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采用免疫组织化学SABC法对短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)消化系统和部分器官中μ受体(mu opioid receptor)进行定位研究。结果表明,短蛸腕、漏斗、外套膜腹面、口球、嗉囊、胃盲囊、肠、直肠、前唾液腺、后唾液腺、肝胰脏均呈μ受体阴性,但食道内上皮、外膜、结缔组织和胃角质层有μ受体分布,外套膜背面、腕间膜的上皮或近上皮部位呈μ受体阳性。μ受体在短蛸不同部位分布密度的不同,可能与各器官的功能不同有关。  相似文献   

采用免疫组织化学SABC法对短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)呼吸、循环、排泄和生殖系统中甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(met-Enk)进行定位研究.结果表明,短蛸呼吸系统、循环系统、排泄系统和生殖系统中都有met-Enk存在,充分说明met-Enk在短蛸体内分布是比较广泛的.可以发现短蛸met-Enk大都阳性较弱.met-Enk可能参与短蛸呼吸、循环、泌尿、生殖和内分泌等功能的调节.而met-Enk在短蛸不同部位分布密度的不同,可能与各器官的功能不同有关.  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝神经节一氧化氮合酶的组织化学和免疫组化定位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用组织化学和免疫组化技术对栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)神经节内的一氧化氮合酶(NOS)进行定位研究。组织化学显示,存在NOS的部位如下:脑神经节内纵行的神经纤维和表层的少量小细胞;足神经节表层的大量小细胞,中央大量水平分布的神经纤维;脏神经节中部大量水平分布的神经纤维,前叶内大量小细胞和神经纤维,后叶内少量小细胞和许多环行神经纤维,侧叶内大量似放射状分布的神经纤维;脑足和脑脏神经索内的神经纤维。免疫组化定位表明,神经型一氧化氮合酶(nNOS)和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)在整个神经系统内均呈阴性;足神经节和脏神经节内有少量神经细胞呈内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)强阳性;各神经节和神经索内的部分小细胞和神经纤维呈eNOS弱阳性。栉孔扇贝进化上为较低等的贝类,NOS阳性神经细胞应主要分布于外周器官组织内。神经系统内大量的NOS可在其神经传导和免疫调节等方面发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

对孵化后1~50日龄短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)幼体的体重、全长、腕长及胴长进行测量,观察并分析其早期生长变化特征。在水温为22℃~24℃的养殖条件下,初孵短蛸平均全长为10.03 mm。11日龄幼体开始营底栖生活,以此为分界线划分为浮游期和底栖期。 结果显示,1~11日龄浮游短蛸体重增长为立方函数增长类型,y = 0.0001x3 – 0.0019x2 + 0.0098x + 0.0409;11~50日龄的底栖短蛸体重增长为指数函数增长类型,y = 0.0284e0.092x。在1~50日龄短蛸幼体的生长过程中,体重(g)与全长(mm)呈立方函数关系,y = –8e–07x3 + 0.001x2 – 0.011x + 0.099;全长(mm)与腕长(mm)呈线性关系,y = 1.314x + 4.952;体重、全长及腕长分别与日龄呈立方函数关系,y = 6e–05x3 – 0.003x2 + 0.036x – 0.03、y = 0.0004x3 + 0.002x2 + 0.307x + 10.604、y = 0.0004x3 – 0.007x2 + 0.364x + 4.205。通过研究短蛸幼体的生长发育特征,从而加深了对幼体生长的了解,并为短蛸人工繁育的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对孵化后1~50日龄短蛸(Octopusocellatus)幼体的体重、全长、腕长及胴长进行测量,观察并分析其早期生长变化特征。在水温为22℃~24℃的养殖条件下,初孵短蛸平均全长为10.03 mm。11日龄幼体开始营底栖生活,以此为分界线划分为浮游期和底栖期。结果显示,1~11日龄浮游短蛸体重增长为立方函数增长类型,y=0.0001x^3–0.0019x^2+0.0098x+0.0409;11~50日龄的底栖短蛸体重增长为指数函数增长类型,y=0.0284e0.092x。在1~50日龄短蛸幼体的生长过程中,体重(g)与全长(mm)呈立方函数关系,y=–8e–07x^3+0.001x^2–0.011x+0.099;全长(mm)与腕长(mm)呈线性关系,y=1.314x+4.952;体重、全长及腕长分别与日龄呈立方函数关系,y=6e–05x^3–0.003x^2+0.036x–0.03、y=0.0004x^3+0.002x^2+0.307x+10.604、y=0.0004x^3–0.007x^2+0.364x+4.205。通过研究短蛸幼体的生长发育特征,从而加深了对幼体生长的了解,并为短蛸人工繁育的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用免疫组织化学SABC法对短蛸呼吸、循环、排泄和生殖系统中δ受体进行定位研究.试验结果表明,短蛸呼吸系统、循环系统、排泄系统、生殖系统中均有δ受体存在,充分说明δ受体在短蛸体内分布是比较广泛的.可以发现短蛸δ受体大多阳性较弱.δ受体可能参与短蛸呼吸、循环、泌尿、生殖、内分泌等功能的调节.而δ受体在短蛸不同部位分布密度的不同,可能与各器官的功能不同有关.  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝外套膜和鳃粘液细胞的类型与分布   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
采用AB PAS染色法显微观察和分析人工养殖 3龄栉孔扇贝 (Chlamysfarreri,壳长 4 0~ 5 0mm)外套膜和鳃粘液细胞类型与分布规律。结果表明 ,粘液细胞分为 4种类型 ,Ⅰ型呈红色 ,Ⅱ型呈蓝色 ,Ⅲ型呈紫红色 ,Ⅳ型呈蓝紫色。不同部位 ,粘液细胞类型、密度及形态不同 ,这与其功能密切相关。外套膜边缘膜及生壳突起内、外表皮粘液细胞均以Ⅱ型为主 ,密度较小 ,形态主要为梨形、杯形、圆形 ,并多为大型细胞 ;中央膜内表皮以Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型较多 ,形态多为圆形或不规则形 ,外表皮只有Ⅱ型细胞分布 ;鳃轴表皮粘液细胞以Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型为多 ,形态为圆形、杯形或不规则形 ;鳃丝表皮粘液细胞多为Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型 ,形态多为圆形 ,少量为杯形 ;外套膜感觉突起和缘膜突起的表皮中无明显着色的粘液细胞 ,而是被大量棕色颗粒充满  相似文献   

正短蛸属软体动物,头足纲,八腕目,蛸科,蛸属,俗称饭蛸、坐蛸、短腿蛸、风蛸(山东名)、短爪蛸、四眼鸟(广东名)。短蛸广泛分布于西太平洋沿岸,在我国主要分布在渤海、黄海和东海北部,是我国北部沿海蛸类中重要的海产经济物种之一。目前,短蛸育苗所需要的亲蛸主要依赖春季海捕的野生群体,其采捕和运输过程都会对亲蛸造成伤害,难以保证亲蛸的质量,且野生短蛸需要在室内养殖池进行长时间驯化,死亡率较高,造成繁殖  相似文献   

福寿螺足组织和外套膜组织细胞培养的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用改良的M199培养基,对福寿螺(Ampullaria gigas Spix)足组织和外套膜组织细胞进行了体外培养研究。结果显示:接种6 h后,细胞开始从组织块中迁出,培养至第3天,迁出细胞在组织块周围形成生长晕,第21~28天,细胞覆盖大部分培养瓶底壁。足组织和外套膜组织细胞分别被传至8代和9代。足组织和外套膜组织细胞在原代培养物中主要有两类,一为上皮样小细胞,形态为圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径7~15μm;另一类为上皮样中型和大型细胞,形态椭圆形或多边形,直径15~30μm。上皮样小细胞数量多,增殖速度较快,在原代和传代培养的中后期皆可形成细胞单层。外套膜组织细胞的生长和增殖能力高于足组织细胞,其贴壁性也好于足组织细胞,Hoechst荧光染色显示外套膜组织细胞的细胞凋亡指数明显低于足组织细胞。结果表明,贝类外套膜组织有潜力成为建立连续细胞系的组织来源。  相似文献   

长蛸人工育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长蛸(Octopus variabilis Sasaki),隶属软体动物门,头足纲,八腕目,蛸科(Octopodidae),俗称章鱼.主要营底栖生活在海底爬行,也能凭借漏斗喷水的反作用短暂游行于底层海水中.有短距离的生殖和越冬洄游习性,以龙虾、虾蛄、蟹类、贝类和底栖鱼类为食.  相似文献   

Abstract. During the laboratory culture of the California mud-fiat oetopus. Octopus bimaculoides (Pickford & McConnaughey, 1949), concurrent infestations of ectoparasitic flagellate and ciliate protozoans were discovered when examining sick and dying animals. The flagellates, similar to the bodonid parasite, Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1883), were small (3–9 μm total length) and infested any surface epithelia exposed to sea water. The larger ciliates (l5–30 μm total length), believed to be ancistrocomids, were found only on the gills. This is the first documented report of ciliate or flagellate ecto-parasites infesting cephalopod molluscs. Flagellate infestations were first manifest on the dorsal arms and mantle surfaces of O. bimaculoides as white spots visible when the octopuses were in dark colouration. Lesions formed at the centres of the spots and the interspersed lesions eventually connected. Once the parasites damaged the epidermis, secondary bacterial infections caused lesioning. Both parasites heavily infested the gills. Clinical signs first appeared at 2 months post-hatching (0-5 g). Octopuses seemed to become refractory to the disease beyond a size of 25 g. No effective treatment was found for these infestations. It was possible to eliminate parasite spread in the laboratory by prefiltering water to l μm. The source of the parasites was the wild octopus population of the southern California coast.  相似文献   

在盐度28~30、水温23.6~25.8℃下,将54只初始体质量(34.82±3.79)g的健康短蛸放入500mL矿泉水瓶中,瓶体周身均匀钻直径5mm小孔约80个,每瓶1只,悬挂在4.1m×6.6m×1.4m养殖池中,投喂菲律宾蛤仔、缢蛏和肉球近方蟹3种饵料,每种饵料3个平行组,比较分析3种饵料对短蛸生长的影响。28d的饲养表明,3个饵料组的成活率均为100%,但投喂肉球近方蟹的短蛸特定生长率(1.67%/d)和饵料转化效率(33.46%)显著高于投喂缢蛏(1.33%/d,14.01%)和菲律宾蛤仔(1.31%/d,19.57%)的短蛸(P0.05)。试验结果表明,蟹类是短蛸养成阶段较理想的饵料。  相似文献   

3种饵料对暂养长蛸生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵楚  王亚  王春琳 《水产科学》2011,30(3):140-143
用缢蛏、凡纳滨对虾、弧边招潮蟹投喂暂养长蛸,通过测量长蛸的摄食率、质量增加率、特定生长率、饵料转化率,分析3种饵料对长蛸生长的影响.试验结果表明,投喂弧边招潮蟹的长蛸摄食稳定,生长快,特定生长率及饵料转化率高,活动力强;投喂凡纳滨对虾的长蛸开始摄食量较大,生长较快,饵料转化率较高,一段时间后生长减慢,最后几乎停止生长;...  相似文献   

长蛸对几个环境因子的耐受能力及栖息习性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了长蛸成体的栖息习性及对水体环境的盐度、温度、pH的耐受能力。通过设置红砖搭穴、瓦片搭穴、石块搭穴和白塑料管作为长蛸的隐蔽场所,使用控温电热棒和冰袋调温并保持水温,用NaOH和HCl调节水体的pH值,加食盐或淡水调配水体的盐度。试验结果表明,长蛸喜栖于砖、瓦、石块下,以瓦片为最佳隐蔽场所;喜欢泥质底,有钻泥打洞现象;适宜盐度为16.3~27.3,最适盐度为18.3~24.3;适宜温度为10~31℃,最适温度为12~27℃;适宜pH为6.2~9.7,最适为6.7~9.2。  相似文献   

Biological silages were prepared from shrimp head and octopus viscera by-products recuperated from the Tunisian seafood industry. Physical and biochemical changes and microbiological profiles were determined for raw materials during fermentation and on end-products. Results showed that biological silage significantly affected (p < 0.05) moisture, protein, and ash contents of shrimp head (CSHS) and octopus viscera silages (COVS). CSHS and COVS were stable, and their final pH values were 4.31 ± 0.01 and 3.71 ± 0.00, respectively. Proteolysis activity was confirmed by a significant increase (p < 0.05) of soluble nitrogen and low molecular weight of protein (<260 Da) found on the end-products for both silages. Lipid oxidation was delayed by addition of 150 ppm ethoxyquin to the raw material prior to fermentation. Biogenic amines detected in raw shrimp and octopus samples decreased significantly (p < 0.05) during the silage process. Histamine and tyramine, detected at high levels on octopus viscera, were absent in the end-products. Tyramine was produced in CSHS, indicating the possibility of the bacterial decarboxylation of tyrosine. Microbiological profiles showed that both silage products were free from pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. Therefore, biological silage can be used as a conservation procedure of shrimp and octopus by-products. The storage period could be shorter than 30 days, and further analysis should be carried out to ascertain safety and nutritional value of silage products.  相似文献   

This study examined the occurrence of octopus across an abalone, Haliotis laevigata, Donovan, sea ranch in south‐western Australia, to understand how octopus may be impacting abalone production. Commercial divers removed 654 octopus and 17,666 empty abalone shells during regular, 2 to 4‐weekly surveys over 27 months. A negative binomial generalised linear model estimated a 78% increase in empty shells per artificial abalone habitat per day, when octopuses were present, after adjusting for location and season. Of the 408 shells examined for evidence of predation, 19% had a small, slightly ovoid hole consistent with those made by octopus. The mean (± 1 SE) length of shells with boreholes (70.3 ± 2.2 mm) was significantly longer than those without (59.8 ± 0.5 mm), and boreholes were concentrated over the adductor, respiratory organs and heart. This study provides important insights into the adaptable feeding regimes of octopus and their potential to impose strong top‐down controls on sea ranching operations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate how bacterial community associated with Chilean octopus (Octopus mimus) egg was related to egg health condition using a culture dependent method and PCR‐DGGE fingerprinting technique. Total heterotrophic bacterial number of fresh egg was much lower than infected egg. However, biodiversity of culturable bacterial community associated with the fresh egg exhibited a higher diversity than the infected egg. Result of a culture dependent method showed that Roseobacter clade was predominant in the fresh egg, while predominant species in the infected egg was γ‐proteobacteria. DGGE fingerprinting technique showed that fresh egg associated unculturable bacterial community was constituted of Roseobacter clade and Bacteroidetes, whereas Bacteroidetes was predominant bacteria in the infected egg. These results suggest that there might be some sort of relationship between octopus eggs associated bacterial community and egg health condition. Moreover, Roseobacter clade and Bacteroidetes might be potential symbiotic bacteria associated with the octopus egg, and some γ‐proteobacteria might be involved in octopus egg disease. In particular, Roseobacter clade may play an important role in octopus egg health and it raises the possibility that this clade can be utilized as potential probiotics for octopus aquaculture.  相似文献   

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