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The ability of fetal pig skeletal muscle (biceps femoris) to metabolize glucose, fructose, lactate, acetate and palmitate in vitro was examined at 70, 90 and 110 d of gestation. Even though succinate dehydrogenase activity increased as fetal age increased (P less than .01), the rate of oxidation of glucose, fructose, acetate and palmitate to CO2 was not influenced by fetal age (P greater than .05), but each rate was dose-dependent (P less than .01). At higher concentration, lactate oxidation to CO2 proceeded at a faster rate in the muscle of 70-d fetuses when compared with 90- or 110-d fetuses. Muscle glycogen content increased (P less than .01) from 70 to 110 d of gestation. The rate of glucose incorporation into glycogen increased over this same time frame (P less than .06). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity did not change with age when activity was expressed per unit wet weight of muscle (P greater than .05). The ratio [1-14C]glucose/[6-14C]glucose oxidized to CO2 was independent of age and substrate concentration, and indicated significant pentose cycle activity in fetal muscle. Incorporation of lactate and palmitate into phospholipid was greatest at 70 d of gestation, a time period that coincides with establishment of mature muscle fiber number and fiber hypertrophy. The rate of palmitate incorporation into triacylglycerol was dependent on concentration of substrate (P less than .01) but not on age (P greater than .05). The rate of fructose oxidation to CO2 was lower than the rate for glucose, lactate and acetate when compared at similar concentrations. Acetate carbons were not incorporated into free fatty acids or lipid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

2020年突如起来的新冠肺炎疫情使“核酸检测”进入了公众的视野,但在核酸检测中,部分病例在不同时间经2次以上的检测后结果由阴性转为阳性,这种现象的出现给临床诊断和疾病控制带来了极大的困扰。同样,在猪病的核酸检测中,假阴性问题亦普遍存在。新病毒的确认时间周期长、采集的待检样品不合格、核酸提取效果差是出现上述现象的主要因素。因地制宜地制定样品采集方案,试剂盒质量可靠,监督环节不缺失等,是输出合格检测结果的重要保障。  相似文献   

Muscle growth in the fetal and neonatal pig   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

前言随着养猪业的不断发展,生产规模的不断扩大,仔猪早期断奶技术已经成为养猪生产的重要环节。早期断奶可以提高母猪的生产性能及饲养母猪的经济效益,减少母猪向仔猪的疾病传播机率(切断仔猪的最初疾病感染源),从而有利于仔猪的成活及生长,提高栏舍的利用效率。但仔猪早期断奶  相似文献   

To study bile acid metabolism in the pig, indwelling catheters were surgically placed in the hepatic portal vein and the anterior vena cava of 12-17 kg crossbred pigs. The pigs were fed ad libitum for one hr at 0800 and 1600 hrs daily. Two weeks after the surgery, 50 microCi of 24[14C] chenodeoxycholic acid were infused into the hepatic portal vein. The radioactivity in plasma from the two veins was monitored hourly for six hrs following each of six consecutive meals over a 3-day period. Fecal and urine radioactivity were determined for 14 days. It was found that the peak levels of radioactivity in the plasma of both veins were reached within two hrs post-feeding. The biological half-life of chenodeoxycholic acid was determined to be 6.4 days.  相似文献   

The fetal and neonatal pig in biomedical research   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

在养殖场(户)和规模养殖场中示范推广了经济实用、具有较强可操作性的"还田模式"和"生态还田"两种猪场粪污处理与利用模式,较好地解决了养猪生产发展带来的环境污染问题,不仅为农业生产提供了优质的有机肥源和清洁能源,而且提高了作物产量,减少了化肥使用量,具有显著的经济效益和良好的生态效益。  相似文献   

中国地方猪保种与利用工作的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了我国地方猪保种与利用工作的成效,提出了我国地方猪品种资源危机带有全局性,亟待采取应急措施;当前紧迫的任务是保持其遗传多样性,维持公猪现有的血统数;活体保种应立足于保种场,兼顾保种区;资源评估工作有待加强;有计划地开展有利于保种的优质商品猪生产。  相似文献   

多花黑麦草饲喂肉猪效果的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
试验在猪日粮中加入 2 5 .73%~ 4 4 .0 4 %的多花黑麦草鲜草 (以干物质计的实际采食量 )饲喂育肥期的二元杂交肉猪 ,结果证明多花黑麦草在日粮中由 10 %增至 2 0 %时 ,日增重由 5 84 g/ (头·天 )增至 60 0 g/ (头·天 ) ;而多花黑麦草在日粮中由 30 %增至 5 0 %时 ,日增重由 5 12 g/ (头·天 )降至 4 5 6g/ (头·天 )。第 86天时 ,各试验组间的日增重差异极显著 (P<0 .0 1)。随着多花黑麦草在日粮中的替代量增加 ,料肉比 3.2 2∶ 1降至 2 .12∶ 1,各育肥组出栏时 ,饲料牧草干物质的转化效率为 3.15~ 3.5 1kg(消耗的 DM/ 1kg活重 )。试验组 5比对照组减少精料消耗 30 .5 0 % ,每头猪节约精料 4 9.16kg,增加收入 5 1.30元。饲喂多花黑麦草对育肥猪的屠宰率、瘦肉率和品质无显著影响。  相似文献   

试验在猪日粮中加入25.73%~44.04%的多花黑麦草鲜草(以干物质计的实际采食量)饲喂育肥期的二元杂交肉猪,结果证明多花黑麦草在日粮中由10%增至20%时,日增重由584g/(头·天)增至600g/(头·天);而多花黑麦草在日粮中由30%增至50%时,日增重由512g/(头·天)降至456g/(头·天).第86天时,各试验组间的日增重差异极显著(P<0.0¨.随着多花黑麦草在日粮中的替代量增加,料肉比3.22:1降至2.12:1,各育肥组出栏时,饲料牧草干物质的转化效率为3.15~3.51kg(消耗的DM/1kg活重).试验组5比对照组减少精料消耗30.50%,每头猪节约精料49.16kg,增加收入51.30元.饲喂多花黑麦草对育肥猪的屠宰率、瘦肉率和品质无显著影响.  相似文献   

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