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This paper presents the first data on ammonia excretion by fed and starved juvenile common tench. The aim of the study was to determine the amount of ammonia excretion by juvenile common tench Tinca tinca (L.), fed with a commercial feed under intensive rearing conditions. Rearing was conducted for a period of 4 weeks at a water temperature of 27 °C. On the test day, the amounts of ammonia excreted by starved fish (over 12 h: control group) and fish fed with a morning feed dose (3 % of biomass: experimental group) were determined at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 h after feeding. Ammonia excretion measurements were taken in 7-day intervals. Despite the increased growth rate in successive weeks of experiment, the amount of ammonia excreted by the fish was always at a similar level within the control (maximum 0.26 mg g?1) and the experimental group (maximum 0.39 mg g?1). This paper presents for the first time reliable amount of ammonia excreted by fed and starved juvenile common tench. The obtained results may also increase the effectiveness of intensive rearing procedures (taking into account stocking density and feeding regime) and allow to design the most effective biofiltration capacity of recirculating aquaculture systems for the commercial production of this species.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on juvenile turbot. Scophthalmus maximus (L.), were carried out under controlled temperature (12°C) and feeding regimes in a flow-through system. Monitoring of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and urea nitrogen (Urea-N) was performed through continuous sampling of the effluent sea water. The effects of ingested nitrogen levels on TAN and Urea-N daily and hourly excretion rates were studied. Strong relationships were found between ingested nitrogen, and both TAN and Urea-N excretion for both daily and hourly maximum excretion rates. Turbot showed a low metabolic activity, confirmed by low excretion levels. Daily patterns for TAN and Urea-N production were different, suggesting specific physiological phenomenon for urea excretion mechanisms. The question of whether turbot are partly ureotelic or ureogenic is underlined.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ammonia excretion rate of the marine bivalve Tapes decussatus (L.) varied with body weight, temperature and starvation. There was a steady state in the excretion rates, in which these rates neither increased nor decreased during the first 6 days of starvation. The highest rates of ammonia excreted during the steady state (before decline to lower level) depended on the temperature (715 ± 86 and 395 ± 55 μg NH4.N/clam/h × 10−2) at 28°C and 20°C, respectively. At 16°C, the steady state extended from 6h to 18d starvation. Ammonia excretion rates were higher for starved clams than for fed clams at all sizes, e.g. clams of 0·07 g dry flesh weight (28 ± 9 and 13 ± 5 μg NH4.N/clam/h × 10−2 respectively) at 16°C but not at 20°C and 28°C. At each temperature, weight-specific ammonia excretion rates were related to dry flesh weight of starved clams but were not related to fed ones.  相似文献   

Juvenile pikeperch 3.66 ± 0.23 cm total length (TL) and 0.32 ± 0.05 g were reared in water at 22 ± 0.5°C and fed with live zooplankton or alternatively a commercial trout feed. Fish fed with dry diet grew faster and had higher condition factor than fish fed live zooplankton. Sex differentiation in pikeperch was visible at different stages of ontogenesis, but was related to the fish growth rate. The gonads offish that were 3.43-5.69 cm TL revealed undifferentiated characteristics. Clear indication of oogenesis in females was observed in pikeperch at 7.9 cm TL and 3.47 g, whereas evident spermatogenesis was not observed till the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the same full-sib family were reared under two different densities for 97days at 10°C. In one treatment density was adjusted every 2 weeks by means of a tank enclosure to a density of 50kg/m3. In the other treatment the density was allowed to increase as fish biomass increased to 50kg/m3. Density had no significant effect on the variation observed in individual fish weights over the course of the growth trial. Density had a significant effect on the relationship between fish weight and specific growth rate. The increasing density treatment had an overall higher mean specific growth rate of 0·1%/day.  相似文献   

In situ controlled systems based on PVC cages surrounded by a net mesh and buried in sand were designed to determine the causes of important mortalities in producing locations of carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus, in two important production areas of Galicia (NW Spain). The pathogenic status of the clam populations (focusing mainly on Perkinsus sp. and clam haplosporidian) as well as changes in water temperature and salinity were recorded. Sampling was conducted during a short period of time when high mortalities were present in the two locations and in a 1‐year study when no important mortalities were registered. We found that the environmental conditions and not the presence of pathogens seemed to be related to mortalities in the study. Our results suggest that mortality rates, especially in natural beds, can emerge from a complex synergy of different factors. Moreover, we propose in situ controlled systems based on PVC cages as a useful method to control infaunal bivalve mortalities in natural beds.  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth and survival of groups of juvenile sole, Solea solea (L.), fed exclusively fresh or heat-treated and frozen (stored) mussel, Mytilus edulis L., were compared and the effect of supplementing the stored mussel with one and two feeds per week of fresh mussel was assessed. Over the 9 weeks of the experiment the survival of the fish fed fresh mussel exceeded 90%. In contrast, less than 3% of those fed stored mussel alone survived. The inclusion of two feeds per week of fresh mussel increased survival to the same level as that of the groups fed only fresh mussel, though growth rates were significantly lower. The mortalities of the fish fed stored mussel were associated with an outbreak of the disease 'black patch necrosis' (BPN). The fish fed fresh mussel did not develop the symptoms of this disease despite their proximity to diseased fish and the lack of precautions to prevent its spread. The fish were not provided with a sand substrate, often considered necessary for sole ongrowing. It is suggested that a combination of adequate nutrition and attention to tank cleanliness is sufficient to avoid the occurrence of BPN and that the provision of a sand substrate is not a prerequisite for successful culture of juvenile sole.  相似文献   

Potential clam farming areas containing clean sandy sediment accessible at low tide are limited in New South Wales, Australia. The availability of farming infrastructure such as oyster racks and floating devices along with the prevalence of sediment other than clean sand prompted the assessment of farming methods for Tapes dorsatus (Lamarck) and Katelysia rhytiphora (Lamy) and sediment preferences for T. dorsatus. This study indicates that both clam species, when contained in baskets, grow (whole weight and shell length increase) significantly faster (P < 0.05) in the sediment followed by in floating baskets, on racks or on the sediment in that order. However, the survival of K. rhytiphora was significantly higher (P < 0.05) on the rack (99%) than in the other situations (72–85%). A similar trend was observed for T. dorsatus but it was not significant (P > 0.05). Tapes dorsatus held in a sandy-shell substrate grew faster than those cultured in substrates of only shell, sand or mud at the same intertidal site, Survival rates over 6 months were high in all these translocated sediments and ranged from 95 to 100%. Tapes dorsatus grown in the same sediments in a nearby tidally-exchanged subtidal pond reached market size (~ 38 mm) after 6 months of grow-out and were over twice as heavy (whole weight 10.0–11.9 g) as those grown inter-tidally (whole weight 3.7–5.7 g).  相似文献   

As reference diets for bivalve molluscs are missing, this study first evaluated the best mixed algal diet (Tetraselmis suecica Butch/Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin) concentration for 4‐mm‐length Tapes decussatus (L.) clams. It also assessed the performance of an industrial by‐product (cheese whey) as a single diet or supplement for the best algal ration previously determined. Growth, survival, condition index and filtration rate were used to compare the different diets. Implications of rations tested on rearing water quality were also investigated, especially ammonium and heterotrophic bacteria levels. With a food concentration as algal dry weight per total seed live weight of 0.7% day?1, seed for grow‐out (7 mm) could be obtained within 1 month. A mixture of 25% algal ration and 75% cheese whey gave the best performances. Artificial diets resulted in lower growth rates than live food (20 % to 40% of the best algal ration), but could be considered good maintenance rations in energetic terms. Using cheese whey, and without any algae, hatchery produced seed can be kept economically indoors for at least 30 days without loss in condition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Growth was studied in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus L., from three differing loch habitats in Scotland. Otoliths were more reliable for age determination than scales. Growth rates were variable both among and within populations. Growth in weight was more variable and appeared to be related to richness of the habitat.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment at 28 °C, four commercial starters (Carp Starter, Uni Starter, Perla Plus, Asta) were fed intensively to 11-month-old juvenile tench Tinca tinca of initially 41 mm TL and 0.70 g BW, over a period of 120 days. Frozen chironomid larvae were fed to fish below satiation as a reference diet for comparison of the fish body chemical composition. Final survival rates of 99–100% and satisfactory growth were attained with all dry diets, ranging from 73.3 (Carp Starter) to 84.8 mm TL (Asta) and from 5.39 (Carp Starter) to 8.09 g BW (Perla Plus). External body deformities of up to 96.4% specimens appeared in those fed Uni Starter, Carp Starter and Perla Plus, whereas 0% were recorded for Asta and chironomids. Fish in groups with deformities showed significantly elevated lipid content in their bodies, lower ash content and higher condition coefficient values. Juveniles in groups without deformities did not substantially change lipid content, but the ash content increased. Thus, among four dry diets studied, only Asta starter can be fed effectively and safely to juvenile tench reared intensively under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The pullet carpet shell Venerupis corrugata is an economically valuable species in several European countries, however, nowadays stocks are under high fishing pressure. Hatchery production of juveniles for release is a major contributor to strengthen the stock and consequently improve the sustainability of the natural stocks. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of rearing V. corrugata larvae with different larval densities (10, 40 and 200 larvae per mL) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), compared with the traditional larval rearing methodology (Batch). The mean survival, growth and metamorphic rate of V. corrugata larvae in RAS was higher (11.1%; 71.3 μm; 21.6% respectively) than in the Batch system, in all tested densities. The larval growth was not affected by the initial density until 40 larvae per mL, however, 200 larvae per mL decreased the larval growth in length nearly 54 μm. The larval rearing time was shortened in 2 days in the RAS system. The physical, chemical and microbiologic parameters suggested that the tested densities were not excessive to disturb the biofilter stability of RAS. The V. corrugata larval rearing performed at high larval stocking densities in RAS system present a reduction in the operating costs to produce this species.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to optimize burbot juveniles rearing in recirculating aquaculture system. In experiment 1 (17 °C, photoperiod 24L:0D), the fish (initial: body weight [W] = 15.36 ± 3.72 g, standard length [SL] = 12.48 ± 1.09 cm) were divided into four groups (I, II, III and IV). Different feeding levels were applied: 1, 2, 3 and 4 % of biomass daily (counted based on dry feed weight). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR) were recorded. In experiment 2 (17 °C, feeding level of 2 % of biomass day?1), fish (W = 5.24 ± 2.43 g and SL = 8.54 ± 1.24 cm) were divided into two groups where different light conditions were applied (I: 24 h light [1,800 lx] and II: 24 h darkness [4 lx]). In experiment 1, the highest SGR was recorded in group II (1.93 % day?1), whereas the lowest SGR (1.27 % day?1) and final W (P < 0.05) was in I group. The lowest (P < 0.05) FCR (0.63) was in group II. In the remaining groups, FCR was similar (0.68–0.70, P > 0.05). The feed consumption in group I reached 100 %, in group II, it was 71.3 % (P < 0.05) and it was the lowest in groups III (39.26 %) and IV (36.93 %). In experiment 2 no differences in the growth and survival rate were recorded (final SL between 14.16 and 14.19 cm, P > 0.05; W between 23.33–23.35 g; P > 0.05). The results from experiment 1 indicate that the feeding 2 % of biomass day?1 was the most efficient. Also, it was proven, for the first time, that there was no effect of using different constant light conditions.  相似文献   

The ivory shell, Babylonia areolata (Link 1807), has been exploited as an important aquaculture organism along the southern China coast. In order to obtain optimal culture conditions for ivory shell juvenile, the central composite rotatable design was used to estimate the combined effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density on accumulated growth rate (AGR) and survival rate (SR). The results showed that the linear effects of temperature and rearing density on both growth and survival were highly significant (P < 0.01), but there was no significant effect on salinity (P > 0.05). The quadratic effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density influenced growth significantly (P < 0.01). The quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on survival of juvenile snail were significant (P < 0.01), the combined effects between the quadratic effect of temperature and the linear effect of rearing density influenced survival significantly (P < 0.01); the interactive effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density played a significant role in survival (P < 0.01). As can be seen from the above experimental results, the effects of temperature and salinity on growth and survival of B. areolata were strengthened with enhanced rearing density in a certain range and vice versa. By optimization using the response surface method, the optimal point was found at a temperature of 26.81°C, a salinity of 28.76 ppt and a rearing density of 527.07 ind m?2. Under these conditions, the optimal AGR and SR were 36.84 mg day?1 and 99.99%, respectively, with a satisfaction function value of 99.71%.  相似文献   

The first attempt to rear the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, in brackish water ponds in Egypt was conducted from April 1976 to February 1977. Experimental ponds were stocked with Sparus aurata fry of about 32 mm and 1.5 g average length and weight respectively at a rate of 3000 fry per one feddan of pond water (i.e. 0.42 ha). The growth rate was recorded monthly. An average length and weight of 190 mm and 78 g respectively was attained after 8 months without supplementary feeding or fertilization of pond water. mathematical equations expressing length-weight relationship and condition factor were derived for both wild and reared fish. The higher values of condition factor obtained for the reared fish in comparison to the wild fish signify their improved condition and hence their suitability for farming in Egypt.  相似文献   

The influence of stocking density and feeding regime on the growth of red porgy was studied during winter and spring 1997. Fish were held in 500-L tanks at densities of either 50 or 100 fish per tank, and were fed by means of self-feeders under 6 h restricted (day or night) or free-access feeding regimes. Fish were tagged individually, and weight gain was recorded by individual weighing every second week over an 8-week period during each season. In winter, growth was influenced by feeding time. Fish tended to grow best when fed without restriction and worst when fed at night, although differences were not significant when tank means were compared. Stocking density was influential in the spring trial. Fish stocked at low density and feeding freely grew better than high-density fish that fed either freely or at night. The division of fish into three size classes revealed that, within each treatment, no differences occurred among classes, but growth of fish belonging to the same class was influenced by rearing conditions. No significant differences were found among feeding regimes in terms of the coefficients of weight variation ratio (CVf:CVi) and feed efficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tench, Tinca tinca L., larvae were reared under controlled conditions at water temperatures of 28°C and 31°C during a 15-day period. Feeding with exclusively live Artemia nauplii gave best results, irrespective of rearing temperature (total length 13·6mm; average weight 31 mg; survival rate 83–85%). High survival rates of 81–88% were found also in all groups fed mixed diets, whereas growth rate of tench larvae was significantly influenced by the frequency of supplemental feeding with Artemia. When applied alone, the tested carp starter feed turned out to be insufficient for rearing the larval tench.  相似文献   

Two physical factors light or substrate (fibre glass, artificial vegetation, gravel and mud) were determined in a 24 m long artificial channel to have importance on the distribution of 33 tench 2+, mean size 11.8±0.9 cm S.L. For this purpose in five trials tench could select between the half of the channel occupied by their preferred light intensity (inferior to 10 lux) combined with the less preferred substrate (fibre glass) or the half with the combination of one of the substrates considered and higher light conditions (40 lux). Fish preferred, with a 100% frequency, the optimal light-less preferred substrate when compared with the combinations fibre glass, gravel and mud. When artificial vegetation was the substrate considered, tench selected the combination preferred substrate – non-optimal light intensity with a 98.26±2.68% frequency. This result changed when increasing light intensity up to 150 lux, avoiding the shading effect. We demonstrated that light has a bigger influence than substrate in juvenile tench habitat selection under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of three different temperatures on the growth and maturation of the offspring of cultured versus wild populations of juvenile arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) were investigated. The fish (start weight 17 g) were reared for 5 months at constant temperatures of 12, 14 and 16°C under a continuous light regime (LD24:0). Growth performance was significantly influenced by both temperature and source population. The offspring from the farmed fish displayed significantly higher mean weights at all temperatures compared with the offspring from the wild fish. The results indicate that the optimal temperature for growth (Topt) decreases with increasing fish size in the offspring of both cultivated and wild fish. Significant differences in length–weight relationship were found, with the offspring of wild fish displaying higher condition factor throughout the experiment. The results demonstrate that the offspring from multiple generation farmed population of arctic charr are better adapted to high temperatures compared with the offspring (F1 generation) from a wild population of arctic charr, and the former are also able to maintain growth at higher temperatures. There was a significant difference in maturation between the two populations, as the offspring from cultured fish displayed significantly lower level of maturation: 0%, 4% and 2% mature compared with 24%, 40% and 42% in the offspring from wild fish at temperatures of 12, 14 and 16°C respectively. The offspring from farmed strains of arctic charr thus appear to be the most suitable population for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Abstract– Ageing and calculation of growth rate of eels has always been controversial, and remarkably little validation has been reported. This article describes the growth of yellow eels from three lakes in the Burrishoole system, Ireland, as determined by back-calculation from otoliths prepared by burning and cracking. Eels captured by fyke net ranged in length from 25.0 cm to 98.5 cm and the ages ranged from 6 to 49 years. Back-calculated growth was slow, with mean annual increments of 2.08 cm, 1.40 cm and 1.97 cm for the three lakes. Yellow eels captured in the Burrishoole system in 1987 and 1988 were marked by Pan Jet inoculated alcian blue dye and released back into the three lakes. Recaptures made over the following three years yielded considerable growth data. Mean annual growth rates recorded were 2.30 cm, 1.07 cm and 0.97 cm. These data compare favorably with the calculated growth rates, thereby validating the otolith analysis for the eels in the Burrishoole system.  相似文献   

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