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以广西壮族自治区国有三门江林场11 a生的西南桦桂中地区引种造林试验林为试材,通过样地调查和标准木树干解析探讨西南桦人工林的生长规律。结果表明:西南桦树高平均生长量5 a达到最大值1.98 m·a~(-1),连年生长量4 a达到最大值3.02 m·a~(-1),树高的快速生长时期是造林后5 a内;胸径平均生长在幼林期间增速较快,6 a达到最大值1.56 cm·a~(-1),随后呈现逐年降低趋势,连年生长量有波动且明显,前后出现2次生长高峰,分别是在3 a和6 a,连年生长量分别达到2.30 cm·a~(-1)和1.90 cm·a~(-1);单株材积平均生长变化平缓,呈现逐年增加趋势,11 a平均生长量达到0.014 44 m~3·a~(-1),连年生长量达到0.027 57 m~3·a~(-1),材积连年生长量与平均生长量均未出现最大峰值和尚未有相交的迹象,说明西南桦人工林还没达到数量成熟。  相似文献   

对在西双版纳普文林场营造的西南桦纯林(13年生),西南桦 肉桂混交林(15年生)两种幼林期西南桦人工林的生物量进行了研究。结果表明:幼林期,西南桦 肉桂混交林的总生物量为137.329 2 t/hm2,西南桦人工林的总生物量为84.979 2 t/hm2。两种林分幼林期生物量的层次分配比例以乔木层所占的比例最大,占66%以上;灌木层所占比例相差不大;因林分的群落结构不同,草本层及层间植物的生物量相差较大。生物量的器官分配比例以干材所占比例最大,都达到55%以上,其乔木层各器官生物量的分配比例顺序为:干材>根>枝>叶。两种西南桦人工林幼林期生物量的研究结果还表明,林分的总生物量由其群落结构、植被种类组成所决定,群落结构越复杂,其生物量越高。另还建立了西南桦林木各器官的生物量回归模型。  相似文献   

对普文试验林场的25个不同种源西南桦子测林测定胸径、树高、材积等生长性状,利用Excel和DPS数据软件Duncan进行数据分析。结果表明:不同种源西南桦5 a生时胸径、树高和材积存在着显著差异,生长曲线在2 a生时近趋于直线;在4 a生和5 a生时生长曲线呈波形;生长量最大的是种源E(广西田阳),其次是种源K(云南澜沧);4 a生时生长量最小的是种源A(广西凌云),5 a生时生长量最小的是种源J(云南墨江)。  相似文献   

云南西双版纳西南桦人工林群落结构初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西南桦是热带山地、南亚热带地区的速生珍贵树种,作为热区人工造林的一个主要树种有着重要的意义。其天然分布最为密集的地区是云南西南部、南部、东南部,广西西部、西南部,也是西南桦的现代分布中心。西南桦人工林群落的种类组成仍与其造林前的成分大致相同,以热带成分为主,其分布区类型以热带属占主要地位。群落的水平结构是存在度Ⅰ占多数,为52.52% ,而存在度Ⅴ仅为6.06% ,反映出热带山地雨林的特征。垂直结构简单,乔木层即西南桦一层。下层植被发达。生活型结构特征为中大乔木占8.1% ,小乔木占5.3% ,灌木占22.2% ,草本占18.2% ,藤本植物占26.3% 。  相似文献   

西南桦人工林生长过程研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
云南最早营造的9年生西南样人工林的生长状况,并通过解析木对其生长过程进行分析。9年生西南样人工林平均胸径13.6cm,平均树高20.55m,密度1170株/hm^2,蓄积量为183.8889m^3/hm^2,表现出很好的速生性。  相似文献   

西南桦人工林的林分密度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"典型抽样"方法,2011年春和2012年春,在德宏州调查了78块20 m×20 m的西南桦人工林样地。通过相关分析,认为林分密度与林分年龄、平均胸径、蓄积量、年平均蓄积生长量显著相关,而与林分平均树高相关不显著。林分密度与林龄等相关指标的回归,以双曲线方程拟合最好。78块西南桦人工林样地的林分密度-林龄回归方程为y-1=0.014 2-0.009 6 x-1,相关系数r=0.336 8。10年生同龄林分18块样地林分密度-平均胸径的相关系数r=0.627 0,其回归方程为y-1=0.082 5-0.851 6 x-1;林分密度-蓄积量的相关系数r=0.663 5,其回归方程为y-1=0.058 3+2.846 6 x-1;林分密度与年平均蓄积生长量的相关系数与蓄积量同值,其回归方程为y-1=0.582 9+28.465 7 x-1。从林分密度随林龄增长的变化规律及与林分平均胸径的相关变化提出,(1)西南桦人工林应提早在3~5年生时进行抚育间伐;(2)采用"低密粗径"的育林方针,以提高西南桦大中径材产出。到20年生主伐时,抚育间伐后的密度则以900~1 050株/hm2最佳;(3)西南桦造林初植密度降到1 665~1 335株/hm2(株行距2 m×3 m~2.5 m×3 m)为宜。  相似文献   

三树种种植比较结果显示,西南桦在我场也就是低山丘陵地有较大发展潜力,6.5年生平均高11.6m,平均径12.9cm,年均生长量分别为1.78m和1.98cm,最大径级达到21cm,生长迅速值得经营和发展。肯氏南洋杉和贝壳杉生长慢,其生长量只有西南桦的1/2上下,发展潜力小,不值得作为用材林经营,而作为庭园绿化和美化树种则较好。  相似文献   

对4、7和16年生西南桦人工林林木的胸径、树高和材积的分析结果表明:其林分林木个体间胸径的极差分别达8.30 cm、13.60 cm和15.00 cm;7年生林分林木个体间的材积极差为0.13692 m3。聚类分级结果,4、7和16年生林分林木的组间胸径极差分别达6.17 cm、12.82 cm和12.90 cm;7年生林分林木的组间活立木蓄积量极差达45.86012 m3/hm2。揭示了用实生苗营造的西南桦人工林其林木个体间强烈分化及其早期表现的客观存在,据此提供了对西南桦进行遗传改良和早期优良无性系选育的信息,同时也预示着西南桦无性系林业发展的重要性。  相似文献   

德宏州西南桦人工林木材生产效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对德宏州1997~2010年间营造的西南桦人工林进行调查,全州西南桦人工林面积达8.381万hm^2。随机抽取72块样地进行调查,并对14株解析木进行分析,推算出8.381万hm^2西南桦蓄积量为460.65万m^3;达到工艺成熟的平均林龄为20a,平均胸径为26cm,蓄积量将达3467.4万m^2,产值达到350亿元。平均产值41.68万元/hm^2,木材生产效益显著。  相似文献   

西双版纳西南桦、山桂花人工林水源涵养效能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用蘸水法分析了在西双版纳普文地营造的西南桦,山桂花人工纯林的乔,灌,草,枯落物等4个层次的最大持水能力,以及测定了这两种人工林土壤的蓄水能力,得出西南桦全林最大持水量为62.93m,山桂花林为67.94mm。于此对西双版纳种植的西南桦,山桂花人工林在水源涵养功能和作用上有所了解。  相似文献   

在山地雨林采伐迹地更新的13年生西南桦人工林有维管束植物109种,分属59科92属,其科属及其区系成分的数量组成已超过山地雨林(维管束植物有83种,48科76属).西南桦人工群落科、属的分布区类型组成均以热带分布为主,分别占总科数和总属数的57.63%~60.61%和80.43%~82.15%,科、属分布区类型的温带成分分别占9.09%~11.87%和10.87%~14.28%,说明普文西南桦人工群落植物区系热带性质显著,具有明显的热带北缘性质.研究同时表明,随着森林恢复,西南桦人工群落热带分布成分具有增加趋势,人工林植物区系的丰富度与原生植被和次生植被状况密切相关.  相似文献   

2003年7月~2005年12月在云南省孟连县开展了桃花心木与西南桦的混交种植试验研究,结果表明:在定植后的2.5年内,桃花心木幼树的相对树高年生长率和相对胸径年生长率分别为552.22%和185.30%,树高生长还略高于云南的乡土树种西南桦(456.29%).在幼林前期,两树种已经初步形成西南桦居上层、桃花心木居二层的复层结构.对两树种混交种植的经济效益进行了预测,并在该试验研究的基础上,对今后应继续开展的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

The effects of a birch admixture on the height and diameter growth and maximum branch diameter in planted Scots pine stands was studied using models constructed with a data set from 13 stands of 9–16 yrs of age and 2–8 m dominant height on average sites on mineral soils in southern Finland. The density and height of the birch varied highly between and within stands. Simulated results indicated that the pines were capable of keeping up in height growth with birches that had originated from seed. Even a very high number of birches (10?000 stems ha?1) had virtually no effect on the height growth of the pines. The number of birches had a pronounced effect on the diameter growth and the maximum branch diameter in pine. Retention of a temporary birch component in young pine stands seems a feasible way of mitigating the adverse effects of low planting densities on the external quality of pine.  相似文献   

The growth, technical quality and nutritional status of pure and mixed silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) plantations were studied 21 and 22 years after planting on afforested organic soil arable land and on upland forest soil. In mixtures, 50% of both birch species was planted. Silver birch trees grew better, but had higher mortality than downy birch trees on both sites. Mortality of both species was highest, and the difference in their growth smallest, on organic soil. In pure stands on organic soil, downy birch dominant height, diameter and mean volume were 96%, 92% and 82% of those of silver birch and on mineral soil 87%, 84% and 60%, correspondingly. On mineral soil, silver birch had a higher mean annual increment (MAI) (5.8 m3 ha?1a?1) than downy birch (3.9 m3 ha?1a?1), but on organic soil the MAI of both species was similar (3.3–3.4 m3 ha?1 a?1). Planting birches in mixture did not affect the growth of the trees on organic soil. On mineral soil, the mean diameter and mean volume of silver birch trees were higher in mixed than in pure plantations. The technical stem quality of both tree species was low. On mineral soils, pure silver birch is more productive than mixture, but on peat soil the higher growth of silver birch could contribute to increased productivity and downy birch would ensure sufficient survival for future timber production.  相似文献   

The individual tree growth in stands of mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth & Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is estimated using basal area and height growth functions for each species separately. The individual tree growth models are distant dependent and the number, size and proximity of neighbours are expressed as size‐ratio competition indices. The competition indices were calculated using a basal area factor gauge to define competitors. The tree growth functions are based on data from nine mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch. The recursive multivariate regression approach is used. The growth functions have standard deviation about the function/standard deviation about the mean (sf/sm) values between 31 and 61% and the evaluations made with root mean square error (rmse) give estimates which vary between 8 and 45 % of the observed mean value. These values are comparable with the precision reported in other studies. In the present investigation the distant dependent indices are important independent variables. It seems suitable to describe the change in growth conditions from retarded to released growth by means of size ratio competition indices. For birch, a positive effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. For Norway spruce a negative effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. The lower competitors have a positive effect on the growth of the spruce trees. The interpretation should be that it is better to have a small competitor than a larger one, not that small competitors as such have a positive effect on growth of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Observed diameter distributions of forest stands are adapted to the Johnson S b probability function. The stands investigated are untreated mixed stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) aged between 20 and 32 years. The adaptation of the Johnson Sb probability function is made both on mixed spruce and birch, and on each species separately. Altogether 156 observations were tested with observed distributions against calculated distributions in the Kolmo‐gorov‐Smirnov test. The fractiles are predicted with multiple regression and two multivari‐ate techniques, simultaneous‐equation models (multivariate regression) and partial least squares with latent variables. The independent variables are characteristics of site and stand. Both multivariate methods predict diameter distribution well when tested.  相似文献   

对中国广西、云南肉桂资源及其不同产地、品种、树龄生长发育习性、出油率的调查,认为海拔100~500m的湿热区,肉桂生长最好,桂皮出油率及主成分肉桂醛含量稳定,是适于发展肉桂种植的地区;4~10龄树桂皮出油率及肉桂醛含量随树龄增加而增加,而11~19龄树随树龄增长而出油率较低,但肉桂醛含量较高;肉桂种植后4~5年即可疏伐采收,8~10龄树可采收桂皮,10~15龄树为最佳的采收期。  相似文献   

研究中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心28年生红椎纯林、马尾松纯林以及红椎-马尾松混交林的生物量和生产力分配格局.结果表明:红椎纯林、马尾松纯林与红椎-马尾松混交林生物量分别为94.797,212.435和155.638 t·hm-2;3种林分的乔木层生物量均占林分生物量的95%以上,其他各层均表现为凋落物层(0.56%~3.26%)>草本层(0.24%~0.85%)>灌木层(0.25% ~0.37%);在3种林分的乔木层各组分中,干材生物量最大,占总生物量的49.31% ~ 62.25%,红椎纯林中其他组分表现为根(17.16%)>枝(11.76%)>干皮(6.84%)>叶(1.99%),而马尾松纯林与红椎-马尾松混交林则为枝(18.39% ~ 19.98%)>根(14.48% ~17.72%)>叶(5.55%~8.80%)>干皮(4.19% ~ 5.57%);3个林分的净生产力表现为红椎纯林(3.369t·hm-2a-1)<红椎-马尾松混交林(5.628 t·hm-2a-1)<马尾松纯林(7.781 t·hm-2a-1).  相似文献   

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