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The efficacy of the morantel sustained‐release bolus (MSRB) in controlling gastrointestinal parasites in first‐season grazing calves was evaluated on a dairy cattle farm in Belgium. The calves grazed a pasture which had been used by bolus‐treated animals in the three previous years. The effect of bolus administration was determined with respect to live weight gain, faecal egg shedding, herbage larval counts, serum pepsinogen levels and ELISA antibody titres.

In spite of an incomplete reduction of faecal egg shedding during the first months of the grazing season, bolus administration resulted in the prevention of parasitic gastro‐enteritis in the calves. A weight gain advantage of 35,2 kg of the bolus‐treated animals over the controls was noted already at two months after turnout. This weight gain advantage was maintained until housing.

The usefulness of serum pepsinogen values and ELISA antibody titres as parameters in prevention experiments is stressed. Both serological parameters gave more information concerning infection level than did the faecal egg output and the herbage larval counts.  相似文献   


To examine if hard floor or relocation to a new room affects the pulsatile secretion of growth hormone (GH) and cortisol in calves, we housed individually 12 calves on concrete floors and 12 on rubber mats for 67–74 days. Half of the calves in each pen were relocated to an identical but strange room. Serial blood samples were taken 24 h prior to and 24 h following relocation at 20-min intervals and were assayed for GH and cortisol. Both of the hormones had a clear ultradian pulsatile variation. We detected (mean±/se) 4.6±/0.6 GH pulses/24 h. GH concentrations peaked four times during the day and pulses were higher in daytime. Cortisol peaked 5.8±0.6 times/24 h. Cortisol concentrations were highest at feeding. No overall effects of flooring or relocation were found but calves on concrete floors had greater cortisol concentrations than on rubber mats, especially during the night.  相似文献   

1. Changes in the caecal flora of chicks aged from approximately 3 h to 14 d were studied.

2. Counts obtained by means of a conventional anaerobic plating method and a method for the stricter anaerobes remained comparable throughout but occasionally it was found that strains of anaerobic bacteria isolated from the predominant flora of 4‐ to 14‐d‐old birds could not be grown when tested by the conventional method.

3. During the 14‐d period approximately 100% of the organisms isolated on anaerobic plates utilised uric acid up to the third day but the incidence subsequently declined and in one case represented only 4% of the total flora.

4. The predominant uric acid‐utilising bacteria were Streptococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli up to 3 d of age and various types of anaerobic bacteria thereafter.

5. None of the isolates showed an absolute requirement for uric acid.  相似文献   


A potent ß‐agonist (clenbuterol) was administered perorally to young calves for 50 days. After this period the animals were slaughtered and ß‐adrenoceptor density, ligand affinity, and basal and stimulated adenylate cyclase activities were studied in smooth muscle and epithelium of the trachea. Although the density of lung ß‐adrenoceptors was down regulated by clenbuterol, cAMP production remained constant (epithelium) or even increased (smooth muscle). Therefore desensitization of ß‐adrenoceptors in the trachea was not observed. This might be a reason for the effectiveness of long‐term treatment with ß‐agonists.  相似文献   

1. Eviscerated air‐chilled turkeys (weighing about 5.5 kg) were stored in groups of 10 at temperatures between 5 and — 2 °C. Slight “off” odour was detected in an average time of 7.2 d at 5 °C, 13.9 d at 2 °C, 22.6 d at 0 °G and about 38 d at ‐2 °C.

2. The microbiological condition of the carcasses was determined initially and after storage at — 2 oC for 28, 35 and 42 d. It was found that, whilst pseudomonads (pigmented and non‐pigmented) were present at 108/cm2 after 35 and 42‐d storage, yeasts were also present at 107/cm2 and probably accounted for the unusual fusty “off” odours.  相似文献   

Coastcross II pastures were continuously grazed with 1‐ or 2‐year‐old steers at stocking rates between 5.4 and 13.4 animals ha?1 in 1985–86 and 1986–87 at the Ukulinga research farm near Pietermaritzburg. In the first season there was no difference between animals of different ages in the ADG‐stocking rate and herbage availability‐stocking rate regressions. In the second season ADG for 2‐year‐old steers was higher (P≤0.05) and herbage availability lower (P≤0.05) than for 1‐year‐olds. Maximum gain ha?1 for 2‐year‐old steers in the second season (1 178 kg) was 38% higher than for 1‐year‐olds (853 kg).  相似文献   


The False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape experienced a particularly intense drought during the 1982/83 growing season. Extensive grass mortality took place during the drought. After the drought, recovery was particularly sensitive to the post‐drought management treatment applied. Veld that was grazed immediately after the drought recovered far more slowly than veld that was rested. This effect was still evident three years later, illustrating the considerable importance of resting semi‐arid grassveld after a drought.

Increaser I grass species present were apparently more capable of surviving drought than the Decreaser species, which in turn were more stable than the Increaser II species. Their ability to recover after the drought followed an opposite trend. On this basis, the desirability of Decreaser dominated veld, in situations that are likely to be poorly managed, is questioned.  相似文献   

1. Reserpine was found to inhibit the secretion of luteinising hormone when injected into intact and gonadectomised fowl at a dose rate which caused heavy sedation.

2. This could indicate that reserpine or its derivatives should not be used for breeding poultry.  相似文献   

1. The response of layers to adding diammonium citrate (DAC), sodium sulphate or methionine to a basal diet containing 136–3 g protein/kg was determined.

2. Supplementing the diet with DAC equivalent to 25 g protein/kg did not improve egg production, the efficiency of food utilisation, egg weight, nitrogen retention or the apparent absorption of lysine and methionine; increases in food intake and in the concentration of methionine in the serum and liver were observed.

3. Adding sodium sulphate, alone or with DAC, did not affect the variables noted above.

4. Supplementation of the basal diet with methionine increased egg production, egg weight, food intake and the concentrations of lysine in the serum and liver.

5. It is concluded that the supplemental NPN was used only in serum protein synthesis.  相似文献   

1. Semen of White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red males was stored for 24 h in diluents hypertonic (460 mOsm/kg H2O) and isotonic (340 mOsm/kg H2O) to cock seminal plasma.

2. Compared with the fertility results with semen that had been stored in the hypertonic diluent or was fresh, the fertility of the White Leghorns was not affected after storage in the isotonic diluent; a decrease (P < 0.lb05) was observed, however, using Rhode Island Red semen and isotonic diluent.

3. Fresh RIR semen contained 2.lb31% “neck‐bent spermatozoa” (NBS) which was increased to 4.lb23% and 5.lb76% after dilution in hypertonic and isotonic diluents respectively and stored for 24 h. It is doubtful whether this increase (P < 0.lb05) is the sole reason for the lowered fertility obtained with this breed after storage in the isotonic diluent.  相似文献   


The short‐term effects of stocking rate (AUE ha?1) and cattle‐to‐sheep ratio on the extent and severity of patch grazing and on patch size were evaluated. The extent of patch grazing was proportional to stocking rate, and livestock species had a small but significant effect. Patch size was also a function of stocking rate. Cattle and sheep had similar effects on patch size distribution when stocked at the same number of AUE ha?1. The severity of grazing within a patch was influenced by both stocking rate and cattle‐to‐sheep ratio. Recommendations that cattle should be grazed together with sheep and that cattle should be in greater proportion (in terms of AUE ha?1) than sheep, which are aimed at limiting the severity of grazing by sheep, are supported. However, severe grazing within patches is an inevitable consequence of sheep grazing irrespective of the stocking rate or cattle‐to‐sheep ratio applied.  相似文献   

1. Two flocks of 60 laying hens were transferred from 14 h light (L): 10 h dark (D), to repeated 3L:3Dor4L:4D lighting schedules at 37 weeks of age. Egg production decreased slightly but egg weight and shell quality improved.

2. The intake of low‐calcium diet and of oyster shell were similar for each light period of each lighting regimen.

3. Ovipositions were distributed virtually at random throughout the day and the mean interval between successive eggs within a clutch was increased.

4. Reducing the total daily photoperiod from 12 to 6 h decreased daily food consumption.  相似文献   

Friesian bull calves were used to determine whether rapidly growing calves could be used to study the action of a β-adrenergic agonist (clenbuterol). At seventeen days of age calves were allocated to treatment (4 in initial slaughter group; 8 controls and two groups each of 5 calves given 0.1 or 1.0 mg clenbuterol kg−1 milk replacer DM). Three digestibility/nitrogen balance trials were performed and calves were slaughtered between 150 and 170 kg live weight. Treatment with clenbuterol doubled heart rate for approximately 24 and 72 h in calves treated with 0.1 and 1.0 mg kg−1 clenbuterol, respectively, thereafter heart rate was normal. N retention as a proportion of N intake was increased by treatment with clenbuterol, but differences were only significant in calves weighing 110 kg. At the same mean slaughter weight (160 kg) carcasses from clenbuterol-treated calves were heavier (96.3 and 100.1 kg for 0.1 and 1.0 mg kg−1 clenbuterol-treated calves, respectively) compared with controls (92.2 kg). Results suggest that the proportion of muscle was higher and fat lower in the carcasses of treated compared with untreated calves.  相似文献   

Taxol has been used effectively in cancer therapies. Our previous study demonstrated that taxol induced altered maturation and improved viability of dendritic cells (DCs). However, the effects of taxol on DC viability have not been fully elucidated. In the present study, flow cytometric analyses revealed that taxol treatment significantly increased the number of viable DCs and the expression levels of a representative anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL. Furthermore, mobilization of the p65 subunit of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) from the cytosol to the nucleus in DCs was observed by confocal microscopy. An inhibition assay using N-p-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone confirmed that NF-κB was intimately involved in the effects of taxol on DC viability. In addition, we investigated the mechanisms of taxol enhancement of DC viability. Since taxol is a popular anticancer agent used in clinic, this study may provide a rationale for the use of taxol in DC immunotherapy to treat cancer patients. Taken together, these results confirm that taxol increases DC viability, and this information may provide new insights for new clinical applications of both taxol and DCs.  相似文献   

1. Broiler chicks were fed normally for 21 d, then starved overnight and given a single oral dose of an aqueous solution of diammonium hydrogen citrate (DAHC), triammonium citrate (TAC), ammonium lactate (AL) or urea equivalent to 24.76 mg N. Controls were given water. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma were measured 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. The only non‐essential amino acid significantly affected was glutamine, which increased in chicks given DAHG or TAC

2. In another experiment, non‐protein nitrogen (NPN) from the same sources was given at dosages of 124 mg N per chick. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma and liver were determined 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. NPN from all sources increased the amount of glutamic acid and glutamine in both tissues (P< 0.001), although the response to urea was delayed. The concentrations of plasma aspartic acid (P<0.05), plasma alanine (P< 0.001) and liver aspartic acid (P< 0.001) also increased.

3. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studies with liver homogenates in vitro.  相似文献   

In an experiment, the possible influence of tannic acid (TA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the absorption capacity of intestine for d-xylose and β-carotene in broiler chicken was investigated. Four groups of nine 28-day-old broiler cockerels received d-xylose (500 mg) and β-carotene (52 μg) solutions (Group 1 to 4) with TA (1 g, Group 2 to 4) and PEG (500 mg Group 3 and 1 g Group 4), orally. One blood sample prior to, and four others after the administration of test materials, were collected from wing vein on 40 min basis, for 160 min and the concentration of plasma d-xylose was determined. The concentration of β-carotene was also measured in plasma of blood samples taken prior to and 160 min post-administration of the test materials. Plasma d-xylose concentration of all groups showed quadratic correlations with time (p < 0.001, r(2) = 0.84, 0.60, 0.70 and 0.74 for Group 1 to 4, respectively). Administration of TA reduced the plasma concentration of d-xylose in Group 2. However, feeding PEG after TA raised the concentration of d-xylose in Group 4 to the level that there was no difference in that variable between this group and Group 1. Although the plasma concentration of β-carotene was increased in 160 min post-ingestion of the test material, no difference was found in that variable among the experimental groups. In conclusion, TA and its interaction with PEG have impacts on the absorption capacity of intestine for d-xylose and highly likely other simple sugars, but TA or PEG have no influence on the absorption of β-carotene and most probably other fat soluble vitamins.  相似文献   

Rainfall and grazing are primary drivers of vegetation composition in the Nama-Karoo. Increased rainfall increases grassiness, to where Nama-Karoo transitions to grassland. Severe grazing treatments (e.g. continuous or summer-only) increase abundance of grazing-tolerant dwarf shrubs and annual grasses, and decrease perennial grasses. Grootfontein, which is ecotonal between the Nama-Karoo and Grassland Biomes, houses long-term grazing trials. The area has experienced higher-than-average rainfall in recent decades. Plant basal cover data from the 1960s and 2010s allow several hypotheses to be addressed: (1) historical severe grazing (until 1985) will limit subsequent grassiness (grazing legacy effect); (2) severe grazing will preclude increases in grassiness, independent of rainfall (herbivore trap effect); and (3) historically leniently-grazed sites will transition to grassland with increased rainfall (biome shift effect). Rainfall was lower from 1957–1966 (350 mm) than from 2003–2012 (490 mm). The grazing legacy effect was supported based on the abundance of Aristida diffusa, despite all sites becoming much grassier. The herbivore trap effect was not supported. The biome shift effect was supported in that shifts to grassland sometimes occurred. Results suggest that increasing rainfall has prompted a shift to much increased grassiness and decreased abundance of dwarf shrubs, and that grazing had a smaller secondary effect.  相似文献   


In hierdie studie is ondersoek ingestel na die invloed van vier belankrike bosveldbome, naamlik, Acacia Senegal, Acacia tortilis, Boscia albitrunca en Combretum apiculatum op die verspreiding en en produktiwiteit van Panicum maximum.

Die studie is in twee fases uitgevoer: deur middel van veldproewe in die Laar‐ Krokodilrivier‐vallei, noord‐wes van Thabazimbi, en in die glasbuise van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit.

In die veld is opnames deur middel van strookpersele uitgevoer om die verspreiding van Panicum maximum in assosiasie met bogenoemde boomsoorte na te gaan.

In die glasbuise is die groeivermoë van Panicum maximum in grondmonsters wat onder die vier boomsoorte versamel is met dié van grondmonsters wat in oop dele versamel is vergelyk. Die invloed van ligte graad van beskaduïng en twee verskillende vogpeile op die groeivermoë van die proef plante is ter‐selfdertyd ondersoek.

‘n Proef is ook uitgevoer om die groeivermoë van Panicum maximum by toedienings van verskillende peile N, P en K by grond wat in oop dele versamel is te ondersoek.  相似文献   

1. A low‐calcium diet (0.5 g calcium/kg) was used to prevent the onset of laying in young pullets.

2. It was fed at 16 weeks of age to five separate groups (groups 2 to 6) each of 50 to 60 birds.

3. Group 2 was fed on a normal layers’ diet at 23 weeks of age, group 3 at 27 weeks, group 4 at 31 weeks, group 5 at 35 weeks and group 6 at 55 weeks while the control group (group 1) of similar size to groups 2 to 6 was subjected to a normal commercial treatment for laying stock.

4. In all the experimental groups the onset of sexual maturity occurred normally, but only one or two eggs were laid before laying ceased under the influence of the treatment.

5. Laying re‐started when the hens were fed on a normal diet and production rapidly rose to a high level.

6. Groups 1, 2 and 3 differed little in the total number of eggs produced up to 72 weeks of age.

7. In all experimental groups there were fewer very small, small and medium eggs than in the control group.

8. It is suggested that the use of a low‐calcium diet before the onset of lay may have advantages which could be exploited on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

1. Hens fed on a diet containing 0–05% calcium virtually ceased egg laying (production <4%) whereas those fed on a diet containing 0–5% Ca maintained production at between 20 and 30%.

2. After a return to a normal diet (3% Ca) egg weight, shell weight, ovarian characteristics and oviduct size were of a similar nature in the two groups, though the differences in egg weight, shell weight and shell calcium were significant at the 1 % level.

3. Bone weight and bone ash did not differ significantly between the groups but after a return to normal rations, bone weight and bone ash became higher in the group that had received the 0.05% Ca diet.

4. There were no clinical signs of bone demineralisation during the experiments.  相似文献   

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