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Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY: We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome for ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis . Two large DNA fragments covering the entire genome were amplified using a long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, and the products subsequently used as templates for PCR with 57 fish-versatile and five species-specific primers that amplify contiguous, overlapping segments of the entire genome. Direct sequencing of the PCR products demonstrated that the genome (16 537 bp) contained the same 37 mitochondrial genes (two ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes) as those found in other vertebrates, with the gene order identical to that in typical vertebrates. A major non-coding region between the tRNAPro and tRNAPhe genes (857 bp) was considered to be the control region (D-loop), as it has several conservative blocks that are characteristic to this region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In this study, to develop a technique that enables authentication of processed seafood, the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome for the Japanese flying fish Cypselurus hiraii was determined. Three segments spanning the entire genome were amplified using polymerase chain reaction, and products were subsequently used as templates for direct sequencing with 60 primers. The genome (16 528 base pairs) was found to contain the same 37 genes (two ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes) as those found in other vertebrate mitochondrial genomes, with the gene order being identical to that typical of vertebrates. A major non-coding region between the tRNAPro and tRNAPhe genes (868 base pairs) appears to be the control (D-loop) region, as it has several conserved blocks characteristic of control regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Morphology of the photoreceptor cells and tapetum of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus was studied by histologically and by chemical analysis. The Japanese anchovy has a duplex retina. The cones form parallel rows consisting of alternately placed long cones and bifid cones. Both types of cones are intimately associated and form triple units that are regularly spaced along the row of cones. The rods are grouped and stacked. This fish has a retinal tapetum lucidum composed of guanine and hypoxanthine. Three structures of the tapetum lucidum were recognized: platelet, diamond and rod types. Photomechanical changes include movements of the photoreceptor cells and the retinal tapetum. The retina of the Japanese anchovy is thought to be highly sensitive and well adapted to a dim light environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The morphology of the lateral line system, the inner ear, the olfactory epithelium and the taste bud of the wild adult anchovy Engraulis japonicus was examined by photo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Hematoxylin solution was injected into the lateral line canals to show the arrangement of the lateral line system. The lateral line system has well-developed supraorbital, infraorbital and preoperculomandibular canals on the head, dense canal branches on the operculum, lateral line canals on the trunk, and no free neuromasts. The inner ear comprises three semicircular canals and three otholithic end organs: the sacculus, the lagena and the utriculus. The olfactory organs and taste buds were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The paired olfactory organs on the snout have rosettes of lamellae, whose sensory epithelium consists of receptor cells of both the ciliated and microvillous type. The taste buds are distributed only inside the mouth, and mostly between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, and between the gill teeth on the gill rakers. Well-developed lateral lines on the head are advantageous for schooling, and the taste buds in the mouth and on the gill rakers are advantageous for filter-feeding on plankton.  相似文献   

Do disparate mechanisms determine growth rates of fish larvae in the different regions? The relationship between growth rates and environmental factors (sea temperature and food availability) was examined for larval Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in geographically and environmentally different waters, through sagittal otolith microstructure analysis. Recent 3‐day mean growth rates directly before capture were positively related with sea‐surface temperature (SST) but not with food availability (plankton density) for the larvae in the Kuroshio Extension and Kuroshio–Oyashio transition regions of the western North Pacific. On the contrary, variations in recent growth rates were attributed to food availability (plankton density) as well as SST for the larvae in the East China Sea. In the shirasu fishing ground in Sagami Bay, larval growth rates were variable under the influences of both SST and food availability (feeding incidence). On the surface, the growth–environment relationships seemed to differ among regions. However, a definite general pattern of the dome‐shaped relationship between recent growth rates and SST was observed when all the regions were combined. Growth rates were similar even among clearly different regions if at the same SST. Overall, growth rates roughly increased with SST until they reached the maximum at SST of 21–22°C (i.e. optimal growth temperature), and declined when SST went over 21–22°C. On the contrary, no clear relationship was observed between growth rate and plankton density or between SST and plankton density. Therefore, the apparent among‐region differences would be firstly caused by the differences in regional SST range. The systematic mechanism of growth determination for widespread pelagic fish species larvae would be run by primarily sea temperature and secondarily food availability, at the species level.  相似文献   

Larvae, juveniles, and adults of Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus , were distributed throughout the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region off northern Japan as far offshore as 170°E in 1996 and 1997. The growth trajectories of individual larvae and early juveniles were backcalculated using the biological intercept method based on the allometric relationship between otolith radius and somatic length. Mean larval growth rates ranged from 0.49 to 0.71 mm day–1 in the transition region, and were comparable to those reported from the Pacific coastal waters of central Japan, which is the principal distribution range of E. japonicus . In terms of growth, the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region seemed to be a favourable nursery area for larval E. japonicus . Larval growth tended to decline from the inshore to the offshore waters in the transition region. Thermal conditions did not show an inshore–offshore trend in the survey area and did not explain the longitudinal trend in growth rates.  相似文献   

Numerical particle-tracking experiments were performed to investigate the transport and variability in environmental temperature experienced by eggs and larvae of Pacific stocks of the Japanese anchovy ( Engraulis japonicus ) and Japanese sardine ( Sardinops melanostictus ) using high-resolution outputs of the Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator (OFES) and the observed distributions of eggs collected from 1978 to 2004. The modeled anchovy individuals tend to be trapped in coastal waters or transported to the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region. In contrast, a large proportion of the sardines are transported to the Kuroshio Extension. The egg density-weighted mean environmental temperature until day 30 of the experiment was 20–24°C for the anchovy and 17–20°C for the sardine, which can be explained by spawning areas and seasons, and interannual oceanic variability. Regression analyses revealed that the contribution of environmental temperature to the logarithm of recruitment per spawning (expected to have a negative relationship with the mean mortality coefficient) was significant for both the anchovy and sardine, especially until day 30, which can be regarded as the initial stages of their life cycles. The relationship was quadratic for the anchovy, with an optimal temperature of 21–22°C, and linear for the sardine, with a negative coefficient. Differences in habitat areas and temperature responses between the sardine and anchovy are suggested to be important factors in controlling the dramatic out-of-phase fluctuations of these species.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that recruitment of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) depends on survival during not only the first feeding larval stage in the Japanese coastal waters and the Kuroshio front but also during the post‐larval and juvenile stages in the Kuroshio Extension. Spatial distributions of juvenile anchovy and sardine around the Shatsky Rise area in the Kuroshio Extension region and the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region are described, based on a field survey in the late spring using a newly developed mid‐water trawl for sampling juveniles. All stages of anchovy from post‐larvae to juveniles were obtained in the northern Shatsky Rise area. The Kuroshio Extension bifurcates west of the Shatsky Rise area and eddies are generated, leading to higher chlorophyll concentrations than in the surrounding regions in April and May. When Japanese anchovy and sardine spawn near the Kuroshio front or the coastal waters south‐east of Japan, their larvae are transported by the Kuroshio Extension and are retained in the Shatsky Rise area, which forms an important offshore nursery ground, especially during periods of high stock abundance.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the impact of climate change on egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) off Kyushu Island western Japan, we conducted particle‐tracking simulations on transport success/failure to fishing grounds from 1960 to 2007. The modeled transport success since the mid‐1990s increased and decreased in the offshore and coastal zones, respectively, compared with the 1960s and 1970s. The estimated northward shift of the spawning ground and weakened Tsushima Warm Current contributed to increase in modeled transport success to the offshore zone. Conversely, the weakening trend of the modeled onshore current in the Goto‐Nada Sea combined with the northward shift of the spawning ground resulted in unsuccessful larval transport. These results suggest that fluctuations in juvenile and subadult anchovy catches in this area may be attributable to changes in the physical environment. The present study showed that changes in transport success induced by oceanographic fluctuations related to climate change, have the potential to affect anchovy recruitment off the western coast of Japan.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was examined using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing among three populations of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. A total of 24 and 47 nucleotide sites were detected variable defining 29 and 32 haplotypes in cyt b and COI data, respectively. All variable sites except one in COI were silent in the two sets of sequences. The Ewens-Watterson test indicated that the observed allelic configurations in both data sets were in full agreement with neutral expectations. The variation level was high, with h=0.957±0.018, π=0.644±0.387 (%) in cyt b data set and h=0.958±0.021, π=0.640±0.386 (%) in COI data set, respectively. However, at the population level, Fst values between pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero (P>0.05) in both data sets. The analysis of haplotype frequency distribution showed no significant differences among populations. Similarly, the analysis of the partitioning of molecular variance indicated that all or almost all of the genetic variation was distributed within populations. Based on the data from this study, the existence of separate genetic stocks in this area were not detected. Mixing of stocks to some extent in migration cycle and dispersal capacity of anchovy’s planktonic larvae could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of 10 walleye pollocks, Theragra chalcogramma , from the Japan Sea and Bering Sea was determined. The 16 568–16 571 bp genome contains the same 37 mitochondrial structural genes (two ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes) as found in all other vertebrates analyzed, in an organization identical to that of other bony fish. The major non-coding region had several conserved sequence features. Nucleotide variations of ND1, ND5, and control region were high, and these regions appear to be good candidates for high-resolution markers in population studies.  相似文献   

根据2000~2004年在山东半岛南部鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)产卵场多学科综合调查所获得的资料及1991年等相关历史资料,从体长组成、集群特征、年龄结构、性腺成熟度、性成熟系数、性比、摄食强度等多个方面研究了鳀鱼生殖群体结构及其变化特征。结果表明:(1)鳀鱼生殖群体全长组成范围为6~16cm,优势长度9~12cm,长度组成年代际变化明显,生殖群体组成趋向小型化;(2)生殖群体由1~4龄鱼组成,与1991年相比1龄鱼比例增加,生殖群体的平均年龄减小;(3)6月上旬进入产卵盛期,鳀鱼雌性个体性腺成熟度以IV期、VA期占优势,6月下旬IV期和VA期比例减少,VB期和VI-IV期比例增加,7月上旬VI-III期和VI-II期比例占优势,盛产期结束;(4)鳀鱼生殖期间摄食强度较弱,空胃率超过60%。(5)生殖群体按个体大小集群产卵,各群聚优势长度组成存在明显差别,性腺发育程度不一致。本文还对鳀鱼资源衰退给生殖群体结构和种群补充造成的影响进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

黄海Ti鱼限额捕捞的研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据10多年在黄海中南部Ti鱼(Engraulis japonicus)越冬场进行的声学/拖网调查生物量评估结果,利用调谐有效种群分析方法(VPA)对黄海Ti鱼资源种群动态进行了分析。研究结果:提出了Ti鱼限额捕捞工作内容和程序框架。并根据2001年Ti鱼生物量情况推荐,F0.1为0.7时,Ti鱼总允许可捕量(TAC)不超过10万t。  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in the distribution and abundance of Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, eggs were studied from net surveys in the East China Sea in May 1991. Egg abundance was> 5 × 103 eggs (100 m3)?1 in the area off Changjiang River, where a large spawning ground was developed. The vertical distribution of living eggs showed a maximum concentration at the surface (40700 eggs (100 m3)?1) and rapidly decreased to ~5000 eggs (100 m3)?1 at 14 m. Newly spawned eggs (stage I) were found throughout the water column but were most abundant near surface. Some eggs were morphologically identified as dead owing to their abnormal development and physical damage. In contrast to living eggs, no dead eggs were found at the surface and the concentrations were low to 21 m depth (40–64 eggs (100 m3)?1). The concentration increased markedly with increasing depth, reaching a maximum of 634 eggs (100 m3)?1 near the bottom (35 m). Dead eggs accounted for less than 0.3% of the total caught within 7 m of the surface and increased exponentially to 12% near the bottom. The settling loss of dead anchovy eggs also was studied by employing sediment traps at the spawning ground. The downward flux of settling eggs was low (304–405 eggs m?2 day?1) at 15 and 20 m depths, but rapidly increased with increasing depth, reaching a maximum of 1622 eggs m?2 day?1 at 35 m (5 m above bottom). By comparing the egg flux at 20 m with the living eggs abundance in the upper 20 m, the settling loss of eggs was calculated as about 0.098 day?1. This probably represents the natural mortality of anchovy eggs caused by genetic abnormalities and incomplete fertilization.  相似文献   

基于2000年6月和2014年11月黄海南部采集的浮游动物和不同生长阶段鳀(Engraulis japonicus)的胃含物(饵料)组成分析资料,研究鳀的饵料粒级分布与摄食粒级选择性及其与环境生物组成的关系,旨在推进粒级在传统摄食生态分析中的应用。结果显示:黄海南部鳀的饵料种类组成与环境中生物种类组成有关;各体长组中,鳀的饵料粒级多样性与种类多样性分布趋势相似;体长为110 mm左右的鳀的饵料种类多样性和粒级多样性水平最高;鳀的饵料粒级均值随鱼体体长增加而增加;体长约为30 mm和≥70 mm的鳀有明显的饵料粒级转换。根据上述结果,认为在鳀胃含物分析过程中,整合环境中饵料生物的相对组成和粒级大小,可有效评价鱼类对饵料的粒级选择性。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: To examine the population structure of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica , mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis was made for various samples of glass eels that might reflect genetic characteristics of spawning aggregates. The mitochondrial DNA from a total of 51 glass eels collected at Tanegashima Island, Kanagawa and Ibaraki in different periods within an inshore migrating season was sequenced for a 615 base-pair fragment from the tRNAThr gene to the central part of the control region. The DNA region was so variable that no individual was found to possess the same sequence, although average sequence differences within samples (1.07–1.63) were not large. Average sequence differences between samples (1.22–1.57) were comparable to those within samples, suggesting no genetic heterogeneity among samples. Tree analysis of the sequences showed neither a geographical nor temporal structure of population. Furthermore, although all DNA sequences from the present study were different from one another, two sequences were found to be the same with those reported from individuals collected in different localities in different years. Altogether, the present mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of glass eels did not provide any evidence for genetic subdivision of the Japanese eel population.  相似文献   

During periods when the population size of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus is large, the abundance of 1‐yr olds has been considered to be dependent on the growth and survival processes in the late larval and early juvenile stages in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region off northern Japan. Recent growth rates for 10 days before capture of larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were estimated and examined in relation to the surface water temperature and the available copepod density in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Late larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were distributed in the waters with temperature from 15 to 19°C and available prey density from 10 to 1000 mg dry weight (DW) m?2 in the transition region. The late larval growth rates were found to be regulated more strongly by water temperature than by copepod density in the waters <16°C, and more strongly by copepod density than water temperature in the waters <100 mg DW m?2 in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region. The recent growth rates decreased from the western waters to the eastern waters in the survey area 140–170°E in 1998, correlating with decreases of food availability to 50–100 mg DW m?2. While in 1999, the recent growth rates were faster in the waters east of 150°E, resulting from eastward expansion of warm water ranges and high available prey density 100–400 mg DW m?2. The key environmental factors regulating late larval growth rate of E. japonicus in the transition region seem to be spatially different between years.  相似文献   

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