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根据河西地区农村专业合作经济组织调查结果,分析了当前河西欠发达地区农村专业经济组织存在的问题:合作经济组织经济实力不强;会员参与积极性不高,组织服务功能难以发挥;规章制度不健全,运作不规范;农民专业合作经济组织缺乏真正的利益连接机制;行政色彩较浓;缺乏专业知识及合作社企业家。提出了相应的对策和建议:明确政府职责;制定扶持政策,加大资金支持力度,提高农村专业经济组织的经济实力;遵循合作制基本原则,规范化有序运作。  相似文献   

农民专业合作组织在实践中已经成为我国农村经济发展的合理选择,但在其创建过程中还受到多种因素的制约,运用新制度经济学有关制度变迁与创新理论,从合作组织发起人与社员的制度博弈均衡的角度阐发了合作组织创建的内在机制。  相似文献   

<正>近日,商务部与农业部举行了《合作框架协议》签字仪式。协议在总结近几年农商两部门共同推进农村市场体系建设、保障菜篮子"产品供给、支持农民专业合作组织发展、规范农畜产品质量监管和组织农业对外贸易谈判等成果的基础上,根据党的十七届  相似文献   

通过发展合作与联合,组织和引导农民进入市场,参与竞争,是世界各国农业发展的成功经验和普遍做法。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,广大农户在家庭联产承包经营基础上,自愿组织起来、兴办各种合作组织,在发展农业产业化经营,提高农产品竞争力,促进农民增收,建设现代农业等方面发挥了积极的作用,是有效解决当前"三农"问题的突破口和切入点。为推动农民专业合作组织健康快速发展,文章通过对呼和浩特市农民专业合作组织发展现状的分析,初浅地探索总结了几点扶持农民专业合作组织发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>按照商业性冷库大小分类标准,将小于或等于1 000 t的冷库定为小型冷库。依照每吨果蔬约占5.0~6.0 m~3空间的经验数据估算,1 000 t的冷库容积约为5 000~6 000 m~3,但目前以农村专业合作组织或农民建设的产地果蔬保鲜库,多数贮藏量在1 000 t以下,不少农民和专业合作组织建设的小冷库  相似文献   

按照《中共中央国务院关于促进农民增加收入若干政策的意见》(中发[2004]1号),为支持农民专业合作组织发展,发挥农民专业合作组织在推进农业产业化经营,促进农民增收中的积极作用,中央财政设立了农民专业合作组织示范项目。其项目支出目标为:在全国11个优势农产品区域,围绕35个  相似文献   

南灵  江美丽 《中国农学通报》2005,21(12):452-454,458
当前,农民增收困难甚至生活水平下降已是不争的事实。因此,在农村大力探索和推行一种新型 生产制度一农村合作经济组织已是势在必行。倡导成立农村合作组织,其目的不仅仅在于提高农民的 合作化程度,更要求其在政府扶持的过程中,内生出农民自己主导市场的力量。有了合作组织这样一个 平台,可以把很多东西整合到里面,像平民教育、医疗保障、技术推广、生态农业和维权等等,切切实实 的来增加农民收入,建设一个和谐的新农村。  相似文献   

采用结构方程平衡计分卡相结合的方法,建立了农民合作经济组织绩效评价指标和评价模型。并应用于对湖南X市21个农民专业组织绩效评价,分析了指标和绩效评价指标各维度之间的关系,试图找到影响农民合作经济组织生成发展的因素、障碍以及成功经验。并根据模型分析结论,提出促进湖南省农民合作经济组织相关建议,为湖南省农民合作经济组织的制度设计和机制创新提供科学依据。  相似文献   

论政府在发展农业合作经济组织中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农业正孕育着一次重大的组织制度创新,这就是在家庭承包经营基础上大力发展农民自己的合作经济组织。农业合作经济组织是农民自愿、自主、自治的产物,但是由于中国农民的分散性及农业产业自身的脆弱性,合作经济组织的发展必须取得政府部门的支持。在合作经济组织发展中,政府部门应当发挥扶持、引导作用,在家庭承包经营基础上,坚持农民自愿民主,通过典型示范引导,采取多种措施支持发展合作经济组织,努力提高农业的组织化、专业化、规模化、现代化程度,推进农村经济社会全面发展  相似文献   

随着我国农村改革的不断深化,农村新型合作经济组织得到了迅速发展,这为农业生产发展、农民增收和新农村建设起到了重要的推进作用。通过分析目前农村合作经济组织以及农村金融体系的现状,提出了完善农村金融体系对农村合作经济组织发展的必要性,并提出完善农村金融体系的对策思路。  相似文献   

Community-oriented collaborative design is an emergent form of collaborative product development, in which the range of collaborative partners extends to wide area community members. It is difficult to construct the organization network because the accurate features of the wide area community members are hard to access. Aiming at this problem, an organization network constructing method based on bidding mechanism is proposed. First, the bidding process based on contract net with confirmation protocol (CNCP) is presented. Then, considering the false profit declared by the bidders, a multiple rounds bidding process combined with genetic algorithm (GA) is used to get the best sub-projects allocation scheme, in which the total payment of sub-projects is minimal and the project due time is satisfied. A case analysis shows that the method can eliminate the false profit declared by the bidders and provides an operable way to construct network organization for community-oriented collaborative design.  相似文献   

The aging and the urban development bring a great challenge to the residential facilities of the elderly community. By exploring the layout and current situation of the elderly residential facilities in Chengdu City, this paper stressed the key points in the layout of various facilities at the macro scale. Through the deep investigation of residential districts, the paper explored the community endowment mode that is between the organization support and home-based care for the aged, and proposed 3 modes on the basis of "visiting, day care and short-stay". Considering the specific needs of the aged and the compound modes, compound community endowment mode was put forward as the future development direction of community endowment to contribute to the construction of the overall social endowment system.  相似文献   

农村社区股份经济合作社产权分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孔有利 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):420-426
内容摘要:我国部分经济较发达的农村地区,农村社区股份经济合作社取代了已存续五十多年的农村集体经济组织。本文以江苏省陈巷村股份合作社为例,对这种新型的农村社区股份经济合作社进行产权结构分析。农村社区股份经济合作社产权较明晰,股东拥有所有权、控制权和剩余索取权。股东权益不因迁移而被剥夺,集体资产不因社区合并而被简单合并或平调。农村社区股份经济合作社与原来的农村集体经济组织相比具有诸多制度绩效;农村社区股份经济合作社有利于农村民主制度建设,有利于集体资产保值增值和农民收入的增加,有利于农村人口流动和农村城镇化。农村社区股份经济合作社是建设社会主义新农村的一个制度选择。  相似文献   

In this paper, the concept of urban fringe is introduced and the problems in society, economy and ecology that the urban fringe is facing are analyzed. The policy, participant system and method of planning for development of urban fringe is discussed from three aspects as: idea, system and technique of planning. The compromised mode of development combining scattering and growing, the updating of the community organization and corresponding flexible means of planning is presented.  相似文献   

枣园节肢动物群落生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从枣园群落的物种的基本组成、多样性,种群数量的时空动态,种间相互作用与协同进化等方面对枣园节肢动物生态学研究进行了综述,分析了枣园管理方法、害虫防治方法、耕作制度等生境变化对节肢动物群落结构及多样性的影响,为充分揭示害虫、天敌、植物、生境之间的关系,实现枣园害虫的生态治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本研究选取《中国科学引文索引(CSCI)》2011—2015年的水产资源学(分类号为S931)论文及其在2016年的被引数据, 利用文献计量学方法, 从高被引论文、高被引作者、高被引机构、高被引期刊等多种角度, 基于作者和机构合作网络、关键词共现的知识图谱, 探究中国渔业资源学研究现状。研究表明, 2011—2015年研究文献数量及被引频次年际间变化不大, 呈平稳态势, 渔业资源类文献影响力较高。高被引论文及关键词共现知识图谱显示热点研究领域为增殖放流、渔情预报、渔业生物多样性、渔业生物种群生态学与摄食生态学等领域。核心作者的研究主题与当前的热门主题词切合度较高。基于作者合著形成了以程家骅、袁兴伟、刘尊雷等作者为核心的网络和以杨胜龙和樊伟为核心的网络; 基于作者共被引形成了以杨胜龙为核心的网络和以张波为核心的网络。机构合作方面较为突出的是以上海海洋大学和中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所为节点构成的网络。从论文期刊分布来看,学科影响力较高的期刊为《中国水产科学》、《水产学报》、《南方水产科学》和《应用生态学报》等,学科影响力排名前10位的期刊所刊发论文数量占所有发表论文数的35.8%,被引用次数占所有论文被引次数的61.5%,各期刊水产资源学文章的研究主题分布未见明显差异。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the deep reasons why the benefits are always poor though China has controlled the vehicle exhaust for more than ten years, as well as a successful experience of the developed countries. Contrasting the deficiencies of the previous Air Pollution Control Law and advantages of the present Air Pollution Control Law , the paper indicates the organization structure and management system of the EPA are not entirely eligible for the tasks though the new law entitles environmental administrations to strengthening the exhaust control. It calls for that, according to principle that a structure results in a function, China must establish the management system of vehicle emission control in metropolises as soon as possible. So we can implement this law and improve urban air quality that has deteriorated due to vehicle exhaust. This paper puts forward organization form, functions, tasks and effect of this system.  相似文献   

Numerous scholars studying community efforts to (re‐)establish autonomy have begun to focus on the importance of empowerment in the economic, political and cultural spheres. There is a growing understanding that such empowerment can be hastened by affirmative development strategies that build on community assets and capacities rather than attempting to redress – and thereby emphasising – needs or lack. Such development work reflects intertwined currents in contemporary philosophy, influenced by the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and of Gilles Deleuze. In Taiwan, a recent resurgence in identities among marginalised aboriginal or indigenous peoples (‘Formosans’) has been accompanied by novel approaches to development. This discussion heuristically employs a set of development theories that are essentially variants of ‘asset‐based community development’ (ABCD) to suggest that a focus on affirmation and empowerment has been and can be a key to success in Formosan development initiatives. The paper presents the results of qualitative field research, illuminating three case studies of Formosan development – in Tsou, Tayal and Taroko territories. It argues that Formosan development will benefit from a focus on community capacity, political empowerment and social as well as physical assets, and that to an important degree this has already happened in some communities.  相似文献   

Return migration has been considered advantageous to the productivity of labor and the economic development of origin regions and countries. However, how and why return migrants make their investment decisions and how such processes contribute to poverty alleviation remains unclear. This study evaluated how migration experience influences rural families' choices for productive investments and the underlying mechanism of village poverty alleviation. The result indicates that, when all are given the same monetary budgets, return migrants are more inclined to invest in single agricultural-related subjects rather than multiple subjects. A concentrated investment implies the investor's intention of expanding the production scale, which can further lead to a more organized, professional agricultural production that can be considered beneficial for community poverty alleviation. Moreover, different approaches of human capital accumulation led to varied capacity growth, among which migration experience effectively enhances the non-cognitive ability of return migrants. Based on these findings, we suggest that more returnee-preferential policies, supporting production and organization services should be established to promote agricultural entrepreneurship among the returning groups in poor rural areas.  相似文献   

农村非正式组织的生存逻辑及其规范发展探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周刚  陈冲 《中国农学通报》2007,23(6):683-683
农村非正式组织的存在形式多样,最具代表型的有宗族组织、宗教组织、农民自发维权组织和新型农村合作经济组织。这些非正式组织的生存能够极大满足农民生产、生活以及精神方面的多种需求,对于农村社会的稳定和农村经济的发展有着重要意义。依据不同非正式组织的特点,通过协调非正式组织与正式组织的关系、取缔非正式组织,规范和正视非正式组织的存在等措施来引导农村非正式组织的健康发展。  相似文献   

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