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水稻土FDA水解酶活性的测定方法及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在土壤质量指标研究中,许多研究人员认为荧光素二乙酸酯(Fluorescein d iacetate,又称3′6′-二乙酰-荧光素,FDA)水解反应能较好地反映土壤微生物活性和土壤质量的变化[1~3],将其作为土壤生物学指标之一[4]。FDA的水解反应最早于1963年由Kramer和Guibault用来测定脂肪酶的活性[5],直至1980年FDA的水解反应才被用来检测微生物活性[1]。Swisher和Carroll报告[1]FDA水解生成荧光素的量与冷杉叶上生长的微生物群体数量成正比;他们同时提出了测定土壤FDA水解酶活性的基本方法。Schnürer和Rosswall[2]利用这一反应测定了土壤  相似文献   

太湖水稻土中的芳基硫酸酯酶活性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选取了 1 2个太湖地区的水稻土表土及其剖面 ,分析芳基硫酸酯酶活性变化。耕作层芳基硫酸酯酶活性平均为PNP 1 60 μgg- 1h- 1。大多数土壤其酶活性在PNP 1 0 0~ 2 0 0 μgg- 1h- 1之间。最低值和最高值分别为PNP 75 ,31 5 μgg- 1h- 1。犁底层土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性明显低于耕作层 ,60 %的土壤其酶活性低于PNP 5 0 μgg- 1h- 1。犁底层酶活性与耕作层酶活性之间没有相关性。土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性与土壤有机碳有显著正相关 (R2 =0 .5 33) ;与土壤pH关系较为复杂 ,在pH小于 5 .2时 ,随pH升高 ,酶活性增加 ,大于 5 .2时 ,酶活性则明显下降。除个别土壤外 ,大多数土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性沿剖面下降 ,在大于 60cm的土层中基本上没有芳基硫酸酯酶存在。不同土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性的剖面分布有所不同。根据酶活性变化下降趋势 ,其剖面分布基本上可以归结为四个类型。  相似文献   

明确我国南方典型母质发育水稻土的剖面酸化特征及其影响因素,为稻田土壤酸化有效防控及治理提供理论依据.选取湖南长株潭区域不同母质(板页岩、第四纪红土、花岗岩、河流冲积物、砂岩、石灰岩及紫色砂页岩)发育的潴育性水稻土剖面,分别测定耕作层(A)、犁底层(P)、潴育层(W)及母质层(C)各层次的土壤pH,利用A与C层间pH的变...  相似文献   

6000年以来水稻土剖面中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了多环芳烃(PAHs)在含6000a(马家浜文化时期)古水稻土的土壤剖面中的分布特征,并对其可能来源进行了分析。结果显示,各层土壤中PAHs的总量在25.9—202.9μgkg^-1之间,并主要富集在表层土壤,其中含量较高的化合物及其大小顺序为Nap〉Phe〉Fla〉Pyr,4环以上的PAHs占总量的51.8%。表层以下各层土壤中PAHs含量大幅降低,检出种类也有所减少,并主要以2、3环化合物为主,古水稻土中4环以上的芳烃也占有一定的比例,达37%。聚类分析和主成分分析表明,Chr、BkF、BaA、IcP、BbF、Pyr、BaP、DaA和Fla等化合物主要是人为产生,Flu和Phe由生物合成,而Nap、BgP和Ant则可能来源于人为产生和生物合成的共同作用。  相似文献   

测定分析了杭嘉湖地区400余份水稻土土样中氟(全氟、交换态氟和水溶态氟)的含量,对该地区水稻土中氟的土壤环境质量评价基准值进行了初步研究。结果表明,水稻土中的全氟与可交换态氟含量均呈正态分布。水溶态氟的含量符合对数正态分布。在5种不同母质发育的水稻土中,河相沉积物发育的水稻土全氟含量最高,算术平均值为333.1mgkg^-1;海相沉积物发育的水稻土次之,为324.3mgkg^-1;黄壤和红壤性坡残积物最低,为245.4mgkg^-1。海相沉积物发育的水稻土水溶态氟和可交换态氟含量最高,分别为1.55mgkg^-1和4.03mgkg^-1。不同类型的水稻土(渗育性水稻土、潴育性水稻土、潜育性水稻土和淹育性水稻土)剖面中耕作层的全氟含量均高于亚耕层,而剖面中水溶性氟的分布规律则相反。初步确定杭嘉湖地区水稻土中氟的环境质量评价基准建议值全氟为413.9mgkg^-1,水溶态氟为2.54mgkg^-1。  相似文献   

6 000年以来水稻土剖面中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了多环芳烃(PAHs)在含6000a(马家浜文化时期)古水稻土的土壤剖面中的分布特征,并对其可能来源进行了分析。结果显示,各层土壤中PAHs的总量在25.9~202.9μgkg-1之间,并主要富集在表层土壤,其中含量较高的化合物及其大小顺序为Nap>Phe>Fla>Pyr,4环以上的PAHs占总量的51.8%。表层以下各层土壤中PAHs含量大幅降低,检出种类也有所减少,并主要以2、3环化合物为主,古水稻土中4环以上的芳烃也占有一定的比例,达37%。聚类分析和主成分分析表明,Chr、BkF、BaA、IcP、BbF、Pyr、BaP、DaA和Fla等化合物主要是人为产生,Flu和Phe由生物合成,而Nap、BgP和Ant则可能来源于人为产生和生物合成的共同作用。  相似文献   

太湖地区典型水稻土水力学特征及土壤库容研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对气候变化条件下温度升高对土壤水分产生的影响,选择太湖地区典型水稻土——乌栅土作为研究对象,对其土壤的水力学特征及土壤库容进行了研究。结果表明:(1)影响乌栅土水分特征曲线的主要因素是容重与黏粒含量。饱和条件下和水吸力达到1.50×106 Pa时各土层的含水量(凋萎含水量)变化均表现为:耕作层〉犁底层〉潴育层〉潜育层。(2)乌栅土的有效水含量与容重和黏粒含量呈显著负相关关系,与孔隙度呈显著正相关关系。(3)在土壤的各种理化性质中,容重和总孔隙度是影响饱和导水率的主要因素,而毛管孔度与pH值为次要因素。(4)乌栅土耕作层总库容为91.48mm,有效水库容为22.02mm,滞洪库容为20.50mm,这种土壤具有良好的水分状况,既能保证太湖地区粮食作物的稳产高产,又具一定的蓄水调节功能。  相似文献   

太湖地区典型水稻土中速效磷变化规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了定量研究太湖地区农田土壤中速效磷的变化情况,本文对不同季节太湖地区三种典型水稻土(白土、黄泥土和乌栅土)中土壤速效磷的含量进行了分析。结果表明:速效磷含量在土壤剖面中由上层到下层呈现逐渐递减的趋势。三种土壤均以耕层含量为最高,在45cm以下基本上趋于稳定,但在接近地下水时又略有上升。季节性变化方面,速效磷含量一般在2月份的小麦分蘖-拔节期和9月份的水稻齐穗期较高。影响土壤速效磷含量的因素很多,经分析:土壤速效磷的含量与土壤的有机质含量呈极显著的线性正相关关系;旱作条件下与全磷含量之间呈显著的幂函数相关关系,在水作条件下与全磷含量之间呈极显著的线性正相关关系;与土壤的pH又有显著的线性负相关关系。  相似文献   

长期施肥土壤中酶活性的剖面分布及其动力学特征研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对连续25年的长期培肥试验地中土壤剖面酶活性的分布及土壤酶的催化反应特性进行了研究,结果发现,土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性在土壤剖面中的分布从表层到深层,酶活性依次减小;而多酚氧化酶呈波浪型分布。土壤中脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性与相应土层的有机质含量呈极显著正相关;多酚氧化酶无此相关性。土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均随时间的延长而逐渐趋于一个稳定值,且各个时段酶活性均为施肥处理高于不施肥处理,说明施肥能显著提高土壤酶活性。土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶酶促反应初速度(V0)均随温度和底物浓度的增加而增加,至一定温度和底物浓度时,V0不再增加;不同培肥措施下V0为:厩肥秸秆化肥对照。  相似文献   

黄景  顾明华  徐世宏  杨为芳  江立庚 《土壤》2012,44(4):696-703
为探讨免耕抛秧栽培对土壤剖面形态特征的影响,分别对连续2年和7年结合稻草还田的常耕和免耕试验的土壤剖面进行了研究。结果表明,常耕对土壤剖面形态特征影响不明显。免耕改变了耕作层亚层的剖面形态特征,且表层土壤疏松和pH值变小;水稻根系向土壤表层集中和裂隙出现部位增高。普通免耕形成的耕作层构型是Aa1-Aa2-Aa3,疏松表层较薄、亚表层有变坚实的趋势。稻草还田免耕形成的耕作层构型是O-Aa1-Aa2-Aa3,鳝血斑的数量增加、土壤颜色加深、疏松和体积质量降低。以稻草还田免耕抛秧形成的土壤剖面协调土壤肥力效果最好。  相似文献   

太湖地区乌栅土稻田氨挥发损失的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用连续气流密闭室法,探讨了苏南太湖地区乌栅土稻田3个不同施肥时期施用尿素后的NH3挥发损失规律、有机肥对NH3挥发的影响及稻田NH3挥发量与田面水中NH4 -N浓度的相关性。结果表明,不同施肥处理2005年和2006年稻季NH3挥发量分别为8.2~28.7kg/hm2和21.8~62.1kg/hm2,各占尿素施用量的3.7%~8.8%和10.0%~18.9%。NH3挥发率以分蘖肥最高,穗肥最低,且挥发过程主要发生在施肥后的3d内。秸秆有激发尿素快速分解作用,但对NH3挥发总量影响不大。猪粪的促进生长作用较缓慢,但增加了NH3挥发量。稻田NH3挥发量与田面水中NH4 -N浓度呈线性正相关,且达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻土中的β-葡糖苷酶活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(1):118-124
The electrical conductivity (EC) of 1:5 soil-water extract (EC1:5) was studied utilizing path coefficient analysis. The study focused on revealing the main chemical factors contributing to EC of soil extracts and their relative importance. Results showed that the most important factors influencing the EC1:5 of coastal salt-affected soils were the concentration of salt in 1:5 soil-water extract (So), Cl^-, and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), while effects of pH, CO3^2-, HCO3^, soluble sodium percentage (SSP), and sodium dianion ratio (SDR) were very weak. Though the direct path coefficients between EC1:5 and SO4^2- , Ca^2+, Mg^2+, K^+, or Na^+ were not high, influence of other chemical factors caused the coefficients to increase, making the summation of their direct and indirect path coefficients relatively high. Evidences showed that multiple regression relations between EC1:5 and most of the primary factors (So, Cl^-, and SAR) had sound reliability and very good accuracy.  相似文献   

太湖流域典型水稻土对镉吸持特征的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
章钢娅  骆永明 《土壤》2000,32(2):91-94
研究了太湖流域两种典型水稻土黄泥土和板浆白土对镉的吸附和解吸及其pH的影响.发现黄泥土吸附百分数较板浆白土大,而解吸百分数较小,镉吸附前后两个土壤的pH值均有明显差异.  相似文献   

FDA水解检测井冈霉素的土壤微生物活性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王智烨  徐茜  钱海丰 《土壤通报》2007,38(5):1030-1032
通过FDA(荧光素双乙酸脂)水解,研究井冈霉素对土壤微生物活性的生态效应。结果表明:低浓度(7.5~15mlkg-1 dry soil)井冈霉素对土壤微生物活性无显著影响;中等浓度(30~60mlkg-1 dry soil)井冈霉素增加土壤微生物活性,60mlkg-1 dry soil井冈霉素处理土样21天微生物活性与对照相比增加21.6%;高浓度(120~240mlkg-1 dry soil)井冈霉素对土壤微生物活性起一定抑制作用,240mlkg-1 dry soil井冈霉素处理土样28天土壤微生物活性与对照相比下降14.7%;35天所有处理土样微生物活性均恢复到对照水平。  相似文献   

上海地区水稻土氮素矿化模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
Six paddy soils of Shanghai, China, were studied after 120 days of anaerobic incubation at 25 ℃ and 35 ℃. Four models, the effective accumulated temperature model, the one-component first-order exponential model (the one-pool model), the two-component first-order exponential model (the two-pool model), and the two-component first-order plus zero-order exponential model including a constant term (the special model), were fitted to the data of observed mineral-N during incubation using non-linear regression procedures. The two-pool model and the special model gave the best fits amongst the four models, and parameters in the special model were more reasonable than those in the other three. Results showed that the special model gave a better prediction of nitrogen mineralization under flooded conditions than the other three models.  相似文献   

中国太湖流域水稻土中的反硝化细菌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study attempted to determine the characteristics of the communities, the ecological factors, and the denitrifying enzyme activity for denitrifying bacteria found in the paddy soils of the Taihu Lake Basin, China. Samples of the six main soil types of the basin were taken from paddy fields with different fertilities. The total numbers of bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in the high fertility soils were much more than those in low fertility soils, and the number of denitrifying bacteria accounted for 49% to 80% of the total number of bacteria. The O2 content was an important ecological factor that affected denitrification. Of test the strains isolated from the paddy soils in the Taihu Lake Basin, some (e.g., Pseudomonas spp.) grew well under low oxygen partial pressure, while others (e.g., Bacillus spp.) had no strict predilection with O2 content. Another critical ecological factor was the nitrogen concentration. Three selected denitrifying bacteria grew better in aculture medium with 135 instead of 276mg L^-1 nitrogen. At the same time 67% of the test strains were able to reduce NO3^- to NO2^- and 56% had N2O reductase.  相似文献   

The possible significance of blue-green algae in the nitrogen economy of paddy soil has been pointed out by many investigators.  相似文献   

Simple and rapid chemical indices of soil nitrogen (N)-supplying capacity are necessary for fertilizer recommendations. In this study, pot experiment involving rice, anaerobic incubation, and chemical analysis were conducted for paddy soils collected from nine locations in the Taihu Lake region of China. The paddy soils showed large variability in N-supplying capacity as indicated by the total N uptake (TNU) by rice plants in a pot experiment, which ranged from 639.7 to 1,046.2 mg N pot−1 at maturity stage, representing 5.8% of the total soil N on average. Anaerobic incubation for 3, 14, 28, and 112 days all resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) correlation between cumulative mineral NH4+-N and TNU, but generally better correlations were obtained with increasing incubation time. Soil organic C, total soil N, microbial C, and ultraviolet absorbance of NaHCO3 extract at 205 and 260 nm revealed no clear relationship with TNU or cumulative mineral NH4+-N. Soil C/N ratio, acid KMnO4-NH4+-N, alkaline KMnO4-NH4+-N, phosphate–borate buffer extractable NH4+-N (PB-NH4+-N), phosphate–borate buffer hydrolyzable NH4+-N (PBHYDR-NH4+-N) and hot KCl extractable NH4+-N (HKCl−NH4+-N) were all significantly (P < 0.05) related to TNU and cumulative mineral NH4+-N of long-term incubation (>28 days). However, the best chemical index of soil N-supplying capacity was the soil C/N ratio, which showed the highest correlation with TNU at maturity stage (R = −0.929, P < 0.001) and cumulative mineral NH4+-N (R = −0.971, P < 0.001). Acid KMnO4-NH4+-N plus native soil NH4+-N produced similar, but slightly worse predictions of soil N-supplying capacity than the soil C/N ratio.  相似文献   

Systematic studies on the genesis, properties, and distribution of natural nanoparticles(NNPs) in soil remain scarce. This study examined a soil chronosequence of continuous paddy field land use for periods ranging from 0 to 1 000 years to determine how NNPs in soil changed at the early stages of soil genesis in eastern China. Soil samples were collected from coastal reclaimed paddy fields that were cultivated for 0, 50, 100, 300, 700, and 1 000 years.Natural nanoparticles were isolated and characterized along with bulk soil samples( 2-mm fraction) for selected physical and chemical properties. The NNP content increased with increasing soil cultivation age at 60 g m-2 year-1, which was related to decreasing soil electrical conductivity(172–1 297 μS cm-1) and NNP zeta potentials(from-22 to-36 m V) with increasing soil cultivation age. Changes in several NNP properties, such as pedogenic iron oxide and total organic carbon contents, were consistent with those of the bulk soils across the soil chronosequence. Notably, changes in NNP iron oxide content were obvious and illustrated active chemical weathering, pedogenesis, and potential impacts on the microbial community. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that the soil cultivation age was the most important factor affecting NNP properties, contributing 60.7% of the total variation. Cluster and principal component analysis(PCA) revealed splitting of NNP samples into age groups of 50–300 and 700–1 000 years, indicating rapid evolution of NNP properties, after an initial period of desalinization(approximately 50 years). Overall, this study provides new insights into NNP evolution in soil during pedogenesis and predicting their influences on agriculture and ecological risks over millennial-scale rice cultivation.  相似文献   

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