimichthys planiceps (Spix et Agassiz) from the Amazon River is provided. The following taxa parasitic in S. planiceps are redescribed on the basis of their type specimens and material collected recently in the Amazon River, near the type localities in Brazil, and in Iquitos, Peru: Monticellia lenha Woodland, 1933; Nomimoscolex lenha (Woodland, 1933) (syn. Proteocephalus lenha Woodland, 1933); and Monticellia megacephala Woodland, 1934, for which a new genus, Lenhataenia, is proposed, with L. megacephala (Woodland, 1934) comb. n. as its type and only species. The new genus is a member of the Monticelliinae, i.e. has all genital organs in the cortex, and is most similar to Chambriella in possessing biloculate suckers and lacking a metascolex. It differs in the morphology of the cirrus-sac that contains a strongly coiled, thick-walled internal sperm duct (vas deferens) and a muscular cirrus of the appearance typical of most proteocephalideans, whereas that of Chambriella is sigmoid, with voluminous, tightly sinuous thick-walled internal sperm duct. In addition, Lenhataenia possesses a well developed internal musculature, whereas the internal musculature of Chambriella is weakly developed, formed by a low number of muscle fibres. The scolex morphology and distribution of microtriches of Peltidocotyle lenha (Woodland, 1933) (syn. Othinoscolex lenha Woodland, 1933 and Othinoscolex myzofer Woodland, 1933), Chambriella sp. and Choanoscolex sp. are described using scanning electron microscopy. The two latter taxa may be new for science and are reported from S. planiceps for the first time.  相似文献   

Ophiotaenia bonneti sp. n. is described from the intestine of the frog Rana vaillanti Brocchi, 1877 (Anura: Ranidae) from San Gerardo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The new species is characterized by the testes 100-177 in number, the genital pores situated anteriorly, the osmoregulatory canals overlapping the testis field, the cirrus pouch length as 15-24% of proglottis width, and the uterus with 18-32 ramified diverticula on each side. It differs from the 23 known species of the genus Ophiotaenia La Rue, 1911, parasitic in amphibians, by one to several morphological characters. It differs from O. gracilis Jones, Cheng et Gillespie, 1958, the most morphologically similar species, in the sucker diameter in % of scolex diameter and in the morphology of the eggs - funnel-like depression and embryophore closely investing the oncosphere in O. gracilis. We generally observe a very low mean prevalence of the Proteocephalidea in Neotropical amphibians (about 0.41%-3%), but in the case of some host species, the prevalence can reach up to 25%. We conclude that these cestodes exhibit a strict host specificity of the oioxene type. Ophiotaenia junglensis Srivastava et Capoor, 1980 is considered a species inquirenda. Batrachotaenia hernandezi (Flores-Barroeta, 1955) becomes Ophiotaenia hernandezi (Flores-Barroeta, 1955) comb. n., B. tigrina (Woodland, 1925) becomes O. tigrina (Woodland, 1925) comb. n. and B. ceratophryos (Parodi et Widakowich, 1916) becomes O. ceratophryos (Parodi et Widakowich, 1916) comb. n.  相似文献   

A new genus, Ritacestus, is proposed to accommodate Ritacestus ritaii (Verma, 1926) comb. n. (syn. Proteocephalus ritaii), a parasite of the catfish Rita rita (Hamilton) in India. The new genus, which is placed in the Gangesiinae, is characterized by (i) a small, subspherical scolex formed by four large lobes separated from one another by longitudinal grooves, with a large, widely oval to pyriform rostellum-like apical organ, larger than suckers and possessing an apical hemispherical depression; (ii) paramuscular and cortical position of some vitelline follicles (most follicles are situated medullary); (iii) ventral and dorsal bands of vitelline follicles usually uninterrupted ventral to terminal genitalia and reaching to the posterior margin of proglottides; (iv) the vagina always anterior to the cirrus-sac; (v) a large size of the body (length up to 51 cm); and (vi) development of the uterus of type 2. In its morphology, especially shape of the scolex and apical organ, and paramuscular and cortical position of some vitelline follicles, Ritacestus resembles Postgangesia Akhmerov, 1969, but differs in the presence of a genital atrium (both genital pores of Postgangesia are separate), the anterior position of the vagina (almost always posterior in the latter genus), position of vitelline follicles in cross sections (dorsal and ventral bands in Ritacestus versus only a lateral band in the latter genus), and dorsal excretory canals indistinguishable in mature and gravid proglottides of R. ritaii (well developed in Postgangesia spp.). The type and only species of the genus, R. ritaii, is redescribed on the basis of new material from the type host from the Ganges River basin in India and its neotype is designated.  相似文献   

Reexamination of the male holotype of the rhabdochonid nematode Rhabdochona leucaspii Kritscher, 1979, originally described from the intestine of the cyprinid fish Leucaspius prosperi [= Ladigesocypris ghigii (Gianferrari)] from Rhodes Island, Greece, confirmed its morphological and biometrical identity with Rhabdochona denudata (Dujardin, 1845), a common and widespread parasite of cyprinids and some other fishes in palaearctic Eurasia. Consequently, R. leucaspii is considered a junior synonym of R. denudata.  相似文献   

Holotype and paratype of Ascocotyle (Phagicola) rara Arruda, Muniz-Pereira et Pinto, 2002, a heterophyid trematode recently described on the basis of two worms collected by Lauro Travassos in 1921 in the intestine of Ixobrychus exilis (Gmelin) from Brazil, were studied. The morphology of the worms revealed their conspecificity with Ascocotyle (Phagicola) angeloi Travassos, 1928 found in the same host. Both the taxa have a similar length (between 600 and 900 microm) and shape of the body (long pyriform), the long intestinal caeca reaching to the ovarian level, a long posterior muscular prolongation of the oral sucker and the prepharynx, transverse uterine loops situated between the ventral sucker and testes, and the gonotyl with more than 20 digitiform pockets. Consequently, A. (P.) rara is proposed as a junior synonym of Ascocotyle (Phagicola) angeloi.  相似文献   

The development of the tapeworm Khawia sinensis parasitizing carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) has been studied from the release of cestode eggs into water to the formation of infective procercoids in the intermediate host under laboratory conditions. The rate of embryonal development is greatly influenced by the water temperature. While at 5 degrees C the development of oncospheres was not recorded, at 10-12 degrees C, 15 degrees C, 20-22 degrees C, and 23-24 degrees C oncospheres were fully formed after 57, 42, 21 and 16 days, respectively. Infectivity of oncospheres was confirmed by successful experimental infection of the intermediate hosts: Tubifex tubifex and Limnodrilus udekemiamus (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae). Fully formed procercoids infective for the definitive host were found in the intermediate host from 52 days of development at 20-22 degrees C. From the third week of development in the intermediate host, most of the parasite larvae were located in the anterior part of the tubificid body, mainly between 8th and 15th segments.  相似文献   

Two fish cestodes, the little-known Eubothrium fragile (Rudolphi, 1802) and E. rugosum (Batsch, 1786), the type species of the genus Eubothrium Nybelin, 1922, are redescribed on the basis of new material from twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803), from England and burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758), from Russia, respectively. The tapeworms are compared with two other species of the genus, E. crassum (Bloch, 1779) and E. salvelini (Schrank, 1790), common parasites of salmonid fish in the Holarctic. The most notable differential characters are the size and the shape of the scolex (smaller and oval in E. fragile), the shape of the apical disc (four or more indentations in E. crassum), the number and size of the testes (the largest and least numerous in E. rugosum), and the position and size of the vitelline follicles (almost entirely cortical in distribution in E. fragile and E. crassum versus largely medullary in E. rugosum and E. salvelini). A comparison of species has also shown the morphological similarity of the freshwater species (E. rugosum and E. salvelini) on one hand and those of marine origin, E. fragile and E. crassum, on the other, with the latter species occurring also in fresh waters. A key to the identification of the species studied is also provided.  相似文献   

As part of a metazoan parasite survey of elasmobranchs from Malaysian Borneo, specimens of Rhoptrobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906 were collected from the eagle rays Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray) and Aetomylaeus niehofii (Bloch et Schneider). The type species is redescribed from its type host, and a neotype specimen is designated. In addition, three new species of Rhoptrobothrium are described: R. chongi sp. n., R. gambangi sp. n. and R. limae sp. n. Rhoptrobothrium myliobatidis conspicuously differs from the three new species in its lack of a secondary areola; R. limae is distinguished from R. chongi and R. gambangi based on its greater total length; R. chongi possesses conspicuously stalked remi, while R. gambangi possesses short remi, often folded anteriorly. Rhoptrobothrium is somewhat unusual among tetraphyllideans in its possession of a "metascolex," a character it shares with other taxa in the Thysanocephalinae (i.e., Myzocephalus Shipley et Hornell, 1906, Myzophyllobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906 and Thysanocephalum Linton, 1889). The morphology of the "metascolex" of Rhoptrobothrium is investigated and new terminology is suggested to standardise the names given to structures constituting a metascolex. As a result, Rhoptrobothrium is considered to possess cephalic peduncle extensions, termed remi. In Rhoptrobothrium, each remus bears, at its distal end, a primary areola, and, in the case of the three new species, also a secondary areola proximal to the primary areola. Myzocephalus and Myzophyllobothrium are tentatively considered to possess remi; the configuration of the "metascolex" of Thysanocephalum, however, is not considered homologous to the condition in the other three genera currently placed in the Thysanocephalinae.  相似文献   

A new nematode species (Neoascarophis mariae n. sp.) is described based on specimens collected from the Argentine goatfish Mullus argentinae (Hubbs et Marini) from coastal waters off the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the genus, the new species belongs to the group of species with females that have the vulva near the posterior end of the body. Only males of Neoascarophis longispicula Moravec et Klimpel, 2009 are known and can be distinguished from those of the new species by their larger body, developed and somewhat dorsoventrally expanded flat inner part of the pseudolabia, bifurcate deirids and larger spicules (the left one with a rounded tip) with a different length ratio. Other species with females that have the vulva near the equatorial region are N. yarihige Machida, 1976 and N. bathygadi Machida, 1976. Both males and females of N. yarihige are longer than those of the new species and have a shorter vestibule; males have shorter spicules with a different length ratio. Neoascarophis bathygadi is the only member of the genus that shares the presence of a cephalic vesicle with the new species, which, however, is shorter and arises at 40 microm from the anterior end instead from the deirids, as in the new species. Both males and females of N. bathygadi are also longer than those of the new species and have a shorter vestibule; males have a larger left spicule, but shorter right spicule and a different length ratio. Ascarophis upeneichthys Johnston et Mawson, 1945, a parasite ofa mullid host, is transferred to Neoascarophis Machida, 1976 and is distinguished from the new species by having a shorter vestibule in females and shorter spicules (left spicule with a pointed tip) with a different length ratio in males.  相似文献   

Alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Martius) Grisebach, of the family Amaranthaceae, has become a weed in many countries outside of its natural range in South America. In Australia, it is classified as a weed of national significance because of its potential to devastate agricultural and natural ecosystems. In New South Wales, the weed management officers of local government areas are charged with its control. In 2007, we surveyed this group to determine the status of alligator weed in each jurisdiction and to determine the methods and resources used in its control. Half of the local government area officers who responded reported its presence. The age, number, and size of the infestations indicated that the weed continues to spread into new areas, and is well established in others, at least within local government areas. The resources provided for the weed's management across the local government areas was less than had been expended annually on its removal from a single swamp. The respondents acknowledged that the current approach was inadequate and the need for research into its management was identified. We conclude that, with current management, the weed will continue to spread and recommend that the community should be mobilized to identify new areas of infestation and appropriately train people (e.g. bush restoration consultants, Landcare groups) to remove the weed.  相似文献   

A new species Wardium paucispinosum (Eucestoda: Hymenolepididae) parasite from the intestine of Larus maculipennis (Lichtenstein) from Mar del Plata, Argentina is described. The distinctive features of the new species are: strobilar length 52.8 mm; 10 aploparaksoid rostellar hooks, 14 (12-17) microm long; ratio between cirrus pouch length and mature proglottid width (CPL/MPW) 0.38 (0.27-0.50); regular cylindrical evaginated cirrus, 90 x 10 microm, with distal end without spines and proximal and medium thirds covered with spines 7 microm long; simple tubular membranous vagina, 110 x 10 microm, without sclerotised portions and sphincters; eggs fusiform, 77 x 44 microm. Besides, Hymenolepis semidutctilis Szidat, 1964, from the intestine of Larus dominicanus and L. maculipennis from Santa Fe, Argentina is transferred to the genus Wardium Mayhew, 1925, based on the presence and shape of the rostellar hooks.  相似文献   

Hysterothylacium winteri sp. n. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) was collected from the intestine of a marine-estuarine fish, Eleginops maclovinus (Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Eleginopsidae), from Abtao in the Gulf of Ancud, Chile. Sixteen (51.6%) out of 31 fish were infected; the intensity was 1-10 (mean 4) worms/host. The new species belongs to the group of congeners possessing one double pair of postanal papillae. By possessing a lateral pair of phasmids situated near the tip of tail, H. winteri most closely resembles Hysterothylacium habena. The new species can be distinguished by the lip flanges forming broadly rounded points and the equal, short spicules (320-400 microm long) representing 0.9-1.7% of body length.  相似文献   

An updated checklist of the scale insects recorded from French Guiana (French overseas department) is given. This list has been collated from data from 6 different sources: ScaleNet, the EPPO Global Database, the Catalogue des insectes ravageurs des cultures en Guyane Française (Remillet, 1988), MNHN in Paris, LSV in Montpellier and a survey carried out by Direction de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Forêt de Guyane, Service de l'Alimentation (DAAF‐SALIM). Previously, 29 species were recorded from French Guiana by ScaleNet, but the updated list presented in this paper includes a total of 64 species. The 35 species added belong to 7 families: 1 Cerococcidae, 9 Coccidae, 14 Diaspididae, 1 Eriococcidae, 1 Monophlebidae, 2 Ortheziidae and 7 Pseudococcidae.  相似文献   

Basky Z 《Pest management science》2003,59(10):1152-1158
Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) is a severe pest of cereals in South Africa and in the USA. In order to reduce D noxia damage, intensive resistance breeding programs have been undertaken, resulting in D noxia-resistant cultivars that are now widely used in South Africa and in the USA. However, there appear to be differences in the ability of different populations of D noxia to damage these resistant cereal cultivars. To determine whether different biotypes of D noxia are present, damage to eight wheat cultivars was compared when they were exposed to either Hungarian or South African aphid strains. It appeared that the Hungarian CVS MV Magdaléna, MV Magvas, and MV 17 were susceptible to D noxia from both Hungary and South Africa. The susceptible South African CV Betta was also severely damaged regardless of the country of origin of the aphids. None of the cultivars resistant in South Africa (Caledon, SST 333, SST 972 and Halt) were, however, resistant to Hungarian populations of D noxia. These cultivars, which carry resistance genes originating from the breeding lines PI 262660, PI 137739 and PI 372129, were severely damaged by the Hungarian D noxia. Apart from the highly resistant CV Halt, the resistant cultivars used in this study were developed in South Africa, with the biotype present there. Damage to all cultivars tested was significantly more severe in response to Hungarian than to South African D noxia, indicating that a more damaging aphid biotype occurs in Hungary. However, D noxia has not yet become a pest of wheat in Hungary, possibly due to a difference in cultural practices.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy examinations of trematode specimens belonging to Crepidostomum farionis (O.F. Muller, 1784) and C. metoecus Braun, 1900, collected from brown trout, Salmo trutta fario L., in the Czech Republic, made it possible to study their surface morphology including details not described previously. The tegument of both species bears numerous characteristic papillae around the oral sucker (in C. metoecus also around the ventral sucker) and the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the forebody, exhibiting a high degree of variability in numbers and arrangement, with tegumental bosses forming lateral fields on the forebody and minute sensory receptors with submerged cilia scattered on the surface of the dorsal part of the oral sucker. In addition to marked differences in the size, shape and position of the oral muscular lobes, both species distinctly differ in the number of genital pores: two separate pores in C. farionis and a single pore in C. metoecus.  相似文献   

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