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A total of 105 nonboar-exposed, F2 ([Landrace x Yorkshire] x Duroc) gilts were used in two replicates of a randomized complete block experiment to evaluate the effect of dietary feed intake on pubertal onset and subsequent body composition. Feed intakes were established at 50% of ad libitum (AL-50), 75% of ad libitum (AL-75), or at ad libitum (AL-100) levels from 4.5 to 9 mo of age. A corn-soybean meal diet fed to all gilts was formulated to meet or exceed nutrient requirements except for energy. Puberty was measured by two methods: 1) monitored once daily by back pressure applied by the herdsman or 2) from elevated plasma progesterone concentrations. Body composition was evaluated by the deuterium oxide method after plasma progesterone concentrations were elevated. Daily feed intake for the experimental period averaged 1.6, 2.3, and 3.2 kg, and the BW of gilts at 8 mo of age were 111, 131, and 154 kg for the AL-50, AL-75, and AL-100 groups, respectively. Body weight, backfat thickness, and body fat content increased linearly (P < .01) as feed intake increased, but age at puberty was not severely influenced. A minimum body fat content or percentage did not seem to initiate pubertal onset. There was a trend for a lower percentage of the AL-50 gilts to ovulate (P = .08) than those fed the AL-75 and AL-100 intakes. An inverse relationship resulted between the percentage of gilts that ovulated to the percentage that showed behavioral estrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve the reproductive performance of gilts mated at puberty, 70 Yorkshire x Landrace gilts were allocated at 120 d of age and 60 kg body weight to one of two treatments. Restricted gilts were fed 2.0 kg d-1 of a diet formulated to provide 18% crude protein and 14.5 MJ DE kg-1 from selection until mated at their first estrus (n = 35). Flushed gilts were fed 2.0 kg d-1 of the same diet from 120 to 150 d of age, but then had their feed intake increased to 3.5 kg d-1 until mated at their first estrus (n = 35). An additional group of gilts (control fed; n = 33) were fed 3.0 kg d-1 from selection until they were bred at their third estrus in order to investigate the influence of feed restriction on the onset of puberty. During gestation all gilts were fed 1.8 to 2.2 kg d-1 of a 16.8% crude protein diet having 13.7 MJ DE kg-1. Control fed gilts were younger (p less than 0.05) at puberty (150 d) than restricted (165 d) or flushed gilts (165 d). There was no difference in subsequent litter size between the restricted and flushed gilts (7.7 and 8.0, respectively). It is concluded that the institution of a flushing nutritional regime in the prepubertal period will not enhance piglet production from gilts mated at puberty.  相似文献   

The soybean phytoestrogen genistein has a range of estrogenic actions demonstrated in various species; however, only limited research has been done to investigate its effects in swine. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of a graded dose of genistein on estrogen-sensitive uterine and cervical tissues in ovariectomized gilts. Thirty-four postpubertal gilts were ovariectomized and assigned randomly to 1 of 6 treatment groups 15 d postovariectomy. Treatment groups received vehicle, estradiol benzoate (2 mg/d), or genistein (50, 100, 200, or 400 mg/d) via intramuscular injection at 12-h intervals for 10 d. Following the treatment period, gilts were euthanized, and uterine and cervical tissues were collected and processed for chemical or histological analysis. Uterine and cervical tissue mass, as indicated by wet, dry, and protein weights and total DNA content (expressed per 100 kg of BW), increased as the dosage of genistein increased (P < 0.001 for each regression). Uterine and cervical wet weights were increased by a dosage of 200 mg of genistein/d (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively) but not by 100 mg of genistein/d (P = 0.38 and P = 0.14, respectively) compared with those of control gilts. Height of epithelial cells lining the uterine glands and the lumen of uterus and cervix increased when gilts were treated with estradiol benzoate or 400 mg of genistein/d (P < 0.01). When the gilts were treated with estradiol benzoate or 400 mg of genistein/d, immunohistochemical staining demonstrated an increase in the percentage of cells that stained positive for progesterone receptor in the uterine glands and in the cells lining the vaginal cervix (P < 0.05). In gilts treated with 400 mg of genistein/d, the percentage of cells stained positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen increased in the epithelium of the uterine glands, uterine lumen, and vaginal cervix (P < 0.05). Tissue growth was stimulated by genistein in a dosage-dependent manner, although no dosage of genistein induced a response as great as that of estradiol benzoate. Estrogen-sensitive tissues of the ovariectomized gilt, such as the cervix and uterus, are affected by injection of large dosages of the phytoestrogen genistein. The sensitivity of the uterus of the gilt to estrogenic substances makes it a potential model to examine the impact of environmental endocrine modulators on reproductive tissues.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the relationship between feed intake and plasma urea concentration. In Exp. 1, six gilts (BW 53 kg) with catheters in their venae cavae were used in a 5x5+1 Latin square design to determine the amount of infused urea needed to mimic the plasma urea concentration of pigs fed a 25% CP diet. Five gilts were fed a 16% CP corn-soybean meal diet and were infused continuously with either saline or one of four doses of urea (6, 12, 18, and 24 g/d) during each of five periods (12 h/period). Between periods, infusions were stopped for 36 h. The sixth pig was fed a 25% CP diet and infused with saline during each of the experimental periods. Venous blood samples were obtained at 1-h intervals starting 1 h before infusion. As expected, plasma urea concentration increased with increasing amount of urea infused. A daily infusion of 24 g of urea resulted in a plasma urea concentration similar to that of the pig fed the 25% CP diet with saline infusion. In Exp. 2, 12 gilts (BW 60 kg) were used in a crossover design. Pigs received a 16% CP diet and a different treatment (saline or 24 or 30 g/d of urea) in each of three infusion periods. Each infusion period lasted 2 wk. Infusions were stopped for 2 d between periods. Blood samples were obtained before infusion and daily after infusions started. Feeders were weighed daily to determine ADFI. Experiment 3 was similar to Exp. 2, except that only two treatments (saline and 30 g/d of urea) were used. Data from Exp. 2 and 3 were combined for statistical analysis. Plasma urea concentration increased linearly (P<.001) with increasing amount of urea infused. Overall, there was a trend (P<.10) for urea infusion to decrease ADFI, and pigs infused with 30 g/d consumed less (P<.05) feed than pigs infused with saline. Therefore, plasma urea concentration may play a role in regulating feed intake in gilts consuming excess protein.  相似文献   

The effect of feed intake level (.6, 1.0, and 1.6 x maintenance energy and protein requirements, M) on splanchnic (portal-drained viscera [PDV] plus liver) metabolism was evaluated in six multicatheterized beef steers (398 +/- 27 kg), using a double 3 x 3 Latin square design. On the last day of each 21-d experimental period, six hourly blood samples were collected from arterial, portal, and hepatic vessels. Due to catheter patency, PDV fluxes were measured on five steers, and liver and splanchnic fluxes on four steers. Increasing intake elevated (P < .01) splanchnic release of total (T) amino acids (AA), through increases (P < .01) in PDV release of both essential (E) and nonessential (NE) AA, in spite of a tendency (P < .20) for increased liver removal of NEAA. The PDV release of AA N represented 27 and 51% of digested N for 1.0 and 1.6 x M, respectively. At 1.0 and 1.6 x M, the liver removed 34% of total AA released by the PDV. For individual AA, portal flux of most EAA increased (P < .05) with feed intake, and the increase (P < .10) in splanchnic flux was accompanied by increased arterial concentration for all EAA except histidine, lysine, and methionine. This suggests that these might be limiting AA for this diet. On a net basis, most individual NEAA were released by the PDV except glutamate and glutamine, which were removed by the digestive tract. There was a net removal of NEAA by the liver, except for aspartate and especially glutamate, which were released. Ammonia release by the PDV tended (P < .20) to increase with intake and represented 69, 53, and 45% of digested N at .6, 1.0, and 1.6 x M, respectively. Urea removed by the PDV, unaffected by intake, represented 32, 33, and 21% of the digested N. Arterial glucose concentration increased linearly (P < .01) with greater intake, whereas net liver and splanchnic glucose release increased in a quadratic (P < .05) manner. Net PDV glucose release represented 26% of net glucose hepatic release at 1.6 x M. Intake elevated (P < .10) both insulin and glucagon arterial concentrations, resulting from a larger increment of portal release (P < .01) than hepatic removal (P < .05). Intake-based variations in IGF-I and NEFA arterial concentrations (P < .05) were not related to changes in splanchnic metabolism. These results clearly show the crucial role of the splanchnic tissues in regulating the profile and quantity of AA and concentrations of glucose and pancreatic hormones reaching peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

The impact of different patterns of feed restriction between d 1 and 15 of the estrous cycle on subsequent reproductive performance of 23 trios of littermate gilts was tested. Some gilts were fed a high plane of nutrition (HH gilts) throughout the cycle, in contrast to HR gilts, which were restricted from d 8 to 15, and RH gilts, which were restricted from d 1 to 7. During feed restriction, weight gain in RH gilts (2.5 +/- .7 kg) was lower (P = .006) between d 1 and d 7 than in their HH and HR littermates (5.6 +/- .7 and 5.6 +/- .8 kg, respectively) and it was lower (P = .0001) in HR gilts (5.5 +/- .5 kg) between d 8 to d 15 than in their HH and RH counterparts (8.5 +/- .4 and 9.4 +/- .5 kg, respectively). There were no differences in backfat changes among groups. Embryonic survival in HR gilts at d 28 of gestation (68.3 +/- 4.8%) was lower (P < .05) than in HH and RH gilts (83.6 +/- 4.3 and 81.7 +/- 4.5%, respectively). Plasma progesterone concentrations in HR gilts were lower (P < .05) at 48 and 72 h after onset of standing estrus (.82 +/- .2 and 3.6 +/- .5 ng/mL, respectively) than in HH and RH gilts (1.44 +/- .2 and 1.24 +/- .2 ng/mL, 5.0 +/- .4 and 5.0 +/- .5 ng/mL, respectively at 48 and 72 h). No differences in ovulation rate were observed among treatments. Placental area was positively correlated to embryo size at d 28 (embryo size = .0003 x (area) + 18.35; r = .28, P = .03) but placental volume was negatively correlated to the number of embryos in utero (placental volume = -4.317 x (number) + 207.55, r = -.39, P = .002). These data demonstrate that the timing of feed restriction during follicular development has important consequences for subsequent embryo survival, possibly mediated by differences in progesterone concentrations in early pregnancy.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized gilts were either placed on full feed (FF) or restricted to one-third of the full feed amount (RST) for 7 days. Blood samples were taken through jugular catheters every 15 min for 4 h at the end of the 7-day period. Then dietary treatments were reversed and 7 days later samples were taken as before. Serum concentrations of leptin, insulin and luteinizing hormone (LH) were determined by radioimmunoassay. LH pulse frequency and mean serum leptin and insulin concentrations were lower (P < 0.01) in RST than FF gilts. Reversal of treatment reversed the patterns of hormone secretion. These results confirm previous observations that feed restriction can inhibit pulsatile LH secretion and also decrease leptin and insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) is an essential mineral element and has been used in pig diets to improve growth performance, insulin sensitivity, immune response and carcase traits and to reduce heat or other stress responses. The aims of thiss study were to determine the impact of nano-sized chromium tripicolinate (nCrPic) on growth performance, feed efficiency and carcase characteristics of finisher gilts during the summer period. A total of 60 finisher Large White x Landrace gilts were stratified on initial weight and then within strata randomly allocated into two treatment groups in three replicates during mid-summer for 28 days. All pigs were housed in individual pens and had ad libitum access to feed and water. Pigs were fed either a control finisher diet (wheat-based diet containing 13.8 MJ digestible energy (DE) per kilogram and 0.56 g available lysine/MJ DE) or a control diet containing 400 ppb Cr as nCrPic. Dietary nCrPic supplementation increased feed intake by 6 % over the entire study (P?=?0.05). In particular, dietary nCrPic increased average daily feed intake (ADFI) by 8 % (P?=?0.02) during the final 2 weeks of the study. Moreover, dietary nCrPic tended to improve average daily feed (ADFI) over the entire study (P?=?0.09). However, there were no significant effects of nCrPic on feed conversion ratio (FCR), final weight, hot standard carcase weight (HCWT), P2 depth or dressing percentage. Plasma cortisol was decreased by 25 % (P?=?0.06) by dietary nCrPic supplementation. However, there were no effects of nCrPic on plasma glucose, insulin and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), might because of the higher feed intake. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that dietary nCrPic supplementation at 400 ppb can increase feed intake in finisher gilts during mid-summer, suggesting that nCrPic can ameliorate some of the negative effects of heat stress in pigs, possibly via decreased of circulating cortisol.  相似文献   

Five ovariectomized (OVX) gilts were placed in each of two chambers at 20 C with a photoperiod of 12 h light and 12 h dark for 8 d (12L:12D). On d 1, blood samples were collected via jugular cannula every 30 min from 0830 to 1630. At 1630, 200 micrograms of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) were injected iv and blood samples taken every 10 min for 1 h and every 30 min for the next 2 h. On d 2, samples were taken every 30 min from 0830 to 0930 and from 1530 to 1630. Temperature was changed to 10 C or 30 C on d 3. Samples were taken from 0830 to 1630 on d 3, 4 and 9. At 1630 on d 9, the TRH challenge was repeated. Mean basal serum concentrations of prolactin (PRL) were similar for all gilts and for all periods. However, serum PRL response (ng PRL X ml-1 X 150 min-1) to TRH increased (P less than .0001) after exposure to 30 C, while exposure to 10 C failed to alter PRL response. In Exp. 2, six ovariectomized gilts were assigned to each chamber. The protocol of Exp. 1 was followed through d 3, except temperature and photoperiod were changed to 10 C and 8L:16D or 30 C and 16L:8D. On d 34 the TRH challenge was repeated. Mean basal serum concentration of PRL was similar for all gilts and all periods. However, simultaneous increases in temperature and photoperiod increased (P less than .005) serum PRL response to TRH, whereas simultaneous decreases in temperature and photoperiod failed to alter PRL response to TRH.  相似文献   

Because feed is the major input in pork production, conversion of feed into lean tissue at minimum costs has been a focus for improvement. Several researchers have proposed using residual feed intake (RFI) rather than feed conversion ratio (FCR) for genetic improvement of feed efficiency. Little is known about the variation in RFI in pigs. As several studies suggest a greater RFI is related to greater animal activity levels, the current study investigated the phenotypic relationship between RFI and feed intake (FI) behavior of 104 group-housed growing Duroc barrows allowed ad libitum access to feed. Feed intake, BW gain, feeding time (TIME), feeding frequency (VISITS), RFI, and FCR were calculated for 5 periods of 14, 23, 28, 21, or 23 d in length (periods 1 through 5, respectively) on animals that were between 73 to 95 d of age at the start of the testing period. Barrows that grew faster consumed more feed (P < 0.001), and barrows that consumed more feed were fatter (P < 0.01). There were no correlations between VISITS and TIME, between VISITS and FI, or between VISITS and RFI. Barrows that spent more time at the feeder, however, consumed more feed (P < 0.05) and had greater RFI in periods 1, 3, and 5 (P < 0.05). As expected, FI and FCR were highly correlated with RFI (P < 0.001). These results suggest that a greater FI rather than greater feed intake activity resulted in greater RFI values.  相似文献   

The effect of dosing identical amounts of sodium chloride, via 2 different routes, on feed intake and water and electrolyte balance was investigated in sheep. Feed intake and plasma sodium concentrations were unaffected by salt loading, while water intake, fractional turnover of body water, plasma and urine potassium concentrations and urine sodium concentration changed significantly from control values (P less than 0.05). With a few exceptions, parameters were in general similar irrespective of the route whereby sodium chloride was administered.  相似文献   

Crossbred gilts were ovariectomized (OVX) at 120, 150, 180 and 210 d of age to determine whether various characteristics of luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations are influenced by age and reproductive state (prepuberal vs postpuberal). All 120-d-old gilts were prepuberal and all 210-d-old animals were postpuberal, whereas gilts 150 and 180 d old included both prepuberal and postpuberal animals. Blood was collected at 15-min intervals for 2 h, 2 d before OVX (d -2), and 2 (d +2), 8 (d +8) and 14 (d +14) d after OVX. Mean LH concentrations for prepuberal gilts were similar among age groups (P greater than .05) on d -2 and +2; however, LH increased (P greater than .05) from d -2 to +2. No change in LH secretion was found in postpuberal gilts during these two periods. After OVX, LH increased from d +2 to +14 in both prepuberal and postpuberal gilts in all age groups. In postpuberal gilts, LH increased linearly (P less than .05) between d +2 and +14; rate of increase accelerated with advancing age (P less than .01). In prepuberal gilts, LH increased in a nonlinear manner, but it did not increase between d +2 and +8. The increase observed in prepuberal and postpuberal gilts after OVX resulted primarily from an increase in magnitude of peak concentrations of LH. Implants of estradiol-17 beta (E2) were used to determine whether the postovariectomy increase in LH is affected differently by E2 in prepuberal and postpuberal gilts during advancing ages.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Prolonged infusions of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are known to model gram-negative bacterial infections, but the basic mechanisms of the LPS effects on feed intake and metabolism and their potential interdependence are largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to distinguish and to better characterize the feeding suppressive and metabolic effects of LPS. Six heifers were infused intravenously for 100 min with either 1) LPS (2 microg/kg BW) with free access to feed, 2) saline with free access to feed, or 3) saline with feeding restricted to the amount of feed consumed after LPS infusion. Feed intake, body temperature, plasma concentrations of various metabolites and hormones, and the respiratory quotient and heat production were measured. The LPS reduced feed intake and induced pronounced changes in metabolic energy turnover and fat and carbohydrate metabolism that were largely independent of the concomitant feed intake reduction. Some of the metabolic changes were biphasic; the first phase resembled a stress response with increases in plasma glucose and cortisol, and the second phase reflected a beginning energy deficit with low plasma glucose and enhanced lipolysis. The coincidence of a short-term surge of plasma insulin with marked transient decreases in plasma FFA, glycerol, and beta-hydroxybutyrate as well as with the transition from hyper- to hypoglycemia indicates that insulin plays a role in some of the metabolic responses to LPS. The failure of LPS to clearly increase energy expenditure despite the increase in body temperature suggests that anaerobic mechanisms of heat production and, perhaps, a reduced peripheral blood flow contributed to the fever. Many of the initial metabolic responses occurred before and, therefore, independent of, an increase in circulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha.  相似文献   

Understanding the reasons why animals of similar performances have different feed requirements is important to increase profits for cattle producers and to decrease the environmental footprint of beef cattle production. This study was carried out aiming to identify the associations between residual feed intake (RFI) and animal performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood metabolites related to energy balance of young Nellore bulls during the finishing period. Animals previously classified as low (n?=?13) and high RFI (n?=?12), with average initial body weight of 398 kg and age of 503 days were used. Cattle were fed a high energy diet and were slaughtered when rib fat thickness measured by ultrasound between the 12th and 13th ribs reached the minimum of 4 mm. A completely randomized design was adopted, being data analyzed with a mixed model that included the random effect of slaughter group, the fixed effect of RFI class, and linear effect of the covariate feedlot time. No differences were found (p?>?0.10) between RFI classes for performance, dry matter, and nutrients intake. However, dry (p?=?0.0911) and organic matter (p?=?0.0876) digestibility tended to be lower, and digestibility of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (p?=?0.0017), and total digestible nutrients (p?=?0.0657) were lower for high RFI animals, indicating lesser capacity of food utilization. Difference between low and high RFI animals was also found for blood cortisol at the end of the trial (p?=?0.0044), having low RFI animals lower cortisol concentrations. Differences in the ability to digest food can affect the efficiency of transforming feed into meat by Nellore cattle.  相似文献   

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