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Of tracheobronchial aspirates from 50 clinically healthy Thoroughbred racehorses, 4 (8%) had aerobic bacteria with recognized pathogenicity, 12 (24%) contained transient bacterial isolates, and 37 (74%) had no bacterial growth. Of tracheobronchial aspirates from 36 pastured, nonracing racehorses, 3 (8%) had bacteria with recognized pathogenicity, 23 (64%) contained transient bacteria, and 10 (28%) had no bacterial growth. Anaerobes were not isolated from 12 of 12 pastured horses. Transient bacteria were isolated more often in the pastured horses.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial aspirates obtained from 66 healthy Thoroughbred racehorses in training at the same track were examined. Twenty-seven percent of the horses had greater than 20% neutrophils in the aspirate. Eosinophils, mast cells, giant cells, and Curschmann's spirals of mucus were observed in 94, 83, 65, and 42% of the horses, respectively. Hemosiderophages were observed in 86% of the horses, half of which had previous confirmation of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. Although fungal elements were seen in 70% of the horses, bacteria were detected in only 3% of the horses. The authors conclude that inflammatory airway disease is widespread in the racing Thoroughbred population.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight tracheobronchial aspirates (TBA) were collected from twenty 1 to 6-month-old foals, which were free of clinical signs of respiratory tract or other infectious disease. We collected TBA from 9 of the foals 3 times when they were approximately 8, 16, and 24 weeks old. Aspirates were examined cytologically after staining with modified Wright-Giemsa, Gram, toluidine blue, and prussian blue stains. Aerobic bacterial culturing was performed on all aspirates. Of the 20 initial TBA, 4 (20%) were normal cytologically on the basis of previously defined criteria for TBA from clinically normal horses, 6 (30%) had a high percentage of eosinophils (greater than 5%), 8 (40%) were classified as indicative of subacute inflammation, and 2 (10%) were classified as indicative of acute inflammation. Nine (45%) were positive for mast cells and none were positive for hemosiderin-laden macrophages (hemosiderophages). Of the 9 foals from which samples were collected at 16 and 24 weeks of age, results were similar, except for an increase in the number of TBA classified as indicative of chronic inflammation (33% and 22% respectively) and the number positive for hemosiderophages (33% and 88%, respectively). One TBA was considered nondiagnostic because of pharyngeal contamination. Culturing of 12 of the 37 aspirates (32%) yielded a potential microbial pathogen. Only 2 were positive cultures from the same foal. The following organisms were isolated: beta-hemolytic Streptococci spp (4), Actinobacillus/Pasteurella spp (4), Rhodococcus equi (2), unidentified nonenteric Gram-negative rod (1), and Escherichia coli (1). Thirty-four of the 37 aspirates (92%) yielded light growth of various organisms considered to be nonpathogenic and normal inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Two horses suffering from a cough, purulent foul smelling nasal discharge, inappetence and intermittent fever were hospitalised at the Equine Clinic in Brno from 2008–2010. A diagnosis was made on the basis of endoscopic examination which revealed a foreign body (thorny branchlet) in the right caudal lobe bronchus in both horses. Pleuropneumonia developed as a complication in both horses. Following endoscopic extraction of the foreign bodies, both horses were treated using antibiotics and drainage of the pleural cavity. One of the patients recovered, the second was subjected to euthanasia at the request of the owner.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of respiratory diseases in horses can be difficult due to the nonspecific nature of the clinical signs, which overlap between the different diseases. Cytological examination of the respiratory secretions is a helpful diagnostic tool that, when combined with clinical features and other diagnostic techniques, has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy significantly. This review article should help readers to become familiar with the cytology of the normal respiratory tract and with the cytopathological abnormalities associated with common respiratory disorders in horses.  相似文献   

Chronic tracheobronchial syndrome was diagnosed in eight dogs which had had a chronic mild cough for two to 13 months but were otherwise clinically normal. In five of them there was evidence of contact with other coughing dogs before the appearance of clinical signs and the majority at first responded favourably to antibacterial therapy. The coughing occurred mainly when the dogs pulled on their leads or became excited. Three cases had bronchoscopic evidence of active airway inflammation, and five had varying numbers of inflammatory cells (neutrophils) in bronchial aspirates. There was no evidence of excessive production of mucus in the airways of any of the dogs. Seven had an increased bronchial pattern on radiographs but only one of the dogs has developed chronic bronchitis.  相似文献   

Diagnostic cytology can greatly aid the clinician in determining a more refined diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan to serve the client and patient better. Sample collection is not difficult and can be done in the field as well as in a hospital setting. The collection and sample handling procedures described in this article can help the clinician to obtain diagnostically valuable samples. In many cases, preliminary cytologic evaluation can be performed by the general practitioner. Additional diagnostic evaluation and interpretation are readily available from trained pathologists at diagnostic laboratories.  相似文献   

Pancreatic fine-needle biopsy and cytologic evaluation is an important diagnostic tool that is not commonly used in veterinary medicine. This article discusses how to obtain and interpret pancreatic fine-needle biopsies. Normal pancreatic cytology, along with the potential diagnostic pitfalls, is also outlined. The cytologic features of pancreatic inflammation, hyperplasia, and neoplasia are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

Cytologic examination of bone marrow aspirates can provide a wealth of diagnostic information. Practitioners should not hesitate to perform bone marrow aspirates when indicated. This article is designed to assist the practitioner in the evaluation of bone marrow aspiration biopsies. The indications for marrow evaluation, methods of sample collection, sample preparation, and cytologic examination of bone marrow are discussed. Cases are provided to demonstrate accurate interpretation of bone marrow aspirates.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration of the spleen is a useful method for evaluation of reactive, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders, particularly those that involve the hematopoietic system. Interpretation of splenic aspirates is enhanced by concurrent evaluation of blood and other hemic tissues.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial collapse and chronic bronchitis (CB) are the two most common forms of chronic tracheobronchial disease in dogs. These conditions may exist independently of one another, although CB and some degree of tracheobronchial collapse often co-exist in the same patient. Diagnosis of CB can be established on clinical grounds alone, whereas radiographic or bronchoscopic evidence is required to confirm the diagnosis of tracheobronchial collapse. Although glucocorticoid drug therapy remains one of the most effective methods for managing CB, surgical implantation of a prosthetic airway device may be of great benefit for some dogs with a focal area of collapsing trachea. With early diagnosis and aggressive medical and surgical management, the prognosis for many dogs with chronic tracheobronchial disease is good for reasonable quality of life.  相似文献   

With the recent development of video-assisted thoracic surgery, visual inspection of the thoracic cavity has been used to provide a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis of thoracic diseases and to better manage these diseases. Equipment, techniques, and complications for standing thoracoscopy in horses are described.  相似文献   

Cell contents of foetal fluids obtained separately from amniotic and allantoic cavities of live cows by transvaginal amniocentesis and by aspiration from pregnant uteri immediately after slaughter were studied using Papanicolaou's staining procedure. The samples obtained belonged to cows which were between ten to 24 weeks of gestation. Cell scrapings from foetal and membranous surfaces normally in contact with the foetal fluids were also stained simultaneously with foetal fluid smears by Papanicolaou's method to determine the probable origin of the cells detected in the amniotic and allantoic cavities. The cell types were classified according to morphology and tinctorial patterns and their origin was deduced on the basis of similarity to cell scrapings from the surface layers of foetus and foetal cavities. The evaluation of foetal fluid cells revealed that a majority of cells are of foetal origin and that the cytological features of these cells may be useful in assessing the condition of the foetus.  相似文献   

Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) is common in racehorses, and is a cause of wastage in the industry. IAD has been diagnosed by measurement of percent neutrophils (N%) in tracheal aspirates (TA). The aim of this study was to investigate whether spirometric indices of pulmonary function were correlated with N% in TAs. Limits to breathing were measured by analyses of relationships between relative times and relative respiratory gas flows during inspiration and expiration in individual breaths recorded after exercise. Horses with higher N% had significantly lower relative gas flows at the same relative times during inspiration and expiration, suggesting a limit to breathing. These findings confirm a physiological basis for the measurement of N% in TA after exercise for diagnosis of IAD. Spirometric pulmonary function testing using analyses of individual breaths after exercise has application for assessment of pulmonary function and poor exercise performance.  相似文献   

This article deals with the cytologic appearance of various glandular tissues located in the subcutaneous tissues. Normal cytologic features are described. In addition, inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, and hyperplastic changes are discussed. Most of these features are depicted in the 60+ photomicrographs that are distributed throughout the article. Many of the changes are similar in the glands, and it is usually possible to differentiate the gland of origin based on cytologic appearances. Subcutaneous neoplasms that are not associated with a subcutaneous gland, and lymph node cytology are not covered in this article but are addressed elsewhere.  相似文献   

Borna disease is a sporadically occurring, progressive viral polioencephalomyelitis that primarily affects horses and sheep. The etiological agent, Borna disease virus (BDV), is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus that has been classified in the new virus family Bornaviridae within the order Mononegavirales. Serological evidence of BDV infection has been found in an increasing number of countries throughout the world. After an incubation period lasting a few weeks to several months, BDV infection can cause locomotor and sensory dysfunction followed by paralysis and death. Borna disease is the result of a virus-induced immunopathological reaction. BDV-specific antibodies and viral RNA have been found in humans with various psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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