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Avian leukosis virus subgroup A (ALV‐A) is a retrovirus which infects egg‐type chickens and is the main pathogen of lymphoid leukosis (LL) and myeloid leukosis (ML). In order to greatly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of clinical avian leukemia, two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to ALV‐A were developed by fusion between SP2/0 and spleen cells from mice immunized with expressed ALV‐A env‐gp85 protein. Using immunofluorescence assay (IFA), two MAbs reacted with ALV‐A, but not with subgroups B and J of ALV. Western blot tests showed that molecular weight of ALV‐A envelope glycoprotein recognized by MAbs was about 53 kD. Isotyping test revealed that two MAbs (A5C1 and A4C8) were IgG1 isotypes. These MAbs can be used for diagnosis and epidemiology of ALV‐A.  相似文献   

The current study identified 124 lateral condylar fractures of the distal metacarpus or metatarsus over a 6-year period. Thirty of 124 lateral condylar fractures were classified as displaced. Eight of 30 displaced lateral condylar fractures and 1/86 incomplete lateral condylar fractures had concurrent sagittal axial fracture of the lateral proximal sesamoid bone. A 20-degree DMPLO view is the most sensitive radiographic projection to identify sagittal axial fracture of the lateral proximal sesamoid bone. A flexed 20-degree DMPLO projection demonstrates displacement of complete sagittal axial sesamoid fractures. Radiographic identification of axial sesamoid fracture is critical to provide the most accurate prognosis for return to racing. Arthroscopic assessment of the axial sesamoid fracture and cartilage injury on the lateral proximal sesamoid bone, as well as post-operative progression, are described in four surgical cases.  相似文献   

The H2 subtypes of avian influenza A viruses (avian IAVs) have been circulating in poultry, and they have the potential to infect humans. Therefore, establishing a method to quickly detect this subtype is pivotal. We developed a TaqMan minor groove binder real-time RT-PCR assay that involved probes and primers based on conserved sequences of the matrix and hemagglutinin genes. The detection limit of this assay was as low as one 50% egg infectious dose (EID50)/mL per reaction. This assay is specific, sensitive, and rapid for detecting avian IAV H2 subtypes.  相似文献   

We simulated a shelterwood forest regeneration treatment by reducing basal area, and monitored the response of an avian community in oak‐hickory forest on the southern Cumberland Plateau, northern Alabama, USA. We used five treatments: control (no removal), clear‐cut (100% removal), and 25, 50, and 75% removal of basal area. Territory mapping was used to quantify bird community between mid‐April and July of both 2002 and 2003. Microclimate variables were recorded at each plot. The residual basal area and canopy cover showed three distinct conditions after treatment: closed canopy, open forest, and clear‐cut. The microclimate varied among treatments: air temperature was highest in clear‐cut plots and lowest in control plots, whereas soil moisture had the opposite pattern. A total of 71 bird species were detected, with 36 of them defending territories. Territory density, species richness, and Shannon diversity index differed among the treatments; the relationship between these bird community indices and the level of basal area removal was quadratic, lowest in the clear‐cut plots and highest in the intermediate levels. Although species richness was similar among the control, 25, 50, and 75% removal treatments, species composition varied. The richness difference among treatments became smaller in the second year post‐treatment (2003) with an increase in bird density and richness occurring in the clear‐cut plots.  相似文献   


1. Olive leaf extract (OLE) and hazelnut skin (HS), which are known to have good antioxidant activity, were added into chicken nuggets in different ways. In the first method, the nuggets were coated with sodium alginate-calcium chloride-based coatings containing OLE and HS. In the second method, OLE and HS were directly added into the nugget patties. Nuggets that did not contain any additive (C1) and the samples prepared with the coating solution that did not include any additives (C2) were assigned as controls.

2. Nuggets were stored at two different temperatures, either in a refrigerator (4°C) or in a deep freezer (?18°C) for 21 days and 90 days respectively. Moisture content (%), pH, antioxidant status (TBARS), colour and microbial count (total mesophilic and psychrophilic aerobic bacteria) analyses were carried out during storage.

3. At the end of refrigerator storage (day 21), TBARS values for samples in which OLE and HS were directly added were found to be lower than those with OLE and HS coatings (P < 0.05). Total number of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria were found to be the lowest in the treatment in which HS was directly incorporated into nugget patty (P < 0.05).

4. For frozen samples, application of a coating containing OLE and HS and direct addition of HS into patties were found to be effective in reducing lipid oxidation. No microbial growth was determined in most of the samples stored in the deep freezer.  相似文献   

Severe forms of zoonotic visceral leishmaniosis (ZVL) are associated with disruption of the spleen structure. However, the study of spleen histology requires splenectomy or necropsy. In this work, we present a minimally invasive cell-block technique for studying spleen tissue histology in dogs with ZVL. We examined 13 dogs with and seven dogs without Leishmania infantum infection. The dogs with Leishmania infection had a lower frequency of lymphoid follicles (2/13, Fisher’s test, P < 0.02) and a higher density of plasma cells (score 3, Fisher’s test, P < 0.02) than uninfected dogs (5/7 exhibiting lymphoid follicles and a plasma cell score of 1). The dogs with Leishmania infection also presented with granulomas (8/13) and infected macrophages (5/13). These differences in the histological presentations of spleen tissue from infected and uninfected dogs corresponded to changes observed in conventional histology. Hence, the cell-block technique described here may be used in the follow-up care and study of dogs with ZVL and other diseases in both clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

Skin lacerations on the hind legs of horses often cause large defects on the cranial surface of the hock and cannon regions. The treatment of these present significant logistic problems due to the amount of movement of the area and the difficulties of bandaging and immobilisation, as well as a tendency to form exuberant granulation tissue (or ‘proud flesh’) Acupuncture beads were used as a means of suppressing granulation and maximising epithelial ingrowth, using the principle that ‘acupuncture has been shown to help bring the body back towards normality’. The aim in these cases was healing of the skin lesions with the least effort and cost possible. The technique eliminated the need for resection of any granulation tissue after the beads were implanted, the amount of bandaging was drastically reduced and eliminated in a lot of cases, and the results were cosmetically very acceptable and functional. Digital photography and measurements of the changes in the size of the lesions were used to document the results. This study shows that the formation of exuberant granulation tissue or ‘proud flesh’ in equine skin wounds on the cranial surface of the hock and cannon bone can be controlled by a single acupuncture bead treatment. Long‐term follow‐up of the cases over 18+ months confirms the ongoing effects of the acupuncture beads, resulting in the completion of wound healing and reduction of fibrosis.  相似文献   

Abstract Skin disease associated with the cutaneous commensal organisms Staphylococcus intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis and Demodex canis is frequently encountered in veterinary medicine. In treatment the aim is elimination of the commensal, but recurrence of skin disease is not unusual. In this review, these potentially pathogenic commensals and their ecology are discussed with particular reference to skin biology and the surface ecosystem. The strategies employed by the micro-organisms for survival and the defence mechanisms of the host are considered. Disease occurs when the virulence of the commensal overwhelms the resistance of the host. It is hoped that an understanding of the complex nature of the skin and its commensals will lead to a better understanding of those diseases associated with commensals and in consequence more effective treatment. Résumé— Les dermatoses associées aux organismes commensaux cutanés Staphylococcus intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis et Demodex canis sont fréquentes en médecine vétérinaire. Le traitement vise àéliminer le commensal, mais les récidives sont fréquentes. Dans cet article, les commensaux potentiellement pathogènes et leur écologie sont discutés avec une référence particulière à la biologie cutanée et à l'écosystème de surface. Les stratégies employées par les microorganismes pour survivre et les mécanismes de défense de l'hote sont présentés. La pathologie se développe lorsque la virulence du commensal outrepasse la résistance de l'hote. Il faut espérer que la compréhension de la nature complexe de la peau et de ses commensaux, permettent une meilleure compréhension des pathologies associées à ces commensaux et par conséquent un traitement plus efficace. [Mason, I. S., Mason, K. V., Lloyd, D. H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Une revue de la biologie de la peau concernant les commensaux Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis et Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.] Resumen En medicina veterinaria son frecuentes las dermatopatías asociadas a los microorganismos comensales Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis y Malassezia pachydermatis. El tratamiento busca la eliminatión del comensal, aunque no son raras las recidivas. En esta revisión se discute la ecología de estos comensales potencialmente patógenos, con especial énfasis en la biologia cutánea y el ecosistema superficial. Se tienen en cuenta las estrategias para la supervivencia utilizadas por los microorganismos y los mecanismos de defensa del huésped. La enfernedad se desarrolla cuando la virulencia del comensal supera la resistencia del huésped. Se espera que el mejor conocimiento de la naturaleza compleja de la piel y de sus comensales llevará a un mejor conocimiento de las enfermedades asociadas a los comensales y, consecuentemente, a un tratamiento más efectivo. [Mason, I. S., Mason, K. V., Lloyd, D. H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Revision de la biologia cutánea con respecto a los comensales Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis y Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.] Zusammenfassung— Hauterkrankungen in Verbindung mit den kutanen, kommensalen Organismen Staphylococcu intermedius, Malassezia pachydermatis und Demodex canis werden in der Veterinärmedizin häufig angetroffen. Das Ziel der Behandlung ist die Elimination der Kommensalen, aber die Rezidivierung der Hauterkrankung ist nicht ungewöhnlich. In dieser Übersicht werden diese potentiell pathogenen Kommensalen und ihre Ökologie mit speziellem Bezug zur Biologie der Haut und des Ober-flächenökosystems diskutiert. Die Überlebensstrategien dieser Mikroorganismen und die Abwehrmechanismen des Wirtes werden berücksichtigt. Eine Erkrankung tritt auf, wenn die Virulenz des Kommensal die Widerstandskraft des Wirtes übertrifft. Man hofft, daß das Verstehen der komplexen Natur der Haut und ihrer Kommensalen zum besserem Verständnis dieser mit den Kommensalen verbundenen Krankheiten und damit in der Folge zu wirksamerer Behandlung führt. [Mason, I.S., Mason, K.V., Lloyd, D.H. A review of the biology of canine skin with respect to the commensals Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis and Malassezia pachydermatis (Übersicht über die Biologie der Haut des Hundes mit Berücksichtigung der Kommensalen Staphylococcus intermedius, Demodex canis und Malassezia pachydermatis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 119–132.]  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and complications following lavage and drainage of the lateral compartment (LC) of the equine guttural pouch (GP) using a modified Garm's technique (MGT). In an ex vivo study (study 1), six cadaver heads were examined to assess the anatomical limits of the surgical approach and whether vital structures might be damaged. This was followed by an in vivo study (study 2) in which a lavage/drainage tube was placed for 3 days into each LC of four standing horses using the MGT. In both studies, the procedure offered direct access into the LC and indirect access into the medial compartments of the GP. In study 1, the MGT provided a rostroventral point of access allowing drainage of the LC, with no obvious iatrogenic damage. In study 2, the MGT permitted lavage of the entire GP in three healthy horses and one horse with mild GP empyema. The only major complication was development of emphysema of the lateral wall of one LC, with secondary collapse of the mucous membrane. The time for secondary wound healing was 12-14 days. The MGT can be performed safely in standing horses and may be of value in providing access for lavage and drainage in horses with mild GP empyema.  相似文献   

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