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American canine hepatozoonosis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hepatozoon americanum infection is an emerging tickborne disease in the southern United States. This organism causes a very different and much more severe disease than does Hepatozoon canis, the etiologic agent of canine hepatozoonosis in the rest of the world. H americanum is transmitted through ingestion of the definitive host, Amblyomma maculatum (the Gulf Coast tick). Clinical signs of American canine hepatozoonosis tend to wax and wane over time and may include lameness, weakness, pain, muscle atrophy, fever, and mucopurulent ocular discharge. Radiographs typically reveal periosteal proliferation of various bones. Extreme leukocytosis is the most common laboratory finding, along with a mild elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase. Diagnosis is made by visualization of gamont-containing neutrophils or monocytes on examination of blood smears; observation of typical cysts, meronts or pyogranulomas on muscle biopsy; or detection of serum antibodies against H americanum sporozoites. Common complications of chronic infection include glomerulopathies, amyloidosis, and vasculitis. Although the prognosis for this disease in the past was guarded to poor, recent advances in treatment have increased the long-term survival rate of infected dogs.  相似文献   

American canine hepatozoonosis is an emerging, tick-transmitted infection of domestic dogs caused by a recently recognized species of apicomplexan parasite, Hepatozoon americanum. The known definitive host of the protozoan is the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum. Presently recognized intermediate hosts include the domestic dog and the coyote, Canis latrans. Laboratory-reared larval or nymphal A. maculatum can be infected readily by feeding to repletion on a parasitemic intermediate host; sporogony requires 35-40 days. Transmission of infection to the dog has been produced experimentally by oral administration of mature oocysts or oocyst-containing ticks. Canine disease follows experimental exposure in 4-6 weeks and is characterized by systemic illness, extreme neutrophilic leukocytosis, muscle and bone pain, and proliferation of periosteal bone. Histopathological findings include multifocal skeletal and cardiac myositis associated with escape of mature merozoites from within the host-cell environment. There is also rapid onset of periosteal activation and osteogenesis and, less frequently, glomerulopathy and amyloidosis. Sequential stages of development of H. americanum in both the dog and the tick have been elucidated. Gamonts potentially infectious to ticks have been observed in peripheral blood leukocytes of the dog in as few as 28 days after exposure to oocysts. Young coyotes experimentally exposed to a canine strain of H. americanum acquired disease indistinguishable from that of similarly exposed young dogs.  相似文献   

Leptin is the ob gene product secreted from adipocytes in mammals, and thereby its plasma level reflects body fat content. To establish an assay method for leptin in the dog, rabbit anti-canine leptin antibody was obtained using canine recombinant leptin as an antigen. This antibody reacted to canine leptin much stronger than mouse, rat and human leptins. Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using this antibody was developed. The serum leptin levels of 13 healthy dogs were in a range from 1.4 to 5.6 ng/ml with the mean +/- SEM of 3.0 +/- 0.3 ng/ml.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of an ELISA for the detection of bovine IgG anti-Mycobacterium bovis antibodies were 73.6% and 94.1%, respectively, as determined in 53 bacteriologically confirmed tuberculous cattle and 101 healthy cattle from a tuberculosis-free area. In addition, the results of ELISA and tuberculin tests in 149 cattle were compared with those of subsequent necropsy studies. Both tests failed to detect 2 animals with tuberculous lesions and positive culture; 3/12 cattle with M. bovis isolation and no lesions, and 2/7 with atypical mycobacterial infection reacted to tuberculin, but none had antibodies; in 128 cattle with neither lesions nor mycobacterial isolation, 6 were tuberculin reactors and 7 others had antibodies. Negative results were obtained by ELISA in 21/22 paratuberculous cattle. Antibodies were not detected in 88.9% to 96.4% of 697 cattle from two tuberculin negative herds of an endemic area. In a herd with proved M. bovis infection, distribution of seropositive animals in tuberculin and non-tuberculin reactors was similar. Antibody responses to cutaneous tuberculin stimuli were observed in 4 experimentally infected cattle, but only in 2/10 healthy controls after repeated PPD stimuli. Nine controls which had either received a single tuberculin dose or none showed no increase in antibody levels. The low sensitivity of this ELISA limits its usefulness as a diagnostic tool for bovine tuberculosis eradication campaigns. However, it could be helpful in epidemiological surveillance if its efficiency to identify infected herds is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are routinely used for cattle herd diagnosis of Salmonella Dublin infection in many countries. It is also possible to use such tests for individual diagnosis. Passively transferred immunoglobulins may cause false-positive test results in young calves. Also, false-positive test results may be seen in recovered animals several months after infection. False-negative results are seen in acutely infected animals, especially immature animals that are unable to produce a humoral antibody response to infection. To be able to interpret the individual animal test results, it is necessary to take age into account when validating the ELISA. In the present study an age-stratified validation of an indirect Salmonella Dublin serum ELISA as predictor of bacterial excretion was performed using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Three age groups were formed according to the results of an exploratory analysis of the age effect on area under curve (AUC) of ROC curves. The AUC for the youngest age group (0-99 days) was 0.816 (SE = 0.033), which was significantly (z = 4.23, P < 0.0001) smaller than the 0.977 (SE = 0.019) estimated for the next age group (100-300 days). The oldest age group (> 300 days) had an AUC of 0.905 (SE = 0.023), which was significantly different from the AUC of both the other age groups (z = 2.21, P = 0.027 when compared with the youngest age groups and z = 2.41, P = 0.016 when compared with the age group of 100-300 days). The results showed that the indirect Salmonella Dublin serum ELISA is most valid for detection of infection in individual cattle from the age of 100 days. Purpose-related test sensitivities and specificities were evaluated at different cutoff values.  相似文献   

A rapid screening assay for determining antibodies to canine parvovirus in dog serum using monoclonal antibodies and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology was developed. The ELISA could be read visually, and the results correlated well with serum neutralization (SN) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers. Sera with SN less than or equal to 1:4 or HI less than or equal to 1:10 had an 87.9% correlation with ELISA and sera with SN greater than or equal to 1:64 or HI greater than or equal to 1:80 had a 94.4% correlation. The assay took only 10 to 15 minutes to perform and did not require specialized equipment. The ELISA should be useful in monitoring dogs for the presence of maternal antibodies against parvovirus and for determining seroconversion after vaccination.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the accuracy of a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of canine scabies. Serum samples from 37 dogs were examined blind; 12 had sarcoptic mange confirmed by the identification of mites in skin scrapings, 12 were atopic (with positive intradermal reactions to one or more aeroallergens, including Dermatophagoides farinae), and 13 were healthy dogs with no history of skin disease. Optical density values of more than 0.16 were considered positive, 0.145 to 0.16 were considered questionable and less than 0.145 were considered negative. Ten of the 12 dogs with scabies were positive, all 12 atopic dogs were negative, and 11 of the 13 healthy dogs were negative and two were questionable.  相似文献   

A broad-spectrum viral antigen for the detection of avian-influenza-virus-specific antibodies, using the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was identified. Purified and disrupted antigens were used, which helped to increase the sensitivity of the assay. All of the antigens tested were able to detect antibodies to homologous and heterologous viruses to varying degrees. The H9N2 antigen was the best single antigen to use in the ELISA to screen for avian influenza virus antibodies. It detected antibodies against six viruses as early as day 4 postinfection.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies to thyroid antigens in serums from 34 clinically hypothyroid dogs were detected by various methods. Antibodies to thyroglobulin were detectable by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 59%, by chromic chloride hemagglutination in 53% and by indirect immunofluorescence on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, trypsin-digested thyroid tissue in 73% of samples. Antibody to thyroid microsomal antigen was detectable by ELISA in 29% of serums. Indirect immunofluorescence showed cytoplasmic fluorescence of thyroid follicular cells in several serums, however, this could not be confirmed as specific for microsomal antigen by absorption trials. Hemagglutination tests using commercially available tanned red cells coated with human antigens and indirect immunofluorescence assays on formalin-fixed tissue without trypsin digestion, on Bouin's fixed tissue, or on cryostat, methanol-fixed sections, were insensitive. Cryostat sections without methanol fixation were unsuitable due to tissue fragility. No method was recommended for routine diagnostic use. The ELISA test, because of its convenience, may be useful as a screening aid or adjunct to the diagnosis of thyroid disease.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serotype canicola in dogs was developed and evaluated. Comparison of the ELISA with the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) showed that, during the first two weeks after an experimental infection with serotype canicola, the ELISA detected antibody at higher dilutions than the MAT. After the second week post-infection both tests detected antibody at almost equal titres (r = 0.89). The outer envelope (OE) antigen of serotypes icterohaemorrhagiae, copenhageni and canicola was fairly serotype-specific, whereas the pellet (P) antigen showed more cross-reactivity. Both OE and P antigen of Leptospira biflexa strain Patoc I could be used as cross-reacting antigen in the ELISA. Compared to the MAT, the ELISA has some technical advantages. It is suggested that the ELISA would be useful as a screening test.  相似文献   

A sandwich-dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot ELISA) was developed for the detection of canine distemper virus (CDV). In 56 dogs suspected to have CD the rates of detection of CDV antigen in samples of blood lymphocytes and palpebral conjunctiva by dot ELISA and ELISA were, respectively, 91% (49/54) and 81% (44/54) for the lymphocyte samples and 88% (28/32) and 75% (24/32) for the conjunctival samples. The CDV detection limits were 10 ng/50 μL for dot ELISA and 40 ng/50 μL for ELISA. The reliability of dot ELISA relative to electron microscopy was 96% with 22 samples: all 21 samples in which CDV particles were observed by electron microscopy yielded positive results with dot ELISA; the single sample in which particles were not observed yielded false-positive results with dot ELISA. The results indicate that the dot ELISA developed can serve as a reliable rapid diagnostic test in suspected cases of CD and also be useful for epidemiologic surveillance of the disease.  相似文献   

Two double sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for Clostridium perfringens beta and epsilon toxins were assessed for routine diagnosis of enterotoxemias on intestinal contents of 151 sheep that died suddenly. Conventional tests (mouse assay and culture of organism) showed that 21 specimens were positive for Clostridium perfringens type C (beta toxin) and 39 were positive for Clostridium perfringens type D (epsilon toxin) enterotoxemias. Comparison of the ELISA results with conventional assays gave sensitivity and specificity rates respectively of 90.5% and 89.2% for beta toxin assay and 97.4% and 94.6% for epsilon toxin assay. With further refinement to improve the performance of the assay for beta toxin these tests could serve as a substitute for conventional tests in the laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium perfringens types B, C and D enterotoxemias.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay screening of antibody produced against aflatoxin was accomplished by a new and simple procedure. To demonstrate the new indirect ELISA technique used, antibody against aflatoxin M1 was produced in female BALB/CJ mice by immunization with an aflatoxin M1-bovine serum albumin conjugate. Instead of coating test-plate wells with purified antibody (direct ELISA) or synthesizing a second protein-aflatoxin conjugate (aflatoxin M1-poly-L-lysine) to coat test-plate wells, wells were coated with the readily available aflatoxin M1-bovine serum albumin and aflatoxin B1-bovine serum albumin. This method, applicable for any aflatoxin conjugated by the common cyclopentano-carboxymethoxyl-oxime technique, eliminates the more time-consuming and technically difficult portions of earlier direct and indirect ELISA. The new technique can be valuable in continued efforts toward development of new and improved immunoassays against aflatoxin metabolites.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen was purified from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serovar 7 by phenol-water extraction and fractionated on a, S-100 Sephacryl column. High molecular weight fractions of LPS purified from the S-100 column were pooled and used as antigen in an indirect serovar 7 ELISA. The ELISA was evaluated with sera from pigs experimentally infected with 11 different A. pleuropneumoniae serovars of biotype 1. Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of the A. pleuropneumoniae serovar 7 ELISA was performed using pig sera from herds naturally infected with A. pleuropneumoniae serovar 7 as well as sera from herds free of infection with A. pleuropneumoniae serovar 7. When compared to the complement fixation test (CFT) as a reference test, the ELISA showed much higher sensitivity and statistically equivalent specificity.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibodies to maedi-visna virus (mvv) in sheep is described, in which microtitre plates are with a partly purified preparation of mvv. The antibodies bound are detected by a horseradish peroxidase conjugate.The results obtained with ELISA on a total of 493 serum samples from several commercial flocks were compared to those of a routine agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and a complement fixation test (CFT).All samples which scored positive in AGPT, CFT or both (20.8%) were also found positive by ELISA. In addition, with ELISA a further 11.5% of the samples were positive. Serum samples from maedi-free flocks, from sheep suffering from sheep pulmonary adenomatosis and from lambs immunized against other viruses were all negative by ELISA. The assay has been used routinely for some years and proved to be specific, sensitive and suited for screening of large numbers of serum samples.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate a serodiagnostic test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISA) for sarcoptic mange in dogs and to characterize the assay antigen, based on the mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes. The ELISA, applied to sera from 359 dogs suspected of having sarcoptic mange, showed a sensitivity and specificity of 92 and 96%, respectively. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the antigen employed in the ELISA revealed polypeptide bands with molecular weights ranging between 14 and 164 kDa. In Western blot analyses antigens of molecular weights between 62 and 64 kDa dominated. Particularly dominant were antigens of 164 and 147 kDa. These were found to have isoelectrical points in the range of 5.7–6.9. Sera from dogs infected with Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus and Otodectes cynotis, as well as from dogs allergic to fleas, were negative in the ELISA. Résumé— Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer un test sérologique ELISA pour le diagnostic de la gale sarcoptique chez le chien et de caractériser l'antigène révélateur, extrait de l'acarien Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes. Le test ELISA, lors d'une étude conduite avec les sérums de 359 chiens suspects de gale sarcoptique a démontré une sensibilité et une spécificité de 92 et 96%, respectivement. L'électrophorèse en gel polyacrilamide dodécyl sulfate de sodium de l'antigène utilisé dans l'ELISA a révélé des bandes polypeptidiques de poids moléculaire compris entre 14 et 164 kDa. Dans l'analyse en Western blot, les antigènes de poids moléculaire compris entre 62 et 164 kDa étaient les plus abondants, notamment ceux de 164 et 147 kDa. Ces derniers ont des points isoélectriques compris entre 5.7 et 6.9. Les sérums de chiens infectés par des Cheyletiella sp. Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus et Otodectes cynotis, ou par des chiens allergiques aux puces, se sont révélés négatifs en ELISA. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Evaluation d'un test ELISA pour le diagnostic sérologique de la gale sarcoptique canine). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.] Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar una pruba serodiagnóstica (prueba de inmunoadsorción ligada a enzima; ELISA) para la sarna sarcóptica en el perro y caracterizar el antigeno prueba, basado en el ácaro Sarcoptes scabei, var. vulpes. El ELISA, aplicado a sueros de 359 perros sospechosos de padecer sarna sarcóptica, mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad del 92 y 96%, respectivamente. La electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida dodecil sulfato sódico (SDS-PAGE) del antigeno usado en el ELISA reveló bandas de polipétidos con peso molecular entre 14 y 164 kDa. En el análisis Western blot, predominaron los antigenos de pesos moleculares entre 62 y 164 kDa. Los antigenos entre 164 y 147 kDa fueron especialmente predominantes. Estos tuvieron puntos isoeléctricos entre 5.7 y 6.9. Los sueros de perros infectados por Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus y Otodectes cynotis, asi como el de perros alérgicos a las pulgas fueron negativos en el ELISA. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Evaluation de una prueba de immunoadsorcion ligada a enzima (ELISA) para el diagnostico serologico de la sarna sarcóptica canina). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.] Zusammenfassung— Ziel dieser Studie war, einen Serodiagnostiktest (Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay, ELISA) für Sarkoptesräude des Hundes zu überprüfen und das Testantigen zu charakterisieren, das auf der Milbe Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes basiert. Der ELISA-Test, der bei den Sera von 359 Hunden mit Sarkoptesverdacht angewendet wurde, zeigte eine Sensitivität von 92% bzw. 96%. Die Natriumdodecylsul-fatpolyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese (SDS-PAGE) des Antigen, das im ELISA verwendet wurde, zeigte Polypeptid-Banden mit Molekulargewichten zwischen 14 und 164 kDa. In der Wester-blot-Analyse dominierten Antigene mit einem Molekulargewicht zwischen 62 und 164 kDa. Besonders dominierend waren Antigene von 164 und 147 kDa. Bei diesen stellte man isoelektrische Punkte im Bereich von 5,7 bis 6,9 fest. Die Sera von Hunden, die mit Cheyletiella sp., Demodex canis, Linognathus setosus und Otodectes cynotis infiziert waren, fielen ebenso wie die Hunde mit Allergie auf Flöhe im ELISA negativ aus. [Bornstein, S., Thebo, P., Zakrisson, G. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange (Die Auswertung eines Enzym-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay (ELISA) für die serologische Diagnose der kaninen Sarkoptesräude). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 21–28.]  相似文献   

Canine hepatozoonosis is a tick-borne protozoal disease caused in the Old World and South America by Hepatozoon canis. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using purified H. canis gamont antigen was applied for the detection of antibodies reactive with H. canis. Evaluation of the ELISA with sera from naturally infected parasitemic dogs indicated that it was sensitive (86%), specific (97%), and comparable to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for the detection of H. canis antibodies. A variable degree of serologic cross-reactivity was found between sera from H. americanum-infected dogs and the H. canis antigen. Dogs experimentally infected with H. canis seroconverted 1-4 weeks post-infection (PI). Antibody levels peaked at 7-9 weeks PI and gradually declined thereafter remaining above the cut-off value until the conclusion of the study 7 months PI. The ELISA will be valuable for serological evaluation of dogs suspected of exposure to H. canis and for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Experimental and field trials were conducted to evaluate an ELISA for its ability to detect Trichinella-infected domestic swine and to compare ELISA results with muscle-digestion test results. The ELISA used was a commercial double-antibody kit, containing an excretory-secretory antigen, and was evaluated principally for epidemiologic use. Experimentally induced infection in swine (4 groups of 3 pigs each; inoculated with 0, 50, 500 or 5,000 larvae) was detected as early as postinoculation week 4, with seroconversion of all inoculated swine by postinoculation week 8. The rate of seroconversion appeared to be affected by initial larval dose, time after inoculation, and immunocompetence of the individual host. Determination of antibody kinetics generally revealed rapidly increasing antibody titer, followed by its steady decrease in most pigs. Once seropositive, however, all pigs remained seropositive for the duration of the 10-week study. Presence of muscle larvae was confirmed in all infected pigs at termination of the study. We recognize that the experimental conditions may not be truly representative of those under which natural infection develops in pigs; however, the ELISA detected an infected pig with muscle larval density of 0.87 larvae/g of tissue. Results of a field trial (n = 310) indicated no muscle digestion test-positive pigs (35 g of diaphragm muscle digested/pig), but 3 samples tested positive by ELISA for specificity of 99.0%.  相似文献   

Serology plays an important role in the diagnosis of leptospirosis. Few laboratories have the resources, expertise, or facilities to perform the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Thus, there is a need for a rapid and simple serological test that could be used in any diagnostic laboratory. In this study, a genus-specific, heat-stable antigenic preparation from Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona was used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dog sera. This antigenic preparation reacted with rabbit antisera against L. interrogans serovars bratislava, autumnalis, icterohaemorrhagiae and pomona and with rabbit antiserum against L. kirschneri serovar grippotyphosa. The ELISA showed a relative specificity of 95.6% with 158 dog sera which were negative at a dilution of 1:100 in the MAT for serovars pomona, bratislava, icterohaemorrhagiae, autumnalis, hardjo, and grippotyphosa. The relative sensitivity of this assay with 21 dog sera that revealed serovars MAT titres of > or =100 to different serovars was 100%. This assay is easily standardized, technically more advantageous than MAT, and uses an antigenic preparation that can be routinely prepared in large amounts. It was concluded that this ELISA is sufficiently sensitive test to be used as an initial screening test for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in canine sera, with subsequent confirmation of positive test results with the MAT.  相似文献   

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