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The development of perennial industrial crops could contribute to increase agriculture sustainability and yield stability in arid environments. Since perennial plants allocate resources preferentially to perpetuation and to structural and functional characters that provide drought tolerance, they tend to have lower reproductive output (yield) than their congeneric annuals. Four species of Lesquerella native to arid regions were evaluated to understand the relationships between reproduction, drought tolerance, and their association with the plant's life span. We assessed the following set of characters (defined as plant strategies): phenology, gas exchange, specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, total biomass and biomass allocation. Annual (Lesquerella gracilis and Lesquerella angustifolia) and perennial (Lesquerella mendocina and Lesquerella pinetorum) species were compared under water limiting conditions. Within this set of species differences in structural and functional characters were observed. The annual, L. gracilis showed a plant strategy characterized by high reproductive output, harvest index (HI) and specific leaf area (SLA). L. mendocina (perennial), produced more total biomass, but had a low reproductive output, and also showed characters that provide drought tolerance (high allocation to roots-root mass ratio (RMR), and storage-total non structural carbohydrates (TNC) and low SLA). The annual L. angustifolia and the perennial L. pinetorum had intermediate plant strategies (i.e. intermediate values of traits typically related with annual or perennial life span). In the case of L. pinetorum we found some traits common to L. mendocina: long vegetative period, high biomass, CO2 assimilation rate (A), and water use efficiency (WUE), and low SLA. The high reproductive output in L. pinetorum was a result of both, higher total biomass and longer growing season compared to the annuals, and of higher HI in relation to the other perennial. These differences in plant strategies among perennial Lesquerella show that there are different combinations of traits that could be used as criteria for the selection of a perennial crop in programs of domestication for Patagonia and others arid lands.  相似文献   

Transpiration efficiency (TE) has been recognized as an important source of yield variation under drought stress in groundnut. Here the variation for TE is evaluated in a set of 318 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of groundnut at F8 generation, derived from a cross between a high TE (ICGV 86031) and a low TE (TAG 24) parent, and the value of specific leaf area (SLA), SPAD chlorophyll meter readings (SCMR) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) as surrogates of TE are measured. Transpiration efficiency was measured gravimetrically in the 318 RILs and parents under progressive soil drying in a pot culture in two post-rainy seasons. Large and consistent variation for TE existed among the RILs across years. The overall distribution of TE among the RILs indicated that TE was governed by dominant and additive genes. Surrogates SLA and SCMR, were measured prior, during and after completion of the drought period, whereas Δ13C was measured on the dried tissue after harvest. Transpiration efficiency was negatively associated with SLA after the completion of stress treatment (r2 = 0.15) and Δ13C in leaves (r2 = 0.13) and positively associated with SCMR during stress (r2 = 0.17). These associations, all fairly weak, were significant only in 2004. None of these relationships was found in 2005. Although the heritability of SCMR during 2005 was relatively higher than that of TE, and although SCMR has previously been used to identify contrasting germplasm for TE, the stress-dependence of the relationship with TE, and the poor regression coefficients (r2) with that RIL population, do not confer that these surrogates are adequately robust enough in that population. Though more time consuming, a direct gravimetric evaluation for TE appeared to be more reliable.  相似文献   

In a four-year study, we investigated the relationship between the damage to root nodules of organically produced pea (Pisum sativum L.) by the larvae of the pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus L.) and the abundance of adult weevils. In addition to studying natural infestations, we established artificial infestations within cages to assess the impact of different weevil densities on yield parameters and determinants of the nitrogen balance. Densities of 0.2 adult S. lineatus per plant (20 individuals per m2) reduced the number of seeds and pods per plant by 18% and 15%, respectively; seeds per pod and thousand-seed weight remained unaffected. A three-fold or five-fold increase in weevil abundance (13–40 or 20 to 100 individuals per m2) did not result in an additional reduction in yield. Moreover, the higher weevil abundance did not adversely affect the N-harvest index or soil nitrogen content. We suspect that the impact of adult S. lineatus on yield and nitrogen parameters is limited by the density-dependent mortality of the larvae. Survival of larvae in turn depends on the nodulation of the plants, which is largely regulated by the supply of water. The assumption that organic cropping systems are at specific risk from the pea leaf weevil was confirmed by increasing population densities during the study period. However, yield losses were independent of adult attack within a wide range of weevil abundance, which indicates the complexity of assessing larval damage based on adult infestation level. An enhanced intraspecific competition among larvae may account for the absence of linear relationships, considering that especially young instars failed to establish in root nodules at higher densities. We found that adult densities of 0.2 individuals per plant and subsequent larval densities of 7 individuals per plant resulted in destruction of 37% of the root nodules on primary roots, which was much below destruction values reported in other studies. In conclusion, we recommend an early monitoring of weevils and early initiation of control strategies because yield losses were caused by even low weevil densities. Finally, the tolerance of P. sativum to S. lineatus was influenced by the yield level, i.e., tolerance to S. lineatus decreased as yield increased.  相似文献   

Improving drought tolerance has always been an important objective in many crop improvement programs and is becoming more important as one way of adapting crops to climate changes. However, due to its complexity, the genetic mechanisms underlying the expression of drought tolerance in plants are poorly understood and this trait is difficult to characterize and quantify. This study assessed the importance of the wild progenitor of cultivated barley, Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch, in contributing developmental and yield-related traits associated with drought tolerance and therefore its usefulness in breeding for improved adaptation to drought stress conditions. Fifty-seven fixed barley lines derived from crosses with two H. spontaneum lines (41-1 and 41-5) were evaluated in Mediterranean low rainfall environments with 10 improved varieties and three landraces for grain yield, developmental and agronomic traits. The study was conducted for three years (2004–2006) in a total of nine environments (location–year combinations), eight in Syria and one in Jordan, which were eventually reduced to seven due to a large error variance in two of them. There was significant genetic variation among the genotypes for most of the traits measured, as well as differential responses of genotypes across environments. Traits such as peduncle length, peduncle extrusion and plant height were positively correlated with grain yield in the dry environments. Differences in phenology were small and not significantly correlated with differences in grain yield under stress. Performances at the three highest yielding environments were much more closely correlated than those at the four stress environments. The GGE biplot analysis allowed identification of genotypes consistently best adapted to the lowest yielding environments and confirmed the existence of unique environments for identifying better adapted genotypes in the low rainfall environments of Syria. The top yielding lines in the driest of the seven environments derived mostly from crosses with H. spontaneum 41-1, while most of the improved varieties showed a positive genotype by environment (GE) interaction with the highest yielding environments. The results of the field experiments indicated that there was variation for grain yield under drought stress among barley genotypes, and that some of the lines derived from H. spontaneum had consistently superior specific adaptation to the range of severe stress conditions used in this study. The usefulness of H. spontaneum in breeding programs for stress conditions is likely to increase in view of the predicted increase in the occurrence of high temperatures and droughts.  相似文献   

Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) is a Mediterranean perennial plant. Studies were conducted on cardoon for biomass production, in order to assess the plant as an alternative low input management crop in a Mediterranean environment. The grain oil has similar composition to sunflower or saffron oils and can be easily extracted. In this work, the results of cardoon biomass and grain oil production under Sicilian (South Italy) low input conditions are shown. In a completely randomized block, during 1998–2001, 14 genotypes of C. cardunculus L., five cultivated cardoons and nine wild cardoons, were evaluated for lignocellulosic biomass production, grain yield and chemical composition of the grain. The results showed, on average for the genotypes, a 3-year cumulative aboveground biomass of 47.4 t ha−1 DM, the 6.3% of which was grain. Differences within the 3 years of cultivation were observed, due to varying water availability (rainfall differences) and age of the crop. The results showed some genotypes are very promising for biomass, grain and oil production. Moreover, the good range of variability observed among genotypes is important for developing cultivars suitable for varying cropping systems in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Thymus vulgaris L., known as common thyme, is a perennial subshrub native to the Mediterranean region. The use of the extracts and herb of thyme plants as antibacterial, antioxidant, natural food preservative and in cosmetic industry has increased the economic importance of this medicinal crop worldwide. Agricultural practices have an influence on growth and yield of thyme plants. Therefore, an experiment was undertaken to determine the effects of three intra-row spacing (15, 30 and 45 cm) and four harvesting times (vegetative, beginning of blooming, full blooming and fruit set) on plant growth and herbage biomass of thyme in 2007 in the research farm of Shoubak University College in the southern part of Jordan. The experiment was a split plot in randomized complete block design with four replicates. Apart from the experiment in 2007, measurements taken on the 15th of November in 2008 were treated as an independent experiment irrespective of harvesting stage. The effects of spacing were not significant for all the parameters measured in 2007. Intra-row spacing in 2008 had significant effects (P < 0.05) on plant height, canopy diameter, herbage fresh and dry weight and number of leaves on long shoots. Its effect on dry weight of shoots, fresh and dry weight of long shoots, number of long shoots, root depth, leaf area and specific leaf area was very significant (P < 0.01). Results of this study indicated that thyme plants grown using 15 cm planting space and harvested at the fruit set stage in 2007 had the highest fresh and dry weight of shoots. The highest dry weight of shoots, herbage fresh and dry weight was also obtained in 2008 in 15 cm spacing. Closer spacing resulted in significantly taller plants that exhibited higher shoot:root ratio and, therefore, plants grown using 15 cm intra-row spacing had a better use of light and accumulated more biomass compared to plants in wider spacing. The differentiation between long shoots and short shoots throughout plant development in 2007 suggests a specialization in carbon gain along different times in the growing season. Swings observed for shoot:root ratio, leaf area and specific leaf area were related to thyme growth. The decrease in specific leaf area between vegetative and full bloom stage indicated that leaves became thicker as part of an adaptive mechanism to the surrounding environment. Information obtained from growth parameters, leaf area and specific leaf area in particular, could be related to essential oil production in leaves of thyme plants.  相似文献   

Farmers are interested to produce sweet maize under organic production systems and propane flaming could be a potential alternative tool for weed control in organic sweet maize production. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the response of sweet maize to broadcast flaming as influenced by propane dose and crop growth stage. Field experiments were conducted at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, Concord, NE in 2008 and 2009 using five propane doses applied at three different growth stages of V2 (2-leaf), V5 (5-leaf) and V7 (7-leaf). The propane doses were 0, 13, 24, 44 and 85 kg ha−1. The response of sweet maize to propane flaming was evaluated in terms of visual crop injury, effects on plant height, yield components (plants m−2, tillers plant−1, number of ears plant−1, cob length and number of seeds cob−1) and fresh marketable yield. The response of different growth stages of sweet maize to propane doses was described by log-logistic models. Based on most parameters tested, V7 was the most tolerant while V2 was the least tolerant stage for broadcast flaming. The maximum yield reductions with the highest propane dose of 85 kg ha−1 were 22%, 12% and 6% for V2, V5 and V7 stages, respectively. Furthermore, a 5% yield reduction was evident with 23, 25 and 36 kg ha−1 of propane for V2, V5 and V7 growth stages, respectively, suggesting that plants flamed at V7 stage can tolerate higher dose of propane for the same yield reduction compared to the other growth stages. We believe that flaming has a potential to be used effectively in organic sweet maize production if properly used.  相似文献   

Farmers are interested in producing popcorn under organic production systems and propane flaming could be a significant component of an integrated weed management program. The objective of this study was to collect baseline information on popcorn tolerance to broadcast flaming as influenced by propane dose and crop growth stage at the time of flaming. Field experiments were conducted at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, Concord, NE in 2008 and 2009 using five propane doses (0, 13, 24, 44 and 85 kg ha−1) applied at the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf growth stages. Propane was applied using a custom-built research flamer driven at a constant speed of 6.4 km h−1. Crop response to propane dose was described by log-logistic models on the basis of visual estimates of crop injury, yield components (plants m−2, ears plant−1, kernels cob−1 and 100-kernel weight) and grain yield. Popcorn response to flaming was influenced by the crop growth stage and propane dose. Based on various parameters evaluated, popcorn flamed at the 5-leaf showed the highest tolerance while the 2-leaf was the most susceptible stage. The maximum yield reductions were 45%, 9% and 16% for the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf stages, respectively. In addition, propane doses that resulted in a 5% yield loss were 23 kg ha−1 for the 2-leaf and 7-leaf and 30 kg ha−1 for the 5-leaf stage. Flaming has a potential to be used effectively in organic popcorn production if properly used.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of ageing on alpha-amylase activity, falling number, pasting properties and SDS sedimentation volume, whole meal and white flours of einkorn (cv Monlis) and bread wheat (cv Serio) were stored in darkness at different temperatures and analysed several times up to 374 days. Pregerminated bread wheat flours (cv Blasco) were also evaluated.  相似文献   

Extending the phase of stem elongation (SE) has been proposed as a tool to further improve yield potential in small-grain cereals. The genetic control of pre-heading phases may also contribute to a better understanding of phenological traits conferring adaptability. Given that an optimized total time to heading is one of the most important traits in a breeding program, a prerequisite for lengthening SE would be that this and the previous phase (leaf and spikelet initiation, LS) should be under different genetic control. We studied the genetic control of these two pre-heading sub-phases (from sowing to the onset of stem elongation, LS, and from then to heading, SE) in terms of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in a barley double-haploid population derived from the cross Henni × Meltan, both two-rowed spring North European barley cultivars. DH lines (118) and their parents were studied in four field trials in North-Eastern Spain. Genetic control of a number of traits related to leaf appearance and tillering dynamics, which could be important for an early crop canopy structure, were also studied. LS and SE are, at least partially, under a different genetic control in the Henni × Meltan population, mainly due to a QTL on chromosome 2HS. The QTLs responsible for a different control of LS and SE did not seem to correspond with any major gene reported in the literature. Moreover shortening LS, so as to lengthen SE without modifying heading date, would not necessarily imply a negative drawback on traits that could be important for early vigour, such as phyllochron and the onset of tillering.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were conducted in the early and late rainy seasons in Thailand to evaluate the effect of pre-emergence application of herbicides and determine the herbicide residues on vegetable soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill cv. No. 75) production. No visible crop injury was observed after application of alachlor 469 g a.i./ha, clomazone 1080 g a.i./ha, metribuzin 525 g a.i./ha, pendimethalin 1031.25 g a.i./ha, tank-mixed clomazone 960 g a.i./ha + pendimethalin 928 g a.i./ha, or tank-mixed metribuzin 350 g a.i./ha + pendimethalin 928 g a.i./ha. However, acetochlor 1875 g a.i./ha, isoxaflutole 75 g a.i./ha, and oxadiazon 1000 g a.i./ha caused visible crop injury. Plant bioassay of herbicide residues in the soil after harvest showed no phytotoxic effect on baby corn (Zea mays Linn. cv. Suwan 3), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Pijit 1), pak choi (Brassica chinensis Jusl. cv. Chinensis), and soybean (G. max L. Merrill cv. CM 60). Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis showed no significant herbicide residues on crop yield (or MRLs < 0.01 ppm) for all herbicides used in this study. The application of metribuzin at 525 g a.i./ha was sufficient to provide satisfactory full-season control of several weed species and gave the highest crop yield. In addition, pendimethalin at 1031.25 g a.i./ha, and tank-mixed metribuzin at 350 g a.i./ha + pendimethalin at 928 g a.i./ha can provide a similar level of weed control as an alternative to reduce herbicide dosage thereby increasing food and environmental safety in vegetable soybean production.  相似文献   

Plants can host many herbivores and their natural enemies during their growth cycles. For this reason, changes in the relative abundance of crop and weed plants in a monocropping system as well as different crop plants in an intercropping system may produce great bottom up impacts in the specific and functional structure of spontaneous communities of arthropods. The hypothesis of this study was that the combination of two contrasting species, soybean (Glycine max, Fabaceae, N2 fixing plant) and annual wormwood (Artemisia annua, Asteraceae, VOCs plant), would be related to different spontaneous communities of arthropods depending on the proportion of each species, and this would favor crop biodiversity without compromising crop production. The objectives of the study were: (a) to analyze the differences of spontaneous communities of arthropods related to different soybean (S)-annual wormwood (W) mixtures, using standard crop management for S production in Argentina, (b) to determine S and W total biomass and W essential oil content and yield and, (c) to analyze the relationship between arthropod communities and crop productivity. Factorial field experiments with 3 replications were done during 2006 and 2007. S density was kept constant (40 plants m−2) and different W densities (plants m−2) were added. Treatments were pure S, S + 2W, S + 4W, S + 8W and pure W (8 plants m−2). Arthropods were sampled at soybean full flowering and were classified in functional groups as herbivores and non-herbivores. S and W total and relative biomass and W essential oil content and yield from leaves and inflorescences were estimated in reproductive stage. Arthropod morphospecies abundance and richness were determined for each treatment. Data were analyzed using uni (ANOVA) and multivariate (CCA) techniques. Arthropods belonging to 7 orders presented a total richness of 48 morphospecies in 2006 and 36 in 2007, while total abundance was 379 in 2006 and 318 in 2007. The proportion of non-herbivores was higher than the proportion of herbivores. Different arthropod communities were observed according to each treatment. No differences were found among treatments in S + W and S total biomass production, while W total biomass and essential oil yield were both different among treatments. Relative biomass production of S and W was the main explanatory variable related to the contrast of arthropod communities between pure annual wormwood (W) and the rest of the treatments. Annual wormwood could be used as an accompanying essential oil crop or left as a weed in the densities tested in this work, favoring biodiversity and, eventually, pest management without compromising soybean crop yield.  相似文献   

以我国216份芝麻核心种质为材料,分析芝麻株高及其构成相关性状的变异、相互关系等,利用79对EST-SSR、AFLP和SRAP引物对供试材料基因组进行检测并进行标记-性状关联分析,检测群体中与株高构成性状相关的DNA变异位点.结果表明,株高及其构成性状的变异均呈现连续变化,变异丰富,变异系数均在10%以上;相关性分析和多元回归拟合株高及其构成因素间的关系表明,主茎始蒴高度、主茎果轴长度是影响株高差异的主要因素.利用GLM(Q)和MLM(Q+K)模型共检测到34个变异位点同时与供试群体两年的株高构成显著关联,对表型变异解释率在1.89%~5.29%,平均为2.82%,其中与主茎始蒴高度显著关联的标记位点M20E12-3被2种模型均检测到.此外,研究发现株高构成因素受基因型、环境和两者互作影响,且均达到极显著水平.  相似文献   

In Cameroon, seed cotton yields have not increased over the last 20 years because of the shortening of the rainy season and the worsening socioeconomic context. Farmers consequently often delay planting their crops. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether local indeterminate long-season cottons, grown at the recommended density, were more consistent with the farmers’ current constraints than determinate short-season cultivars from Latin America that could be sown more densely. We carried out a 3-year three-location survey in northern Cameroon, which included two planting dates (recommended and delayed) and two planting densities (recommended and high). We show that these three factors acted independently. Late planting had a highly negative impact on most traits at both plant and plot scale by delaying flowering, reducing seed cotton yield and fibre quality. Dense sowing mainly had an impact on individual plant traits by reducing boll retention and elongating main-stem internodes. Local cultivars have already evolved favourably (enhanced earliness, yield performance, harvest index, ginning out-turn, and fibre maturity) and could be improved further by crossing with highly determinate cottons. However, such a strategy requires further investigation to ensure that a more determinate growth pattern would not have a negative impact on the adaptive response of the traditional cotton plant to other adverse conditions.  相似文献   

The potential to control leaf rust (Puccinia triticina; pathotype UVPt9) in vivo in susceptible (Thatcher) and resistant (Thatcher/Lr15) near-isogenic wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines by foliar applications of crude plant leaf extracts from Tulbaghia violacea and Agapanthus africanus, as well as a commercially available natural product, ComCat®, and a Lupinus albus seed suspension (SS) was investigated. In vitro activities of the PR-proteins, β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase and peroxidase were quantified in these two wheat lines under both non-infected and infected conditions. Although foliar application of the different plant extracts accelerated the activities of all three enzymes in resistant infected wheat plants, it was only the A. africanus extract that increased the in vitro activities of the three apoplastic pathogenesis-related proteins significantly in both susceptible and resistant wheat cultivars, whether uninfected or infected. The latter resulted in the reduction of pustule and necrotic lesion formation in the susceptible and resistant wheat lines, respectively. Foliar treatment of wheat seedlings with either ComCat® or SS had no effect on pustule and necrotic lesion formation. The A. africanus crude extract also had a significant in vitro inhibitory effect on both leaf rust spore germination and subsequent germ tube development.  相似文献   

Leaf mass per area (LMA) is a parameter the variability of which contributes to architectural plasticity. However its variations according to environment remain not completely understood. We hypothesise that LMA variations of winter oilseed rape (WOSR) follow an ontogenetic trajectory that can be modified by the environment. This was assessed at plant and leaf levels comparing four genotypes field-grown under different environmental conditions characterised by year and nitrogen nutrition. Leaves of the main stem of plants sampled between emergence and harvest were surfaced, oven-dried and weighed to calculate LMA of each individual leaf. At the plant level, LMA presented a common ontogenetic trajectory, which increases from seedling emergence to bolting and from then on decreases. Variations in LMA were related to the variations in plant demand, LMA decreased when demand increased. The trajectory was modified by low N nutrition that increased LMA but differently according to year and genotype, reflecting the plant plasticity. At the leaf level, variations for each individual leaf were related to the variations at the plant level. Plant plasticity and genotypic variability of the responses of LMA to N deficiency seemed to be related to differences in biomass allocation between leaves and stems.  相似文献   

Although the annual Lesquerella fendleri is the prime candidate for the development of a lesquerolic rich oil-seed crop, within this genus there are other species available to breeders, some of which are perennials. However, the feasibility of a perennial crop of Lesquerella is not clear because increases in seed-yield tend to reduce perennially. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of the source-sink ratio on seed yield and yield components in annual and perennial species of Lesquerella. We predicted that (i) due to differences in allocation patterns of annual and perennial species, seed-yield and yield components in perennials would be less affected by the source-sink ratio (higher stability) than in annuals and (ii) since seed-weight has been found to be the most stable yield component in other crops and their wild relatives, most of the variation in seed-yield as a consequence of source-sink ratios would be determined by changes in the number fruits per plant and the number of seeds per fruit. A field experiment was carried out in Chubut, Patagonia Argentina in a complete randomized design with four treatments to examine source-sink relationships in four species of Lesquerella, two annuals (L. angustifolia, L. gracilis) and two perennials (L. pinetorum, L. mendocina). We used either shading (reduction of source) or removal of flower-buds (reduction of sink) to develop a range of source-sink relationships. All four species showed a similar yield response to source-sink variations. Seed-yield was lower in shaded plants, although the timing of shading influenced this response. Flower-bud removal resulted in a significant increase in seed-yield. Seed-yield differences among source-sink treatments were best explained by changes in the number of fruits per plant than by the number of seeds per fruit. Source-sink manipulations had no affect on seed weight. Flower-bud removal significantly increased the number of fruits per plant in all species except for L. mendocina. The number of seeds per fruits increased only in L. pinetorum. Our results show that carbon stored during pre-anthesis plays a key role in reproduction both in annual and perennial Lesquerella. The increase in the seed-yield components found with bud removal could potentially reduce longevity in perennial species. The results also show that the number of fruits per plant is a good proxy for seed-yield within a species.  相似文献   

The present research assessed the radical scavenging activity against the synthetic 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)hydrazyl radical of the water-saturated 1-butanol extracts of wholemeal flour from 63 Triticum monococcum accessions, which originated from different eco-geographical areas. On average, T. monococcum had higher radical scavenging activity than T. turgidum and T. aestivum species, which served as controls (0.90, 0.64 and 0.70 mmol TE/kg DM, for T. monococcum, T. turgidum and T. aestivum, respectively). A significant correlation between radical scavenging activity and tocol content was observed, while no correlation existed with soluble phenolics and carotenoid contents.  相似文献   

Bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) is a major field pest limiting common bean production in eastern Africa. The genetic enhancement of beans for resistance to insect pests is essential for minimizing yield losses arising from crop damage. The objectives of this study were to (1) assess combining ability for bean fly resistance and seed yield accumulation in common bean and (2) estimate genetic parameters associated with resistance for formulating further breeding strategy. Four parents with known reaction to bean fly were crossed with four locally adapted genotypes in an 8 × 8 half diallel mating design. Parents and F2 progenies were grown in an alpha-lattice design replicated twice in an open-field and subjected to natural populations of bean fly for two cropping seasons under semi-arid conditions. Similarly, two resistant and two susceptible parents were selected and crossed to produce populations for generation means and variances components analysis. Results revealed that both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were significant (p ≤ 0.05) for all four traits studied except SCA for stem damage during one cropping season. Among the parents, GBK 047858 was the best general combiner for all the traits studied across seasons except for stem damage during long rains (LR) 2009. Besides, genotypes GBK 047821 and Kat × 69 (a locally adapted variety) were generally good general combiners for resistance traits as well as seed yield. General predictability ratio (GPR) values ranging from 0.63 to 0.90 were obtained for plant mortality, stem damage, pupae in stem and seed yield across cropping seasons. These results established the predominance of additive gene effects (fixable variation) over the non-additive effects in controlling the traits. Low to moderate narrow sense heritability values ranging from 0.22 to 0.45 were obtained for pupae in stem. Such heritability estimates indicate that although additive gene components were critical in the inheritance of resistance for the trait, non-additive gene action were also important in addition to the environmental effects.  相似文献   

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