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Loss of soil nutrients due to disturbance may serve as an index of the homeostasis of biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem stability. Soil and the surrounding root system were disturbed during the installation of Soil Containment Systems (SCSs) in the hill slope at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). The SCSs were constructed from high density PVC pipe (24 cm i.d. and 30 cm height) implanted at field. Leachate cations and anions, soil organic matter and exchangeable cations were analyzed. Leachate NO3 ? was higher by an order of magnitude compared to undisturbed soils from the same research site and other hardwood forest soils in the northeast U.S. The concentrations of cations in the leachate from SCSs were also higher and loss of NO3 ? was positively correlated with the loss of most cations. Calcium was the dominant cation representing 55% of the base cation composition of soil leachate. Monthly losses of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ were 1.8, 1.6 and 1.2% of total exchangeable pools, respectively. Disturbance of the BBWM soil ecosystem caused high rates of NO3 ? leaching which markedly changed the soil biogeochemistry. These results and other supporting data from watershed mass balances and experimental chemical additions suggest that BBWM may be N saturated.  相似文献   

森林植被截留对大气污染物湿沉降的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验研究了裸地、马尾松林、香樟林的大气降水、穿透雨和树干径流以及地表径流的污染物离子浓度。结果表明:大气降水的污染物质离子浓度大小依次为SO42->NO3->Cl->F-;马尾松、香樟林群落的穿透雨、树干径流的污染物质含量显著高于大气降水,说明它们对降水中污染离子的富集作用很强,马尾松林的穿透雨和树干径流的污染物离子的总量高于香樟林。各林型大气污染物降水的SO42-离子含量都较高,两种林型的地表径流污染物质含量显著高于大气降水,但污染物浓度比树干径流有显著降低,说明土壤表面和枯枝落叶对降水中污染物的吸附能力很强。  相似文献   

UK data on sulphur deposition trends between the 1960's and 1990's are presented. Long term data sets of sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentrations at two sites have been analysed and dry deposition determined using a resistance model. Wet deposition has been calculated from non-marine sulphate concentration and rainfall fields for 1978–80 and 1989–93. These maps have been interpolated and corrected for seeder feeder enhancement. The wet deposition of sulphur declined by about 43 % between 1979 and 1993 whereas emissions of sulphur declined by about 32 %. An indication of the trends in sulphur dry deposition is provided by data from Eskdalemuir, a site in southern Scotland where wet deposition and SO2 concentration have been measured since 1979. Dry deposition at Eskdalemuir has decreased by 70 % and wet deposition by 48 %. Hence, while wet deposition has responded approximately linearly with the decline in UK emissions of sulphur dioxide, dry deposition has declined at twice the rate of decline in UK emissions.  相似文献   

The analysis of various ions in atmospheric deposition at two altitudes (515 m and 950 m a.s.l.) in Switzerland during 1983/84 revealed that dry deposition depends more on altitude than wet deposition. During autumn and winter, when vertical air exchange is limited, dry deposition of substances from anthropogenic sources (e.g. SO4-S) was higher at the lower site. In the course of the year, the pattern of wet deposition was independent of altitude and showed highest rates for S, N and Ca in summertime. A comparison between rates of wet, particulate and gaseous S and N deposition suggested that during the growing season wet deposition is the dominant flux. Total (wet + dry) deposition of S, N and Cl was lower than in other parts of Europe, but a substantial increase of NO3-N deposition during the past 25 years must have occured.  相似文献   

The contributions of major anthropogenic source regions to wet and dry deposition of total S in eastern Canada are estimated for a winter month and a summer month with the ASTRAP model. Results indicate that the U.S. and Canada contribute approximately equal amounts to total S deposition in Canada; Canadian sources contribute more than one half of dry deposition and less than one half of wet deposition.  相似文献   

Sulfate yields in eastern Canada, calculated as lake concentration times runoff, are presented on an approximately west to east axis, and are compared with wet deposition data from CANSAP (Canadian Network for Sampling Precipitation) and APN (Air Pollution Network) data on dry deposition. The agreement is very good, and shows clearly that dry deposition is greatest near the center of the continental pollution plume and is less important in remote areas. The good agreement also indicates that most of the sulfate in these lakes is from atmospheric deposition and that there is little retention of sulfate in their watersheds.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric SO 4 2? deposition on S cycling in forest soils were assessed in an irrigation experiment using stable S isotopes. Over a period of 20 months, core lysimeters of five acidic forest soils from Southern Germany with different parent material and pedogenesis were irrigated with solutions chemically similar to canopy throughfall. Sulfate deposition in three experimental variants corresponded to 23, 42 and 87 kg S ha?1 yr?1. The SO 4 2? used for irrigation had aδ 34S ratio of +28.0‰ CDT (Canon Diablo Troilite standard), differing by more than +25‰ from natural and anthropogenic S in Southern Germany. A combination of chemical and isotopic analyses of soil and seepage water samples was used to elucidate the fluxes and transformations of simulated wet SO 4 2? deposition in each soil core. Retention of experimentally deposited S ranged from 57±5% in coarse-grained soils low in sesquioxides and clay, to 80±8% in loamy soils with high sesquioxide content. The sesquioxide content proved to be the major factor governing S retention. The ratio of S retained as inorganic SO 4 2? (mainly by adsorption) to that incorporated into organic compounds (presumably by microbial synthesis) ranged from 2 to 4. For the organic S pool, the amount of S retained as C-bonded S exceeded by far that immobilized as ester sulfate in four of the five soils. Application of34S-enriched SO 4 2? appears to be a suitable experimental tool to assess fluxes and transformations of deposited S in forest soils, if aerobic conditions are maintained. In contrast to radioactive S tracers, the concept should be applicable not only in laboratory and lysimeter experiments, but also in long term studies of whole forest ecosystems (e.g., experimental watersheds).  相似文献   

Data collected during 1986 at seven widely separated sites in the eastern United States were used to estimate weekly averages of deposition velocities for SO2, O3, HNO3, and SO inf4 sup2? with both a modified version of the RADM dry deposition module and a site-specific inferential technique developed by the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Air Resources Laboratory. The results show some systematic differences between the two techniques, even when the module uses distributions of landuse types that match as closely as possible the observed vegetation coverages used in the inferential technique. When one ignores the systematic differences that easily could be removed by minor changes in the algorithms for computing resistances to deposition, weekly averages of the deposition velocities calculated with the two methods are within approximately ±30% of each other for SO2 and O3. Overall, the relative differences in the deposition velocities for HNO3 and SO inf4 sup2? are about ±30 and ±50%, respectively. Use of the module with landuse types extrapolated to areas as large as RADM grid cells (approximately 80 km square) around the measurement stations produces weekly averages within ±20% of the site-specific estimates for SO2, O3, and SO inf4 sup2? and approximately ±30% for HNO3 if one avoids landuse types such as urban and water areas that are both nonrepresentative and have very different characteristics from the measurement sites. These estimates are not complete measures of the true uncertainty associated with the two techniques because they do not account for such effects as differences in the siting of instrumentation for collecting input data and the inability of the computational algorithms to include the many surface nonuniformities that typically exist in the areas surrounding measurement sites.  相似文献   

The dry and wet deposition of N and S compounds to the Baltic Sea Basin were assessed using daily concentration measurements of air and precipitation concentrations, and actual meteorological data on precipitation, daily wind speed and wind direction, as well as the buoyant fluxes at the air- sea interface. The data cover the period 1980–86. Both concentrations and deposition levels show distinct south-north gradients and strong seasonal variability. Dry deposition is an important contribution in the case of S (25 to 80%) but is less significant for the N compounds (10 to 30%). The contribution of particles to dry deposition is negligible for S, equivalent to the gaseous contribution for oxidized N and about 10 to 20% for reduced nitrogen compounds. The obtained total annual deposition of about 1.4 to 1.8 g(S) m?2 for the S compounds, and 1 g(N) m?2 for the N compounds are comparable with, but on the upper side of, previous empirical and model estimates.  相似文献   

山西省太原市旱作农区大气活性氮干湿沉降年度变化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鉴于大气氮素沉降对整个生态系统的重要影响,我国近年来陆续开展了不同尺度的大气氮素干、湿沉降的研究,但少有农业区多年连续监测的资料。本研究利用DELTA系统、被动采样器和雨量器在山西省太原市郊区阳曲县河村旱作农业区进行了4年的监测试验,观测大气氮素干、湿沉降的时间变异。结果表明:2011年4月—2015年3月,河村4年大气活性氮NH_3、HNO_3、NO_2、颗粒态NO_3~-(pNO_3~-)、颗粒态NH_4~+(pNH_4~+)平均沉降量分别为4.50 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、3.54 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、2.56 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、1.62 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、2.75 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),大气氮素干沉降总量为12.38~18.95 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),以2011年的氮干沉降量最高,2014年的最低。2011年4月—2015年3月各月氮干沉降量与氨气沉降量之间存在显著正相关,相关系数在0.809 8~0.937 1,由此可知,该地区活性氮沉降主要受农业氨气排放的影响。河村4年雨水中NO_3~-、NH_4~+平均浓度分别为3.20 mg(N)·L~(-1)和2.43 mg(N)·L~(-1),大气氮素湿沉降11.67~41.31 kg(N)·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。年度间氮素湿沉降存在很大差异,以2012年氮素年湿沉降量最高,2014年最低,每年大气氮素湿沉降占氮总沉降量的份额超过50%。此外,4年湿沉降中不仅NO_3~--N和NH_4~+-N之间、且二者与降雨量也呈显著线性或二次相关关系,说明降雨量对NO_3~--N和NH_4~+-N的湿沉降影响较大。本研究表明太原市旱作农区不同年份间氮素湿沉降比干沉降差异更大,且总沉降数量较高。虽然是旱作区,该地区氮素干沉降略低于湿沉降。研究结果为该地区农田氮肥施用和氮素循环监测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Potatoes are an important staple crop, grown in many parts of the world. Although ozone deposition to many vegetation types has been measured in the field, no data have been reported for potatoes. Such measurements, including the latent-heat flux, were made over a fully grown potato field in central Scotland during the summer of 2006, covering a 4-week period just after rainfall and then dry, sunny weather. The magnitude of the flux was typical of many canopies showing the expected diurnal cycles. Although the bulk-canopy stomatal conductance declined as the field dried out (~300 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1 to ~70 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1), the total ozone flux did not follow the same trend, indicating that non-stomatal deposition was significant. Over a dry surface non-stomatal resistance (Rns) was 270–450 s m?1, while over a wet surface Rns was ~50% smaller and both decreased with increasing surface temperature and friction velocity. From the variation with relative humidity (RH) it is suggested that three processes occur on leaf surfaces: on a very dry surface ozone is removed by thermal decomposition, possibly enhanced by photolytic reactions in the daytime and so Rns decreases as temperature increases; at 50–70% RH a thin film of liquid blocks the “dry” process and resistance increases; above 60–70% RH sufficient surface water is present for aqueous reactions to remove ozone and resistance decreases.  相似文献   

Acid rain results in losses of exchangeable base cations from soils, but the mechanism of base cation displacement from the forest floor is not clear, and has been hypothesized to involve mobilization of aluminum from the mineral soil. We attempted to test the hypothesis that losses of calcium from the forest floor were balanced by increases in Al in NewHampshire northern hardwoods. We measured exchangeable (six stands) and acid extractable (13 stands) Ca and Al in horizons of the forest floor over an interval of 15 years. Our sampling scheme was quite intensive, involving 50 or 60 blocks per stand, composited in groups of 10 for chemical analysis. Even at this level of effort, few stands exhibited changes large enough to be significant. Because of high spatial variability, differences would have had to be greater than about 50% to be statistically detectable. Differences in Ca and Al concentrations between Oi, Oe, Oa, and A horizons, however, were readily detected. Acid-extractable Al increased with depth, while Ca concentrations decreased; Ca-to-Al ratios decreased from 8.3 (charge basis) in the Oi to 0.2 in the A horizon. Therefore, a small change in sampling depth, or the inclusion of more or less A horizon material in the forest floor, could cause large differences in measured Ca and Al concentrations. To detect small changes in exchangeable cations over time would require sampling very intensively with careful control for comparability of horizons.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the economic implications of alternative scientific explanations of observed forest decline. The various explanations can be grouped into two categories. One category posits direct damage to the forest canopy that is reversible. The other category posits indirect damage via soil quality changes that may be irreversible or slow to recover. The paper argues that the decision maker should take into account all of the explanations in designing a control strategy for acid deposition. It would be costly to wait until a single explanation has emerged victorious. If the irreversible decline explanation turns out to be correct, the forest damages will already have been sustained with no recovery possible. Assuming that the impact of acid deposition is to reduce forest productivity by 5% per annum then the annual losses to the commercial timber industry in Canada is estimated to be $197 million ( in 1981 dollars). To this an annual loss of $1.29 billion (in 1981 dollars) should be added for disruption to recreation and wildlife habitat values.  相似文献   

Wet deposition of acid-related substances takes place by two processes: precipitation scavenging and fog water impaction/sedimentation on natural surfaces. The relative importance of each deposition pathway depends on the frequency of occurrence of precipitation or fog, the magnitude of the event and the efficiency of pollutant removal by each mechanism. The latter, in turn, is governed by the type of cloud or fog, complex precipitation formation mechanisms and cloud-surface interactions. These factors are examined in the light of our current knowledge. Particular emphasis is placed on how cloud micro-physical as well as air and precipitation measurements, made aloft by aircraft and at the ground, have been used to further our knowledge of wet deposition mechanisms. Future research is needed to quantify the importance of the fog-water deposition pathway in eastern North America to better understand the interaction of gaseous pollutants with cloud and fog-water and to improve our knowledge of pollutant scavenging processes in mesoscale and synoptic weather systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to present the results of a study that assesses the cost and environmental implications of management options for controlling acid rain. Specifically, the paper illustrates the application of a mathematical programming model which identifies sulphur dioxide emission reductions in eastern North America such that total abatement costs are minimized subject to achieving a prescribed acidic deposition objective. The approaches to reduce acidic deposition considered are emission rollback and least cost targetted. The analysis shows that control strategies developed from a least cost targetted perspective are far less costly and no less effective than emission rollback management approaches. A sensitivity analysis of key input parameters and the effect on management options will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Dry and wet deposition rates of various forms of phosphate and N and of Fe, sulphate, Na, K, and silica ions are reported for a 1 yr period in central Alberta. The results are extrapolated from event samples of rain and snow, and from dry deposition samples in distilled water collectors and snowpack. Following corrections for contamination and evaporation the most reliable dry deposition rates are found for orthophosphate, organic and nitrate N, and Fe, sulphate, and K ions. Ion concentrations in snow are significantly lower than those in rain for ammonia, organic, and total N and for sulphate and silica ions. More than 50% of the concentrations of total phosphate and total N in wet deposition samples is dissolved or in fine particles (less than 0.45 μ) but only about one third of dry deposition sample concentrations is in such form. Dry-to-wet deposition ratios for the year exceed one for filtered total N, filtered total phosphate, Fe, and sulphate. The largest dry-to-wet deposition ratios are about 5 for sulphate and unfiltered total N.  相似文献   

As African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) become increasingly confined to smaller fragmented landscapes, concern over their potential detrimental impacts on vegetation and biodiversity has increased. Understanding elephant vegetation preferences across relevant spatial and temporal scales is a critical step towards managing protected areas for the persistence of both elephants and biodiversity. To better understand elephant vegetation selection, we fitted 68 elephants with GPS collars across a strong rainfall gradient spanning seven southern African countries over a period of 6 years. We compared elephant locations with remotely-sensed environmental data that measure bi-monthly vegetation greenness across the study area. Elephants consistently seek out greener than expected vegetation throughout the year. Interestingly, they do so by utilizing vegetation with different phenologies and by selecting landscapes when they are greener than their surroundings. We found no differences between dry and wet savannas. These patterns persist even when elephants are constrained by seasonally available water. In the wet season, elephants select seasonally variable landscapes such as open woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands. These landscapes have a lower average annual greenness but become very green for a few months in the wet season. In the dry season, elephants prefer less variable landscapes that are more consistently green year-round such as well-wooded areas and closed woodlands. Because elephants prefer different vegetation types at different times of the year, small homogeneous protected areas may be unsuitable for elephants. Since elephants prefer woody vegetation during the dry season when they are constrained by water, human actions that increase dry season water availability may contribute to detrimental elephant impacts on vegetation and biodiversity.  相似文献   

基于干湿期的随机天气发生器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了按不同的应用需求生成可信的任意长序列逐日天气数据,为作物天气系统研究提供数据支持,该文描述了一个以干湿期随机模型为基础,组合了日降水量、温度和辐射变量随机模型的逐日天气发生器WGDWS(Weather Generator based on Dry and Wet Spells)。它分为两部分:以干湿期为独立随机变量的干湿期模型部分,和依赖第一种模型生成其余天气变量的模型部分;其天气要素的生成主要分2个步骤,即首先根据月经验分布值产生一个干期或湿期长度,然后生成干期或湿期的逐日值。利用代表中国不同地理区域的9个站点1973-2003年的逐日气象资料对天气发生器WGDWS进行了检验,并与基于干湿日开发的DWSS天气发生器进行了比较。结果表明两者性能基本相近,并且WGDWS模拟干湿期的效果更好。因此,WGDWS天气发生器用于生成逐日天气序列是可靠的,同时作为一个JAVA组件,还可以方便地嵌入作物模型系统。  相似文献   

In Costa Rica, the Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (MNWLR) contains a unique habitat gradient ranging from primary old growth forests, grasslands, pastures, to various ages of secondary forests. Within these primary old growth forests are extremely dense naturally occurring Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) patches that often grow with densities up to 2 plants per square meter. A previous study found that anti-fungal activity of this particular plant appears to be altering the fungal community in soils adjacent to these plants. No work has been previously conducted on the possible effects of this plant community on soil faunal communities and if seasonality contributes to changes in soil invertebrate populations along a moisture gradient. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the effects of this specialized plant community on soil invertebrates with respect to season, and if these changes in soil fauna guild structure could prove to be valid candidates as indicators of ecosystem condition with changes in precipitation. In addition, a meta-analysis was done to determine how the bromeliad-associated soil invertebrate communities differ from those in adjacent primary forest soils. Therefore, comparisons were determined from previous primary forest soil invertebrate environmental DNA (eDNA) to the current wet season bromeliad soil invertebrate eDNA. Roche 454 pyro-sequencing was conducted on the 650 bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of invertebrates to obtain and characterize soil invertebrate sequence composition. To determine relationships among soil fauna guilds across seasons, relative abundance of the sequences were calculated, and used in conjunction with EcoSim niche overlap and co-occurrence values. From the bromeliad seasonal soil fauna eDNA study, it appears certain invertebrate guilds are driven by moisture as indicated by fluctuations in relative abundance of each invertebrate guild across seasons in bromeliad patch soils, as well as indicated by EcoSim niche overlap values. In particular, Guilds 1, 4, and 5, should warrant further investigation as indicators of habitat condition. The meta-analysis showed that a naturally occurring modified environment (the bromeliad patches), can result in differences in relative abundance and partitioning of a limited resource between invertebrate guild structure. Those guilds associated with microbivorous and complex decomposition activities (i.e. Guilds 3 and 4), are more abundant in primary forest soils than bromeliad patch soils and could potentially used for bioindicators of habitat perturbations.  相似文献   

Bulk precipitation and bulk throughfall was collected during the period September to November 1984 in a Danish spruce forest. Samples were analyzed for all major anions and cations as well as strong and total acidity. The acid load to the forest ecosystem was estimated adding the throughfall fluxes of protons (79 eq ha?1mo?1), ammonium (99 eq ha?1mo?1) and a calculated estimate oflthe protons buffered by exchange processes in the canopy (75 eq ha?1 mo?1). This is still a minimum estimate but it exceeds the proton load determined by pH measurement in bulk throughfall and bulk precipitation by factors 3 and 6, respectively. Throughfall fluxes of all major cations and anions except ammonium decreased with distance from the trunk.  相似文献   

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