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热带南亚热带主要树种采种育苗造林技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国热带、南亚热带地区的树种资源丰富,用途广泛,采种、育苗、造林技术也较为复杂。八十年代初,我们总结出了116个热带、亚热带主要树种的采种、育苗技术,编辑出版了“热带主要树种采种育苗技术”一书,对指导我国热带、亚热带地区林业发展,尤以珍稀阔叶树种造林起到了积极作用。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们不但需要优质、珍稀的能满足各种需要的木材,对树种还有更多的要求,如对生活环境的质量提出了更高要求,要求有形态各异的奇花异树装点生活空间。为此,“八五”期间,我们在收集保存树种种质资源与营建收集圃的同时,对早期收集的树种,根…  相似文献   

任豆树的育苗造林技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任豆树是石灰岩地区绿化、用材树种,主要分布在北热带、南亚热带区域,是石灰岩地区的速生阔叶树种,也是解决石灰岩山区生态、饲料、肥料、燃料的主要树种。文章着重阐述任豆树的采种、苗圃育苗、造林(裸根亩造林、切干造林、直播造林)技术、经营措施、病虫害及防治方法,供石灰岩山区参考。  相似文献   

热带南亚热带主要树种采种育苗和造林技术(续)@林榕庚@李文付@吴幼媚¥广西林业科学研究院热带南亚热带主要树种采种育苗和造林技术(续)林榕庚李文付吴幼媚(广西林业科学研究院南宁530001)风吹楠Horsfieldiaglabra(Blume)Warbg1性...  相似文献   

西南桦是云南热带山地,南亚热带地区的速生珍贵用材树种。通过对其生物学特性及生长特征的调查研究,总结出西南桦的采种,育苗和造林技术措施,旨在推动西南桦在热带,南亚热带地区的迅速发展。  相似文献   

热带速生树种米老排的育苗与造林   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在对长期的栽培实践经验进行总结的基础上,介绍了热带速生树种米老排的生物生态学特性、用途、育苗技术、造林技术和主要病虫害及防治技术,为该树种的推广造林提供参考。  相似文献   

曾祥全 《热带林业》2004,32(3):34-38
乡土树种是当地植物长期进化的结果,对当地的气候、土壤、生物、水分等生长环境有高度的适应性。利用乡土树种造林,既是符合适地适树的造林原则,又是保护、恢复和发展我省热带森林的有效途径。发展乡土树种造林,苗木是关键。本文将详细介绍乡土树种的采种、育苗以及苗圃管理等技术,以供大家参考,对今后苗木的生产有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

杨云 《林业调查规划》2003,28(4):104-107
西双版纳有着丰富的乡土植物资源,当地居民有着采集野生林产品及种植四旁树的悠久历史,没有大面积种植乡土树种的习惯。中德技术合作西双版纳热带林保护与恢复项目通过示范和资助开展了乡土树种的育苗和种植活动,取得了一定的成果,并对今后工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

侧柏种子育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侧柏是瘠薄荒山绿化的首选树种,在开展实验研究的基础上,全面总结介绍了侧柏种子育苗技术,提出了大田春季和秋季播种育苗及容器育苗的技术流程,探讨了不同培育年限的大田育苗密度和容器育苗容器袋规格,可对今后生产实际提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

西南桦为桦木科的一个树种,是南亚热带、热带湿润山地的速生珍贵用材乡土树种,具有木材经济价值高,速生丰产,适应性强,生态效益高的特点,是云南省发展前途广阔的优良用材树种。西南桦由于种子十分细小,千粒重仅 0. 082克,育苗技术难度大。为了更好地发展这一优良树种,从 1997年开始,孟连县营林工作者连续开展了四年的育苗、造林试验,已育苗造林 8000余亩,并获得成功。现将此技术介绍如下:      1、采种及种子处理      我县西南桦的种子一般在 2月中下旬开始成熟(各地因气候、海拔等因素,成熟期有所不同),当见花…  相似文献   

四翅滨藜是由美国引进的优良准常绿饲料灌木树种。文中就四翅滨藜容器育苗技术,以及一年多次育苗多次出圃造林技术等开展了研究分析,研究结果可为该树种的大面积推广提供技术依据。  相似文献   

Most tree species in tropical mountain rain forests are naturally associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Previous studies in southern Ecuador of 115 tree species revealed that only three species were not associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Seedlings of tropical tree species raised in the nursery may need to be associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to survive transplantation shock in higher numbers. Methods for establishing plantations with native tree species are not yet established for Ecuador. Thus, we investigated the feasibility of using mycorrhizal roots of seedlings of Inga acreana, Tabebuia chrysantha, Cedrela montana and Heliocarpus americanus that had trapped mycorrhizal fungi from forest humus in the nursery to inoculate C. montana and H. americanus with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Inoculation with either a mixture of mycorrhizal roots from the four species or only with mycorrhizal roots from the same tree species were compared with effects of moderate fertilization. Assessment of plant growth and mycorrhizal status of 6-months-old Cedrela montana and Heliocarpus americanus revealed an improvement in growth and diverse associated fungi through mycorrhizal root inoculation in comparison with moderate fertilization. Moderate fertilization did not suppress mycorrhization.  相似文献   

Cunningham SC  Read J 《Tree physiology》2006,26(11):1435-1443
Australian rain forests extend from tropical climates in the north to temperate climates in the south, providing an opportunity to investigate physiological responses to temperature of both temperate and tropical species within the same forest type. Eight, rain forest canopy tree species were selected to cover the 33 degrees latitudinal range of rain forests in eastern Australia. Temperature tolerance was measured in 6-year-old plants grown in a common environment, by exposing leaves to a series of high temperatures during late summer and a series of freezing temperatures during midwinter. Damage was evaluated based on chlorophyll fluorescence measurements made 2 h after exposure and by visual assessment of leaf damage made a week after exposure. Leaves of the tropical species were more heat tolerant and less frost tolerant than leaves of the temperate species, which is consistent with their climate distributions. In contrast, the temperature tolerance of the photosynthetic apparatus was unrelated to climate in a species' native habitat. However, the tropical species underwent significant photoinhibition during winter. All species maintained the integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus and avoided tissue damage over a similar span of temperatures (about 60 degrees C), reflecting the similar annual temperature ranges in Australia's temperate and tropical rain forests. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and visual assessment of leaf damage provided different estimates of the absolute and relative temperature tolerances of the species, thus emphasizing the importance of a direct assessment of tissue damage for determining a species' temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

Whether in agroforestry in temperate or tropical zones, choosing the right species is one of the most crucial stages of experiments and for reforestation, erosion control or land-improvement projects.Over the last decade, ICRAF has developed a tool to help researchers, extension workers, foresters and others in the decision process. The Multipurpose Tree & Shrub Database (MPTS) contains information about more than 1,000 species. Most of these species are grown in the tropical and subtropical zones, but many of them have a potential for temperate areas as well.MPTS contains first-hand, site-specific information about multipurpose tree species. This information makes it possible for the user to compare his or her site conditions with the site conditions described in the database, and allows him/her to draw conclusions about the possible species performance. MPTS also contains secondary information from publications.Candidate species are searched by entering keywords from a list of 19 correlated criteria, such as soil information, expected services or wood and non-wood products. Detailed information about the selected candidates (e.g. morphology, management, environmental responses) is provided.Beyond this, MPTS is a quick reference tool for the multiple use of tree and shrub species. In future it will include a comprehensive guide to germplasm information. Current activities include the implementation of an interactive use-interface and links to related databases.  相似文献   


Methods based on RGB (Red, Green, Blue) image segmentation may emerge as a new and low-cost method for estimation the quality of tree seedlings. However, the vast number of indexes based on the use of the RGB image segmentation and the lack of references in the literature still hinder the widespread use of this technology. Thus, we conducted a study aiming to test the relationships between methods based on absorbance and reflectance, widely used for the estimation of chlorophyll contents and physiological status of trees, and ten indexes based on RGB component analysis. We used leaves of five tropical tree species, belonging to different botanical families. Leaf absorbance was measured using the handheld chlorophyll meter SPAD-502, reflectance was measured using a spectrometer and the RGB indices were obtained from digitalized images of the leaves using a flatbed scanner. Modified linear regression models including all five species were used to relate RGB indices to absorbance and reflectance indices. Data collected from leaves of seedlings of five tropical tree species indicated that digital image processing technology can be a useful and rapid nondestructive method for assessment of physiological status of tree seedlings at nursery stage. Among the RGB indexes tested in this study the R, 2R*(G???B)/(G?+?B) and 2G*(G???B)/(G?+?B) are the most promising for analysis the tropical seedlings physiological status and quality.


Liana habitat and host preferences in northern temperate forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lianas and other climbers are important ecological and structural components of forest communities. Like other plants, their abundance in a given habitat depends on a variety of factors, such as light, soil moisture and nutrients. However, since lianas require external support, host tree characteristics also influence their distribution. Lianas are conspicuous life forms in tropical regions, but in temperate areas, where they are less prominent, little is known about factors that control their distributions in these forests. We surveyed the climbing plant species in 20 mature (100 years and greater) forested habitats in the Midwest USA at a variety of levels from simple presence/absence, to ground layer abundances, to those species that had ascended trees. We also examined attributes of the tree species with climbers attached to them. Using cluster analysis, we distinguished five different tree communities in our survey locations. We determined that 25% of the trees we surveyed had one or more lianas attached to it, with Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper) the most common climbing species encountered. Canopy cover and soil attributes both influenced climber species presence/absence and ground layer climber abundance. The proportion of liana species of a given climbing type (roots, stem twiner, tendril climber) was significantly related to the DBH of the host tree, with more root climbers and fewer stem and tendril climbers on large trees. In general, the DBH of climbing lianas had a significant positive relationship to the DBH of the host tree; however this varied by the identity of the liana and the tree species. The greater the DBH of the host tree, the higher the probability that it was colonized by one or more lianas, with tree species such as Pinus banksiana (jack pine) and Quercus alba (white oak) being more susceptible to liana colonization than others. Finally, some liana species such as Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet) showed a preference for certain tree species (i.e., P. banksiana) as hosts. The information obtained about the relationship between the tree and climber community in this study provides insight into some of the factors that influence liana distributions in understudied temperate forest habitats and how lianas contribute to the structure of these mature forests. In addition, these data can provide a point of comparison to other liana communities in both temperate and tropical regions.  相似文献   

为探讨速生乡土树种旱冬瓜生长特性,对滇西南864株旱冬瓜优良植株生长情况进行调查及统计分析,并选择宁洱县松山自然保护区旱冬瓜天然林开展群落调查。结果表明,旱冬瓜优良资源主要分布于阴坡及半阴、半阳坡,其生活习性偏向于阴性,25°以下的平缓坡面适宜旱冬瓜植株的自然生长;旱冬瓜占优势的自然群落具有乔木层、灌木层、草本层和层间附生植物,群落植物种类丰富,区系成分复杂,主要以热带和温带成分组成为主,其中热带分布属占绝对优势,并呈现出一定的过渡性特征。  相似文献   

为深入分析新平县古树群资源的生长特征和分布情况,采用文献研究和现场补充调查的方法,对新平县古树群的种类、数量、分布、生长特征、区系等进行了统计与分析。结果表明,新平县古树群60个,2 028株,隶属14科、19属、20种。平均树龄100~200 a,林分胸围200~300 cm,林分高度10~20 m,郁闭度0.45。新平县古树群分布于海拔400~2 000 m,随着海拔升高古树群株数不同程度的减少;古树群只集中分布在漠沙镇、戛洒镇、水塘镇、者竜乡、建兴乡、平掌乡6个乡镇,主要树种为杧果、酸豆、茶、云南油杉等,呈现集中分布为主,零星分布为辅的格局。从古树群植物区系组成科级水平方面看,属于热带和温带分布区类型的科数相差不大,但是属级和种级水平方面,属于热带分布区类型的数量较多。以期更深地了解新平古树群植物的起源和分布,为新平县古树名木研究和树种规划提供新的依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how forests on subtropical mountains, which resembled tropical and temperate forests, were assembled, and to examine the compression and overlap of vegetations. We established 344 sample plots (400 m2) located at different altitudinal gradients ranging from 16 to 3,500 m above sea level (ASL) in Hsueshan Range northern Taiwan. Vegetation types were classified by TWINSPAN and the results of DCA were used to analyze the changes in vegetation types along elevation. Vegetation I was composed of the species of Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae, and Rubiaceae, which were taxa of tropical floristic elements, and the extent of this vegetation was limited below 1,500 m ASL. Vegetation II was defined into two subtypes, which were distributed from 1,000 to 2,500 m ASL, and were composed predominantly of Chamaecyparis and Tsuga, respectively. Our data also revealed that vegetation II contained co-dominants of species from families Lauraceae and Fagaceae. Moreover, evergreen broadleaved trees similar to tropical mountain forests were found to have narrower altitudinal ranges on subtropical mountains, whereas coniferous forests resembled temperate areas and were characterized by endemic conifer species. Vegetation III, from 2,500 to 3,500 m ASL, was characterized by endemic conifer species, Abies and Tsuga. Interestingly, deciduous forest was almost absent in this area and Fagus was the only tree type on a small mountain ridge. Data obtained from this study will help in raising conservation awareness for subtropical mountains since unique patterns of compression and overlap characteristics of tropical and temperate resembling forests were evident.  相似文献   

采用经典样方法对湖南芷江县南方红豆杉天然群落的种类组成、结构特征、物种多样性及植物区系等进行分析。结果表明:在1 000 m2样地中共有维管植物46科70属79种,其中蕨类植物5科7属8种,裸子植物2科2属2种,被子植物29科39属69种;群落分层明显,可划分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层;乔木层中有乔木树种17种,其中南方红豆杉和毛竹的重要值分别为81.51和43.37,远远超过其他的15种乔木树种,南方红豆杉的优势种群的作用明显,是群落的基调树种,毛竹为主要伴生种;灌木层包括乔木的幼树和灌木类,共40种;草本层植物有24种。物种多样性指数由高到低的顺序为灌木层>草本层>乔木层。植物区系地理成分复杂,科属组成均以热带性成分为主,温带成分占有较大的比例,反映出该群落植物区系由亚热带向暖温带过渡。  相似文献   

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