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正6月3日,湖南农林复合生态系统病虫害绿色防控技术示范启动会在怀化市靖州苗族侗族自治县太阳坪乡太阳坪村举行。不打农药、以虫治虫、以病治虫的生物防治技术开始大面积推广。启动仪式上,湖南省林科院专家利用施放天敌赤眼蜂、花绒寄甲、瓢虫、昆虫病毒等为村民讲解示范消灭桃树、李树上的鳞翅目、天牛、蚜虫的原理和方法,以实现对农林害虫的可持续控制。太阳坪村村民长期依靠喷洒农药防治病虫害,致使农产品农药残留严重,农产  相似文献   

大棚内栽培桃树与露地果园生长的桃树病虫害种类与发生特点有所不同,通过对大棚栽培桃树病虫害调查,查明主要病虫害的种类与发生特点,为防治工作提供依据。结果表明,大棚桃树主要病虫害种类共有20种,其中病害6种,虫害14种,主要的必须进行防治的病虫害有桃细菌性穿孔病、桃流胶病、桃根癌病、桃蚜、桃粉大尾蚜、山楂红蜘蛛、桃潜蛾、小绿叶蝉8种。通过对主要病虫害的发生危害规律的观察,总结出发生特点。  相似文献   

近年来随着广东省三华李(Prunus sp.)种植面积不断增加,三华李果园病虫害的危害上升趋势,对三华李水果的质量和产量影响较大。文章主要介绍了近年来三华李果园危害较为严重的几种病虫害的发生、危害情况以及主要防治技术。  相似文献   

通过对福鼎市四季柚果园病虫害的系统调查,结果表明:福鼎市危害四季柚的病虫害共有36种,其中危害较为普遍且严重的主要病害有6种、虫害13种;并提出了严格执行检疫制度、严防病虫扩散,强化日常有害生物监管,加强栽培抚育管理,重视果园生态环境卫生,适时选用生物农药开展防治,充分利用和保护天敌等防控措施。  相似文献   

对香榧产地和苗圃的香榧病虫害进行全面调查,结果:危害香榧的主要虫害有香榧小卷蛾、斜纹夜蛾、香榧瘿螨、香榧细小卷蛾、白蚁等59种;病害有香榧褐腐病、软腐病、茎腐病、根腐病、苗木立枯病等6种。通过观察香榧主要病虫害的发生规律、危害症状,提出了一些切实有效的防治方法。  相似文献   

对广东省藜蒴病虫害种类和发生情况进行调查,共发现病害6种、虫害21种;初步确定了藜蒴主要病虫害种类为黎蒴枝枯病、黎蒴小蠹虫、英德跳虫脩、黎蒴榉祥蚧,危害严重时均可导致黎蒴死亡。介绍了4种主要病虫害的危害特点,并提出了相应的防治建议。  相似文献   

在整理国内外关于长山核桃病虫害文献的基础上,对长山核桃果园中主要的病虫害种类和危害进行了综述。结合自身的工作实践,针对每种危害提出了相应的防治措施,并强调了病虫害监测和保持园地良好的卫生状况的重要性,为长山核桃种植者提供一些参考建议。  相似文献   

香榧主要病虫害的危害症状和防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对香榧产地和苗圃的香榧病虫害进行全面调查,结果危害香榧的主要虫害有香榧小卷蛾、斜纹夜蛾、香榧瘿螨、香榧细小卷蛾、白蚁等59种;病害有香榧褐腐病、软腐病、茎腐病、根腐病、苗木立枯病等6种.通过观察香榧主要病虫害的发生规律、危害症状,提出了一些切实有效的防治方法.  相似文献   

镇康县膏桐林病虫害调查初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
于2008年3~4月在镇康县勐捧乡流水村膏桐种植基地对膏桐林病虫害进行了初步调查,结果显示:膏桐林主要受到地下害虫的危害,害虫类群及发生率分别是白蚁77.78%、金龟22.22%、金针虫22.22%,其中白蚁的危害指数达到52.78;主要病害有膏桐茎腐病及膏桐根腐病,其危害率分别为9.67%、3.17%,危害指数分别为7.83、2.22.另外,冻害的危害率达13.0%;幼林管护中存在牲畜破坏的问题,因放牧造成的机械损伤达18.67%.提出了把好育苗关、进行科学造林、适时管护和病虫害防治等病虫害控制建议.  相似文献   

宋玉涛 《绿色科技》2023,(11):208-212+218
为了解北京市大运河森林公园白皮松病虫害的发生情况,给出主要病虫害的防治对策,于2022年11月至2023年1月对北京市大运河森林公园白皮松病虫害进行了系统调查,在此次调研过程中,共发现了10种病虫害,包括5种病害:松落针病、褐斑病、松针赤枯病、煤污病、松赤落叶病;5种虫害:红脂大小蠹、松大蚜、松梢螟、纵坑切梢小蠹、微红梢斑螟。其中,危害面积最大、危害程度最高的病害为松落针病,危害面积达到了0.89 hm2,感病株率为78.00%,感病指数为39;其次为褐斑病,危害面积为0.69 hm2,感病株率为73.00%,感病指数为35,病情等级均达到了Ⅴ级,危害程度为中等。而发生最为严重的虫害为红脂大小蠹,危害面积为1.32 hm2,有虫株率为93.00%,虫口密度为11头/50 cm枝;其次为松大蚜,危害面积为1.01 hm2,有虫株率为89.00%,虫口密度为9头/50 cm枝,二者病情等级均为Ⅴ级,危害程度为中等。在对大运河森林公园白皮松病虫害调查内容的基础上,提出了对几种危害范围较广、程度较强、危害性...  相似文献   

我国林木良种采穗圃创建技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了我国林木良种采穗圃建设技术的研究进展。从林木树种种类、立地条件选择、建立方法、建立类别、种苗来源、景观模式构建、密度设计、栽植坑规格、管护等方面阐明了建设技术体现的"适地适树适结构"原则,并对采穗圃发展面临的三个结合与一个重视进行了强调。  相似文献   

我国林木良种繁育现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章对我国林木良种繁育的现状及发展趋势进行了综合评述。从80年代起,我国进行了大规模的林木良种基地建设,并对40多个主要造林树种,开展了不同水平的遗传改良,取得了显著成效。林木良种繁育工作,充分利用种源、林分和个体选择的结果,按照自然区划和树种特点,建立不同层次的种子生产基地。当前存在的主要问题是园址选择不尽合适,繁殖材料选择、配置不当,经营管理粗放,产量较低,在种子园建设中,对实生种子园有所忽略  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of abandonment of sylvo-pastoral practices in chestnut orchards (Castanea sativa) on bats in southern Switzerland to determine practical recommendations for bat conservation. We compared bat species richness and foraging activities between traditionally managed and unmanaged chestnut orchards, testing the hypothesis that managed orchards provide better foraging opportunities and harbour more bat species. Echolocation calls of foraging bats were sampled simultaneously at paired sites of managed and unmanaged orchards using custom made recorders. Vegetation structure and aerial insect availability were sampled at the recording sites and used as explanatory variables in the model. In a paired sampling design, we found twice the number of bat species (12) and five times higher total foraging activity in the managed chestnut orchards compared to the unmanaged ones. Bat species with low flight manoeuvrability were 14 times more common in managed orchards, whereas bats with medium to high manoeuvrability were only 5 times more common than in abandoned orchards. The vegetation structure was less dense in managed orchards. However, management did not affect relative insect abundance. Bats primarily visited the most open orchards, free of undergrowth. As a result of restricted access into the overgrown forests, the abandonment of chestnut orchards leads to a decline in bat species richness and foraging activities. Continued management of chestnut orchards to maintain an open structure is important for the conservation of endangered bat species in the southern Swiss Alps.  相似文献   

This paper offers a different framework for managing Mediterranean drought carob-tree orchard ecosystems. Two dry-farming systems were compared during two consecutive years: pure productive orchards and mixed orchards in a total of 360 mature trees distributed by 18 plots with areas of 0.55 and 0.30 ha per plot, respectively. Carob, fig, almond and olive trees compose mixed orchards. Trees of the mixed orchards were more productive than those of pure orchards. The main problem of both systems was the large variability and the low fruit production due to non-bearing trees, inducing unfavorable economic returns. Yield varied between 7.7 and 28.5 kg tree?1 respectively in pure and mixed orchards. In this paper we propose to use carbon sequestration calculations as an added benefit to farmers. A carbon stocking model estimation was established, based on trunk diameters of different trees. We depicted two management scenarios based on fruits production and carbon sequestration incomes: a low value scenario, using mean fruit production, and a high valuable scenario based on the hypothesis that all trees reached its potential maximum. Since under dry-farming systems fruit production irregularity is still a pendent problem, mixed orchards may offer a potential higher revenue, while maintaining higher crop diversification and whole biodiversity. C sequestration benefit, as here we purpose, may represent 125–300 % of income, respectively under low or high valuable scenario. Thus, CO2 equivalent is a novel ecological economic incentive that may potentiate a new income for farmers while assuring carob ecosystem services.  相似文献   

文章报导了我国中亚热带地区湿地松、火炬松和晚松种子园和母树林中的害虫种类 ,共 3 4种 ,涉及 7目 1 8科。对种子园投产前期和投产期纵坑切梢小蠹 Tomicuspiniperda、微红梢斑螟 Dioryctria rubella和松实小卷蛾 Retinia cristata的危害情况和生物学特性作了叙述  相似文献   

本文介绍了贵州省枫香资源的分布、生长和利用现状,提出了贵州省枫香良种选育策略,认为建立枫香种子园是解决良种匮乏的较好方式,枫香优良无性系的生产应用是枫香产业化生产的主要技术措施.  相似文献   

王蓬 《河北林果研究》2011,26(3):304-307
随着可持续发展战略的实施,探索较优的生态农业模式是当前我国生态农业主要研究方向。本研究对冀北山区果园现状、脆弱性、建园模式进行分析的同时,也对果园建设提出了期望。  相似文献   

本文根据河北省太行山山地果园的特点,结合多年研究结果,论述了旱作山地果园的主要栽培技术。认为高标准、高质量整地是建园的关键;拦蓄径流、覆盖地膜、雨季深施有机肥等,是蓄水保水的重要措施;采用矮小树形,是旱作山地果园丰产的基础。  相似文献   

杉木优良家系区域测定的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):145-154
Eucalyptus globulus is the main eucalypt species grown in Australian plantations. The focus on seedling deployment systems, coupled with exploitation of large, open-pollinated base populations for breeding purposes over the last two decades, has required a detailed understanding of the reproductive biology of this species. We review our research on the reproductive biology of E. globulus, with a focus on its breeding system and advances made in seed production systems. While most improved seed is still obtained from open-pollinated seedling or grafted seed orchards, the development of the one-stop/single-visit pollination procedure has revolutionised the breeding and deployment of this species. The reduced costs of controlled pollination has meant full pedigree-control can now be maintained in large advanced-generation breeding populations and E. globulus is one of the few eucalypt species where large-scale production of manually pollinated seed for family forestry is being undertaken.  相似文献   

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