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The objectives of this study were to characterize the tissue compositional changes in porcine mammary glands after weaning and to determine whether administration of estradiol alters the profile of these tissue changes. Forty-five primiparous sows were assigned randomly to one of two treatment groups after weaning, control or estrogen treated. Estrogen-treated sows received twice-daily injections of estradiol-17beta (0.125 mg/kg of BW); control sows received vehicle injections. Sows were weaned at d 21 of lactation and killed on either d 0 (d of weaning; n = 5) or on d 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 after weaning (n = 4 per treatment on each day). Teat order relative to suckling behavior was observed on the day before weaning to determine which mammary glands the piglets suckled. Suckled and non-suckled glands were identified from the teat order observation, and individual mammary glands were collected at slaughter. Mammary glands were trimmed of skin and extraneous fat pad, individually weighed, and bisected to measure cross-sectional area. The remaining half of each gland was ground and stored at -20 degrees C for chemical analyses. Frozen tissue was used for measuring tissue DNA, DM, protein, fat, and ash contents. Suckled mammary glands of sows undergo significant and dramatic changes during the initial 7 d after weaning, with significant changes occurring even by d 2 after weaning. Mean cross-sectional area of parenchymal tissue in suckled mammary glands decreased from 59.7 +/- 2.1 cm2 on the day of weaning to 26.8 +/- 2.3 cm2 by d 7 after weaning (P < 0.0001). Mammary gland wet weight decreased from 485.9 +/- 22.0 g on the day of weaning to 151.5 +/- 24.8 g by d 7 after weaning (P < 0.0001), whereas DNA decreased from 838.8 +/- 46.2 g on the day of weaning to 278.4 +/- 52.5 g by d 7 after weaning (P < 0.0001). The changes in gland wet weight and DNA during the period of mammary gland involution in the sow represent loses of over two-thirds of the parenchymal mass and nearly two-thirds of the cells that were present on the day of weaning. Estrogen treatment did not affect overall mammary involution during the first 7 d after weaning. Mammary glands that were not suckled during lactation had no further loss of parenchymal tissue during the first 7 d after weaning. Mammary gland involution in the sow is a rapid process and is probably irreversible within 2 or 3 d after weaning.  相似文献   

Kinetic properties and substrate specificity of the lysine transport system in porcine mammary gland were studied using mammary tissue explants from nine lactating sows. Sodium dependence of lysine uptake was determined by replacing sodium in the medium with choline. Kinetic parameters of lysine uptake were determined using lysine concentrations from 5 microM to 5.12 mM. Competition of lysine uptake by other amino acids was determined using the cationic amino acids, arginine and ornithine, and using other essential amino acids. Transport of lysine was time-dependent and was unaffected by replacing sodium with choline. Lysine uptake occurred by a transport mechanism with a Km of approximately 1.4 mM and a Vmax of 7.9 mmol x kg cell water(-1) x 30 min(-1). Lysine uptake was inhibited by arginine and ornithine and by high concentrations of L-alanine, L-methionine, L-leucine, cycloleucine, and D-lysine, but not by 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid. This transport mechanism is the primary system responsible for uptake of cationic amino acids in lactating sow mammary tissue. The relatively high Km, compared with physiological blood concentrations of lysine, indicates that the kinetic properties of the lysine transport system should not be limiting to milk protein synthesis. Transmembrane transport of lysine by lactating sow mammary tissue should be a direct function of plasma concentrations. However, interactions of other amino acids with the uptake system may affect lysine uptake.  相似文献   

Effect of nutrient intake on mammary gland growth in lactating sows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixty-one primiparous sows were used to determine the response of mammary gland growth to different energy and protein intakes during lactation. After birth, litter size was set to 9 or 10 pigs. Sows were slaughtered at selected times up to 30 d of lactation. Individual sows were fed one of four diets that were combinations of different amounts of energy and protein (3.0 Mcal ME and 8.0 g lysine/kg diet; 3.0 Mcal ME and 16.2 g lysine/kg diet; 3.5 Mcal ME and 6.4 g lysine/kg diet; or 3.5 Mcal ME and 13.0 g lysine/kg diet). Mammary glands were collected at slaughter and trimmed of skin and the extraneous fat pad. Each gland was weighed, cut in half to measure cross-sectional area, ground, and stored at -20 degrees C for chemical analysis. Frozen, ground tissue was used to determine dry matter, dry fat-free tissue (DFFT), total tissue protein, ash, and DNA content. Only glands known to have been suckled were included in this data set. Response surface regression was used for statistical analysis. The percentage of protein, fat, ash, and DNA in each suckled mammary gland was affected only by total energy intake (P<.05). The percentage of dry tissue and fat decreased as the total energy consumed during lactation increased, whereas the percentage of protein and DFFT increased as total energy intake increased. There were quadratic effects (P<.05) of both total energy and protein intake on wet weight, dry weight, protein amount, DFFT amount, and DNA amount of each suckled mammary gland during lactation. This study shows that mammary gland growth is affected by nutrient intake during lactation. The weight of suckled mammary glands and the amount of mammary tissue protein, DFFT, and total DNA were maximal on d 27.5 of lactation when sows had consumed an average of 16.9 Mcal of ME and 55 g of lysine per day during lactation. Provision of adequate amounts of nutrients to sows during lactation is important for achieving maximal growth of mammary glands and maximal milk production.  相似文献   

Mammary gland responsiveness to exogenous oxytocin during lactation was assessed by measuring changes in intramammary pressure of healthy sows given (IM injection) synthetic oxytocin (40 U). Response to oxytocin was measured once a week for the first 8 weeks of lactation. Recordings of pressure changes were expressed as mean area (cm2) under the trace at each 10-minute interval over 30 minutes after oxytocin had been given. During the 2nd week of lactation, there was a 55.3% increase (P less than 0.05) in responsiveness to oxytocin (25.1 +/- 4.2 cm2/10 minutes) as compared with the 1st week (13.9 +/- 2.2 cm2/10 minutes). Responsiveness decreased, however, from the 2nd to the 8th week. Since the incidence of mastitis-metritis-agalactia in sows is particularly high during the 1st week of lactation, low responsiveness of the mammary gland to oxytocin may be a contributing factor.  相似文献   

The impact of diet deprivation and subsequent over-allowance in prepubertal gilts on their mammary development and mammary gene expression at the end of gestation and their lactation performance over 2 parities was determined. Seventy-seven gilts were reared under a conventional (control, CTL; n = 41) or an experimental (treatment, TRT; n = 36) dietary regimen. The experimental regimen provided 70 (restriction diet, RES) and 115% (over-allowance diet, OVER) of the protein and DE contents provided by the CTL diet. Experimental diets were fed ad libitum starting at 27.7 ± 3.4 kg of BW as follows: 3 wk RES, 3 wk OVER, 4 wk RES, and 4 wk OVER. All gilts were bred, and 34 were slaughtered on d 110 of gestation (18 CTL and 16 TRT) to collect mammary tissue for compositional analyses and gene expression measurements. Remaining gilts (23 CTL and 20 TRT) were maintained for 2 parities, and litter performance data were obtained. Blood samples for hormonal and metabolite assays were obtained on d 110 of gestation from all sows slaughtered at that time and from 14 sows per treatment on d 2 and 17 of lactation in the first parity. Milk samples were obtained from these same sows on d 17 of lactation in both parities. There was a tendency for mammary parenchymal tissue to contain less protein in TRT than CTL sows (P < 0.10), and relative mRNA abundance of the signal transducer and activator of transduction 5B gene was increased in parenchyma from TRT sows (P < 0.05). Circulating prolactin (P < 0.05) and milk lactose concentrations (P < 0.01) were less, whereas milk protein content was greater (P < 0.05) in TRT sows than CTL sows on d 17 of lactation. Nevertheless, growth rate of suckling piglets over the first 2 parities was unaffected by treatment. In conclusion, the use of a diet deprivation and over-allowance regimen in the growing-finishing period did not have beneficial effects on mammary gene expression or on sow and piglet performance.  相似文献   

The presence and localisation of lymphocyte subsets together with class II bearing cells in the mammary gland of sows, were studied at different periods of the reproductive cycle by immunohistochemistry and compared with blood. All cell types involved in the immune response were present in the mammary gland at the different stages of gestation and lactation and nearer the alveolar epithelium as gestation proceeded: T lymphocytes, including CD4+ and CD8+, B lymphocytes and class II bearing cells (epithelial cells and macrophages). The results indicated an early accumulation of T lymphocytes, specifically T helper cells, during pregnancy; the specific increase of IgA lymphocytes occurring after this phase could suggest a role for these T cells in the induction of IgA response. The local accumulation of immune cells sustains the view that the mammary gland is able to mount a true local immune response and the increase in CD8+ cells near the epithelium suggests a role in local immune defence.  相似文献   

Fifty-two Yorkshire x Landrace gilts were equally allotted to four treatments: 1) controls, saline injections (CTL); 2) injections of 12 mg of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) (1-29)NH2 thrice daily (0700, 1500, and 2300) from d 100 of gestation until parturition (GEST); 3) injections of GRF thrice daily from d 3 to 29 of lactation (LACT); and 4) injections of GRF thrice daily during gestation (d 100 to parturition) and lactation (d 3 to 29) (GEST-LACT). Within 48 h of birth, litters were standardized to 9 +/- 1 pigs. Weights of the pigs were recorded weekly from birth (less than 24 h) until weaning (d 30) and on d 42 and 56. Weights of gilts at mating, d 110 of gestation, 1 d postfarrowing, and at weaning also were recorded. On d 24 of lactation, milk yield was estimated by the weigh-suckle-weigh method, and a representative milk sample was obtained the next day. Jugular vein cannulas were inserted into six sows per treatment on d 26, and a 6-h blood profile (sampling every 20 min from 0600 to 1200) was obtained on d 29. Daily feed consumption of sows was recorded throughout the study. Weights of the pigs at any one time or survival until weaning were not affected by treatments (P greater than .1). Sows injected with GRF during GEST (P = .05) and(or) LACT (P less than .01) were lighter than CTL sows at weaning; in addition, sows treated during lactation had less backfat (P less than .01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

During lactation in the sow, mammary glands that are not regularly suckled undergo regression. This study characterizes the regression of unsuckled mammary glands and how that regression is affected by dietary nutrients and litter size. Sixty-nine primiparous sows were fed one of four diets containing combinations of two protein levels (32 or 65 g lysine/d) and two energy levels (12 or 17.5 Mcal ME/d) during lactation. Litter size was adjusted to 10. Sows were killed on d 0, 5, 10, 14, 21, or 28 of lactation. In another experiment, twenty-eight primiparous sows were allotted to have different litter sizes and were killed on d 21 of lactation. The day before slaughter, teat order of each litter was observed. After death, mammary glands were removed and dissected. Skin and extraneous fat pads were removed from the mammary glands and individual glands were separated. Each gland was weighed, cut in half to measure cross-sectional area, and ground for chemical analysis. The amounts of dry tissue, protein, fat, ash, and DNA were measured. Only glands observed to be unsuckled were included in the results. Regression of unsuckled mammary glands occurred rapidly during the first 7 to 10 d of lactation, as indicated by a decline in wet weight, dry weight, protein, fat, DNA, and cross-sectional area. The rate of regression was slowed after the early lactation period. The rate of regression of unsuckled glands was affected by dietary nutrient levels. Dietary energy level affected (P < 0.05) the decline in wet and dry weights, protein, fat and DNA content, and cross-sectional area, whereas dietary protein level affected (P < 0.05) the decline in dry weight and fat content. At d 5 of lactation, the wet weight of unsuckled mammary glands in sows fed the high-energy high-protein diet was 91% greater (P < 0.05) than in sows fed the low-energy low-protein diet. Effects of litter size on size and composition of unsuckled glands were not significant by d 21 of lactation. Unsuckled mammary glands regress rapidly during early lactation, and the rate of regression is affected by dietary nutrient intake.  相似文献   

The effects of energy and protein intakes by 32 primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance and sow body composition and bone properties were examined. Dietary treatments were energy intakes of 8 (LE) and 16 (HE) Mcal of ME/d and protein intakes of 380 (LP) and 760 (HP) g of CP/d in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Sows fed diets that were inadequate in either energy or protein lost more weight than did sows fed the HE-HP diet, but backfat losses were greater when energy intake was deficient than when protein was deficient. Carcass measurements were influenced in a similar manner, with energy intake affecting (P less than .001) backfat thickness and protein intake affecting (P less than .05) longissimus muscle area. Heart, kidneys and liver of sows fed LP diets weighed less (P less than .01) and contained less water and protein (P less than .05) than those of sows fed HP. Sows fed LE had heart, liver and viscera that weighed less (P less than .05) than those of sows fed HE. There was less fat (P less than .05) in the heart, lung, liver and viscera of sows fed LE than in those of sows fed HE. Carcass components of the supraspinatus muscle and standardized sections through the longissimus muscle and right shoulder weighed less (P less than .05) from sows fed LP rather than HP, and these components contained less water and protein. Sows fed the LE diets had less fat in the loin soft tissue section, right shoulder section and supraspinatus muscle than sows fed HE. Bone composition and strength were not influenced by dietary treatment. The composition of weight lost during lactation was diet-dependent. Sows fed diets that were deficient in protein but adequate in energy lost large amounts of protein from muscles and internal organs. Energy deficiency resulted primarily in fat loss.  相似文献   

Effect of ambient temperature on mammary gland metabolism in lactating sows   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two groups of three multiparous Large White x Landrace sows were used to investigate the direct effect of ambient temperature on mammary gland metabolism. Sows from the first group were exposed to temperatures of 28 degrees C between d 8 and 14 of lactation, and 20 degrees C between d 15 and 21; treatments were reversed in the second group. Four to six d after farrowing, an ultrasonic blood flow probe was implanted around the right external pudic artery and catheters were fitted in the right anterior mammary vein and in the carotid artery. After surgery all sows were fed 3.8 kg/d of a lactation diet. The arteriovenous (AV, mg/L) plasma samples were obtained every 30 min between 0915 and 1545 on d 5 of exposure to ambient temperature; the same day, milk samples were collected at 1630. Additional arterial samples were obtained between 1000 and 1100 on d 1, 4, and 6 of exposure. Milk yield was estimated from the body weight gain of the litter. Elevated temperature tended to reduce BW loss (2.44 vs 1.82 kg/d, P < 0.10), but did not affect milk yield (11.0 kg/d). Glucagon and leptin arterial concentrations increased (12 and 8%, respectively; P < 0.10), but thyroxin and triiodothyronine concentrations decreased (26 and 16%, respectively; P < 0.01) between 20 and 28 degrees C. Expressed as a percentage of total nutrients, AV difference, glucose, amino acids, triglycerides (TG), free fatty acids, and lactate A-V differences represented 60, 20, 11, 8, and 1%, respectively. Exposure to 28 degrees C increased the extraction rate of glucose, TG, and a-amino acid N (13, 8, and 2.5%, respectively; P < 0.10). The extraction rates of essential and nonessential amino acids were not affected by temperature. The right pudic artery mammary blood flow increased (872 vs 945 mL/min, P < 0.05) between 20 and 28 degrees C, whereas milk yield was unaffected by temperature. It is suggested that this apparent inefficiency of the sow mammary gland in hot conditions could be related to an increase of proportion of blood flow irrigating skin capillaries in order to dissipate body heat.  相似文献   

We studied a set of indicators of iron metabolism in sows and new-born piglets: hemoglobin, plasma iron, total iron binding capacity and plasma ferritin. Iron status of seventy-two sows was studied throughout pregnancy and lactation. The results point to mobilization of iron from its storage sites up to the second month of gestation, but no appreciable decrease during the second half of pregnancy. No appreciable mobilization of the iron stores of sows was observed during the lactation period. Nine sows and their 78 piglets were used to compare the status of iron in the sows and the end of gestation with the iron status of the piglets at birth; there was a positive correlation between the mean values of plasma ferritin concentration in the piglets and the levels of plasma ferritin in their mothers.  相似文献   

Microvascular changes in the mammary gland in mice during pregnancy and lactation were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a corrosion cast method, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and morphometry. By SEM, duct-associated capillary plexuses were sparsely distributed to branch into adipocytes during virgin period. With advance in pregnancy, both branches from the capillary plexuses and branches from the vessels surrounding adipocytes extended further to form capillary networks. The basket-like architecture was completed by day 18 of pregnancy. These findings may indicate that angiogenesis occurs frequently during this period. During lactation, the basket-like architecture still remained and the capillaries surrounding alveoli meandered. After weaning, the regression of microvasculature followed the degeneration of alveoli. By TEM and morphometry, the density of pinocytotic vesicles (PVs) (number of PVs per microns 2 of endothelium cytoplasm) increased twofold from day 18 of pregnancy to day 5 of lactation, furthermore increased threefold from days 10 to 20 of lactation, and subsequently decreased after weaning. Marginal folds and microvillous processes gradually increased in length with advance in pregnancy, reached the maximum from days 5 to 15 of lactation, and thereafter decreased. In addition, the capillaries with thinner walls were in close contact with alveoli during the late stage of pregnancy and during lactation. Furthermore, the alveolar epithelial cells had well-developed basal infoldings during lactation. These findings suggest that the capillaries play an important role in transporting materials necessary for milk production.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that supplementation of sows' diets with L-carnitine increases body weights of their piglets at birth. This study was performed to investigate whether piglets of sows treated with L-carnitine differ in their growth potential from that of piglets of untreated control sows after weaning. It was also investigated whether supplementation of piglets' diets with L-carnitine improves their growth after weaning. In two trials, piglets of the first litters of primiparous sows (trial 1) and the second litters of the same sows (trial 2) were divided into four groups: group 1, piglets of control sows, fed a control diet; group 2, piglets of control sows fed a diet supplemented with 30 mg L-carnitine/kg; group 3, piglets of L-carnitine-treated sows, fed a control diet; group 4, piglets of L-carnitine-treated sows fed a diet supplemented with 30 mg L-carnitine/kg. Mean initial body weights of the piglets of the four groups were identical. They were 8.5 kg in trial 1 and 12.5 kg in trial 2. Diets were fed ad libitum over a period of 35 days. Piglets from sows treated with L-carnitine did not differ in body weight gains, feed intake and gain : feed ratio from those of control sows. In trial 1, piglets supplemented with L-carnitine had higher body weight gains (p < 0.005) and showed a tendency towards a higher gain : feed ratio (p = 0.09) than piglets fed the control diets. In trial 2, no significant difference in these parameters emerged between piglets fed the diet supplemented with L-carnitine and those fed the control diet. In conclusion, this study shows that dietary L-carnitine treatment of sows does not improve the growth potential of their piglets after weaning under the conditions of equal initial body weights. The study also shows that L-carnitine supplementation of their diets improves the growth performance in light piglets of primiparous sows.  相似文献   

Days to reach 113.4 kg, adjusted backfat depth and adjusted loin muscle area to 113.4 kg were evaluated on pure‐bred Landrace (n = 15 660) and Yorkshire (n = 14 808) boars and gilts. Daily lactation feed intake (LFI) was recorded within parity records from pure‐bred Yorkshire (n = 1587) and Landrace (n = 2197) females during day 1–22 of lactation, and LFI curves were predicted using a mixed model. Evaluation of feed intake differences between 2 consecutive days of lactation resulted in the following periods: day 1–6 (PB1), day 7–10 (PB2) and day 11–18 (PB3). Average rate of change in intake (ARC), average daily intake (ADI) and variation from predicted daily LFI values (VAR) metrics were computed for each period of lactation. Gibbs sampling was used to estimate the genetic covariance between LFI metrics and grow‐finish traits. Genetic correlations were strongest between grow‐finish traits, and LFI metrics in first parity sows and were generally favourable, but correlations with LFI metrics during parity 2 or greater were low and not different from 0 (p > 0.05). Genetic correlations between LFI metrics in parity 1 sows with growth and composition traits varied greatly in strength and direction. Selection for leaner, heavier muscled gilts had a limited effect on LFI metrics. However, selection for increased growth rate was associated with higher ARC and ADI and smaller VAR values.  相似文献   

Third-parity sows received s.c. injections of sterile water (CTL, n = 12) or 15 mg of recombinant porcine prolactin (pPRL, n = 12) at 0730, 1530, and 2330 from d 2 to 23 of lactation. Litters were standardized to 11 or 12 pigs and were weighed weekly until weaning (d 24). On d 22 of lactation, milk production was estimated, and a milk sample was obtained the next day. Jugular blood samples were collected from sows on d 2, 7, 14, and 21 of lactation. Sows were slaughtered and mammary glands collected at d 24. Injections of pPRL doubled the serum concentrations of prolactin (P < .001) on d 7, 14, and 21 of lactation and decreased IGF-I concentrations on d 14 (P = .07) and 21 (P < .01). Weight, backfat, and milk yield of sows and mean pig weights were not affected by pPRL (P > . 1), yet the mean duration of intervals between nursings was reduced by 4.2 min (P = .06) in pPRL litters (45.9 vs 41.7 min). Dry matter and fat percentages in milk were lower in pPRL sows (P < .01). Weights of parenchymal and extraparenchymal tissues were not altered by pPRL treatment (P > .1). Number of prolactin receptors in parenchymal tissue as well as receptor affinity were similar in both groups (P > .1). Results indicate that virtually all prolactin receptors were saturated in CTL sows. This is probably the reason why additional exogenous prolactin had negligible effects.  相似文献   

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