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主成分分析法在承德县森林生态系统健康评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从森林生产力要素、森林生态要素、环境要素与胁迫要素4个角度建立指标体系,采用主成分分析方法,对河北省承德县8种不同林型、林龄的林地进行健康状况综合评价。用综合健康指数反映其健康状况。评价结果较客观合理,因此认为主成分分析法在森林生态系统健康评价中的选择指标和确定指标权重方面具备优势,能有效消除评价指标之间的相关影响,并能避免主观赋权法因主观随意性而造成的误差。  相似文献   

从网络规模、网络紧密度、信任与承诺、社会风气与归属感及社会参与5个方面构建评价农户社会网络关系的指标体系,按照区域分布,将所调查区域分为河套地区、中原地区和关中地区,采用实地调查的1440份农户数据,运用变异系数法确定各指标权重,进而对农户社会网络关系水平进行测算。研究得出:按照权重大小依次为社会参与、网络规模、网络紧密度、信任与承诺、社会风气与归属感;农户社会网络关系评价值整体较低,呈正偏态分布,且存在地区差异;关中地区最高,但个体差异明显,其次依次为河套地区和中原地区;从一级指标的测算结果看,社会参与得分最高,其次为社会风气与归属感、信任与承诺,最后为网络规模和网络紧密度,可见农户更愿意参与集体行动,人文环境得到进一步改善;地缘与亲缘限制了网络规模的扩大,而农村人口的流失也使得网络紧密度减弱。在此研究基础上提出相关建议,以期为相关政府机构实施乡村治理提供依据。  相似文献   

从网络规模、网络紧密度、信任与承诺、社会风气与归属感及社会参与5个方面构建评价农户社会网络关系的指标体系,按照区域分布,将所调查区域分为河套地区、中原地区和关中地区,采用实地调查的1440份农户数据,运用变异系数法确定各指标权重,进而对农户社会网络关系水平进行测算。研究得出:按照权重大小依次为社会参与、网络规模、网络紧密度、信任与承诺、社会风气与归属感;农户社会网络关系评价值整体较低,呈正偏态分布,且存在地区差异;关中地区最高,但个体差异明显,其次依次为河套地区和中原地区;从一级指标的测算结果看,社会参与得分最高,其次为社会风气与归属感、信任与承诺,最后为网络规模和网络紧密度,可见农户更愿意参与集体行动,人文环境得到进一步改善;地缘与亲缘限制了网络规模的扩大,而农村人口的流失也使得网络紧密度减弱。在此研究基础上提出相关建议,以期为相关政府机构实施乡村治理提供依据。  相似文献   

应用集对分析法中的社会、经济与生态环境协调发展度评价模型,建立了涵盖社会、经济和生态环境3个领域的评价指标体系及评价标准体系,并对保定22个县市进行了评价。结果将22个县市分为4个等级,高度协调、基本协调、弱协调和不协调,并分析了这些地区的发展现状及发展趋势,为保定市的整体规划及可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

富含半胱氨酸的类受体激酶(cysteine-richreceptor-likekinase,CRK)在植物生长发育和环境适应过程中发挥重要的作用。本研究鉴定了马铃薯CRK (StCRK)家族成员,并对其理化性状、进化特征、亚细胞定位、染色体位置和表达模式进行分析。鉴定获得8个StCRKs,其氨基酸序列大小为459~686 aa,分子量介于50.75~77.50 kD,等电点介于5.84~8.75,主要位于质膜。进化分析将来自马铃薯、拟南芥、香蕉、苹果、水稻、番茄和棉花的CRKs分为9个亚组, 2号、3号和5号染色体上的St CRKs分布于亚组I (6个成员)和VI (2个成员);存在2个串联重复基因簇,包含4个成员。StCRKs启动子区域存在多种顺式调控元件,主要响应激素、低温、防卫和逆境等信号。接种晚疫病菌(Phytophthora infestans, Pi)和干腐病菌(Fusarium sulphureum, Fs)后,分别发现8个和6个StCRKs为差异表达。其中,StCRK4和StCRK8响应Pi和Fs信号,在接种以上2种病原菌后,表达量上调8倍以上,推测其响应多个真菌信号,...  相似文献   

Domain engineering is an activity for building reusable components. Domain engineering addresses the systematic creation of domain models and architectures. Domain analysis is a software engineering process that identifies, captures, organizes, analyzes, and represents information about a software domain to determine software architecture, framework, and component, and to support the reuse or software components. This method is one of the key techniques to solve the reuse problem. The article introduces the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA), developed at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). The article mainly discusses the application of FODA in the MIS development reusable component. It proves that FODA is an effective and efficient way to develop reusable component.  相似文献   

筛选与小麦重要农艺性状相关联的SSR标记,对小麦分子标记辅助育种有重要的实践意义.本研究利用多态性较高的80个SSR标记,对南大2419及其71份衍生后代品种(系)进行基因型分析,采用TASSEL软件的MLM (Mixed linear model)方法对籽粒产量、千粒重、有效穗、穗粒数等8个主要农艺性状进行SSR标记...  相似文献   

Tea cultivars have been bred by individual selection of landraces and by crossbreeding, but the validation of the parentage is limited. In this study, we performed parentage analysis of 79 tea cultivars in Japan based on SSR markers to confirm or identify the parent-offspring relationships among them. The effectiveness of nine SSR markers for parentage analysis was validated by comparing them to the existing cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence markers. The former markers were detectable more alleles than the latter. Simulation of parentage analysis of the tea cultivars predicted biparental origins for 12 cultivars (‘Houshun’, ‘Mie ryokuhou no. 1’, ‘Surugawase’, ‘Tenmyo’, ‘Yamanoibuki’, ‘Harumidori’, ‘Koushun’, ‘Minekaori’, ‘Okumusashi’, ‘Saemidori’, ‘Sofu’, and ‘Toyoka’), in the first five of which candidate parents of yet-to-be-defined pedigree were newly identified. Comparisons of a total of 41 SSR genotypes confirmed the newly-identified parentages of ‘Asahi’ for ‘Tenmyo’, ‘Rokurou’ for ‘Houshun’, ‘Surugawase’, and ‘Yamanoibuki’, and ‘Yamatomidori’ for ‘Mie ryokuhou no. 1’. The maternity of seven cultivars out of the 12 was also confirmed with chloroplast DNA sequences. Uniparental origins were confirmed for 25 cultivars. This parentage analysis has improved our knowledge of tea pedigrees and will aid in the development of new cultivars.  相似文献   

With improvement of construction management and development of computer and network technologies, network technologies are being widely applied in building engineering. This paper discusses how to apply database technology and network technology to design and develop information network systems of building engineering and combine the advanced management methods with computer network technology to share the quality information in construction industry. The solution given by this paper is useful and can be extended to and used in other systems.  相似文献   

郭胜  凌霞  李文慧  杨莹 《保鲜与加工》2021,21(9):105-110
依据CNAS-TRL-010:2019《测量不确定度在符合性判定中的应用》中的合格概率计算公式计算冻猪肉样品的合格概率,再结合符合性判定结论得到冻猪肉中挥发性盐基氮符合性判定的误判概率,为实验室准确评估误判风险提供依据.结果表明,当容许上限为15 mg/100 g,测量值为14.9 mg/100 g,标准测量不确定度为0.23 mg/100 g,符合性判定结论为合格时,误判概率为33.4%.  相似文献   

The ignition system in automobiles is a main source of electromagnetic interference (EMI), because the electromagnetic emission from the system has the characteristics of high-energy and wide-bandwidth. A method for EMI prediction based on its components’ circuit models is presented. First, the characteristics of the components are analyzed and the equivalent circuits are drew; then, the parasitic parameters of the electromagnetic device are extracted from measurement, analytical solution or finite element method (FEM); and finally, the circuit model of the whole ignition system model in high frequency condition is established. This model is verified by the measurement and simulation results in time domain and in frequency domain.  相似文献   

豆卷叶螟是我国南方大豆的主要食叶性害虫之一, 危害严重。本文在观察豆卷叶螟田间发生情况及其在大豆上特殊的卷叶危害特征基础上, 以虫包数、卷叶率、子粒产量为抗性(危害)指标, 应用3个抗感杂交组合[科丰1号×南农1138-2(NJRIKY)、皖82-178×通山薄皮黄豆甲(NJRIWT)和苏88-M21×新沂小黑豆(NJRISX)]衍生的重组自交系群体, 在田间自然虫源条件下于2004—2006年对大豆抗豆卷叶螟的植株反应进行了抗性鉴定。各类指标在各群体均表现有相当大的遗传变异和遗传率, 其中卷叶率指标比其他2类指标遗传变异和遗传率相对较大, 年度间更稳定且与产量的负相关更明显, 因而提出9月上旬卷叶率为鉴定大豆对豆卷叶螟抗性的最佳指标。对NJRIKY、NJRIWT和NJRISX 3个群体抗性遗传分离分析的结果一致表明, 大豆对豆卷叶螟抗性符合2对主基因+多基因的混合遗传模型, 主基因遗传率分别为51.0%、80.5%和56.3%, 多基因遗传率分别为39.1%、11.4%和29.1%。2对主基因的作用方式表现组合间有差异。在此基础上对群体各家系的主基因基因型作了归类, 可供家系抗性选择参考。  相似文献   

大豆对豆卷叶螟Lamprosema indicata (Fabricius)抗性的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豆卷叶螟是我国南方大豆的主要食叶性害虫之一, 危害严重。本文在观察豆卷叶螟田间发生情况及其在大豆上特殊的卷叶危害特征基础上, 以虫包数、卷叶率、子粒产量为抗性(危害)指标, 应用3个抗感杂交组合[科丰1号×南农1138-2(NJRIKY)、皖82-178×通山薄皮黄豆甲(NJRIWT)和苏88-M21×新沂小黑豆(NJRISX)]衍生的重组自交系群体, 在田间自然虫源条件下于2004—2006年对大豆抗豆卷叶螟的植株反应进行了抗性鉴定。各类指标在各群体均表现有相当大的遗传变异和遗传率, 其中卷叶率指标比其他2类指标遗传变异和遗传率相对较大, 年度间更稳定且与产量的负相关更明显, 因而提出9月上旬卷叶率为鉴定大豆对豆卷叶螟抗性的最佳指标。对NJRIKY、NJRIWT和NJRISX 3个群体抗性遗传分离分析的结果一致表明, 大豆对豆卷叶螟抗性符合2对主基因+多基因的混合遗传模型, 主基因遗传率分别为51.0%、80.5%和56.3%, 多基因遗传率分别为39.1%、11.4%和29.1%。2对主基因的作用方式表现组合间有差异。在此基础上对群体各家系的主基因基因型作了归类, 可供家系抗性选择参考。  相似文献   

The genetic relationship among three cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems, consisting of WA, Dissi, and Gambiaca, was studied. The results showed that the maintainers of one CMS system can also maintain sterility in other cytoplasmic backgrounds. The F1 plants derived from crosses involving A and R lines of the respective cytoplasm and their cross-combination with other CMS systems showed similar pollen and spikelet fertility values, indicating that similar biological processes govern fertility restoration in these three CMS systems. The results from an inheritance study showed that the pollen fertility restoration in all three CMS systems was governed by two independent and dominant genes with classical duplicate gene action. Three F2 populations, generated from the crosses between the parents of good-performing rice hybrids, that possess WA, Dissi, and Gambiaca CMS cytoplasm, were used to map the Rf genes. For the WA-CMS system, Rf3 was located at a distance of 2.8 cM from RM490 on chromosome 1 and Rf4 was located at 1.6 cM from RM1108 on chromosome 10. For the Dissi-CMS system, Rf3 was located on chromosome 1 at 1.9 cM from RM7466 and Rf4 on chromosome 10 was located at 2.3 cM from RM6100. The effect of Rf3 on pollen fertility appeared to be stronger than the effect of Rf4. In the Gambiaca-CMS system, only one major locus was mapped on chromosome 1 at 2.1 cM from RM576. These studies have led to the development of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for selecting putative restorer lines, new approaches to alloplasmic line breeding, and the transfer of Rf genes into adapted cultivars through a backcrossing program in an active hybrid rice breeding program.  相似文献   

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