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A system simulation mathematical model on oxygen blast furnace ironmaking process is established. Provided that the material composition and the values of necessary process parameters are given, the model can predict the consumptions of raw material, fuel and flux, the quantity and composition of slag, the quantities and components of all kinds of gases, etc. At the condition of 90% stack ore metallization, the calculated results of the model show that when more circulating gas are introduced into the stack, the heat controls the total gas for the stack ore reduction, while when more circulating gas are introduced into the hearth, the reductive components control the total gas for the stack ore reduction. At normal operations with coke rate fixed, the coal consumption linearly increases with the output top gas. When the coke rate is fixed at 200 kg, the minimum value of calculated coal rate is 200 kg or so.  相似文献   

为研究不同氧气高炉操作流程及操作参数对高炉内部过程产生的影响,预测氧气高炉流程各参数的变化规律,基于多流体理论、冶金传输原理、冶金反应动力学与热力学理论以及计算流体力学建立了普通高炉多流体模型,并在此基础上修改边界条件及内部相关参数,建立氧气高炉多流体数学模型。通过建立的模型分别对普通高炉和气化炉氧气高炉(GF-FOBF)流程中的氧气高炉进行了模拟计算,得到两种工艺流程下高炉内温度场、浓度场和速度场等典型参数的分布情况。通过对计算结果的对比,分析了氧气高炉操作条件下炉内状态的主要特征和相对于普通高炉发生的变化,发现氧气高炉内部速度场、温度场均发生变化,特别是气相组分的均匀分布问题明显。本模型可为氧气高炉流程试验及流程开发提供参考。  相似文献   

从氧气高炉的数学模型、实验室实验以及工业试验角度系统分析了氧气高炉工艺的发展现状及趋势,同时讨论了氧气高炉炉型的设计依据。论述了氧气高炉的静态工艺模型研究需要计算合适的直接还原度和热空区温度,同时应考虑氧气高炉工况下生产率的变化、热损失的变化、风口煤粉的喷吹上限以及N2的循环积累等问题。指出了多维动力学模型和多目标优化模型中尚需解决的问题,以及氧气高炉数学模型的主要发展方向。结合文献研究中的氧气高炉特点,从炉身高度设计、炉腹角和炉身角设计以及风口设计3方面综述了氧气高炉炉型设计的变化规律。  相似文献   

The knowledge of liquid flows in blast furnaces may play an important role in controlling the blast furnace process. Appropriate assumptions are given to represent the main characteristics of the liquid flow in blast furnaces, such as liquid streams being composed of unwetting liquid droplets, inertial force having little effect on the liquid flows, and mass exchange existing along the direction perpendicular to liquid flow. A mathematical model is built to predict the distribution of the liquid flow rate and the liquid flow range in packed beds. The scale of the numerical grid used to solve this model may not necessarily be reduced to the particle level. The predicted results of this model accord well with the observed data. This model is an alternative theory for the simulation of blast furnaces  相似文献   

Potential flow theory is an alternative theory to simulate burden flow in a blast furnace. But a contour line of the flow function defined to solve the old potential flow model isn’t a stream line. In this paper, the old potential flow model is first developed to a three-equation model which should include the equations of motion and continuity, and it is proved that the contour lines of the flow function defined to solve this three-equation model are stream lines. Second, an equation capable of calculating the distribution of diameter of burden particles in blast furnace is derived from an assumption that all burden particles on a stream line has the same diameter. Finally, the developed potential flow model and the derived equation are used to simulate a final reduction reactor producing hot metal containing Cr, together with other needed transportation equations. These works would play an important improving and exemplary role in the application of potential flow theory to simulate blast furnace process and other iron-making process.  相似文献   

In allusion to the existing material conditions of blast furnace in Shuicheng I﹠S Corporation, rationality of sinter with V Ti pellets is studied through metallurgical performance tests of single ore. Regularity for change of reducibility, reduction degradation index, melting and dropping index changes of burden structure are researched, at increased V Ti pellets in the same proportion of sinters and different proportion of imported lump ores. The results show that sinter RI reaches 90.68%, integrated charge RDI and soft melting index are improved by adding vanadium titanium pellets. The charge structure is the best when V Ti pellets ratio at 20%, which softening starting temperature is 1 147 ℃, softening range is 156℃, dripping temperature at is 1 349 ℃, maximum pressure is 2 223 Pa and has a good permeability.  相似文献   

真空碳热还原酸浸含钛高炉渣制备TiC分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含钛高炉渣中含有20%~30%的TiO 2,是一种附加值较高的二次资源,但在综合利用过程中存在氧化物还原难度大,硅钛难分离,二次污染严重等问题。基于热力学理论基础,采用真空碳热还原联合酸浸工艺处理含钛高炉渣制备TiC。结果表明:真空有助于钛氧化物彻底还原,可实现渣中硅钛彻底分离,减少酸耗量,降低二次污染。真空碳热还原联合酸浸工艺处理含钛高炉渣(TiO 2含量23%左右)制备TiC的最佳条件为:炉渣粒度200目,还原温度1 673 K,渣碳质量比100∶38。  相似文献   

山西地膜棉花高产优质综合农艺措施数学模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用五因素五水平二次回归旋转设计的方法,研究了山西不同生态棉区皮棉产量与密度、氮、磷、钾施肥量及化控次数(用量)关系的数学模型。分析了不同因素的影响效应,明确了各栽培措施的主次。通过模拟进优待选了不同产量等级的优化农艺措施组合方案,为不同生态棉区制定棉花高产优质决策方案提供依据。  相似文献   

随着廉价高铝铁矿石的不断使用,高炉炉渣内Al2O3含量也随之升高,这势必会影响高炉炉渣的各项冶金性能。为深入研究高铝高炉渣脱硫性能,明确MgO含量对高铝渣脱硫性能的影响,笔者通过改变高铝渣中MgO的含量,分别设定渣中MgO含量为5%、9%、13% MgO,研究不同MgO含量高炉高铝渣的脱硫性能及其脱硫动力学。结果表明:MgO含量不仅对高铝渣的黏度、脱硫能力有不同的影响,还使炉渣的脱硫速率发生了很大的改变。MgO含量越高对应的黏度越低,脱硫能力越大;但脱硫速率却表现出了不同规律,9% MgO的脱硫速率表现为最大;经过综合比较,当碱度固定为1.1、Al2O3含量固定为17%时,MgO含量为9%的炉渣同时具有较好的粘度和脱硫性能。  相似文献   

A new mathematical model for the coefficient of variable permeability affected by coal body, secondary stress & pressure in coalseam & a constitutive equation for gas migration are improved on the basis of the secondary stress & deformation of coal body around boreholes in coalseam. Using this model and equation,the gas flow field belongs to the 20102 experimental zone in BaiJiao coal Mine is computed & this verifies that the model & constitutive equation are both agreeable to practical results. Simultaneously, a comparison between the variable and constant permeabilities is carried out.  相似文献   

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