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Summary Feline mammary tumours and dysplasias were studied by various methods: morphological, electron-microscopical, immunological and virological. The most important conclusion was that cats with mammary tumours (benign and malignant tumours and lesions, the significance of which is not known so far) may be suitable animal models for the study of certain features of human mammary tumours; for instance, the study of the relationship between particular histological and biological characteristics of mammary carcinoma and the prognosis; the study of the question whether a virus (or viruses) does (do) or does (do) not play a role in the pathogenesis or growth of mammary tumours; the study of the possible presence of specific cellular and/or humoral immunity to mammary tumours and the study of the possible effects of progestogens on the mammary gland. As the study can not be regarded as a self-contained entity, it should be continued; this applies particularly to those parts of the study, that offer the best prospects for comparative investigations.  相似文献   


The discovery in the early 1990s that progestin‐induced growth hormone (GH) excess in the dog originates in the mammary gland can be seen as a hallmark in the research on the pathogenesis of mammary cancer in the dog. The local biosynthesis and release of GH may provide a highly proliferative environment in the mammary gland, which contributes to the development and/or progression of mammary tumours.

Before final goals such as prevention of tumour formation or inhibition of tumour promotion can be achieved it is of eminent importance to elucidate the mechanism of progesterone‐induced mammary Gil production and the mechanism of local autocrine/paracrine action of GH. These local GH effects may be achieved through direct growth stimulating effects of GH as well as by indirect effects mediated by the stimulation of the biosynthesis of insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I). The biological effects of the IGFs largely depend on the presence of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) which may both enhance or inhibit the activity of the IGFs.

This review concentrates on recent advances in the understanding of the local mammary GH‐IGF axis and the lessons which can be drawn from the dog for mammary cancer research in other species.  相似文献   


The incidence, size and location of mammary nodules were established in 10 practices in The Netherlands by the clinical examination of bitches in which oestrus was controlled with proligestone (P), 331 animals, or medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP), 341 animals and in 339 animals never medicated with such compounds.

In comparison with the unmedicated controls and the P‐medicated animals of comparable age the incidence of mammary nodules of all sizes was significantly increased in the MAP‐medicated animals.

There was no significant difference in nodule incidence between the P‐medicated animals and the control animals.

Based on the assumption that nodules above a certain size are most likely tumours, these results indicate that oestrus control with MAP stimulates tumour development even in animals medicated for less than four years.

The practical value of the reported differences, especially in relation to the subsequent requirement for surgical removal of tumours in bitches, medicated for oestrus control, is discussed.  相似文献   


Administration of progestins in the dog may result in overproduction of growth hormone, suppression of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenocortical axis, and insulin resistance. In this paper we present a comparison of the histological findings in control dogs and dogs treated with either medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) or proligestone (PROL).

Depot preparations of MPA or PROL were administered (SC) at 3‐week intervals in two groups of seven ovariohysterectomized beagle dogs, after which three dogs of each group were killed. After a 6‐month period without hormone treatment during which recovery was studied, the remaining dogs received five additional injections at the same interval and were subsequently killed. Tissue samples of four intact female beagle dogs served as controls.

Progestin treatment resulted in atrophy of the adrenal cortex. In both MPA‐ and PROL‐treated dogs, the thickness of the combined zona fasciculata and reticularis was significantly smaller than in control animals. In the mammary glands of progestin‐treated dogs there were well developed alveoli and normal ducts adjacent to foci of hyperplastic ductular epithelium. Five dogs in each treatment group had developed benign mammary tumours which varied from simple tubular and papillary adenomas to benign complex and mixed tumours, whereas no mammary tumours were observed in the control animals. In each treatment group, steroid‐induced hepatopathy was observed in the liver of three dogs. Vacuolation of the cells of the islets of Langerhans and the epithelium of the intercalated ducts was present in two dogs of each treatment group and was only observed after the second series of progestin administrations. Incidental findings included chronic pyelonephritis, aspecific dermatitis, and mucinous dysplasia of the gall bladder. No abnormalities were found in sections of spleen, lung, brain, or pituitary gland.

There were no significant differences in the frequencies of the various abnormalities between MPA‐ and PROL‐treated dogs. Our findings correspond with the clinical and biochemical results after treatment of dogs with MPA and PROL. The high incidence of mammary tumours might be associated with our recent finding that in the dog progestins induce ectopic production of growth hormone in the mammary gland. The dog might be a good model for further studies on hormonally induced breast cancers.  相似文献   


Histologically confirmed inadequate treatment resulted in a lower than expected recurrence percentage in dogs with haemangiopericytoma (38%) and mastocytoma (30%). Clinical suspicion of inadequate tumour treatment did not always correlate with the histologically assessed inadequacy, nor with the appearance of local recurrence. Local recurrence did not seem to be correlated with histological grade of malignancy and tumour size. Local injection of C. parvum vaccine did not result in a lower percentage of local recurrence or longer recurrence free intervals in any of the three tumour groups (canine haemangiopericytoma, canine mastocytoma, feline mammary carcinoma). Nor was palliative local adjuvant injection of Cp successful in dogs and cats with soft tissue sarcomas or in dogs with gingival melanoma. Re‐operation of locally recurrent tumour was successful in some dogs with haemangiopericytoma, in a few with mastocytoma, but not in cats with mammary carcinoma. A trend toward histological progression of recurrences and metastases, when compared with the primary tumours, was not evident. The possible reasons for the relatively low recurrence rate of some tumour types and for the failure of Cp‐treatment are discussed.  相似文献   


Duct ectasias (n=2) and different types of benign canine mammary tumours (n=19) were studied immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) directed against various human keratin types (K), α‐smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin. In the duct ectasias and in most tumours the epithelial structures revealed an inner and outer cell layer. The inner cell layer was characterized by labelling with K 7, 8, 18, 19 and mostly also with K 4 and/or K 10 MoAbs. The outer cell layer was almost invariably labelled by K 14, K 14 and 17, and a‐smooth muscle actin MoAbs. The labelling patterns of both duct ectasias and tumours corresponded largely to the patterns observed in normal mammary gland tissue, although a more distinct heterogeneity was seen. Tumours histomorphologically assumed to be of a myoepithelial origin did not show immunohistochemical features of myoepithelial cells. The myoepithelial nature of the vast majority of spindle‐shaped cells present in the adenomas of the complex type and in the fibroadenomas of the benign mixed type could not be confirmed immunohistochemically. These cells, however, unequivocally expressed vimentin, suggesting proliferation of stromal cells in these tumours, which in the fibroadenomas of the benign mixed type may show metaplasia to bone or cartilage.

In the duct ectasias and in some tumours, a fraction of elongated stromal cells, probably representing myofibroblasts, was labelled with the α‐smooth muscle actin MoAb.  相似文献   


A total of 38 adrenocortical tumours were removed from 36 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. The surgical approach was by way of a unilateral flank laparotomy (32 dogs; 14 left and 18 right), a bilateral flank laparotomy (3 dogs) or a midline celiotomy (1 dog).

Two dogs were euthanized during surgery because their tumours could not be resected. Eight dogs died from post‐operative complications. Pancreatic necrosis with peritonitis was the most common cause of death. Eight of the 26 dogs that survived had signs of recurrence of hyperadrenocorticism. Unsuppressible hyperadrenocorticism was found in four dogs; one dog had probably pre‐existent pituitary‐dependent hyperadrenocorticism, and adrenocortical function could not be re‐examined in the remaining three dogs.

Among the 37 tumours examined microscopically expansion of neoplastic tissue into blood vessels was found in 22 of them. Four adrenal glands with adrenocortical tumours also contained phaeochromocytomas. Necropsy was performed in eight dogs. Metastases were found in the lungs of two dogs and in the lungs and liver in one dog.

In combination with the data of previous reports, it is suggested that histological findings in surgery specimens are not good predictors for the clinical outcome.  相似文献   


Ten malignant canine mammary gland tumours and five metastases from three of these tumours were studied immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) directed against different human keratin types (K), α‐smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin.

In all tumours the neoplastic epithelium was rather homogeneously labelled with the keratin MoAbs RCK 102 (K 5 and 8) and CAM 5.2 (K 8). The adenocarcinomas (n=5), the solid carcinomas (n=2), and the carcinosarcoma (n=1) showed heterogeneous labelling with the MoAbs specific for luminal cell antigens in the normal canine mammary gland, i.e., K 18, K 7 and K 19 MoAbs. These cells were also immunoreactive with K 4 and K 10 MoAbs. The spindle cell carcinomas (n=2), however, did not react with these MoAbs.

All tumours except one adenocarcinoma were characterized by the absence of immunoreactive labelling with the α‐smooth muscle actin MoAb. In the solid carcinomas this was associated with the absence of labelling with one or both basal cell specific keratin MoAbs, i.e., 8.7 (K 14 and 17) and RCK 107 (K 14), respectively. In contrast, the other malignant tumours showed marked labelling of neoplastic epithelium with these MoAbs. Another remarkable finding was the labelling of a limited to moderate number of neoplastic epithelial cells with the vimentin MoAb. The presence of such labelling patterns in canine mammary gland tumours may be indicative of malignancy. Metastatic tumour tissues had a labelling pattern largely similar to that of the primary tumour, although also loss of reactivity for some keratin MoAbs was seen.  相似文献   


In a 10‐year‐old ovariohysterectomized standard Schnauzer, the finding of dexamethasone‐resistant hypersecretion of cortisol, the results of computed tomography, and elevated plasma concentrations of ACTH suggested the presence of both adrenocortical tumour and pituitary‐dependent hyperadrenocorticism. The dog made an uneventful recovery after bilateral adrenalectomy and remained in good health for 31/2 years with substitution for the induced hypoadrenocorticism. Then the enlarged pituitary caused neurological signs and eventually euthanasia was performed. The surgically excised right adrenal contained a well‐circumscribed tumour of differentiated adrenocortical tissue and in the left adrenal there were two adrenocortical tumours and a pheochromocytoma. The unaffected parts of the adrenal cortices were well developed and without regressive transformation. At necropsy there were no metastatic lesions. The cells of the pituitary tumour were immunopositive for ACTH and had characteristics of malignancy.

The present combination of corticotrophic tumour, adrenocortical tumours, and pheochromocytoma may be called ‘multiple endocrine neoplasia’ (MEN), but does not correspond to the inherited combinations of diseases known in humans as the MEN‐1 and the MEN‐2 syndromes. It is suggested that the co‐existence of hyperadrenocorticism and pheochromocytoma may be related to the vascular supply of the adrenals. Some chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla are directly exposed to cortical venous blood, and intra‐adrenal cortisol is known to stimulate catecholamine synthesis and may promote adrenal medullary hyperplasia or neoplasia.  相似文献   

E‐cadherin is a cell adhesion molecule that participates in several cellular processes that guarantee the maintenance of structural and functional integrity of epithelial tissues. E‐cadherin plays an important role in mammary carcinogenesis, and various studies have demonstrated the effect of CDH1 genetic variation in risk, progression and biological behaviour of human breast cancer. Although there are some recognized genetic variations in canine CDH1 gene, their influence in canine mammary tumour development and progression has not been previously evaluated. In this study, we aim to assess the influence of CDH1 SNPs rs850805755, rs852280880 and rs852639930 in the risk, clinicopathological features and clinical outcome of canine mammary tumours. A case‐control study was conducted involving 206 bitches with mammary tumours and 161 bitches free of mammary neoplasia. CDH1 SNPs rs850805755 and rs852280880 were associated with a decreased risk and a later onset of mammary tumour development. Furthermore, these SNPs were related to the development of small size carcinomas, of low histological grade and low nuclear pleomorphism. SNP rs852639930 was associated with the development of small size tumours with a non‐infiltrative, non‐invasive growth pattern. Data from the present investigation demonstrate that these CDH1 genetic variants could have a protective role in canine mammary tumours, by being associated with low risk of tumour development, delayed onset of the disease and less aggressive clinicopathological features.  相似文献   

Canine inflammatory mammary cancer (IMC) has been proposed as a model for the study of human inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). The aims of this study were to compare the immunohistochemical expression of aromatase (Arom) and several hormone receptors [estrogen receptor α (ERα), estrogen receptor β (ERβ), progesterone receptor (PR) and androgen receptor (AR)], in 21 IMC cases vs 19 non‐IMC; and to study the possible effect of letrozole on canine IMC and human inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in vitro using IPC‐366 and SUM‐149 cell lines. Significant elevations of the means of Arom Total Score (TS), ERβ TS and PR TS were found in the IMC group (p = 0.025, p = 0.038 and p = 0.037, respectively). Secondary IMC tumours expressed higher levels of Arom than primary IMC (p = 0.029). Non‐IMC PR‐ tumours contained higher levels of Arom than non‐IMC PR+ tumours (p = 0.007). After the addition of letrozole, the number of IMC and IBC cells dropped drastically. The overexpression of Arom found and the results obtained in vitro further support canine IMC as a model for the study of IBC and future approaches to the treatment of dogs with mammary cancer, and especially IMC, using Arom inhibitors.  相似文献   


An investigation concerning the association of the leucocytecotyledon reaction and the expulsion of the placenta is described.

The in vitro reaction does not appear to be individual‐specific. It is thus possible to determine the activity of the leucocytes against a cotyledon before parturition.

The leucocytes of cows which will develop a retained placenta have lowered activity against the chemotactic stimulus of a cotyledon; this reduced activity of the leucocytes can be observed some days before parturition.  相似文献   


Canine mammary tumors (CMTs) are one of the most common malignancies in dogs and are associated with significant mortality. Serum tumor markers and non-coding microRNAs have gained widespread popularity in human oncology studies. The present study has two aims, first one is to investigate the miR-21 expression compared with changes in serum tumor markers (CEA and CA15-3) in CMT. The second aim is to detect the immunohistochemistry markers as vimentin, P63, and -SMA in CMT.


This study enrolled 17 female dogs: 10 with mammary tumors and seven controls without tumors. Blood samples were collected to measure miR-21, CEA, and CA 15-3, and histological samples were prepared for histological grading and immunohistochemistry.


CA 15-3 was elevated in all animals, whereas CEA levels showed no change compared with controls. miR-21 was upregulated 12.84-fold in animals with CMT. The most frequently recorded CMT was the mixed type. Myoepithelial cells were identified by P63 immunoreactivity, but not SMA. High expression of miR-21 was observed with positive vimentin immunoreactivity, indicating the mesenchymal origin of the tumor cells.


The present study showed that miR-21 was elevated to a greater extent than CA 15-3 (12.84-fold vs. threefold). Tumors that was positive for vimentin immunoreactivity was also associated with an elevation in the levels of miR-21, showing that miR-21 is released from mesenchymal cells. These findings support the hypothesis that miR-21 may be a more sensitive, noninvasive indicator for CMT.


Prostaglandin (PG) signalling is involved in human and animal cancer development. PG E2 (PGE2) tumour‐promoting activity has been confirmed and its production is controlled by Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) and microsomal PGE synthase‐1 (mPGES‐1). Evidence suggests that mPGES‐1 and COX‐2 contribute to carcinogenesis through the EP2 receptor. The aim of our study was to detect by immunohistochemistry COX‐2, mPGES‐1 and EP2 receptor expression in canine (n = 46) and feline (n = 50) mammary tumours and in mammary non‐neoplastic tissues. COX‐2 positivity was observed in 83% canine and 81% feline mammary carcinomas, mPGES‐1 in 75% canine and 66% feline mammary carcinomas and the EP2 receptor expression was observed in 89% canine and 54% feline carcinomas. The frequency of COX‐2, EP2 receptor and mPGES‐1 expression was significantly higher in carcinomas than in non‐neoplastic tissues and adenomas. COX‐2, mPGES‐1 and EP2 receptor expression was strongly associated. These findings support a role of the COX‐2/PGE2 pathway in the pathogenesis of these tumours.  相似文献   

Glutamine metabolism is an important metabolic pathway for cancer cell survival, and there is a critical connection between tumour growth and glutamine metabolism. Because of their similarities, canine mammary carcinomas are useful for studying human breast cancer. Accordingly, we investigated the correlations between the expression of glutamine metabolism‐related proteins and the pathological features of canine mammary tumours. We performed immunohistochemical and western blot analysis of 39 mammary tumour tissues. In immunohistochemical analysis, the expression of glutaminase 1 (GLS1) in the epithelial region increased according to the histological grade (P < .005). In the stromal region, complex‐type tumours displayed significantly higher GLS1 intensity than simple‐type tumours. However, glutamate dehydrogenase expression did not show the same tendencies as GLS1. The western blot results were consistent with the immunohistochemical findings. These results suggest that the expression of GLS1 is correlates with clinicopathological factors in canine mammary tumours and shows a similar pattern to human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Neoadjuvant treatment of canine mammary carcinomas with the progesterone receptor (PR) antagonist aglepristone has a PR expression‐related inhibiting effect on proliferation index (PI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the treatment in the disease‐free period (DFP) and overall survival (OS) of canine mammary carcinomas. Fifty female dogs with mammary carcinomas were treated with aglepristone (n = 34) or oil vehicle (n = 16) before surgery (day 15). PR expression and PI were analysed by immunohistochemistry in samples taken at days 1 and 15. Epidemiological and clinicopathological data were assessed. DFP and OS data were retrieved every 4–6 months for at least 24 months after surgery. Aglepristone treatment increased DFP of animals bearing PR+ tumours with size smaller than 3 cm, complex and mixed tumours, with histologic grades I and II, and with PI ≤ 10%. Although further studies are necessary, current evidence points to treatment with aglepristone as useful for the management of canine mammary tumours.  相似文献   

The involvement of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is well established in human breast cancer, however, in canine mammary tumours (CMT), including inflammatory mammary carcinomas (IMC), still needs to be clarified. Enzyme immune assay techniques were used for EGFR determinations in tumour tissue from 45 bitches with CMT and in normal mammary glands from eight control dogs. Higher tissue EGFR levels were found in CMT compared with controls (P < 0.05). In malignant CMT, tissue EGFR elevated concentrations were statistically significantly associated with tumour relapse and/or distant metastasis during follow‐up and with reduced disease‐free and overall survival times. The IMC cases had the highest tissue EGFR levels compared with other malignant non‐IMC tumours (P < 0.001). The results support the hypothesis that EGFR levels influence prognosis in malignant CMT, suggesting that EGFR may represent a therapeutic target in cases of high histological aggressiveness and especially in cases of metastatic phenotype and poor prognosis.  相似文献   


A review is given of the available literature concerning the relationship between the bovine pituitary‐adrenocortical axis and milk yield in dairy cattle. A severe drop in milk yield (more than 50%) can be induced by a single or repeated intramuscular injection of at least 200 IU ACTH or by a single intramuscular injection of 14.6 mg dexamethasone. Sixty minutes after an intravenous injection, both 200 IU ACTH and 100 mg cortisol are equivalent to a plasma cortisol concentration of at least 31 ng/ml. Thus the decrease in milk yield after an intramuscular injection of more than 200 IU ACTH can hardly be induced by cortisol only. The fact that bovine plasma hardly binds any dexamethasone, in sharp contrast with bovine mammary epithelial tissue, is a possible explanation of the special part which dexamethasone plays in milk yield.  相似文献   


Lymphoid leukosis (LL) was successfully controlled in a commercial basic breeding line of White Plymouth Rock chickens. The control method has been developed for breeder flocks and consists of three elements: - In the flock under study, homogenates of embryos from all eggs collected during a number of I4‐day periods are tested for the presence of LL viruses.

- Only eggs from hens that have been shown not to shed virus in their eggs are used for the production of progeny. The offspring are reared in isolation during the first two months of life, at which time the age‐related resistance against tumour formation by LL viruses appears to be sufficiently developed.

- The chickens are subsequently inoculated intramuscularly with LL viruses of subgroups A and B transferred to a conventional chicken house.

The vaccination raises a solid immunity to horizontal LL virus exposure and, due to the age‐related resistance, tumour formation does not follow.

No excretion of LL viruses could be detected in three generations of White Plymouth Rock chickens to which the three elements of the control procedure were applied. Clinical disease was not observed in any of the chickens under notice.  相似文献   

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