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张健 《中国农学通报》2019,35(25):123-129
为了提高黑龙江省春季透雨气候预测为农服务防灾减灾的能力。采用黑龙江省62站逐日降水资料,NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过气候趋势分析和EOF、相关及合成等统计方法。结果显示:黑龙江省春季透雨呈显著提前趋势,平均由东部开始出现,最终到西部;最早出现是4月1日,有12年在4—5月20个站以上没出现;可分为一致性、东西反向型及中部与东西相反型;与春季尤其是4月降水呈现显著反相关;偏早年时,前期秋冬季北半球500 hPa距平场由高纬到中纬是“-+”的排列,反之是“+-”;与4月500 hPa环流相关场,在贝湖到黑龙江省西部为正相关,副热带地区为负相关。通过分析表明掌握气候背景及变化特征,利用北半球500 hPa环流场前期秋冬季和4月的变化,对透雨预测有很好指示意义。  相似文献   

以QA 13-7-6、2014 xsg 23 4 2、2014 xsg 48-2-8、2014xsg 53-1-2和2014 xsg 4-1-6等5个品种的藜麦种子为材料,研究藜麦在萌发期的耐盐程度.用不同浓度梯度的NaCl溶液处理供试种子,并统计其发芽率、根长、芽长等,计算发芽势和活力指数.结果表明,藜麦幼苗的各项指标均呈现出在低盐处理时升高,高盐处理时降低的整体趋势,而根长则受到很强的抑制,萌发时间也随着盐胁迫的程度增加而推迟.通过隶属函数法的综合评价得出结论,品种2014 xsg 48-2-8和2014 xsg 23-4-2在受到盐胁迫时,耐盐性的综合表现最好.  相似文献   

为研究不同品种藜麦幼苗对海拔梯度变化的生理响应机制,本试验以4个藜麦品种—‘陇藜1号’、‘陇藜2号’、‘陇藜3号’及‘陇藜4号’为材料,选取甘南州临潭县3个不同海拔(2380 m,2580 m,2780 m)分布区为试验地。通过测定幼苗生物量及生理生化指标,分析不同藜麦品种幼苗在不同海拔试验区的生理响应机制,为建立藜麦品种和环境相适宜的评价体系提供参考依据。结果表明,随海拔升高,藜麦叶片叶绿素、可溶性蛋白以及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)含量逐渐降低,海拔2780 m最低;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)逐渐升高,在海拔2780 m达到最大值;超氧阴离子(O2·-)产生速率呈现先升高后降低的趋势。不同藜麦品种幼苗生物量随着海拔的升高逐渐降低。说明高海拔下太阳辐射强度增大、温度降低,导致藜麦幼苗植株抗氧化酶活性升高以清除多余活性氧(ROS)自由基,使得植株能够适应高海拔环境而正常生长,但生物量较低海拔仍有降低。因此,不同品种藜麦在低海拔地区受到的胁迫较低,虽然在高海拔区域胁迫加剧,但藜麦幼苗可以正常生长并进行干物质的积累。  相似文献   

以番茄和藜麦为主要原料,对藜麦番茄复合饮料的加工工艺进行了研究。结果表明,藜麦番茄复合饮料最佳的工艺配方为藜麦浆添加量35%,番茄汁添加量25%,白砂糖添加量5%;复配稳定剂的最佳配比为单硬脂酸甘油酯添加量0.12%,黄原胶添加量0.08%,蔗糖脂肪酸酯添加量0.10%,卡拉胶添加量0.05%。  相似文献   

为了筛选出适合山西省静乐县种植和用于功能食品开发的藜麦资源,以8个不同藜麦品种(品系)为试验材料,采用单因素随机区组设计方法,对农艺性状、千粒重、产量和籽粒营养成分进行了测定。结果表明:不同品种(品系)藜麦的农艺性状、营养成分和产量各不相同,差异明显,‘青白藜1号’花期叶片宽(7.56 cm)和茎粗(1.20 cm)值最大,‘黑16-1’蛋白质(16.10%)、膳食纤维(14.60%)含量最高,脂肪(2.70%)和淀粉(54.10%)含量最低,矿物质(8种)和氨基酸(16种)种类最全;‘青白藜1号’和‘陇藜4号’的产量最高,分别为2940.25 kg/hm2和2805.48 kg/hm2。综上所述,‘黑16-1’适合用作开发功能食品的原材料,‘青白藜1号’和‘陇藜4号’适合在山西省静乐县大面积种植。  相似文献   

藜麦营养价值丰富,适合在高原和山地地区种植,相比于传统的农作物具有较高的营养价值。随着藜麦种植面积的扩大,藜麦脱粒成了制约产业发展的瓶颈,为了解决这一难题,研制出适合高原和山地地区使用的移动式藜麦脱粒机,该机型具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

中早熟藜麦品种条藜1号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条藜1号是甘肃条山农林科学研究所通过引种栽培驯化和系统选育而成的藜麦新品种。2014-2015年多点区域试验,2年10个区试点每hm2平均折合产量2698.5kg,比对照增产11.4%。条藜1号为中早熟品种,株高152.7~218.5cm,生育期124~132d,有效分枝数因种植密度不同而表现差异,一般有5~28个。子粒为乳白色圆形片状,千粒重2.85~3.45g,含粗蛋白17.04%。条藜1号田间表现抗倒伏,中抗霜霉病,综合抗病能力较强,适应性广,并具抗寒、抗旱、耐贫瘠、丰产、稳产等特性,适宜在甘肃省榆中、天祝、渭源、山丹、景泰等海拔1500m以上、无霜期在105d以上地区,或相似的生态区域种植。  相似文献   

早熟藜麦新品种条藜2号的选育及栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条藜2号(大白藜)是甘肃条山农林科学研究所系统选育而成早熟藜麦新品种,于2016年通过甘肃省认定。在2015年进行的多点生产试验中,条藜2号5个试点平均折合产量为2 994.0 kg·hm-2,比对照增产13.3%。该品种2016年和2017年平均产量分别为2 921.6 kg·hm-2和2 994.5 kg·hm-2,表现出较好的高产、稳产特性。条藜2号为早熟白藜品种,生育期110~115 d,株高121~156 cm。籽粒为乳白色圆形药片状,千粒重3.9~4.6 g。籽粒粗蛋白含量为14.84%~17.16%,赖氨酸含量为0.43%~0.61%,品质优。条藜2号在田间表现为中抗霜霉病,综合抗病能力较强。条藜2号植株抗倒伏,适应性广,适宜在甘肃省天祝、山丹、景泰等海拔1 600 m以上同类型的生态区域种植。  相似文献   

藜麦活性成分研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
藜麦是苋科藜属一年生双子叶植物, 作为一种营养价值突出的功能性健康食品, 不仅富含多酚、黄酮、皂苷、多糖、多肽、蜕皮激素等活性成分, 还含有丰富的维生素、必需氨基酸、矿物质(K、P、Mg、Ca、Zn、Fe)等营养物质, 具有均衡补充营养、增强机体功能、抗氧化、降血糖、降血脂、抗炎、提高免疫、防治心血管疾病以及抗菌抗溃疡等生理活性, 尤其适于高血糖、高血压、高血脂、心脏病等慢性病人群及婴幼儿、孕产妇、儿童、学生、老年人等人群食用。藜麦因其全面的营养价值和食用功能特性, 且优于大多数谷物, 成为适宜人类食用的全营养食品。本文综述藜麦的活性成分及其生理功能作用, 并展望其在食品工业中的发展前景, 旨在对藜麦产业、食品保健和医药研发等领域提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Quinoa offers a promising alternative for staple food, considering its outstanding nutritional value and tolerance to abiotic stresses. To develop breeding programmes in quinoa, a reliable crossing method for increasing the genetic variation is required. In the following study, we aimed to develop segregating populations in quinoa. We tested the efficiency of three different crossing methods (hand emasculation, warm water emasculation and no emasculation). Moreover we developed a two-stage selection strategy based on morphological traits and molecular markers for the selection of hybrid plants. We reported hand emasculation to be the most efficient crossing method, followed by warm water emasculation and no emasculation. Our results demonstrated that crosses in quinoa can be successfully performed, despite its complicated flower structure and high self-pollination rate. Additionally, we developed 30 segregating populations from crosses between accessions of different origins with varying phylogenetic relationship, which offers a promising perspective for quinoa breeding programmes in the future.  相似文献   

Sarah M. Ward 《Euphytica》2000,116(1):11-16
Cytological evidence suggests the Andean grain crop quinoa is an allotetraploid, but in the few genetic studies which have been published a functionally diploid (disomic-monogenic) model has been assumed for segregation at individual loci in this species. In this study, controlled crosses using male sterile plants as female parents produced F1 and F2 generations segregating for three different single-gene morphological traits. Allelic segregation analysis revealed a range of F1 and F2 ratios indicative of both disomic-digenic and tetrasomic inheritance in two of these traits, as well as distorted F2 ratios suggesting erratic multivalent formation at meiosis. These results are consistent with allotetraploidy in quinoa, with functional alleles having been retained at some duplicate loci and at least some association occurring between homoeologous chromosomes. Tetrasomic segregation ratios observed in a minority of families may be due to reciprocal fragment exchange between homoeologues. The occurrence of tetraploid segregations at some loci in quinoa complicates breeding and genetic studies in the crop. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

藜麦研究进展及发展前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa),苋科藜属植物,原产于南美洲安第斯山脉高原地区,具有大约5000~ 7000年的种植历史,是当地印加人备受推崇的主要粮食作物之一,近些年因为其全面的营养价值和均衡的氨基酸比例以及药用保健价值收到追捧,引起了许多科研工作者的兴趣。为了给科研工作者提供一些研究方向的参考,通过对国内外对藜麦的研究文献进行汇总,归纳了在藜麦的引种栽培、营养成分分析、产品开发利用、遗传谱系研究、抗逆性研究、抗病虫害研究等方面的最新研究进展,提出了一些在研究中尚未解决的问题,如藜麦在低海拔地区产量和品质降低、藜麦的多种药用保健作用、藜麦副产物的利用等,将成为未来研究的重点方向,并分析了藜麦作为一种杂粮作物在中国西北地区的引种栽培以及发展潜力。  相似文献   

为了研究不同海拔高度对农作物生长发育期及产量的影响,通过采用对不同海拔高度的冬小麦对比种植试验方法,2012—2013年通过在海拔1600 m(半山区)和1000 m(川区)的冬小麦种植试验,对冬小麦生长发育期以及产量因素进行分析。结果表明:半山区冬小麦比川区早播种10天左右。冬前生长期山、川地各个生育期相差不大,翌年返青生长的拔节期以后川区冬小麦生育期比半山区明显提前。半山区比川区冬小麦全生育期长30天。分蘖—越冬开始、越冬开始—返青期、拔节—孕穗期、孕穗—抽穗期、抽穗—开花期各生育期阶段山、川积温相差较大。半山区冬小麦分蘖数及大蘖数均高于川区,半山区有小穗数大于川区,干物质累积量半山区高于川区。半山区冬小麦理论、实际产量均高于川区。由此得出,2012—2013年半山区冬小麦的产量因子高于川区,这与冬性冬小麦春化期的气温条件、乳熟—成熟期的天数等因素有关。  相似文献   

为探索温室藜麦蔬菜的栽培方法,以北京收获的藜麦籽粒为试验材料,从藜麦蔬菜生长动态监测、播种量与播种方式比较、肥效对比、机械播种量筛选、藜麦叶片与籽粒及其他蔬菜的营养成分比较等方面进行报道,旨在为生产提供技术参考。结果表明,藜麦蔬菜是一种富含蛋白质、膳食纤维、钾、镁,低钠的健康蔬菜,从播种至采收需要≥10℃积温933.24℃。为便于机械化生产和保证群体整齐度,建议选择条播方式,播种量22.5~24 kg/hm 2,产量可达15143.55~15442.95 kg/hm 2。施用羊粪、鸡粪和不施肥比较,以施用羊粪产量较好,可食用部分产量15722.10 kg/hm 2。  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance to clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae in Brassica oleracea was studied in the F1, F2and backcross progenies of three crosses between resistant and susceptible doubled haploid lines. Fresh weights of affected (CW) and healthy (HRW) parts of the root system were measured and R = ln((HRW+0.5)/(CW+0.5)) was used as a measure of resistance. R was shown to have a normally distributed error term with a constant standard deviation over the entire scale. Analysis of means indicated the presence of two complementary resistance genes in one of the crosses. In the other two crosses analysis of means also indicated two-locus interactions, in these cases reducing the cumulative effects of loci homozygous for resistance or for susceptibility alleles. The numbers of segregating resistance genes in these two crosses could not be determined. The presence of epistatic interactions precluded analysis of variance; therefore in this case the measurements were not more informative than the symptom grades analyzed in a previous study.R showed a high rank correlation (-0.85) with symptom grades assigned to the same plants. The results of genetic analyses of R were generally in agreement with those obtained earlier using symptom grades. Symptom grades can therefore be regarded as a reliable measure of symptom development, despite their more subjective nature.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the inheritance of seed yield traits in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Willd., a half-diallelic crossing experiment with six diverse but uniform breeding lines was conducted. True hybrid plants were detected by means of differences in panicle colour in 14 out of the 15 crosses performed. The agronomic performance of 14 F2 populations and six parental lines was evaluated in field trials on fertile clay soil. General and specific combining ability of the lines (GCA and SCA) were estimated. Highly significant differences in GCA effects were found between the lines for plant height at maturity, early flowering, early maturity, seed yield and thousand seed weight. Significant SCA effects were only found for plant height at maturity. However, SCA effects were rather small and accounted for 7% of the total variance. The finding of large GCA effects and low SCA effects suggests that best selection results could be expected from crosses between the agronomic best performing genotypes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seed priming has proved to be an effective method in imparting stress tolerance to plants using natural and/or synthetic compounds to treat the seeds before germination. The present work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of priming treatments in seeds of Chenopodium quinoa and Amaranthus caudatus to improve germination under NaCl. Species‐specific protocols for seed hydropriming and osmopriming were established by germinating seeds under different water potentials and creating seed imbibition curves. Primed seeds were then germinated under different concentrations of NaCl, and the effect of priming was analysed based on the parameters, such as final germination percentage (FGP), germination index (GI) and mean germination time (MGT). Seed hydropriming and osmopriming caused significant improvements in germination velocity and uniformity, reflected in high FGP, high GI and reduced MGT under salinity. C. quinoa had a higher tolerance to salinity than A. caudatus during seed germination. Improved germination in salinity resulted from osmopriming seeds with solutions of low water potential for A. caudatus, while for C. quinoa, this effect was achieved from hydropriming and osmopriming seeds with solutions of high water potential. Primed tolerance to moderate salinity was achieved for A. caudatus, and for both species, the salinity threshold for germination to occur was slightly broadened.  相似文献   

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