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Examination of nearly 2000 sera indicated that approximately 90 per cent of cattle had acquired Dictyocaulus viviparus infections during the previous grazing season. No differences were found between provinces. Large differences were seen between herds. Antibody titres of milk cows on zerograzing farms were significantly lower than on comparable farms where animals were pastured. The need for further epidemiological work is stressed. In such work serology can be helpful.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of infestation ofBoophilus species on cattle, sheep and goats was undertaken in Nigeria between January and December 1973. Three species were encountered on cattle and of these,B. decoloratus (Koch, 1844) was predominant. The others wereB. geigyi [(Aeschlimann and Morel, 1965)] andB. annulatus [(Say, 1821)=B. congolensis (Minning, 1934)].B. decoloratus andB. annulatus were found in varying numbers in all vegetational zones of Nigeria andB. geigyi was absent in the arid Sudan zone but was the predominant species in the forest zone. While theB. annulatus was almost equally represented during the dry and rainy seasons, theB. decoloratus andB. geigyi were most numerous during the dry season. Very few boophilids were found on sheep and goats. All wereB. decoloratus.
Resumen Desde Enero hasta Diciembre de 1973, se hizo un reconocimiento en Nigeria sobre la infestación de varias especies deBoophilus en bovinos, ovinos y caprinos. Se encontraron tres en bovinos, con predominio delB. decolaratus (Koch, 1844) La segunda y tercera en su orden fueron elB. geigyi (Aeschlimann y Morel, 1965) y elB. annulatus. [(Say, 1821)=B. congolensis (Mining, 1934)]. ElB. decoloratus y elB. annulatus se encontraron en cantidades variables en todas las zonas con vegetación en Nigeria. ElB. geigyi no se encontró en la zona árida de Sudan, pero fue la especie predominante en la zona forestal. ElB. annulatus estuvo presente durante la sequía y la estación lluviosa. ElB. decoloratus y elB. geigyi fueron más abundantes durante la estación seca. Se encontraron pocosBoophilus en ovejas y cabras. Todos fueronB. decoloratus.

Résumé Une étude sur l'infestation parBoophilus spp. des bovins, des moutons et des chèvres a été entreprise au Nigéria entre janvier et décembre 1973. Trois espèces ont été recontrées chez les bovins, parmi lesquellesB. decoloratus (Koch, 1844) étrait la plus courante. Les autres étaientB. geigyi (Aeschlimann et Morel, 1965) etB. annulatus [(Say, 1821)=B. congolensis (Mining, 1934)].B. coloratus etB. annulatus ont été trouvées en quantités variables dans toutes les zones de végétation etB. geigyi était absent dans la zone aride du Soudan mais était l'espèce prédominante dans la zone forestière. Tandis queB. annulatus était presque également représenté pendant la saison sèche et la saison des pluies,B. decoloratus etB. geigyi étaient plus nombreux pendant la saison sèche. Très peu deBoophilidae ont été trouvés sur des moutons et les chèvres. Tous étaient desB. decoloratus.

A survey of the coccidia in domestic sheep and goats was undertaken to ascertain the type of Eimeria species and the number of different coccidial species in individual faecal samples. Simultaneously the prevalence and the oocyst output was investigated in 2234 sheep and 577 goats during a 12-month period. Eight Eimeria species were encountered in sheep: E. ahsata, E. crandallis, E. faurei, E. intricata, E. ovina, E. ovinoidalis, E. pallida and E. parva.

In goats the following species were found: E. ahsata, E. arloingi, E. christenseni, E. crandallis, E. faurei, E. intricata, E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. parva.

The prevalence in sheep was 94% and in goats 85%, multiple parasitism was the rule. No seasonal fluctuation was observed in the prevalence or oocyst output. The sheep and goats' oocyst output was moderate, the mean for both being in the range of 1000–5000 oocysts/g of faeces.  相似文献   

Variations in the milk composition of Nigerian cattle, sheep and goats (Bunaji, Yankasa and Red Sokoto breeds, respectively), as well as residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents, were investigated. Results indicated that sheep and goats differed significantly (P < 0.05) from cattle in all constituents except protein percentage, which averaged 5.43%, 5.43% and 5.49%, respectively. Caprine milk contained the highest percentages of fat (5.80%), total solids (15.37%) and ash (0.77%), and bovine milk contained the least percentages of fat (0.68%) and lactose (1.84%). Overall, the milk compositions of sheep and goats were very similar as they were not statistically different from each other (P > 0.05). Residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents revealed highly significant (P < 0.01) and positive relationships between total solids and solids‐not‐fat (0.97 and 0.98 in cattle and sheep, respectively). All other correlations were positive in cattle (ranging from 0.12 to 0.77), except between protein and total solids (?0.44) and protein and solids‐not‐fat (?0.64). Multiple linear regression equations were fitted to predict the percentages of protein and fat. It was demonstrated that the protein percentage could be predicted from total solids and solids‐not‐fat with the highest accuracy of 94%, 86% and 82% in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. On the other hand, the accuracy of prediction of fat percentage was very low in all the species (R2 = 0.01, 0.3 and 0.37 in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively).  相似文献   

Sissay, M.M., Uggla, A. and Waller, P.J., XXXX. Prevalence and seasonal incidence of nematode parasites and fluke infections of sheep and goats in eastern Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, XXXX. A 2-year abattoir survey was carried out to determine the prevalence, abundance and seasonal incidence of gastro-intestinal (GI) nematodes and trematodes (flukes) of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of eastern Ethiopia. During May 2003 to April 2005, viscera including liver, lungs and GI tracts were collected from 655 sheep and 632 goats slaughtered at 4 abattoirs located in the towns of Haramaya, Harar, Dire Dawa and Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia. All animals were raised in the farming areas located within the community boundaries for each town. Collected materials were transported within 24 h to the parasitology laboratory of Haramaya University for immediate processing. Thirteen species belonging to 9 genera of GI nematodes (Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus, Nematodirus filicollis, N. spathiger, Oesophagostomum columbianum, O. venulosum, Strongyloides papillosus, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Trichuris ovis, Cooperia curticei and Chabertia ovina), and 4 species belonging to 3 genera of trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, Paramphistomum {Calicohoron} microbothrium and Dicrocoelium dendriticum) were recorded in both sheep and goats. All animals in this investigation were infected with multiple species to varying degrees. The mean burdens of adult nematodes were generally moderate in both sheep and goats and showed patterns of seasonal abundance that corresponded with the bi-modal annual rainfall pattern, with highest burdens around the middle of the rainy season. In both sheep and goats there were significant differences in the mean worm burdens and abundance of the different nematode species between the four geographic locations, with worm burdens in the Haramaya and Harar areas greater than those observed in the Dire Dawa and Jijiga locations. Similar seasonal variations were also observed in the prevalence of flukes. But there were no significant differences in the prevalence of each fluke species between the four locations. Overall, the results showed that Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, Fasciola and Paramphistomum species were the most abundant helminth parasites of sheep and goats in eastern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

A study on the prevalence and seasonal incidence of cestode parasite infections of sheep and goats was carried out in eastern Ethiopia for 2 years (May 2003-April 2005). During this period, viscera including liver, lungs, heart, kidneys and the gastro-intestinal tract were collected from 655 sheep and 632 goats slaughtered at four abattoirs located in the towns of Haramaya, Harar, Dire Dawa and Jijiga. At the abattoirs the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic cavities as well as the muscle surfaces of all animals were visually examined for the presence of larval (cystic) stages of cestode parasites. The viscera were transported within 24 h to the parasitology laboratory of Haramaya University and were examined for larval and adult cestodes following standard procedures. The most prevalent metacestodes (larval cestodes) were Cysticercus ovis (Taenia ovis), Cysticercus tenuicollis (T. hydatigena) and hydatid cysts (Echinococcus granulosus). In sheep, the overall prevalence was 26% for C. ovis, 79% for C. tenuicollis, and 68% for hydatid cysts. Similarly, for goats, the corresponding prevalence was 22%, 53% and 65%, respectively. The difference between sheep and goats in prevalence of C. tenuicollis was significant. The high prevalence of hydatid cysts in both sheep and goats indicates that cystic echinococcosis/hydatidosis is a public health problem in these regions which requires implementation of control measures, including public health education, strict meat inspection and control of stray dogs. The results of the survey also implies that infections of small ruminants with these metacestodes are responsible for condemnation of substantial quantities of affected organs and muscles and therefore of direct economic importance. Intestinal infections with adult tapeworms of Moniezia expansa, Avitellina centripunctata and Stilesia globipunctata, and bile duct infections with Stilesia hepatica were also common in both sheep and goats. In sheep, the overall prevalence of these tapeworms were 61%, 20%, 24% and 39%, respectively. Similarly, the overall prevalence of these parasites in goats was 53%, 21%, 27% and 36%, respectively.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Hyperinsulinaemia is known to induce laminitis experimentally in healthy ponies with no history of the condition. Horses are more insulin sensitive than ponies and whether prolonged hyperinsulinaemia and euglycaemia would have a similar laminitogenic effect requires study. Objectives: To determine if laminitis results when the prolonged euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp technique (p‐EHC) is applied to clinically normal Standardbred horses, and to monitor hoof wall temperature seeking an association between vascular activity and laminitis development. Methods: Eight young, clinically normal Standardbred horses were assigned into 4 pairs and within each pair, one was assigned randomly to either treatment (n = 4) or control (n = 4) groups. Treated horses received continuous infusions of insulin and glucose until clinical signs of laminitis developed, at which point the horses were subjected to euthanasia. Control horses received an equivalent volume of a balanced electrolyte infusion for the same period. Hoof wall surface temperature (HWST) was monitored continuously throughout the experimental period. Results: All horses in the treatment group were calculated to have normal insulin sensitivity. All treated horses, and none in the control group, developed laminitis (P = 0.01). Pronounced digital pulses were a feature of the treatment group, while insignificant digital pulses occurred in control horses. HWST was higher and less variable in treated horses once hyperinsulinaemia was established. Conclusions: Healthy Standardbred horses subjected to prolonged hyperinsulinaemia develop laminitis within 48 h, demonstrating that laminitis in horses can be triggered by insulin. Potential relevance: Insulin resistance and the associated hyperinsulinaemia place horses and ponies at risk of developing laminitis. This study demonstrates a need for prompt management of the persistent hyperinsulinaemia seen in some endocrinopathies.  相似文献   



Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Prevalence data in ruminant species are important to support risk assessments regarding public and animal health. The aim was to investigate the presence of or exposure to C. burnetii in cattle, sheep, goats and moose, and to compare two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). National surveys of antibodies against C. burnetii were performed for dairy cattle (n=1537), dairy goats (n=58) and sheep (n=518). Bovine samples consisted of bulk milk, caprine of pooled milk, and ovine of pooled serum. Antibodies were investigated in moose samples (n=99) from three regions. A one-year regional cattle bulk milk survey was performed on the Isle of Gotland (n=119, four occasions). Cattle, sheep and goat samples were analysed with indirect ELISA and moose samples with complement fixation test. For the sheep, goat, and parts of the cattle survey, samples were run in parallel by ELISAs based on antigens from infected ruminants and ticks. Bulk milk samples from the regional cattle survey and vaginal swabs from a subset of the sheep herds (n=80) were analysed for the agent by polymerase chain reaction. Spatial clustering was investigated in the national cattle survey.


The prevalence of antibodies in dairy herds was 8.2% with large regional differences. High risk clusters were identified in the southern regions. The prevalence among dairy herds on the Isle of Gotland varied from 55.9% to 64.6% and 46.4% to 58.9.0% for antibodies and agent, respectively, overall agreement between agent and antibodies was 85.2%. The prevalence of antibodies in sheep was 0.6%, the agent was not detected the vaginal swabs. Antibodies were not detected in goats or moose, although parts of the moose samples were collected in an area with high prevalence in cattle. The overall agreement between the two ELISAs was 90.4%.


The prevalence of antibodies against C. burnetii in dairy cattle in Sweden shows large regional differences. The results suggest that C. burnetii is a rare pathogen among Swedish moose, dairy goat and sheep. ELISAs based on ruminant and tick antigen performed in a similar manner under Swedish conditions.  相似文献   

This experiment investigates the changes in the plasma leptin levels of sheep fed a diet of three energy levels (low, moderate and high). Four mature wethers were used for this experiment. For the first 4 weeks, the sheep were fed diets to provide 1.2 times the maintenance metabolizable energy requirements, low energy levels (LE). During the second 4 weeks, the sheep were fed diets to provide 1.5 times the maintenance metabolizable energy requirements, moderate energy levels (ME). During third 4‐week period, the sheep were fed a diet to provide 1.8 times the maintenance metabolizable energy requirements, high energy levels (HE). Body weight was determined every week. Blood samples were collected prior to the morning meal at 3 days intervals throughout the experiment, and plasma leptin, insulin and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were assayed. Body weight decreased in week 1 after the start of the experiment, it continued to decrease during the LE feeding, but it gradually increased until the end of HE period. Similarly, plasma leptin concentration decreased during LE feeding, but increased during the HE feeding. Additionally, positive correlation was obtained between leptin and insulin or glucose concentrations, whereas no clear relationship with circulating NEFA was observed. In conclusion, it was suggested that plasma leptin concentrations were affected by the metabolizable energy in feed.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas were isolated from yak calves in Mongolia, the 1st experience worldwide with this species. They were also isolated from pathologically affected sheep and goat lambs. The disease was experimentally reproduced in yak calves as well as in sheep and goat lambs. Clinical manifestations were identical with those recordable from animals with spontaneous outbreak of the disease. This had been for the 1 time ever that a therapy was tested on animals with mycoplasmosis, using water with addition of oligodynamic silver. Something between 95 and 100% of all patients were clinically cured. The experimental vaccine involved was found to offer protection against mycoplasmosis to sheep and goat lambs. Damage association with mycoplasmosis was found to occur 1st in liver, spleen, and lymph nodes and to be subsequently proliferated to lung and other organs. Respiratory mycoplasmosis is the common definition used at present but is not in conformity with the pathological processes involved, as the major role is played by liver damage. Mycoplasmosis in these 3 species, therefore, should better be named mycoplasmosis bovi hepatica.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of pulmonary auscultation for the clinician. It suggests a clarification and simplification of the terminology to be used which would be helpful to veterinary students and allow better communications between veterinarians. The interpretation of these sounds and the relationships to conditions and diseases of the lungs in cattle, horses, sheep and goats are discussed.  相似文献   

In a seroepidemiological survey using an indirect haemagglutination assay, the prevalence rate of toxoplasmosis in central Ethiopia was 22.9% of 899 sheep, 11.6% of 753 goats and 6.6% of 785 cattle. There were high titres of 1:256 or more which suggest current infections. These results indicate that toxoplasmosis may be an important cause of reproductive wastage in small ruminants. The public health significance of this disease is discussed. Improved hygiene and management could reduce the prevalence of the disease.  相似文献   

Comparison of pepsinogen forms in cattle, sheep and goats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Different types and subtypes of pepsinogen extracted from bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa were found to differ according to their phosphate content and relative molecular mass (Mr). Bovine pepsinogens had organic phosphate contents ranging from 1.65 to 2.22 mol of phosphate mol-1 of pepsinogen. Ovine pepsinogens were in the range 1.50 to 2.36 and caprine pepsinogens were in the range 1.42 to 2.00. The major types of pepsinogen from each species were different in size. Bovine pepsinogen had an Mr of 39,000, ovine had an Mr of 43,000 and caprine pepsinogen had an Mr of 42,000.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to study factors affecting digestibility of forages in cattle, sheep, goats and white-tailed deer. In a series of digestion trials (Exp. 1), the dry matter digestibility of a moderately high fiber diet was greater in cattle than in deer. Digestibilities of the diet in sheep and goats were intermediate and not different from either extreme. In a second series of trials (Exp. 2), relative organic matter digestibilities were for goats more than sheep more than deer. However, in Exp. 2, intake in goats was very low and digestibility appeared to be positively related to retention time and inversely related to turnover rate. Results of three trials (Exp. 3) suggested that rate of digestion was related more to diet than to the animal species consuming the diet. In grazing animals (Exp. 4), goats digested a smaller percentage of consumed material than either cows or sheep during three of four seasons even though diets were of similar in vitro digestibility. This difference was related to a faster turnover and shorter retention time in goats. These data support the concept that there are species differences in gastrointestinal dynamics which may be which may be important determinants of adaptability to grazing conditions.  相似文献   

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