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Summary Egg transmission of egg drop syndrome 1976 virus (BC14 virus) in fowl was demonstrated in the second and third week after experimental infection. Eggs of BC14 virus infected hens were incubated weekly after disinfection with formaline gas. After 18 days of incubation, eggs with live embryos were homogenized. This egg material was fed to adult hens, housed in isolators. Seroconversion in these birds demonstrated egg transmission. It is suggested that egg transmission occurs as a result of viremia.  相似文献   

Following EDS'76 virus (BC14 virus) infection of breeder chickens by the conjunctival route, vertical transmission occurred in the first week after infection. In the progeny which had been infected with EDS'76 virus by the vertical route, increasing haemagglutination inhibiting (HI) titres to BC14 virus and increasing numbers of birds with HI titres were observed from 3 weeks to 15 weeks of age. Sixty-one per cent of the hens and 77 per cent of the cocks had 2 log HI BC14 virus titres exceeding 4 at an age of 15 weeks. Some birds which han been serologically negative throughout the rearing period, seroconverted between 25 and 28 weeks of age. This phenomenon occurred in hens as well as in cocks. Simulation of stress twice during the laying period by injection of corticosteroid hormone did not increase the number of birds serologically positive to EDS'76 virus. EDS'76 was observed in the group of hens that was vertically infected, since egg production was significantly depressed between 28 and 34 weeks of age. Probably this was mainly the results of a production drop in the hens showing serconversion at 27 or 28 weeks of age. In this group of fowl vertically infected with EDs'76 virus, serologically positive birds appeared to be protected for the greater part to BC14 virus challenge at 50 weeks of age, while negative birds seemed to be fully susceptible. Chicks hatched from eggs collected in the third and fourth week after infection of the dams had maternal antibodies. Fertility and hatchability of apparently normally shelled eggs seemed not to be affected after BC14 virus infection of the dams. Intensive contact with contaminated faeces is probably an indispensable condition for lateral transmission of the virus.  相似文献   


Following EDS'76 virus (BC14 virus) infection of breeder chickens by the conjunctival route, vertical transmission occurred in the first week after infection. In the progeny which had been infected with EDS'76 virus by the vertical route, increasing haemagglutination inhibiting (HI) litres to BC14 virus and increasing numbers of birds with HI litres were observed from 3 weeks to 15 weeks of age. Sixty‐one per cent of the hens and 77 per cent of the cocks had 2log HI BC14 virus litres exceeding 4 at an age of 15 weeks.

Some birds which had been serologically negative throughout the rearing period, seroconverted between 25 and 28 weeks of age. This phenomenon occurred in hens as well as in cocks. Simulation of stress twice during the laying period by injection of corticosteroid hormone did not increase the number of birds serologically positive to EDS'76 virus.

EDS'76 was observed in the group of hens that was vertically infected, since egg production was significantly depressed between 28 and 34 weeks of age. Probably this was mainly the result of a production drop in the hens showing seroconversion at 27 or 28 weeks of age.

In the group of fowl vertically infected with EDS'76 virus, serologically positive birds appeared to be protected for the greater part to BC14 virus challenge at 50 weeks of age, while negative birds seemed to be fully susceptible. Chicks hatched from eggs collected in the third and fourth week after infection of the dams had maternal antibodies. Fertility and hatchability of apparently normally shelled eggs seemed not to be affected after BC14 virus infection of the dams. Intensive contact with contaminated faeces is probably an indispensable condition for lateral transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

减蛋综合征-1976(Egg Drop Syndrome1976,EDS 76)是一种感染产蛋母鸡的传染性疾病,主要表现为母鸡产蛋量快速下降,无法达到产蛋高峰,蛋形状不规则,软壳或无壳蛋和蛋壳褪色(图1和图2).其病原体为腺病毒3型.在层架式饲养系统中,水平传播发生缓慢,但在地面平养系统中传播迅速.  相似文献   

鸡产蛋下降综合征病毒内蒙分离株的生物学特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对鸡产蛋下降综合征病毒内蒙古地区分离株进行了生物学特性测定和血清学鉴定,结果表明,B4、N3株与127株均能抵抗乙醚、氯仿和胰蛋白酶,而在对酸、碱、温度及甲醛的稳定性测定中,N3株EDS76病毒对这些因素抵抗力强于B4株和127株,而B4株和127株EDS76病毒对这些因素的抵抗力基本相同,说明不同EDS76病毒株间理化特性上存在有差异。血清学试验结果表明,B4、N3株与127株EDS76病毒的血清学关系非常相近。  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the current field strains of egg drop syndrome (EDS) 1976 viruses adapt to chickens, we compared the growth efficiency of three Japanese field strains (PA-1/79, AWI/98, Gifu/01) in chicken and duck embryo liver cells. The growth efficiency in chicken or duck embryo liver cells was almost similar in these strains. The fiber protein may carry the type-specific antigen and the hemagglutination activity, and hexon protein may contain the subgroup-specific antigenic determinants. Therefore, the fiber head and hexon loop 1 DNA domain sequences of the six Japanese field strains UPA-1/79, ME/80, 44/81, Kyoto/91, AWI/98, Gifu/01) were compared, but these DNA domains were identical among the six field strains. Our data suggested that the EDS virus was maintained without discernible changes for the last two decades in the field.  相似文献   

Egg drop syndrome 76.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Four outbreaks of Egg Drop Syndrome '76 (EDS '76) were diagnosed between April 1993 and July 1993 in the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia, around the department capital Santa Cruz. Three outbreaks involved commercial laying birds and the fourth a broiler breeder unit. Clinical signs were typical of EDS '76 with decreases in egg production of up to 55% being recorded as well as the production of thin shelled and shell-less eggs. A total of 183 serum samples from the 4 farms were tested for the presence of antibodies to the EDS '76 virus using a haemagglutination inhibition test, with titres of 16 or above being considered as a positive result. Of 63 samples from groups of birds showing signs of EDS '76, 58 (92·1%) had positive titres, and 88 out of 90 samples (97·8%) from unaffected groups of birds had negative titres. Out of 30 samples from birds not yet in lay from the affected farms 28 (93·3%) had titres below 16.EDS '76 had not been reported in Bolivia prior to these outbreaks and vaccination was not practised. The most probable source of virus was from day old chicks imported from South American countries which had recorded outbreaks of EDS '76 before April 1993. The source of the virus, its spread and the control measures implemented in the Santa Cruz area are discussed.
Sindrome De Caida De La Puesta '76 En Bolivia
Resumen Entre abril de 1993 y julio de 1993 se diagnosticaron 4 brotes de síndrome de caida de la puesta '76 (EDS '76) en el departamento de Santa Cruz de Bolivia, y más concretamente en los alrededores de la capital del departamento, Santa Cruz. Tres brotes afectaron a naves comerciales de ponedoras y el cuarto afectó a una granja de reproductoras tipo carne. Los síntomas fueron los característicos de EDS '76, con disminuciones en la puesta de hasta el 55% y producción de huevos sin cáscara o con la cáscara muy delgada. Un total de 183 muestras de suero procedentes de las 4 granjas fueron sometidas a una prueba de inhibición de la hemoaglutinación con objeto de detectar anticuerpos frente al virus de la EDS '76. Un título igual o superior a 16 se consideró positivo. De las 663 muestras procedentes de animales con signos clínicos, 58 (92·1%) fueron positivas, mientras que 88 de las 90 muestras (97·8%) de animales clínicamente sanos fueron negativas. De las 30 muestras procedentes de aves que noe estaban en puesta todavía pero procedían de granjas afectadas por la enfermedad, 28 (93·3%) fueron negativas.El EDS '76 no había sido diagnosticado en Bolivia anteriormente y no se realizaban vacunaciones para prevenirlo. Probablemente, el virus fue introducido al importar pollitos de un día de países sudamericanos que sufrieron brotes de EDS '76 antes del mes de abril de 1993. Se discuten la fuente del virus, su diseminación y las medidas de control implementadas en Santa Cruz.

Egg Drop Syndrome '76 En Bolivie (EDS '76-Infection De l'Oviducte Par Des Adenovirus Causant Une Fragilite Des Coquilles d'Oeuf)
Résumé Quatre épidémies liées à l'EDS '76 furent diagnostiquées entre Avril 1993 et Juillet 1993 dans le départment de Santa Cruz en Bolivie, autour de la capitale de Santa Cruz. Trois épidémies impliquèrent des productions de poules pondeuses et la quatrième une unité de poulets à rotir. Les signes cliniques furent typiques de l'EDS '76 avec la diminution de la production d'oeufs jusqu'à 55% ainsi que la production d'oeufs à coquilles plus fine ou en moins grande quantité. 183 serums provenant des 4 fermes furent testés pour la présence d'anticorps contre le virus de l'EDS '76 utilisant un test d'inhibition de l'hémo-agglutination, les titres au dessus ou égaux à 16 furent considérés comme positif. Sur les 63 échantillons provenant du groupe des oiseaux avec les signes de d'EDS '76, 58 (92,1%) eurent des titres positifs et sur les 90 oiseaux du groupe non-infectés, 88 (97,8%) eurent des titres négatifs. Sur les 30 oiseaux pas encore pondeurs provenant des fermes contaminées, 28 (93,3%) eurent des titres inférieurs à 16. L'infection par l'EDS '76 n'avait pas été signalé en Bolivie avant ces épidémies et la vaccination ne fut pas pratiquée. La source la plus probable de contamination proviendrait de poussins agés d'un jour et provenant de pays d'Amèrique du Sud où des épidemies de EDS '76 furent signalées avant Avril 1993. La source du virus, sa dissémination et les mesures de contrôle implantées dans la région de Santa Cruz sont discutées.

应用降落PCR法对减蛋综合征病毒PVⅢ蛋白基因进行了扩增,结果得到1.1kb的扩增产物。将该扩增产物克隆至pMDl8-T载体中,经酶切和PCR鉴定后,证明了目的片段的正确性,从而实现了EDSV-gDNA PVⅢ基因的克隆,这不仅为进一步阐明EDSV PVⅢ结构与功能的关系打下了基础,而且为PVⅢ基因的表达及EDS基因工程苗的研究也奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

To determine if egg drop syndrome 76 virus infection is among the causes of lowered egg productivity in commercial poultry farms in South Eastern Part of Nigeria and to know the prevalence of the infection, ten farms with history of lowered egg production in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State were randomly selected. Sera from ten hens in each of the selected farms were assayed for antibodies against EDS 76 virus by the haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. The mean HI titre of the ten hens in each of the farms was recorded as EDS - 76 antibody titre for the farm. Nine out of the 10 farms tested were positive for EDS - 76 antibodies with HI titres ranging between 16 and 256. Out of 10 flocks with production of 65% and above 9 were EDS-76 HI negative.  相似文献   

利用生物信息学软件对减蛋综合征病毒(EDSV)AV-127纤维蛋白进行抗原特性分析,人工合成融合基因Knobs,将其克隆到原核表达载体pET28a的多克隆位点,构建原核表达载体pET28a-Knobs,将其转化到感受态细胞Rosetta(DE3)pLysS中,经30℃、1.0 mmol.L-1IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE分析超声裂解后的上清和沉淀。结果显示:目的蛋白以包涵体形式存在,蛋白分子质量约为26.0 ku;Western blot结果表明目的蛋白具有较好的抗原活性。本试验为进一步研究EDSV抗原结构域的免疫原性以及减蛋综合征基因工程疫苗的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Two outbreaks of the egg drop syndrome were observed in quail flocks maintained on a farm together with chickens. The decrease in egg production ranged from 10.6 per cent to 50.6 per cent, and the number of soft-shelled eggs increased with the decline in egg production. In both the outbreaks haemagglutination inhibiting antibodies to EDS-76 virus were detected. Fluorescent viral antigen specific to EDS-76 virus was also detected in the lining epithelial and glandular cells of the uterus.  相似文献   

Vaccine for the control of egg drop syndrome '76   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A simple, user-friendly, and rapid method to detect the presence of antibodies to egg drop syndrome 76 (EDS) virus in chicken sera based on an immunofiltration (flow-through) test was developed. Purified EDS virus antigen was coated onto nitrocellulose membranes housed in a plastic module with layers of absorbent filter pads underneath. Following addition of serum to be tested and washing, monoclonal antibodies or polyclonal serum to chicken immunoglobulin G (IgG) was used as a bridge antibody to mediate binding between EDS virus-specific IgG and protein A gold conjugate. The appearance of a pink dot indicated the presence of antibodies to EDS virus in the sample tested. The results could be obtained within 5-10 min. The developed immunofiltration test could detect antibodies in the sera of experimentally vaccinated chickens from 2 wk postvaccination. With field sera samples, this test was positive in samples having hemagglutination inhibition titers of 8 and above. This test has the potential to be used as a field-based kit to assess seroconversion in EDS-vaccinated flocks.  相似文献   

An isolate of egg drop syndrome-76 virus replicated best in primary chicken embryo liver cells and less well in duck embryo liver cells, duck embryo fibroblast cells and chicken embryo kidney cells. The cytopathic effect in chicken embryo liver cells was marked by the presence of round and refractile cells and detachment of cells from the glass surface. The intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed by 24 to 48 hours after infection. No virus multiplication was observed in primary quail embryo fibroblast cells, chicken embryo fibroblast cells or mammalian cells like Vero, BHK-21 and MDBK. Duck embryos supported the maximum growth of the virus, with allantoic fluid having the highest haemagglutinin titre, followed in order by chorioallantoic membrane, skin and internal organs. Chicken and quail embryos did not support the growth of the virus.  相似文献   

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