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Eight 22-year-old Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. trees growing in a Scottish forest were bent using a winch and cable. The shapes of the bent stems were modeled using the structural theory of a cantilever beam, with non-uniform stem taper and large deflections taken into account. The Young's modulus of elasticity for the stems was estimated to be 2.0-6.4 GPa, which is lower than that reported for sawn green timber of this species, but similar to that for intact green stem sections. The longitudinal distribution of stress along the stems had a maximum at a height that was dependent on taper. Maximum stress occurred higher up in the more tapered stems.  相似文献   

通过87个样地的调查研究表明,黄桑国家级自然保护区的主要植物群落有:栲林、木荷林、亮叶水青冈林、石栎林、华榛林、鹅掌楸林、桦木林、枫香林、华南五针松林、润楠林、马尾松林、杉木林、闽楠林、云山白兰林、三尖杉林、龙胜杜鹃林、映山红灌丛、竹林、马兰灌草丛等。植物群落景观具有明显的垂直性分布:海拔1 200 m以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔1 200~1 400 m之间为常绿与落叶阔叶混交林(包括针阔叶混交林);海拔1 400~1 700 m之间为山顶矮林;海拔1 700 m以上为中山灌丛、草丛带。植物群落物种多样性与群落结构的复杂性呈正相关,各群落类型物种多样性指数普遍较高。  相似文献   

Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura.Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family,103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH(diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha(10 m × 1000 m).Four different tree communities were identified.The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta(mean density 464.77 trees ha-1,105 species) and Schima wallichii(336.25 trees ha-1,82 species),while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis(333.88 trees ha-1,105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis(299.67 trees ha-1,82 species).Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m 2 ·ha-1 ;the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest(26.21 m 2 ·ha-1).Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities.No significant differences were observed in number of species,genera,family and tree basal cover area.Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities.Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumulation of native oligarchic small tree species.Seventeen species were recorded with <2 individuals of which Saraca asoka(Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides(L.) Merr.etc.extensively used in local ethno-medicinal formulations.The present S.robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer(105 species) than other reported studies.Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests.Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur.The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T.grandis L.dominated community.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution and resource values of liana species assessed in six hill complexes of southern Eastern Ghats, India. 143 liana species (DBH (diameter at breast height) ≥1.5 cm) and 32,033 liana individuals were recorded from 110 transects (0.5 ha each covering 55 ha area) in the study sites. The resource values of lianas were broadly categorized into ecological and economic importance. About 90% (129) of liana species and 96% (30,564) of liana individuals were established ecological/economic values. Fruit rewards provided by 76 species and 20,325 individuals constituted the major resource of ecological importance. 82 species and 21,457 liana individuals are of economic importance as medicine, edible fruits, edible and medicinal values, and yet others are used for different domestic purposes including furniture, fuel wood, rope making etc.. Ecologically, the prevalence of succulent diaspores in lianas of Indian Eastern Ghats indicates the animal dependence of many liana species for dispersal and underlines the need for a holistic and whole-forest conservation approach in maintaining forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to examine the pattern of development of herbaceous plant species, woody species regeneration and soil physical characteristics after tree uprooting in 20-ha areas of Experimental Forest Station of Tarbiat Modares University located in a temperate forest of Mazandaran province in the north of Iran. Soil bulk density, soil texture and moisture from pit and mound (PM) were measured in the laboratory. Results show that the soil bulk density was most in soil deeper layers at mound top, and the soil moisture content was most in soil deeper layers at Pit bottom. Our study supports that the micro-topography of PM (pit and mound) topography will create a mosaic of environmental conditions. This environmental heterogeneity could be responsible for the diversity of herbaceous plant species and regeneration of woody species. It is recommend that the fallen trees with PM structure should remain in the protected area without clearing as the best option for forest restoration. This information can be useful for forest management that attempts to emulate natural processes.  相似文献   

In order to understand the capacity of habitats to conserve species, many authors have searched for a species–area relationship (SAR) to evaluate the effect of patch size on species richness in habitat fragments. However, a range of different processes may underlie or obscure this relationship. For woody plant species in forest fragments, as for other taxa, considering forest edges separately in the investigation of SAR is particularly relevant. The objective of our study was to evaluate edge influence on SAR in a fragmented forest landscape in south-western France. To achieve this objective, we considered SAR in two separate spatial portions of the forest fragment: the edge and the forest interior. We also considered SAR for different ecological groups of species based on their shade tolerance and their mode of dispersal, as species can respond differently to habitat reduction depending on their ecological characteristics. In 40 woodlands in an agricultural landscape, we observed the presence/absence of all woody species along parallel walking transects 20-m wide to inventory the total number of species in each woodlot. Vegetation surveys resulted in the identification of 53 woody species, with a total of 23 trees and 30 shrubs, and a number of species per woodlot ranging from 18 to 44. The species richness found in a given woodlot was significantly correlated with its area. When considering the edge and the interior parts of the woodlot separately we found a steeper increase in species richness with area for the part we considered as the edge, compared with the increase found in the interior part of the forest. Our results confirm the contribution of forest edge to forest fragment SAR. Results also underlined the importance of two additional processes that may contribute to SAR: a possible extinction debt of shade-tolerant species in forest edge zones and colonisation by light-demanding species in forest interior zones probably due to disturbances. This approach underlines the importance of taking the edge effect into account when studying the influence of patch size on species richness and the dynamic of species richness pattern.  相似文献   

The study was conducted with the objective of studying tree species diversity and dominance and the associated changes in soil characteristics in a man-made forest established on formerly barren sodic land at Banthra Research Station (National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India) (80° 45–53E, 26° 40–45N) over three decades. The results revealed that the forest has a moderate value for the tree species diversity index (H). The tree species Derris indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea, Terminalia arjuna, Syzygium cumini, and Tectona grandis were found to be the major dominant species which may be considered suitable for planting on such degraded wastelands. There was a perceptible reduction in soil pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and an increase in organic C and Ca2++Mg2+ cation contents over the past three decades, indicating that the sodicity has declined in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Plant invasions of natural communities are commonly associated with reduced species diversity and altered ecosystem structure and function. This study investigated the effects of invasion and management of the woody shrub Lantana camara (lantana) in wet sclerophyll forest on the south-east coast of Australia. The effects of L. camara invasion and management on resident vegetation diversity and recruitment were determined as well as if invader management initiated community recovery. Vascular plant species richness, abundance and composition were surveyed and compared across L. camara invaded, non-invaded and managed sites following L. camara removal during a previous control event by land managers. Native tree juvenile and adult densities were compared between sites to investigate the potential effects of L. camara on species recruitment. Invasion of L. camara led to a reduction in species richness and compositions that diverged from non-invaded vegetation. Species richness was lower for fern, herb, tree and vine species, highlighting the pervasive threat of L. camara. For many common tree species, juvenile densities were lower within invaded sites than non-invaded sites, yet adult densities were similar across all invasion categories. This indicates that reduced species diversity is driven in part by recruitment limitation mechanisms, which may include allelopathy and resource competition, rather than displacement of adult vegetation. Management of L. camara initiated community recovery by increasing species richness, abundance and recruitment. While community composition following L. camara management diverged from non-invaded vegetation, vigorous tree and shrub recruitment signals that long-term community reinstatement will occur. However, secondary weed invasion occurred following L. camara control. Follow-up weed control may be necessary to prevent secondary plant invasion following invader management and facilitate long-term community recovery.  相似文献   

This study in the dry tropical woodlands of SE Angola in Cuando-Cubango Province assessed the diversity and composition of woody species in fallows compared to those in mature woodlands. We assessed the population structure of the most harvested woody species by calculating size class distribution and evaluated their regeneration potential based on the density of saplings. The vegetation was surveyed in 20 plots of 20 × 50 m(1000 m2). In each plot, we measured the diameter at breast height(DBH) of all woody species with DBH ≥ 5 cm. The saplings were counted, identified and recorded; 718 individuals, corresponding to 34 species in 32 genera and 15 families were recorded. The size class distribution of target woody species showed three different patterns in fallows and mature woodlands. In general,most of the smaller diameter classes had more individuals than the larger ones did, showing that the regeneration may take place. However, in some diameter classes, the absence of larger stems indicated selective logging of larger trees. Few saplings were recorded in the fallows or mature woodlands; fire frequency and intensity is probably the main obstacle for seed germination and seedling survival rates in the studied area.  相似文献   

The collection and sale of non-timber forest products is a major source of livelihood in some regions of Nepal. The research reported in this paper compares the resource rent or contribution margin of collectors, village traders, Nepali wholesalers and Indian traders for two highly traded non-timber forest products of Nepal, namely asparagus and lichen. The causes of inequitable margins are investigated, and measures for increasing equity within the supply chain are identified. The research revealed that the margin of asparagus collectors was higher than for the lichen collectors, as lichen was subjected to the high transaction costs of illegal exports. Furthermore, collectors who stayed overnight in the forest during the collection period (overnight-stayers) to reduce travelling time had a higher margin than those who went home every day after collection (non-overnight-stayers). In four distinct trading chains analysed, Nepali wholesalers and Indian traders captured most of the resource rent. The difference in collection costs between overnight-stayers and non-overnight-stayers does not affect the margin of other stakeholders in the value chain. It was hypothesised that the inequity is exacerbated by a low level of understanding of marketing among collectors, and this is confirmed by survey results. It is argued that the margin of collectors could be increased by providing training, technical support, market and price information, and other forms of institutional support.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of forest patch size on woody tree species richness and abundance in tropical montane evergreen forest patches of the Nilgiri region,south India. We sampled woody trees(1 cm dbh) from 21 forest patches in the upper Nilgiri hills( 2000 m elevation) and recorded a total of 35,146 individuals of 61 species, 45 genera and 30 families. Species richness and abundance of sapling/shrubs(≥ 1 to 10 cm dbh)increased significantly with increasing patch size, but the species richness and abundance of small, medium and larger trees(≥ 10 to 30, ≥ 30 to 60 and ≥ 60 cm dbh,respectively) did not. Overall, forest interior species richness and abundance increased significantly with increasing patch size but edge species richness did not. Species richness and abundance of shade-tolerant and shade-demanding tree species also increased with increasing patch size. The abundance of zoochory dispersed tree species was significantly related to increasing patch size, but those dispersed by autochory did not display any clear relationship between patch size and species richness or abundance.Our findings suggest that with increasing forest patch area,tree compositional patterns may be driven by species specific shade-tolerance adaptations and dispersal patterns.Differential responses in these traits by the plant community within the individual habitat zones of forest edge and interiors likely plays a major role in determining the inherent plant community and thus the subsequent ecological processes of forest patches, including their responses to increasing patch area.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possibility of root competition in agroforestry, the vertical distribution of fine roots (< 2 mm in diameter) of five tree species in pure two-year-old stands was compared to that of mature maize.Cassia siamea, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Leucaena leucocephala andProsopis chilensis had a rooting pattern similar to that of maize, i.e. a slow decline in fine root mass from 0–100 cm soil depth.Eucalyptus camaldulensis had its roots evenly distributed down to 100 cm. On an average, the fine root biomass of the tree species was roughly twice as that of the maize. We conclude that the studied tree species are likely to compete with maize and other crops with a similar rooting pattern for nutrients and water.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possibility of root competition in agroforestry, the vertical distribution of fine roots (< 2 mm in diameter) of five tree species in pure two-year-old stands was compared to that of mature maize.Cassia siamea, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Leucaena leucocephala andProsopis chilensis had a rooting pattern similar to that of maize, i.e. a slow decline in fine root mass from 0–100 cm soil depth.Eucalyptus camaldulensis had its roots evenly distributed down to 100 cm. On an average, the fine root biomass of the tree species was roughly twice as that of the maize. We conclude that the studied tree species are likely to compete with maize and other crops with a similar rooting pattern for nutrients and water.  相似文献   

Although wildfires are occurring frequently in the pine–oak forests in the Sierra Madre Oriental (northeastern Mexico), data on post-fire succession and forest structure are still rare. Our objectives were to (1) assess the changes in woody plant species composition after fire and to (2) to relate successional patterns to environmental variability. Based on their fire history 23 plots were selected in the Parque Ecológico Chipinque (PECH). Changes in forest structure across the chronosequence of burned stands were deduced from density, height and diameter measurements of trees and shrubs (>5 cm in diameter) in all plots of 1000 m2. Differences in woody plant species composition among the plots were evaluated using Shannon evenness measure and the Whittaker's measure and by Hierarchical cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed a high similarity among all recently burned plots, independed of the aspect. Multivariate analysis showed that local environmental factors, including time since fire, continue to structure species composition. Oak species (mainly Quercus rysophylla) resprouted successfully after fire and dominated young post-fire stands. Pine species (Pinus pseudotrobus and Pinus teocote) only appeared 18 years after fire and were the dominating species in mature stands (62 years after fire). In contrast, woody plant species composition in older stands tended also to be influenced by factors such as aspect and by the potential solar radiation (PSR) during the growing season. The results demonstrate that in the PECH, natural regeneration is sufficient and woody plant species composition will be similar to pre-fire conditions after 60 years of succession. We conclude that the park managers should consider incorporating natural disturbance regimes into their management practices.  相似文献   

Larix resources in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have important ecological and economic values.However,the lack of genetic diversity background and related research hinders the development of conservation strategies.In this study,genetic diversity and distribution of five Larix species were investigated.Using 19 polymorphic microsatellite markers to study 272 representative individuals from13 populations,the results show low genetic diversity at the population level,with variation explained mainly b...  相似文献   

An increased understanding of the importance of forest diversity for ecosystem services such as medicine, wood, climate control, etc., has lead to greater interest in the study of forests. This study aims to analyze the diversity, composition, and distribution pattern of tree species in Pachamalai Reserve Forest in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu State. Data were collected in the quadrant method, where 10 × 10 m2 plots at different altitudes from 230 to 930 m with 50-m regular intervals were plotted. A total of 73 tree species belonging to 35 families with the density of 1,372 individuals were enumerated from 3 ha. Overall, the most dominant tree species family was Fabaceae (21 species). The highest number in terms of density of tree species was observed for Pongamia pinnata and the most dominant on the basis of basal area was Tamarindus indica. The species inventory was calculated by Shannon-Weiner index (3.916), Simpson index (0.0206), and Margalef index (9.9667). With the increasing altitudinal gradient, the maximum species richness was observed in the middle elevation zone from 580 to 780 m. The results from the study could be helpful for monitoring and sustaining the forest resources, and important in preventing the loss of biodiversity and mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, abundance and assemblage of termites depend mainly on the local conditions and habitats in which they thrive. Striking differences are observed in the species richness, number of clades and functional diversity of termite assemblage between different habitats. This study aim was to examine effect of human interference in the diversity of wood destroying termite in forest areas as well as managed and unmanaged plantations in South India. Termites attacking trees and wooden logs were collected from forest areas, managed plantations and unmanaged plantations. The termites collected were identified and compared for species abundance, richness and species diversity. Results show that the species composition and species diversity of the wood destroying termites vary according to the conditions. The species diversity measures revealed that there is a significance variation among the forest fauna and plantations. The forest areas have the highest species composition compared to plantations. Species richness is high forest areas. Even though the abundance of termites are more in unmanaged plantations, there is no significant difference related to species diversity among the managed and unmanaged plantations.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of tree species diversity from sample plots in seven forest ranges of Nayagarh Forest Division in Odisha state in the Eastern Ghats of India was made during the period April, 2011 to November, 2013. A total of 120 transects(1000 m × 5 m) were laid in Nayagarh, Odogaon, Pancharida, Khandapada, Dasapalla,Mahipur, and Gania forest ranges and tree stems of at least 30 cm GBH were measured. The regeneration potential of trees was assessed from 5 m × 5 m sample plots located within the main transect. A total of 177 tree species belonging to 120 genera and 44 families were recorded from the study area. Shorea robusta, Buchanania lanzan, Lannea coromandelica, Terminalia alata and Cleistanthus collinus were the predominant tree species. The stand density varied in the range of 355.33–740.53 stems h~a)-1) while basal area ranged from 7.77 to 31.62 m~2 ha~(-1). The tree density and species richness decreased with increasing girth class. The highest number of species and maximum density was recorded in the girth class of 30–60 cm. The Shannon–Weiner and Simpson Indices with respect to trees with C30 cm GBH varied in the range of 2.07–3.79 cm and 0.03–0.37 cm respectively and the values of diversity indices are within the reported range for tropical forests of Indian sub-continent. The families, Dipterocarpaceae,Anacardiaceae, Combretaceae and Euphorbiaceae contributed to maximum species richness, stand density, and basal area. Regeneration of many tree species was observed to be poor. The present study provides baseline data for further ecological studies, forest management, and formulation of site-specific strategies for conservation of biological diversity in moist deciduous forests of Eastern India.  相似文献   

Stand structural complexity enhancement is an increasingly popular management objective,especially on public lands.Complex stand structures are hypothesized to support a relatively high degree of native forest diversity and be more resistant and resilient to disturbances.Complex structures are characterized by the presence of deadwood and heterogeneity of tree-size classes and tree architecture.Relatively little is known about how discrete disturbance events affect structural complexity and compositional diversity in Quercus-dominated stands at fine spatial scales(i.e.neighborhoods).We established 200.05 ha fixed-radius plots on the Sipsey Wilderness of William B.Bankhead National Forest in northern Alabama to quantify woody plant species composition and structure.Trees were mapped on each plot to quantify overstory structural complexity and compositional diversity.We extracted two cores from all canopy Quercus spp.C 5 cm diameter at breast height to quantify age,recruitment pulses,and reconstruct canopy disturbance history.Shannon species diversity in the sampled area was 1.75 for trees,2.08 for saplings,and 1.69 for seedlings.Quercus alba had the greatest basal area,and Ostrya virginiana had the highest density.The stand exhibited a reverse J-shaped distribution with a q-factor of 1.72.The oldest Quercus dated to 1795,and the largest recruitment pulse occurred in the 1870s.The mean return interval for intermediateseverity disturbance was 38 years.Although we documented no relationships between disturbance frequency and compositional diversity at the neighborhood scale(0.05 ha),less frequent disturbance was associated with higher structural complexity(r^2=0.258,p=0.026)at the neighborhood scale.We suggest that localized disturbance increases species diversity and structural complexity,but these processes are manifest at the stand level and not at the neighborhood scale.We conclude that the spatial variability(i.e.size,shape,orientation,microsite conditions)is likely more influential on diversity and complexity than the temporal variation(frequency)of these processes at the neighborhood scale.  相似文献   

Productivity and its relation to air temperature and precipitation of 11 deciduous woody fodder species was studied in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment with cold winters in Macedonia, Greece. The species studied included six shrubs: Amorpha fruticosa L., Carpinus orientalis Mill, Colutea arborescens L., Corylus avellana L., Fraxinus ornus L. and Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.; and four trees: Pirus amygdaliformis Vill., Quercus pubescens Wild., Quercus sessiliflora Salish. and Robinia pseudoacacia L., with two accessions, common and spineless. Fodder species were established as one-year-old seedlings in 1987 and studied through 1994. Productivity was measured by clearcutting of the aboveground annual biomass (DM) at the end of each growing season. Samples of biomass were hand separated to determine the grazeable material (leaves and twigs). In addition, monthly values of air temperature and precipitation were correlated with annual biomass through a multiple linear regression analysis. It was found that annual biomass was statistically different among species in all the study years with Robinia being the most productive of all the species tested followed by the other two legumes Colutea and Amorpha. Proportion of grazeable material ranged widely among species and years with an overall mean of 50%. Robinia produced grazeable biomass more than 1000 kg/ha followed by Amorpha and Colutea with about 800 and 700 kg DM/ha, respectively, while all the other species produced less than 500 kg DM/ha. Yearly variation in annual biomass was found to be affected much more by air temperature, especially during the beginning of the growing season (March), than by precipitation. Coefficients of determination (r 2) were found to be high (0.50–0.80) in Amorpha, Pirus, Quercus and Robinia but only in the latter two species they were high enough (>0.70) so that the relations produced can be used for predictive purposes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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