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2001年至2003年,作者对朔城区杨树人工林内人工招引的大斑啄木鸟营巢的特性进行了研究,提出了人工鸟巢悬挂的合理时间、高度、位置、密度及间隔距离等,为该区大斑啄木鸟的保护和人工招引工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对酒泉市3个啄木鸟放飞试验点及周边林场、村组、公园内引进的啄木鸟进行生物学特征、生存情况、鸟巢数量变化、啄痕数量变化、繁衍情况、分布范围以及对环境的适应性的调查,结果表明:人工引进的啄木鸟在肃州区能够存活,并能够成功繁衍下一代;鸟巢数量、啄痕数量逐年增加,啄木鸟分布范围逐渐扩大。啄木种群扩繁情况良好,人工引进的啄木鸟对肃州区环境的适应性较强。  相似文献   

2016年5月至2019年6月,采用人工捕捉放飞、截巢引种+人工驯化放飞、截巢引种+捆绑树干放飞、截巢引种+直接放飞4种方式,从甘肃省定西市陇西县和临夏回族自治州临夏县引进大斑啄木鸟Dendrocopos major和黑枕绿啄木鸟Picus canus到酒泉市肃州区放飞,并进行引种成功率相关分析研究。结果表明,采用截巢引种+直接放飞方法引种啄木鸟全部成活,成活率最高。在酒泉市首次实现了大斑啄木鸟和黑枕绿啄木鸟的异地引种,为生态防控杨树天牛灾害提供了新路径和新方法。  相似文献   

为了解大斑啄木鸟与光肩星天牛的种群动态关系,于2005年6~10月对大斑啄木鸟和光肩星天牛共存的典型栖息地进行了调查.综合分析了大斑啄木鸟与光肩星天牛在种群增长的时间生态位和树木垂直、水平等方向的空间生态位上的关系.结果表明,光肩星天牛生态位的变化,能引起大斑啄木鸟取食及生态位的相应波动.  相似文献   

大斑啄木鸟 Dendrocopos major(L.)是河西防护林重要蛀干害虫——十斑吉丁虫的优势天敌鸟类。本项试验在搞清该鸟生活习性的基础上进行了人工招引试验,取得了成功的经验,为今后在河西地区开展鸟类生态研究及利用展示了前景。  相似文献   

本文首次描述了绿啄木鸟侵占斑啄木鸟巢洞的行为,其侵占比例占自身使用巢洞的41.2%、占斑啄木鸟使用巢洞的28%。同时发现斑啄木鸟亦有侵占星头啄木鸟巢洞的行为,从而形成三者巢区相互重叠的格局。其规律是体型大的鸟种侵占体型小者的巢洞。由此也可从一个侧面解释星头啄木鸟数量稀少的原因。  相似文献   

大斑啄木鸟抑制山楂蛀干害虫的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我省山楂主要产区之一的晋城,近年来因金缘吉丁虫、山楂长小蠹等蛀干性害虫为害,山楂树普遍树势衰弱,红果产量大幅度下降。为了更好地利用大斑啄木鸟防治山楂蛀干害虫,我们于1984—1986年在晋城陈沟乡对该鸟的生活习性和除虫作用,重点对其抑制山楂蛀干害虫的作用,作了粗浅的观察调查。一、大斑啄木鸟生活习性大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)亦叫斑啄木鸟,属鴷形目,啄木鸟科。该鸟常见于山地和平原的树丛及森林间,居住于自己凿的树洞中。9—10月间,该鸟选择树干心材腐朽部位凿洞营巢。在其巢区内,一般要凿2个以上的巢洞,其中一个为繁殖巢  相似文献   

三种啄木鸟的繁殖习性及对昆虫的取食研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对啄木鸟生物学特性的进一步观察,对啄木鸟巢区的概念,二次产卵的功能和育雏期间亲鸟的觅食规律以及啄木鸟的食性特点有了更全面的认识,并对啄木鸟(主要是大斑啄木鸟)凿伤健康林木和取食少量天敌,麦粒的情况进行了调查统计。  相似文献   

大斑啄木鸟属于鴷形目,啄木鸟科食虫鸟。食性以昆虫为主,其中蛀干害虫占较大比例,对于其他鸟类难以捕食以及人工不易防治的天牛、吉丁虫、小蠹虫类等蛀干害虫有很好的控制作用。为尽快保护和增加该鸟类的数量,阿勒泰地区野生动植物保护办公室和阿勒泰地区森林病虫害防治检疫站结合新疆维吾尔自治区科技攻关项目"额河流域主要森林病虫害种类调...  相似文献   

在茂密的森林里,常可听到“笃、笃、笃……”的梆敲声,这就是啄木鸟在为遭受虫害的病树“看病”,进行精心“叩诊”治疗。所以,人们又管啄木鸟叫“百树笑”,这是人们对它的赞颂和评价。啄木鸟又叫捣木棺,奔打木,属鴷形目啄木鸟科。在我国啄木鸟共有十八种,其中黑枕腹啄木鸟、黑啄木鸟、大斑啄木鸟和棕  相似文献   

The suitability of plantation monocultures for the conservation of forest animals is an issue under continous debate. The adaptability of forest dwellers and the forest management regime seem to play key roles. In this study, I investigated the habitat selection of a generalist bird, the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), within a pine (Pine spp.) monoculture, as well as the importance of the native habitat features within the pine matrix for the species’ conservation. I compared 52 plots with woodpecker presence against 121 plots where the species was absent, as well as 68 nest-trees against 90 random ones. Regression analyses were used to investigate the habitat attributes involved in the habitat selection. Although the great spotted woodpecker is considered a generalist forest dweller, it shows a marked habitat selection. Based on presence/absence records, the woodpecker prefers well-forested patches with high levels of tree diversity and with good coverage of a secondary species such as the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). To excavate their nests, woodpeckers select large trees in patches where other trees are also larger, rejecting patches with a high number of small trees. The most striking conclusion from this work is the preference shown for native trees, especially Portuguese oaks (Quercus faginea), as nest-trees. This is noteworthy because native trees are smaller and they are surrounded by smaller trees than pines. These findings support that woodpecker conservation benefits from an increase of habitat heterogeneity, particularly by the retention of native woodland patches within the plantation matrix.  相似文献   


In Norway, a positive relationship between spring numbers of lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) and previous June temperatures has been interpreted as an effect of temperatures on woodpecker survival and reproduction during the breeding season. This article considers the possibility that woodpecker numbers are related to the abundance of the moth Argyresthia goedartella in the current year. Larvae and pupae of A. goedartella are important food for lesser spotted woodpeckers in early spring when few other surface-living invertebrates are available. The occurrence of this moth depends on the flowering of birch (Betula spp.) and alder (Alnus glutinosa), which in turn is influenced by June temperatures in the preceding year. Spring numbers of the lesser spotted woodpecker in two regions of Norway were compared with a trapping index of A. goedartella and weather variables assumed to influence the woodpeckers’ breeding success and adult survival. The best multiple regression model included December temperatures and moth indices, supporting the hypothesis of a strong impact of A. goedartella on spring survival. Conservation strategies for the lesser spotted woodpecker should therefore focus not only on minimum areas of deciduous forests with decaying wood, but also on the availability of the moths’ host trees, birch and alder.  相似文献   

Areas of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreaks in the Black Hills can provide habitat for black-backed woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus), a U.S. Forest Service, Region 2 Sensitive Species. These outbreaks are managed through removal of trees infested with mountain pine beetles to control mountain pine beetle populations and salvage timber resources. To minimize impacts to black-backed woodpeckers while meeting management objectives, there is a need to identify characteristics of these areas that support black-backed woodpeckers. We examined the habitat associations of this species nesting in areas of beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota in 2004 and 2005. We used an information theoretic approach and discrete choice models to evaluate nest-site selection of 42 woodpecker nests at 3 spatial scales—territory, nest area, and nest tree. At the territory scale (250 m around nest), availability and distribution of food best explained black-backed woodpecker selection of beetle outbreaks versus the surrounding forest. Selection at the territory scale was positively associated with densities of trees currently infested by mountain pine beetles and indices of wood borer (Cerambycidae and Buprestidae) abundance, and was greatest at distances of 50–100 m from the nearest patch of infestation. At the nest-area scale (12.5 m radius around the nest), densities of snags positively influenced nest-area selection. Finally, at the nest-tree scale, aspen (Populus tremuloides) and 3–5-year-old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) snags were important resources. The association between abundant wood-boring insects and black-backed woodpeckers creates a difficult challenge for forest managers. In the absence of fire, areas of beetle outbreak might serve as the only substantial source of habitat in the Black Hills. Regulating insect populations via salvage logging will reduce key food resources to black-backed woodpeckers during nesting. Therefore, given the relatively infrequent occurrence of large-scale fire in the Black Hills, management should recognize the importance of beetle-killed forests to the long-term viability of the black-backed woodpecker population in the Black Hills.  相似文献   

The Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (L.), one of the natural predators of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motsch.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is resident to Wulate Qianqi County of the Inner Mongolia and widely found in shelter plantations. In August 2005 and 2006, 174 and 153 nest-cavities of Great Spotted Woodpeckers were found respectively in Wulate Qianqi County and 22 breeding nest-cavities were investigated in 2007. The results showed that mostly willow species were selected for nesting by the Great Spotted Woodpecker, but mature poplar trees also could be chosen. Nest cavities were often found with a protuberance above the cavity entrance or with a downward sloping gradient, or both. The selection of the height of the nest-cavity height was not significant. The vertical diameter of the nest-cavity entrance (VDE) and the horizontal diameter of the nest-cavity entrance (HDE) ranged from 5.0 to 5.8 cm. The results also indicated that the compass orientation of more than 60% of nest-cavities were towards the north, northeast and east. This study suggests a convergence of some nest-cavity characteristics of the Great Spotted Woodpecker in shelter plantations and will help us to make artificial nest for conserving the woodpecker and, as well, use the bird for controlling pests.  相似文献   

森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2002 年11月至2003年6 月间, 在韩国安养首尔大学冠岳植物园(37°25'05"N,126°56' 85"E)阔叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林内研究了森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响。对在人工巢箱中繁殖的山雀类,杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀( P. palustris)和大山雀(P. major)的繁殖对的数量、巢位、窝大小、卵重及卵大小进行了调查。调查结果显示,在 3 个研究区,杂色山雀在森林内部(距离道路 75–150m)的繁殖对数量,比森林边缘(距离道路 0–75 m)多,其窝大小、卵重等尺寸也明显比森林边缘高,但沼泽山雀基本不受森林道路的影响。在人类活动频繁的地区人工巢箱为洞穴鸟类提供良好的繁殖条件。人工鸟巢的设置将有利于这些鸟类的保护和管理。表 3 参 16。  相似文献   

Woodpeckers (family Picidae) merit specific monitoring and management efforts, both as keystone/facilitator species and as indicators of forest condition. Recent studies indicated that species richness of woodpeckers was correlated with richness of all forest birds, thus suggesting potential exists for management practices that can address needs of woodpeckers in particular and other forest birds in general. We used data from a long-term study (1995–2008) from forest sites in the interior of British Columbia to evaluate how abundances of seven woodpecker species varied with habitat variables previously identified as associated with forest bird richness. We found that tree species richness had either a neutral or positive effect on the abundance of all woodpecker species, whereas abundances of most woodpecker species tended to be lower in stands with high densities of lodgepole pine. Abundances of most woodpecker species were positively correlated with density of beetle-killed pines. Relative to control sites, higher densities of most woodpecker species were found at harvested sites where most trembling aspen and large Douglas-fir trees had been retained. Therefore, management strategies that favour a mixture of tree species, with particular attention to retention of aspen, should safeguard populations of most woodpecker species. Abundances of individual woodpecker species were weakly but positively inter-correlated before the beetle outbreak, and less so during and post-outbreak. It thus appears that no strong trade-offs exist among woodpecker species. These results, combined with previously identified positive correlations between woodpecker and forest bird richness, indicate woodpeckers can be managed as a suite for the purpose of managing avian biodiversity as a whole.  相似文献   

Many temperate woodpecker species are thought to be highly conservative in their fecundity with little response to fluctuations in availability of resources. In a 15-year field study in interior British Columbia, we evaluated responses in abundance and fecundity of six species of resident and migrant woodpeckers (downy woodpecker [Picoides pubescens], hairy woodpecker [Picoides villosus], American three-toed woodpecker [Picoides dorsalis], pileated woodpecker [Drycopus pileatus], northern flicker [Colaptes auratus], and red-naped sapsucker [Sphyrapicus nuchalis]) to a large-scale outbreak of mountain pine bark beetles that resulted in a strong positive pulse in food supply. Population densities of woodpecker species increased during outbreak years. Despite the year-round multi-annual increase in food resources, and in contrast to the strong increases in fecundity shown by nuthatches and chickadees, annual fecundity (as indicated by clutch size and number of nestlings that fledged) did not change for any woodpecker species over the study. Similarly, we found no changes in fecundity in response to selective forest harvesting despite numerical increases for woodpeckers at these sites. Our study confirms that these woodpecker species are conservative in their reproductive investment patterns even during strong multi-annual increases in food. Our findings indicate woodpecker populations are regulated numerically through variable survival and/or greater immigration rates, which can result in higher breeding densities temporarily during resource pulses.  相似文献   

从效用视角审视人工树洞的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巢箱作为人工树洞在世界各地广泛应用已经超过百年,但巢箱内温度与耐用寿命等原因导致实际效用较差。未来的人工树洞设计应更接近天然树洞,使用弧形外表构造以均匀获得太阳辐射并减小风阻;使用模块化部件以适应不同招引物种对不同功能部件的需求;使用高强度、非亲水性、防紫外线的耐候性防火材料做外壳;使用低导热系数的可塑性轻质材料做人工树洞的内芯。使用能够补偿树干径向变化固定方式,增设顶部防撞设施以减轻落枝破坏;尝试使用活体攀援类植物做固定材料以增加附着寿命;使用非损伤性固定方式来连接人工树洞与载体;设计摩擦力大的背板结构,从增加与附着物连接部位摩擦的角度来减轻附着设备的受力,进而延长使用寿命。使用太阳能供电的微加热装置,便于提高越冬巢的热效用;加装移动通讯信号接收器和相应程序,可使用远程遥控来控制巢箱表面颜色或太阳反射及通风口,以满足目标物种在不同季节的热生理需求。新的设计通过疲劳测试与耐候性测试后再投入野外使用,并根据回馈的野外持续监测数据来进一步修正各类影响因素的设计;综合运用流体力学、材料学、建筑环境学、设计艺术学原理和知识不断完善人工树洞的设计。  相似文献   

天牛害虫的天敌——啄木鸟的生境研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对13处啄木鸟筑巢的林分及树木生长状况的调查,得出啄木鸟筑巢林分面积不小于40hm^2且生境未被片断化,筑巢的树木一般选择胸径15.9cm以上、生长势较弱的濒死或立枯的杨、柳树的结论。  相似文献   

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