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利用林木落叶林间栽培食用菌研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阔叶林的枯枝落叶是丰富的生物资源,几年来,利用林木遮荫并能调温保湿的小气候环境,进行林下栽培平菇等食用菌的试验,结果表明,发酵料较为不发酵料林间栽培的平菇每平方米鲜菇产量可提高3.5 ̄4.5kg,生物效率提高40 ̄45%;供试菌种以06较好,坡我界处产量高于谷中;每公顷可获纯收入8196元,经济效益显著,为枯枝落叶开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过问卷与实地走访的调查方式,开展黔南地区食用菌发展情况与木质菌材利用现状的调查.对食用菌的食用价值、药用价值、保健功能以及市场发展等进行分析,对木质菌材加工利用、流通管理、采伐监管、资源保护、资源培育等进行调查,针对性地提出木质菌材保护管理利用对策.  相似文献   

人工林速生材高值化利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着禁止天然林商业性采伐政策的实施,人工林速生材高值化利用成为缓解我国当前木材供需矛盾的重要途径。简述了国内外速生材改性相关技术与工艺研究现状,介绍了物理改性和化学改性的几种方法,以期为我国人工林速生材功能性改良与高值化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>食用菌是深受人们喜爱的营养食品,销售量大,经济效益高。近年来由于天保工程的实施,致使阔叶树原料不足,培养食用菌的原料严重缺乏,而大面积培育麻烁菌材林, 可以尽快解决这一矛盾,是一条促进食用菌发展的有效途径。1 试验地自然条件试验以岫岩县南部和大连地区的瓦房店、普兰店为主要研究基地, 当地年均气温7.5~9.0℃,年均有效积温(≥5℃)3175~3600℃,无霜期144~210d,相对湿度70%~  相似文献   

通过对庆元林场700亩中央基本建设投资林业项目基地的抚育间伐、林地清理、深翻施肥等技术培育杉木大径材表明,项目每亩年均生长量达到1.19m3(蓄积),而对比林分的每亩年均生长量只有0.28m3(蓄积),同时经济效益上也取得显著的成效,可为庆元林场和广大林农在杉木大径材培育方面提供借鉴  相似文献   

对国内外薪材与秸秆生物质资源利用现状进行了分析,提出了可燃性植物类生物质资源“集中燃烧、转化利用、集约经营”的基本思路和具体建议,对薪材与秸秆的燃烧方式、转化途径、经营模式作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

总结了我国桉树资源发展状况和工业化利用现状,介绍了高性能重组木、单板层积材、竹桉复合材料、厚芯实木复合板材和无醛胶合板制造技术最新研究进展,指出了小径级桉树木材高值化综合利用有效方法,并将桉树的综合利用率提高至90%以上,生产过程耗能低,二氧化碳排放少,符合我国目前低碳经济发展的需要。  相似文献   

[目的]通过板栗幼苗人工接种食用菌根菌固体菌剂,分析其对板栗幼苗生长指标和根系菌根化的效果,以验证大红菇(菌株编号2014-10)、红绒盖牛肝菌(菌株编号2014-14)和美味牛肝菌(菌株编号50559)这3种食用菌根菌固体菌剂作为板栗接种体的有效性及其促生效应,为进一步探索"板栗食用菌根菌新型经济林栽培模式"提供基础。[方法]在板栗播种时分别接种上述3种食用菌根菌固体菌剂,并设空白作对照。对当年生幼苗苗高、地径、根系干质量、侧根数、侧根总长、幼苗侵染率、吸收根侵染率等指标进行调查和分析,并制作菌根石蜡切片进行微观结构观察。[结果]表明:(1)上述3种食用菌根菌在人工接种下均能侵染板栗幼苗根系,平均幼苗菌根化率分别达95.8%、87.0%和96.7%,平均吸收根菌根化率分别达57%、53%和50%,达较高的侵染强度;经微观观察,板栗幼苗根系均形成典型的菌根结构——菌丝套和哈蒂氏网。(2)与对照幼苗相比,3个菌种处理幼苗的平均苗高分别提高32.5%、24.0%和22.7%,平均地径分别提高19.4%、14.1%和5.0%,差异显著(P0.05);平均根系干质量分别提高18.9%、25.3%和14.1%,平均侧根数分别提高16.0%、14.1%和12.1%,平均侧根总长分别提高26.8%、28.9%和44.8%,差异极显著(P0.01)。[结论](1)上述供试食用菌根菌均与板栗根系建立了共生关系,幼苗菌根化效果良好,吸收根菌根化强度高,形成了菌根的典型结构,即菌丝套和哈蒂氏网,验证了上述菌种固体菌剂的有效性,认为其可以作为板栗食用菌根菌栽培的接种体而用于生产实践,为探索"板栗食用菌根菌新型经济林栽培模式"提供了基础。(2)上述供试菌种接种后,对板栗幼苗各项主要生长指标均有不同程度的促进作用,说明上述食用菌根菌对板栗幼苗具有显著的促生效应。  相似文献   

木质素优先降解策略是天然木质素高效解聚生产木质素平台化合物最有效的方法之一。区别于传统木质素催化降解路径,这种催化降解策略以木质纤维素为原料,木质素在分离的同时立即与催化剂接触并完成催化降解。这种方法既省略了复杂的木质素分离步骤,又避免了木质素分离过程中的再聚合反应,可以得到高产率的木质素单体。近年来,随着多种新型催化解聚体系的不断建立与完善,这一方向的研究热点将会逐渐转移至下游转化工艺,即对木质素降解产物的高效开发利用。近期报道的很多生物质炼制工艺都描述了从木质素降解产物到高附加值产品的完整工艺流程,这其中就包括大宗化学品和精细化学品的新型生产工艺,以及基于这些中间产品所开发的高分子材料、药物分子或高值燃料的全新合成路线。基于此,笔者概述了木质素优先降解催化体系及其降解产物下游转化工艺研究的最新进展,特别是对木质素降解产物中不同组分的高值化利用进行了深入细致的讨论。根据木质素降解产物的结构特点,将其分类归纳成不同的组分,详细阐述了各组分转化为化学品、燃料和高分子材料的具体催化转化路径,并对后续研究的重点突破方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

为筛选乡土用材树种与菌根型食用红菇菌的高效共生组合体,以红锥Castanopsis hystrix、白锥Castanopsis fabric和马尾松Pinus massoniana为宿主,以正红菇Russula vinosa07240、07242、07243、0204和0553菌株和鳞盖红菇Russulalepida0005菌株为菌种,开展了苗期接种试验。结果表明,参试的6个红菇菌株均可在红锥、白锥和马尾松苗木根系上形成感染,感染率46.7%~90.0%。马尾松的接种效应最快,不同接种处理之间苗高和地径的生长差异分别在接种后1个月和4个月时达到显著;而红锥和白锥苗高生长差异则在接种后10个月,地径生长差异分别在接种后12个月和14个月时达到显著。以0553菌株接种的红锥、马尾松苗高、地径及总生物量高于其他5个菌株接种处理。与对照相比,0553菌株接种下的红锥苗高、地径及总生物量增长量分别达24.1%、19.8%和50.4%,马尾松则分别达20.9%、18.6%和49.1%。对于白锥,则以07242菌株接种处理下的生长效应最大,苗高、地径及总生物量增长量分别达54.0%、20.2%和57.2%。红锥、马尾松与正...  相似文献   

Changes in moisture content of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) wood during high-temperature saturated and superheated steam treatments were investigated. A system for in situ weighing of specimens was used, and the reduction of wood substance by heating was taken into consideration. At 160°C the loss of wood substance due to heating was significant and influenced the moisture content values, but it was almost negligible at 120°C. Treatment time and temperature affected the moisture content in saturated steam but not in superheated steam. Excess water in a saturated closed system appears to promote the decomposition of wood and condensation in or on specimens.Parts of this work was presented at the 49th, 50th, and 52nd Annual Meetings of the Japan Wood Research Society in Tokyo, April 1999; Kyoto, April 2000; and Gifu, April 2002  相似文献   

R. K. Singh  P. Gogoi 《林业研究》2012,23(2):339-344
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) technology is a soil-based fertilization practice for sustainable crop productivity. We evaluated six indigenous Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) strains for their symbiotic response with Piper longum (long pepper), a non-timber forest product holding promise as a commercial crop for its medicinal fruits and roots. Piper saplings were raised in a 10 cm thick sand and soil mix inoculated with various AMF. Under field conditions, plants inoculated with AMF demonstrated better survival (≥80%) than non mycorrhizal plants (58%). Almost all the studied AMF strains increased the plant growth, biomass and nutrient content (N and P) over the uninoculated control. Mycorrhizal inoculation with four AMF species, viz: Glomus fasciculatum, G. clarum, G. etunicatum and G. versiforme greatly enhanced long pepper growth both in the nursery and field conditions.  相似文献   

To confirm the pathogenicity of a blue stain fungus,Ceratocystis piceae (Münch) Bakshi to the Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.), the responses of healthy young pine trees and stressed trees which were girdled by the half-circumferential girdling technique were investigated by the fungal inoculation test. Although neither of the pine trees inoculated withC. piceae in the non-girdled treatment nor the controls died, mortality of the trees girdled and inoculated withC. piceae was 28.6%. In the pine trees inoculated withC. piceae, the mean area of the necrotic lesion of the sapwood was significantly larger than that of the controls, and the mean of the water pressure potential of the xylem decreased, regardless of the girdling treatment. TheC. piceae was reisolated from the wood pieces near the inoculation points on the inoculated trees, but not from the controls. These results suggest that under strongly stressed conditions, the Japanese red pine trees might have been killed by heavy infestations ofC. piceae carried by bark beetles. A part of this paper was presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1992).  相似文献   

国内木材工业中低毒脲醛树脂研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了当前通过降低摩尔比、改进工艺条件或使用改性剂等方法降低木材工业用脲醛树脂胶中游离甲醛含量或其生产的人造板甲醛释放量的最新进展情况。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下森林资源生态环境价值补偿问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林资源生态环境价值补偿,目前仍处在一个探索研究的过程,其实践性活动基本上没有进行。为了促进森林资源生态环境价值补偿活动有序的顺利进行,作者论述了森林资源的概念及森林资源与生态环境价值,提出森林资源生态环境价值的补偿。  相似文献   

Honey fungi, Armillaria spp. are common and economically important pathogens of a wide range of tree species grown both in the forest and orchard cultures worldwide. Our field research in 73 forest stands across Poland has shown a common association of the mycetophagous wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus fraudulentus with Armillaria‐infected trees. The data reported here provide the first insight into the parasitic interaction of a nematode and Armillaria ostoyae. In laboratory conditions, B. fraudulentus reproduced on A. ostoyae, caused substantial damage to its mycelium and, finally, killed the whole colony within a short time. In ageing cultures, the nematode produced resting (dauer) juveniles. After artificial inoculation to Armillaria‐infected trees, the nematode population persisted under the bark, continued feeding and mass reproduction on the mycelium, and dispersed over the mycelial fans. The ability of B. fraudulentus to develop and reproduce on the surface and inside the fungal rhizomorphs suggests that these structures could facilitate the nematode dispersion in the environment. Since B. fraudulentus is not pathogenic to the host tree, its parasitic association with A. ostoyae may contribute to natural regulation of this fungus in the environment. The observed characteristics of this nematode suggest that it could potentially be used as a biocontrol agent of honey fungi in forest and orchard trees.  相似文献   

在森林资源资产评估实践中,针对按龄组选择评估方法经常出现评估值连续性差、差异显著的问题,提出了依据林龄选择评估方法的观点。其从科学、公正和可操作性的基本原则出发,通过评估实例计算、分析,初步探讨了利用对比分析法确定林龄临界点,并进一步选择评估方法,力求使评估值具有较强的连续性。同时指出了林龄临界点选择法与标准林分模式相结合在批量资产评估中应用的优势。  相似文献   

林改后永安市森林采伐管理制度的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集体林权制度改革后,为探索完善森林资源采伐限额管理新机制,永安市开展商品林按面积控制采伐试点。通过对改革试点中存在问题的研究与分析,提出了进一步完善森林采伐管理制度的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the costs of different logging systems, in particular considering three different bunching-extraction methods. Moreover the stumpage value of each plot was calculated, and a comparison analysis of the results is presented. The work was carried out in Central Italy, in an aged Quercus cerris L. coppice in hill zones, with a 45% average slope. Short wood system harvesting was applied. Felling and processing were performed by chainsaw, while extraction with three different methods: plot No. 1 with mules, plot No. 2 with a tractor with winch, plot No. 3 with polyethylene chute line. Transport of firewood from the forest track to the landing was made by a tractor loaded as a mule. In the plot No. 1 the costs per unit mass (30.76 ? 33% -1 ) were higher despite having the lower cost per hour (39.99 ? -1 ). The reason was the lower productivity (1.3 t 33% ·h -1 ). The plot No. 2 had the highest cost per hour (66.79 ? -1 ). However, productivity was the highest (2.7 t 33% ·h -1 ). This aspect was notable from the financial point of view (24.74 ? 33% -1 ). Plot No. 3 was the less expensive (23.92 ? 33% -1 ). Comparing the three methods, a reduction of the costs through more appropriate extraction systems may increase the stumpage value from 8.3 to 9.65 ? 33% -1 .  相似文献   

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