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Phelipanche ramosa is a generalist parasitic weed known to cause yield losses in various crops, especially in winter oilseed rape, its new preferred host in France. This parasitic plant is also able to complete its life cycle on many Brassicaceae weeds, which are thus important alternative hosts. We studied a set of 14 common Brassicaceae weeds and characterised their ability to induce the germination of three genetically distinct pathovars of P. ramosa, based on in vitro experiments. We then investigated whether phylogenetic relatedness among Brassicaceae weeds could inform on their ability to induce germination of P. ramosa by testing for a phylogenetic signal in the germination rate of the parasite. In the presence of some phylogenetic signal, phylogenetic distances among species might be used as a surrogate to predict the ability to induce germination of potential additional Brassicaceae hosts. The three pathovars studied showed different germination patterns. Moreover, we found substantial variation in the germination rate of P. ramosa among the different Brassicaceae species, with a significant effect of the clustering of species into two ancient phylogenetic lineages. However, no significant phylogenetic signal was detected overall, that is we could not exclude that germination rates were randomly distributed over the phylogeny. We suggest that further analyses should be conducted across wider sets of potential hosts to better characterise the existence of a phylogenetic signal of the ability of weeds to induce the germination of P. ramosa.  相似文献   

Phelipanche ramosa (Branched broomrape) is an obligate root parasitic plant that is a major pest of oilseed rape in France. Knowledge on seed viability and dormancy under field conditions is crucial to understand how to control P. ramosa, but is as yet unknown. Our study aimed to quantify these processes with a 2‐year seed burial experiment. Two genetically distinct populations of P. ramosa were studied, collected on winter oilseed rape (population O) and hemp (population H). Seed mortality was very low in both populations (4–7% per year). Although obligate parasitic seeds are assumed to germinate only after exposure to germination stimulants from host root exudates, a high proportion of population H seeds germinated spontaneously (up to 90%). Seeds of both populations displayed seasonal dormancy, with timing and magnitude depending on the population. Dormancy was low at the time each native host crop is usually sown. Populations differed in germination dynamics, with seeds of population H germinating faster. The difference in behaviour that we observed between populations is consistent with reported adaptations of pathovars to their preferred hosts. The results indicate that the parasitic plant management requires targeting at the populations concerned. For example, delayed sowing is more promising against population O than against population H.  相似文献   

The extent and pattern of genetic differentiation between Phelipanche ramosa populations colonising tobacco in different European regions were investigated by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, in order to determine levels of variation for tobacco resistance breeding and management programmes. Four different AFLP primer pairs amplified a total of 1050 clear and reproducible bands, of which 962 (91.62%) were polymorphic among the 35 individuals taken from four P. ramosa populations collected in Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Germany. Cluster analysis based on the AFLP data categorised the plants into distinct groups, in line with their geographical origin, denoting clear genetic differentiation among the four populations. This differentiation was supported by both high bootstrap values and significant results of the analysis of molecular variance. The most divergent population was the one from Bulgaria. The majority of the genetic diversity was attributable to differences among populations (77.80%), as expected from the predominant autogamous behaviour of this species. Populations differed significantly in within-population diversity, as measured by Shannon's information index. The German population presented the lowest genetic diversity and the Italian population harboured the highest level of within-population genetic diversity. There are significant differences in genetic diversity level among the studied P. ramosa populations and clear population-specific genetic diversity structures. These need to be taken into account, together with the potential differences in parasite aggressiveness, when planning breeding and management strategies for P. ramosa control in tobacco cultivation.  相似文献   

土壤含水量对温室樱桃番茄生长发育及果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以樱桃番茄红宝石为研究材料,以5个梯度的土壤含水量(分别为田间持水量的40%~50%、50%~60%、60%~70%、70%~80%和80%~90%)进行处理后,测定并分析植株生长状况、果实品质、产量和水分利用效率的变化规律。结果表明:在土壤含水量为田间持水量的70%~80%时,同化物在樱桃番茄上积累的最多,产量最高,为6.25 kg/m2;在土壤含水量为田间持水量的60%~70%时,樱桃番茄果实品质的各项指标均达到最大值,其中Vc、可溶性糖和干物质的含量分别为652.2 mg/kg,72.8 g/kg,71.8 g/kg,可溶性固形物占总质量的9.8%,水分利用率也最大,为13.9 kg/m3。综合分析水分对植株生长发育、果实品质、水分利用效率和产量的影响,认为土壤含水量为田间持水量的60%~70%,可以作为樱桃番茄生长期间理想的土壤水分控制指标。  相似文献   

Salinity and Orobanche or Phelipanche spp. infection are important crop stress factors in agricultural areas. In this study, we investigated the effect of salt stress on Phelipanche ramosa seed germination and its attachment onto Arabidopsis thaliana roots. We also evaluated the effect of both stresses on the expression of genes regulated by abiotic and biotic stresses. According to our results, high concentration of NaCl delayed P. ramosa seed germination in the presence of a strigolactone analogue (GR24). A similar pattern was observed in the presence of A. thaliana plants. Furthermore, we found that salt‐treated A. thaliana seedlings were more sensitive to P. ramosa attachment compared with the untreated plants, indicating that there was a positive correlation between salt sensitivity and the ability of P. ramosa to infect A. thaliana plants. At the molecular level, a synergystic effect of both salt and P. ramosa stresses was observed on the cold‐regulated (COR) gene expression profile of treated A. thaliana seedlings. Our data clarify the interaction between parasitic plants and their hosts under abiotic stress conditions.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Fusarium oxysporum strain was investigated for its biocontrol potential against the root parasitic weed Orobanche ramosa (branched broomrape). The fungus was found to affect all developmental stages of the parasite. Orobanche seed germination was reduced by 40% in the presence of fungal conidia in vitro . The number of underground tubercles and shoots of the weed was reduced by the fungus by 55% compared with the control and 92% of tubercles were recorded as diseased in root chambers. In pot experiments, soil application of a granular formulation of the fungus resulted in a reduction of number and dry matter of Orobanche shoots by more than 90%. Spraying of a conidial suspension on aboveground Orobanche shoots caused the death of 75% of them within 2 weeks. Data from initial host-range experiments indicate that the isolate is very host-specific, not even attacking shoots of other Orobanche species. Because of these promising results, we conclude that the fungal isolate should be investigated under field conditions and be compared with other Fusarium isolates proposed for biocontrol of O. ramosa .  相似文献   

以里格尔87-5为试验材料,研究在水分调控下剪叶和灌水量对加工番茄果实生长特性的影响.结果表明,干旱胁迫下,加工番茄鲜果增重特征参数:最大增重速率时间、最大增重速率、平均增重速率、活跃生长期、增重持续天数,以及渐增期、快增期和缓增期的持续天数,表现为适水>轻度干旱>干旱,对照>剪叶,对照(30 mm)>小灌量(10 mm),单果鲜重与其特征参数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),推迟最大增重速率出现时间,延长单果增重过程持续天数、活跃生长期、快增期、缓增期和提高平均增重速率有利于单果鲜重增加.通径分析表明,单果增重持续天数和活跃生长期与单果鲜重相关性最强, 呈直接的正效应,对单果增重的贡献较大,是表征加工番茄鲜果增重特征的最重要参数.总之,干旱胁迫和剪叶抑制加工番茄单果生长,降低了单果重.  相似文献   

为探究外源褪黑素对番茄果实品质及挥发性物质的影响,以番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)‘航粉高糖’品种为试材,以果实表面喷施蒸馏水为对照(CK),设4个不同浓度褪黑素喷施果实处理,分别为T1(50 μmol·L-1)、T2(100 μmol·L-1)、T3(150 μmol·L-1)、T4(200 μmol·L-1)。结果表明:(1)100 μmol·L-1外源褪黑素处理能显著增加番茄果实中果糖、葡萄糖和可溶性总糖的含量,降低有机酸含量,从而显著提高番茄果实糖酸比。(2)5个处理中共检测出86种挥发性物质,包括12种酮类、32种醛类、14种醇类、4种酯类、13种烃类、7种酚类和4种其他类物质。各处理挥发性物质总数量和总含量依次为:CK(55种,1 279.18 μg·kg-1)、T1(69种,1 960.95 μg·kg-1)、T2(66种,2 258.70 μg·kg-1)、T3(62种,1 818.84 μg·kg-1)、T4(59种,1 695.04 μg·kg-1),均为醛类含量最高,酚类含量最低,其中100 μmol·L-1处理可提高番茄果实中酮类、醛类、醇类和酯类挥发性物质总含量。检测出的挥发性物质共包含10种番茄特征香气成分,100 μmol·L-1处理的特征挥发性物质含量最高,为1 307.34 μg·kg-1。(3)与对照相比,喷施褪黑素提高了番茄果实单果质量以及可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、番茄红素含量,促进果实对N、K、Mg、Cu、Fe、Zn等矿质元素的吸收。(4)主成分分析表明,各处理的综合得分表现为T2>T1>T3>T4>CK。综上,外源喷施褪黑素可显著提高番茄果实的营养和风味品质,且100 μmol·L-1浓度效果最佳。  相似文献   

In recent years since 2018, the disease of tomato fruit rot has been often noted in Jiangxi province. In order to ascertain the causal agent, common tissue isolation method was used to isolate the pathogen collected from 8 counties and cities of Jiangxi province. A total of 17 isolates was obtained, which exhibited similar phenotype on V8 agar plates with production of antheridia, oogonia and oospore indicating the characteristics of Phytophthora spp.. The pathogenicity test for the isolates showed the similar disease symptoms with that in the field and the pathogen was reisolated from the infected tomato tissues, which fulfilled the Koch’s postulate. BLAST search with rDNA-ITS, partial Ypt1 and β-tubulin gene sequences for 17 isolates showed 99%-100% of identities to Phytophthora capsici that in correspond with the clustering result of phylogenetic analysis for two represented strains. Combined with morphologic characteristic observation, pathogenicity test and sequence ana-lysis, the pathogen causing tomato fruit rot was identified as Phytophthora capsici. This is the first report of P. capsici causing fruit rot on tomato in Jiangxi province, China.  相似文献   

为了探求导致早期落叶病发生的土壤条件,分析果树栽培前与果园管理过程中存在技术问题,本研究以相同园龄、相同果树品种、落叶和不落叶的几个果园为研究对象,进行了果园土壤管理调查与土壤剖面化学性质的监测,测定了苹果果实的主要品质指标,结果表明:果园土壤有机质含量明显低于农田土壤,土壤表层,落叶果园土壤有机质含量要高于不落叶果园的,而在60 cm以下,落叶果园土壤有机质反而低于不落叶果园;而不落叶果园土壤中的碳酸钙含量略高于落叶果园;土壤剖面碱解氮含量随土层厚度的增加,呈递减趋势,不落叶与落叶果园土壤碱解氮含量在35 cm以上土层中基本相同,差异不明显(P>0.05);果实的密度测定结果为不落叶果园果实>落叶果园果实;在糖度上,不落叶果园果实>落叶果园果实。  相似文献   

温室内膜下滴灌不同水肥处理对番茄产量和品质的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过温室小区番茄栽培试验,研究了覆膜条件下滴灌施肥量和灌溉控制下限对番茄产量和果实某些品质指标:硝酸盐含量、V c含量、可溶性糖含量、糖酸比的影响。结果表明,肥料施用数量和灌溉控制下限土壤水吸力值的大小对番茄的产量及其果实的品质影响显著,且两因素的交互作用也达到了1%的显著水平;肥料用量以纯N 337.5 kg/hm2、纯K2O 337.5 kg/hm2,灌水下限以土壤水吸力40 kPa、上限kPa番茄产量最高,且其品质较好。  相似文献   

采前灌溉对骏枣落果、裂果及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8年生骏枣为材料,采用间隔灌水处理法,研究采前(8月1日至9月9日)不同灌溉次数对骏枣落果率、裂果率、叶片相对含水量及果实品质等指标的影响。结果表明:骏枣叶片相对含水量随着土壤含水量的增加而上升,T3(灌水5次)处理叶片相对含水量比CK高17.64%;随着灌水次数的增多,骏枣采前落果率和裂果率均显著下降,其中T3处理的采前落果率和裂果率分别为7.697%±0.724%、12.393%±0.290%,分别较CK低5.977%、9.987%;灌水次数的增多会导致果实中可溶性糖、可滴定酸、Ca和Zn含量减少,同时会促使其可溶性蛋白、糖酸比、黄酮、N、K、Mn、Fe和Cu含量显著提高,对P和Mg含量影响均不显著。增加采前灌水次数能够明显降低骏枣采前落果率和裂果率,灌水5次处理的效果较为显著。  相似文献   

用温室小区试验的方法,通过对番茄株高和茎粗、果实品质和产量以及水分生产效率进行比较,探讨了温室栽培茄果类地下滴灌灌水控制下限的适宜取值范围。结果表明:在壤质土壤的试验地上,当地下滴灌管埋深为30 cm、计划湿润层深为15 cm~45 cm(厚度30 cm)、湿润比取0.7、灌水控制上限取田间持水量时,将土壤水吸力30 kPa作为控制灌水的下限,有利于番茄植株生长发育,可以达到高产、优质、节水的目的。  相似文献   

Weedy Orobanche and Phelipanche species are important in Southern and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and have recently been reported in the USA, Australia and some countries in South America. Rather than being controlled, the Orobanche and Phelipanche problem is increasing, both in intensity and in acreage. Large areas of new territory are at risk of invasion, if care is not immediately taken to limit the introduction of parasitic seeds and to educate farmers and others to be alert for new infestations. There is an urgent need to re-evaluate novel integrated Orobanche and Phelipanche management programmes that will allow a better control of the parasite species and limit their distribution. The main obstacle in the long-term management of Orobanche and Phelipanche infested fields is the durable seedbank, which may remain viable for decades in the field. Large quantities of long-lived seeds give the parasite genetic adaptability to changes in host resistance and cultural practices. As long as the seedbank is not controlled, the need to control the parasite will persist whenever a susceptible host is grown in the infested field. We discuss strategies for seedbank reduction, paying particular attention to cultural practices, whereas chemical and biological control methods are covered by other reviews in this issue.  相似文献   

覆膜沟灌条件下不同水氮处理对番茄产量与品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验,研究了覆膜沟灌条件下不同水氮处理对番茄产量与品质的影响,旨在探讨西北旱区覆膜沟灌条件下番茄的水肥调控模式,以达到节水、增产、高效与优质的目的。结果表明:采用85%对照灌水量处理(CK)对番茄 市场产量(≥60 g)无显著影响,而65%和45%对照灌水量处理则减产明显;采用3/4当地施肥量(CK)处理对番茄总产量与市场产量影响不显著;减少灌水量处理显著增加番茄的果色指数与硬度,提高可溶性固形物、可溶性糖含量,降低有机酸含量;施氮量对番茄可溶性固形物、有机酸含量影响不显著,但减少施氮量增加可溶性糖含量;番茄维生素C含量随灌水量与施肥量的降低呈现先增加而后降低的趋势。综合考虑产量、品质及水分利用效率(WUE),本研究认为采用416.76 mm(85%CK)灌水量及117.6 kg·hm-2(3/4CK)纯氮施用量,为西北旱区覆膜沟灌种植条件下适宜的水肥调控模式。  相似文献   

通过L-丝氨酸与不同的酰氯在室温下反应,合成了8个未见文献报道的乙烯合成抑制剂O-酰基化丝氨酸(2a~2h),其结构通过核磁共振氢谱、碳谱及高分辨质谱确证。以氨乙氧乙烯基甘氨酸(aminoethoxyvinylglycine,AVG)为阳性对照,测定了目标化合物对樱桃番茄Lycopersivon esculentum Mill.乙烯合成量和果实硬度的影响,同时运用分子对接的方法分析了目标化合物与番茄1-氨基环丙烷羧酸(1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, ACC)合成酶(ACS, 1IAY)可能的结合模式。结果显示:大部分目标化合物具有延缓樱桃番茄果实软化和抑制乙烯合成的作用,其中化合物2c和2h效果较为突出。用2c和2h处理番茄后第5天,与空白对照相比,果实硬度分别提高27.62%和40.04%,均与AVG处理无显著性差异;2c和2h对乙烯合成量的抑制率分别达71.89%和53.28%,其中2c处理的抑制效果显著优于AVG处理。分子对接方法分析结果表明:化合物2c与番茄ACS酶活性空腔的氨基酸残基有较好的相互作用,2c的羧基可与Ala54和Arg412的氨基形成氢键,从而占据ACS酶的活性空腔。O-酰基化丝氨酸类化合物结构简单,容易获取,对乙烯合成抑制剂的开发具有推动作用。  相似文献   

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