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The adoption of conservation tillage procedures for pasture renewal and winter forage cropping in New Zealand is shown to be very profitable and to lead to some management simplification. The conservation tillage technique has widespread application to New Zealand sheep farms and the rate of adoption may be expected to increase.  相似文献   

Understanding cover crop influences on N availability is important for developing N management strategies in conservation tillage systems. Two cover crops, cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), were evaluated for effects on N availability to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in a Typic Kanhapludult soil at Watkinsville, Ga. Seed cotton yields following clover and rye were 882 kg ha–1 and 1,205 kg ha–1, respectively, in 1997 and were 1,561 kg ha–1 and 2,352 kg ha–1, respectively, in 1998. In 1997, cotton biomass, leaf area index, and N were greater on some dates following crimson clover than following rye but not in 1998. During 1997, net soil N mineralized increased with time in both systems, but a similar response was not observed in 1998. Net soil N mineralization rates following crimson clover and rye averaged, respectively, 0.58 kg and 0.34 kg N ha–1 day–1 in 1997 and 0.58 kg and 0.23 kg N ha–1 day–1 in 1998. Total soil N mineralized during the cotton growing season ranged from 60 kg ha–1 to 80 kg ha–1 following crimson clover and from 30 kg ha–1 to 50 kg ha–1 following rye. Soil N mineralization correlated positively with heat units and cumulative heat units. Net soil N mineralization rates were 0.023 kg ha–1 heat unit–1 once net mineralization began. Soil heat units appeared to be a useful tool for evaluating N mineralization potential. Nearly 40% of the rye and 60% of the clover biomass decomposed during the 6 weeks prior to cotton planting, with nearly 35 kg N ha–1 mineralized from clover.  相似文献   

规模化养鸡场CDM项目减排及经济效益估算   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
该文以山东民和集约化养鸡场为案例,利用《气候变化框架公约》清洁发展机制理事会批准的方法(ACM0010),分析了沼气池处理鸡场粪便及污水、利用沼气发电替代以燃煤为主的电网电能和减少温室气体排放的潜力。项目每年可减排温室气体为84666 t CO2-e。公司每年售电获利767万元,减排获益593万元。由于有CDM项目的额外收入,使项目的投资年限由原来的19.7 a缩短为6.0 a。因此,在规模化养殖场建设沼气池并利用沼气发电,不仅减少粪便对周边环境的污染、充分利用可再生能源和减少化石燃料的使用,还能减少温室气体的排放,获得额外的减排收益,在很大程度上提高了企业建设大型沼气工程的积极性。  相似文献   

Northeast China, the important grain-producing region in China, is under threat from soil degradation because of long-term conventional tillage (CT). The adoption of conservation tillage is anticipated to restore soil fertility, maintain crop yields and enhance sustainability. However, the integrated effects of conservation tillage practice on crop yields and soil organic carbon (SOC) remain unclear. In this meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies conducted in the Northeast China region, we assess crop yields and SOC values under no-till, ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage practices. The results indicate that in areas with mean annual temperatures (MAT) below 3°C, crop yields were significantly (p < .05) higher under ridge tillage (0.8%) and subsoiling tillage (13.1%) compared with CT, whereas yields reduced under no-till (−3.7%). Ridge tillage generally had a similar effect on crop yield as no-till, without the negative impact in colder regions. We also report that no-till practice increased SOC concentrations by 24.1%, 43.9% and 17.4% in areas of higher temperature (MAT > 6°C), low mean annual precipitation (MAP) (<500 mm) and continuous cropping conditions, respectively. Ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage also had positive effects on SOC concentrations (to a lesser degree than no-till), indicating that conservation tillage can enhance SOC in Northeast China. Overall, the implementation of different conservation tillage measures in Northeast China was found to enhance crop yields and sequester carbon. We recommend that ridge tillage is used in colder areas and that subsoiling tillage is used in rotation with other tillage measures to maintain crop yields.  相似文献   

为防治黑土退化、保护好利用好黑土地,本研究基于东北黑土区已发表61篇文献543组研究数据,利用Meta分析和随机森林模型等方法,分析黑土地保护性耕作与深耕对作物产量的影响及其驱动因素,耦合东北黑土地区气候、地形和土壤等信息,评价保护性耕作与深耕的适宜性。结果表明:与传统耕作相比,东北黑土地区整体而言保护性耕作增产不明显(1.21%),而深耕增产显著(12.3%),区域分析表明前者仅在辽河平原显著增产14.6%,而后者在三江、松嫩和辽河平原均增产10%以上。因素分析表明黑土区保护性耕作产量效应主要受多年平均气温(20%)、积温(19%)和干燥指数(16%)的影响,深耕产量效果则受坡度影响最大(14%),平坦区域适宜深耕,陡坡耕地适宜保护性耕作。综合上述因子评价区域适宜性程度,东北地区的西南部,包括辽宁省西部、吉林省西部以及内蒙古自治区东部(赤峰市、通辽)等严重风蚀区域实行保护性耕作效果更佳;典型黑土带以及三江平原等湿润、冷凉、低洼区域深耕的效果较好。本研究成果可为保护性耕作与深耕技术在东北黑土区的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨夏闲期不同耕作模式对土壤蓄水保墒效果及小麦水分利用效率的影响,2007-2010年在宁南旱区采用免耕/深松/免耕、深松/免耕/深松、连年翻耕(传统耕作)3种耕作方式对土壤水分及冬小麦产量的影响进行了研究。结果表明,保护性耕作模式改善了麦田的土壤水分状况,且提高作物产量和水分利用效率效果显著。夏闲末期,相对于传统耕作,免耕/深松/免耕、深松/免耕/深松处理3a平均土壤蓄水量分别增加(P<0.05)3.92%和7.84%,降雨蓄水效率提高(P<0.05)13.64%和22.80%;小麦生育期,3a平均土壤蓄水量分别较传统耕作增加(P<0.05)7.96%和8.60%,平均生育期降水利用效率提高(P<0.05)9.59%和10.69%,平均年降水利用效率提高(P<0.05)9.52%和10.65%;3a平均产量分别较传统耕作提高(P<0.05)9.59%和10.69%,籽粒产量水分利用效率提高(P<0.05)7.17%和7.68%,生物产量水分利用效率提高(P<0.05)3.83%和4.34%。  相似文献   

Field runoff plots were established in 1984 to evaluate the effects of slope length on runoff, soil erosion and crop yields on newly cleared land for four consecutive years (1984–1987) on an Alfisol at Ibadan, Nigeria. The experimental treatments involved six slope lengths (60 m to 10 m at 10-m increments) and two tillage methods (plough-based conventional tillage and a herbicide-based no-till method) of seedbed preparation. A uniform crop rotation of maize (Zea mays)/cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) was adopted for all four years. An uncropped and ploughed plot of 25 m length was used as a control. The water runoff from the conventional tillage treatment was not significantly affected by slope length, but runoff from the no-till treatment significantly increased with a decrease in slope length. The average runoff from the no-till treatment was 1·85 per cent of rainfall for 60 m, 2·25 per cent for 40 m, 2·95 per cent for 30 m, 4·7 per cent for 20 m and 5·15 per cent for 10 m slope length. In contrast to runoff, soil erosion in the conventional tillage treatment decreased significantly with a decrease in slope length. For conventional tillage, the average soil erosion was 9·59 Mg ha−1 for 60 m, 9·88 Mg ha−1 for 50 m, 6·84 Mg ha−1 for 40 m, 5·69 Mg ha−1 for 30 m, 1·27 Mg ha−1 for 20 m and 2·19 Mg ha−1 for 10 m slope length. Because the no-till method was extremely effective in reducing soil erosion, there were no definite trends in erosion with regard to slope length. The average sediment load (erosion:runoff ratio) also decreased with a decrease in slope length from 66·3 kg ha−1 mm−1 for 60 m to 36·3 kg ha−1 mm−1 for 10 m slope length. The mean C factor (ratio of soil erosion from cropped land to uncropped control) also decreased with a decrease in slope length. Similarly, the erosion:crop yield ratio decreased with a decrease in slope length, and the relative decrease was more drastic in conventional tillage than in the no-till treatment. The slope length (L) and erosion relationship fits a polynomial function (Y=c+aL+bL2). Formulae are proposed for computing the optimum terrace spacing in relation to slope gradient and tillage method. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Agricultural production systems are complex involving variability in climate, soil, crop, tillage management and interactions between these components. The traditional experimental approach has played an important role in studying crop production systems, but isolation of these factors in experimental studies is difficult and time consuming. Computer simulation models are useful in exploring these interactions and provide a valuable tool to test and further our understanding of the behavior of soil–crop systems without repeating experimentation.Productivity erosion and runoff functions to evaluate conservation techniques (PERFECT) is one of the soil–crop models that integrate the dynamics of soil, tillage and crop processes at a daily resolution. This study had two major objectives. The first was to calibrate the use of the PERFECT soil–crop simulation model to simulate soil and crop responses to changes of traffic and tillage management. The second was to explore the interactions between traffic, tillage, soil and crop, and provide insight to the long-term effects of improved soil management and crop rotation options. This contribution covers only the first objective, and the second will be covered in a subsequent contribution.Data were obtained from field experiments on a vertisol in Southeast Queensland, Australia which had controlled traffic and tillage treatments for the previous 5 years. Input data for the simulation model included daily weather, runoff, plant available water capacity, and soil hydraulic properties, cropping systems, and traffic and tillage management. After model calibration, predicted and measured total runoffs for the 5-year period were similar. Values of root mean square error (RMSE) for daily runoff ranged from 5.7 to 9.2 mm, which were similar to those reported in literature. The model explained 75–95% of variations of daily, monthly and annual runoff, 70–84% of the variation in total available soil water, and 85% of the variation in yield. The results showed that the PERFECT daily soil–crop simulation model could be used to generate meaningful predictions of the interactions between crop, soil and water under different tillage and traffic systems.Ranking of management systems in order of decreasing merit for runoff, available soil water and crop yield was (1) controlled traffic zero tillage, (2) controlled traffic stubble mulch, (3) wheeled zero tillage, and (4) wheeled stubble mulch.  相似文献   

Resource use in crop production is analysed with reference to the concept of potential yield, based on the relationships between the balances of energy and mass in plant growth. Three models of the production process are proposed: a bio-physical model which looks at the conversion of energy and mass into a potential yield of biomass, a business model which assesses the economics of the conversion process and a feed-back model which points the way towards on-line optimisation. The impacts of environmental, nutritional and physiological constraints on potential yield are discussed. The business model emphasises the importance of scale of operation in reducing the costs of crop production by spreading the fixed costs of machinery. The contributions of additional energy inputs in the form of fertilisers, agrichemicals and machinery in improving the overall efficiency with which solar energy is converted into biomass, together with the pivotal role of nitrogenous fertiliser in increasing yields, are examined. Nitrogenous fertilisers underpin high yields and account for about half the energy supplied by the farmer to a cereal crop. Tillage helps in ameliorating the environmental constraints on crop growth. The implications of sustainability, and climate change, for resource use in crop production are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Recent increases in diesel price and decreases in glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine] price should favor the profitability and farmer acceptance of herbicide-intensive conservation tillage systems versus fuel-intensive traditional tillage (TT) systems. Profitability results from a long-term field experiment that compared TT, minimum tillage (MT), and delayed minimum tillage (DMT) systems for winter wheat–(Triticum aestivum L.)summer fallow in eastern Washington, USA were calculated using both 1998 and 2005 input prices. Net returns for the MT and DMT systems increased by US$ 6.37 and 6.30 (rotational ha)−1, respectively, and net returns to the TT system decreased by US$ 2.36 (rotational ha)−1 when 2005 versus 1998 prices were used. Here, rotational ha equals 0.5 ha fallow and 0.5 ha wheat. Focusing on the dominant crop of soft white winter wheat (SWWW), the 2005 price hikes pushed diesel costs up for all systems, from US$ 6.81 (rotational ha)−1 for DMT to US$ 9.00 (rotational ha)−1 for TT. The cost of diesel for the conservation tillage systems, relative to the cost for TT, decreased by US$ 1.50–2.20 (rotational ha)−1. The conservation tillage systems accrue greater savings from the price reduction in glyphosate because they consume more of this herbicide. An unanticipated result was that relative cost savings from price changes in N fertilizer rivaled those from diesel and glyphosate because anhydrous NH3–N was exclusively used in the experiment for TT and aqueous NH3–N for MT and DMT. The price of anhydrous NH3–N increased from US$ 0.55 kg−1 in 1998 to 0.85 kg−1 in 2005, a 56% increase. Aqueous NH3–N only increased from $0.75 kg−1 in 1998 to 0.85 kg−1 in 2005, a 15% increase. The greater price increase for anhydrous NH3–N penalized the TT system because of its use of this fertilizer. If the same source of N fertilizer were used on all three tillage systems, this fertilizer cost effect would disappear. Nonetheless, the conservation tillage systems still retained a statistically significant profitability advantage over TT even if the same fertilizer was used throughout. The sharp price increase for diesel and the concurrent price decrease for glyphosate herbicide favored the conservation tillage systems over TT in this study. Results provide strong evidence for the superior profitability of conservation tillage winter wheat–summer fallow under current economic conditions.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》2007,92(1-2):101-108
Management of plant litter or crop residues in agricultural fields is an important consideration for reducing soil erosion and increasing soil organic C. Current methods of quantifying crop residue cover are inadequate for characterizing the spatial variability of residue cover within fields or across large regions. Our objectives were to evaluate several spectral indices for measuring crop residue cover using satellite multispectral and hyperspectral data and to categorize soil tillage intensity in agricultural fields. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and EO-1 Hyperion imaging spectrometer data were acquired over agricultural fields in central Iowa in May and June 2004. Crop residue cover was measured in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max Merr.) fields using line-point transects. Spectral residue indices using Landsat TM bands were weakly related to crop residue cover. With the Hyperion data, crop residue cover was linearly related to the cellulose absorption index (CAI), which measures the relative intensity of cellulose and lignin absorption features near 2100 nm. Coefficients of determination (r2) for crop residue cover as a function of CAI were 0.85 for the May and 0.77 for the June Hyperion data. Three tillage intensity classes, corresponding to intensive (<15% residue cover), reduced (15–30% cover) and conservation (>30% cover) tillage, were correctly identified in 66–68% of fields. Classification accuracy increased to 80–82% for two classes, corresponding to conventional (intensive + reduced) and conservation tillage. By combining information on previous season's (2003) crop classification with crop residue cover after planting in 2004, an inventory of soil tillage intensity by previous crop type was generated for the whole Hyperion scene. Regional surveys of soil management practices that affect soil conservation and soil C dynamics are possible using advanced multispectral or hyperspectral imaging systems.  相似文献   

Soil sorption and dissipation of fluometuron (FLM) and three metabolites, desmethyl fluometuron (DMF), trifluoromethyl phenyl urea (TFMPU), and trifluoromethyl aniline (TFMA), were assessed in conservation tillage soils. In study I, surface Dundee silt loam soils from no-tillage (NT) and reduced-tillage (RT) areas were treated with 14C ring-labeled FLM or TFMA or unlabeled DMF, incubated for 34-42 days, extracted, and analyzed. Mineralization and volatilization of 14C-labeled FLM or TFMA were monitored. In study II, batch sorption assays (solute concentrations 2-50 micromol L-1; 2:1 solution:soil; 18 h) were conducted using various soils from reduced- (RT) and conventional-tillage (CT) areas to determine the relative affinity of FLM and metabolites for soils with differing characteristics. Mineralization of FLM (3%, day 42) or TFMA (4%, day 34) and FLM volatilization (approximately 2%) were low for both soils. FLM and DMF dissipated more rapidly in RT soil than in NT soil. In FLM-treated RT soil, DMF and TFMPU accumulated more rapidly than in NT as FLM degraded. TFMA dissipated rapidly, primarily as nonextractable residues (approximately 70%, day 42) and volatilization (approximately 16%). For all respective soils in study II, sorption of all four compounds was higher for organic C-enriched RT soils than for CT soils, indicating strong relationships between organic C and FLM and metabolite sorption. For either tillage treatment, the percentage sorption was greater for metabolites (e.g., at lowest initial dosing concentration, TFMPU range, 45-91%; DMF range, 45-90%; and TFMA range, 45-98%) than for FLM (RT soils range, 19-65%). Nonsubstituted amino groups likely facilitated sorption to organic C, with nonsubstituted aniline in TFMA having the greatest affinity. NMR spectra of humic acid extracts from NT and CT Dundee soils indicated similar patterns of humic acid functional groups, but the potential capacity for sorption was greater in NT than in CT. The greater capacity for FLM and metabolite sorption in NT soil helps explain their longer persistence.  相似文献   

Management of plant litter or crop residues in agricultural fields is an important consideration for reducing soil erosion and increasing soil organic C. Current methods of quantifying crop residue cover are inadequate for characterizing the spatial variability of residue cover within fields or across large regions. Our objectives were to evaluate several spectral indices for measuring crop residue cover using satellite multispectral and hyperspectral data and to categorize soil tillage intensity in agricultural fields. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and EO-1 Hyperion imaging spectrometer data were acquired over agricultural fields in central Iowa in May and June 2004. Crop residue cover was measured in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max Merr.) fields using line-point transects. Spectral residue indices using Landsat TM bands were weakly related to crop residue cover. With the Hyperion data, crop residue cover was linearly related to the cellulose absorption index (CAI), which measures the relative intensity of cellulose and lignin absorption features near 2100 nm. Coefficients of determination (r2) for crop residue cover as a function of CAI were 0.85 for the May and 0.77 for the June Hyperion data. Three tillage intensity classes, corresponding to intensive (<15% residue cover), reduced (15–30% cover) and conservation (>30% cover) tillage, were correctly identified in 66–68% of fields. Classification accuracy increased to 80–82% for two classes, corresponding to conventional (intensive + reduced) and conservation tillage. By combining information on previous season's (2003) crop classification with crop residue cover after planting in 2004, an inventory of soil tillage intensity by previous crop type was generated for the whole Hyperion scene. Regional surveys of soil management practices that affect soil conservation and soil C dynamics are possible using advanced multispectral or hyperspectral imaging systems.  相似文献   

Soil quality deterioration and consequent reduced productivity characterize the Vertisols in the highlands of Ethiopia. The problem is exacerbated by lack of appropriate land preparation alternatives for the major crops in the area. A field experiment was carried out for 6 years (1998–2003) at Caffee Doonsa in the central highlands of Ethiopia to evaluate alternative land preparation methods on the performance of wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), lentil (Lens culinaries Medik L) and tef (Eragrostis tef L) grown in rotation. Four methods of land preparation (broad bed and furrow, green manure, ridge and furrow and reduced tillage) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications on permanent plots of 22 m by 6 m. Broad bed and furrow significantly increased the grain yield of lentils by 59% (from 1029 to 1632 kg ha−1) as compared to the control. On the other hand, reduced tillage resulted in the highest grain yield of wheat (1862 kg ha−1) and tef (1378 kg ha−1) as compared to 1698 kg ha−1 of wheat and 1274 kg ha−1 of tef for the control although the increase was not statistically significant. A gross margin analysis showed that BBF is the most profitable option for lentil with 65% increase in total gross margin. On the other hand, RT resulted in 11 and 8% increase in gross margin of wheat and tef, respectively as compared to the control. Based on the agronomic and economic performances best combinations of crop and land preparation method were: lentil sown on broad bed and furrow, and wheat and tef sown after reduced tillage.  相似文献   

A long-term study on the effect of different crop rotations [soybean/wheat, S/W; maize/wheat, M/W or cotton/wheat, C/W] and tillage regimes [no-tillage (NT) or conventional tillage (CT)] on microbial biomass and other soil properties is reported. The experiment was established in 1976 in southern Brazil as a split-plot experimental design in three replications. Soil samples were taken in 1997 and 1998 at 0- to 5-, 5- to 10- and 10- to 20-cm depths and evaluated for microbial biomass C, N, P and S by direct extraction methods. The NT system showed increases of 103%, 54%, 36%, and 44% for microbial biomass C, N, P, and Cmic:Corg percentage, respectively at the 0- to 5-cm depth. NT systems also increased the C to N:S:P ratios. These results provide evidence that tillage or crop rotation affect microbial immobilization of soil nutrients. The larger amount of C immobilized in microbial biomass suggests that soil organic matter under NT systems provides higher levels of more labile C than CT systems.  相似文献   

Trends in the use of conservation tillage in US agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. In 1996 conservation tillage was used on nearly 36% of the cropped area of the USA. This level has remained relatively unchanged over the past few years. The use of conservation tillage varied by crop and was dependent on site-specific factors including soil type, topsoil depth, and local climatic conditions. A number of economic, demographic, geographic, and policy factors have affected the adoption of conservation tillage. While it was not possible to quantify exactly the impact of these factors, it was clear that management complexities and profitability are key factors impeding an increase.  相似文献   

Developments in conservation tillage in rainfed regions of North China   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
Dryland regions in northern China account for over 50% of the nation's total area, where farming development is constrained by adverse weather, topography and water resource conditions, low fertility soils, and poor soil management. Conservation tillage research and application in dryland regions of northern China has been developed since the 1970s. Demonstration and extension of conservation tillage practices is actively stimulated by the Chinese government since 2002, following the recognition of the increased rate of degradation of the environment due to erosion and water shortage in North China. This paper reviews the research conducted on conservation tillage in dryland regions of northern China, and discusses the problems faced with the introduction and application of conservation tillage practices.Most of the studies reported have shown positive results of soil and water conservation tillage practices. These practices generally involve a reduction in the number and intensity of operations compared to conventional tillage, with direct sowing or no-till as the strongest reduction. Crop yields and water use efficiency have increased (with up to 35%) following the implementation of reduced tillage practices. Under no-till, crop yields are equivalent to or higher than those from conventional tillage methods, especially in dry years. However, during wet years yields tend to be lower (10–15%) with no-till. Other benefits are an increased fallow water storage and reductions in water losses by evaporation. In order to fully exploit the advantages of conservation tillage, systems have to be adapted to regional characteristics. Farmers’ adoption of conservation tillage is still limited.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage techniques and direct seeding method that can replace the conventional methods, were examined in the western part of Turkey (Trakya Region) during the years of 1999 and 2000. In the experiment five tillage methods and no-tillage (DRD) were used. All tillage methods and direct seeding were applied in the dry soil conditions except conventional method. The tillage methods are heavy-duty disc harrow (DIS), plough (PLO), rotary tiller (ROT), tillage combination of tine, rotor and roller (TIC) and conventional tillage method in which plough is used in wet soil condition.

The effects of the treatments on soil penetration resistance, mean emergence dates, percentage of emerged seedlings, plant height, stem diameter and silage corn yield were measured.

All the parameters tested were found to be statistically significant. Direct seeding method gave the best result for mean of emergence dates (4.93 days) and percentage of emerged seedlings (95.48%). The best result for silage yield (69.32 Mg ha−1) was found in tillage combination. The lowest yield (58.92 Mg ha−1) was found in the heavy-duty disc harrow tillage method. Direct seeding gives the best results for tillage efficiency parameters, such as fuel consumption, effective power requirement and field efficiency. Reduced tillage and direct seeding methods can be used in second crop silage corn in the region.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤水分和小麦产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
采用3种稻田保护性耕作栽培模式与传统栽培模式的定位试验,对成都平原稻田小麦季的土壤水分及产量进行了研究。结果表明:小麦全生育期,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率明显地高于翻耕覆盖处理,而翻耕不覆盖处理最差;小麦分蘖高峰期,覆盖处理的土壤含水率比不覆盖处理高17.7%~75.9%,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率比翻耕覆盖处理高12.7%~41.0%;免耕覆盖处理的小麦最高茎蘖数又比翻耕覆盖处理增加23.8%~72.3%,均极显著优于翻耕处理;覆盖处理的小麦产量比不覆盖处理增产6.3%~19.5%,免耕覆盖处理比翻耕覆盖处理增产3.2%~8.0%。稻田保护性耕作有利于提高成都平原区小麦产量。  相似文献   

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