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Zusammenfassung Der Pomologe Franz Hermann Müschen begann vor 200 Jahren mit der Prüfung und Verbreitung von Obstsorten in Mecklenburg. Er selbst beschrieb ab 1821 über 500 Sorten. Der Sohn Johann Georg Bogislav Müschen setzte das Werk seines Vaters fort und beschrieb 1876 weitere 317 Sorten. Beide betrieben eine konsequente Auslese, förderten lokale Sorten und schufen wesentliche Grundlagen für den Obstanbau in ihrer Heimat. Der Beitrag analysiert das Werk beider aus heutiger Sicht. Es werden auch Hinweise zu Müschens Rosenapfel gegeben. Franz Hermann Müschen wird anlässlich seines 230. Geburtstages am 9. Mai 2004 an seinem Wirkungsort Belitz mit einem 2-tägigen Symposium geehrt.  相似文献   

Six species of resident birds were censused in patches of deciduous forest within a coniferous forest landscape in south central Sweden. Here, the forests have been subjected to active forestry for a long time, but with recently increased intensity. Although the forest cover is more or less continuous in this landscape, mature deciduous forest is now a rare element compared with the untouched forest.All censused patches were similar with regards to size, proportion and amount of deciduous trees, but were either isolated in the coniferous forest (isolated patches) or near to other deciduous patches (aggregated patches). We concentrated on six species of resident birds, with moderate area requirements, that are tied to deciduous forest and whose ecology is well-known. The Nuthatch and the Marsh tit, which both show strict year-round territoriality and have a restricted dispersal phase, were significantly more likely to be found in aggregated than in isolated patches. No effect was found for the Great tit and the Blue tit, which are less territorial outside the breeding season and have a longer dispersal phase. Moreover, the Great tit is less specialized on deciduous forest than the other species. Also, the Long-tailed tit was negatively affected by isolation, which may be due to restricted dispersal and to larger area requirements of this flock-territorial species. The Hazel grouse, finally, was not affected, but this larger bird probably uses the forest in a different way from the smaller species.Our study clearly shows that fragmentation of one type of forest (deciduous) within another can have serious detrimental effects on forest-living species and raises important issues for forest management practices and conservation within a forest landscape.  相似文献   

To develop a species-centered definition of landscapes, I suggest using a fractal analysis of movement patterns to identify the scales at which organisms are interacting with the patch structure of the landscape. Significant differences in the fractal dimensions of movement patterns of two species indicate that the species may be interacting with the patch structure at different scales. Fractal analysis therefore permits comparisons of landscape perceptions of different species within the same environment.I tested the utility of this fractal application by analyzing the movement patterns of three species of acridid grasshoppers (Orthoptera) in a grassland mosaic. The largest species moved up to 6 times faster than the two smaller species, and species exhibited different responses to microlandscape structure within 25-m2 plots. Further, the largest species exhibited different responses to microlandscape structure in two pastures subjected to different intensities of cattle grazing. This species thus is able to integrate information on landscape structure at broad spatial scales. Fractal analysis of movement patterns revealed that the two small species had significantly more tortuous patterns than the larger species, which suggests that these species are interacting with patch structure at a finer scale of resolution than the large species. Fractal analysis can be used to identify the perceptive resolution of a species; that is, the spatial grain and extent at which they are able to perceive and respond to heterogeneity. Analysis of movement patterns across a range of spatial scale may reveal shifts in fractal dimension that reflect transitions in how species respond to the patch structure of the landscape at different scales.  相似文献   

A case study of forest change in the Swiss lowlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bürgi  Matthias 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(6):567-576
This paper presents a regional case study of forest development and the history of forest use and management in the north-eastern lowlands of Switzerland during the 19th and 20th centuries. The analysis draws on historical documents related to forestry to consider the following aspects of forest change: forest types, growing stock, trees species composition and non-timber forest uses. Based on the data presented, three overlapping periods of forest use and management can be discerned. The period of traditional multiple use lasted until the second half of the 19th century. From the mid 19th to the mid 20th century, a period of primacy of timber production occurred. During the 20th century, the period of modern multi-impact management has developed. For these three periods, groups of main actors, their needs and interests, and how they were causing the changes in the aspects under study were defined. This procedure of defining periods and the respective groups of main actors is a critical link between landscape ecology and history, as changes in demands of the society can be directly linked with changes in land-use and land-cover.  相似文献   

Gap analysis: concepts,methods, and recent results*   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Rapid progress is being made in the conceptual, technical, and organizational requirements for generating synoptic multi-scale views of the earth's surface and its biological content. Using the spatially comprehensive data that are now available, researchers, land managers, and land-use planners can, for the first time, quantitatively place landscape units – from general categories such as Forests or Cold-Deciduous Shrubland Formation to more categories such as Picea glauca-Abies balsamea-Populus spp. Forest Alliance – in their large-area contexts. The National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) has developed the technical and organizational capabilities necessary for the regular production and analysis of such information. This paper provides a brief overview of concepts and methods as well as some recent results from the GAP projects. Clearly, new frameworks for biogeographic information and organizational cooperation are needed if we are to have any hope of documenting the full range of species occurrences and ecological processes in ways meaningful to their management. The GAP experience provides one model for achieving these new frameworks.  相似文献   

Aerial photography provides a historical vehicle for determining long-term urban landscape change and, with concurrent daily streamflow and precipitation records, allows the historical relationship of anthropogenic impervious surfaces and streamflow to be explored. Anthropogenic impervious surface area in the upper Accotink Creek subwatershed (near Annandala, Virginia, USA) was mapped from six dates of rectified historical aerial photography ranging from 1949 to 1994. Results show that anthropogenic impervious surface area has grown from approximately 3% in 1949 to 33% in 1994. Coincident to this period, analysis of historical mean daily streamflow shows a statistically significant increase in the streamflow discharge response (per meter of precipitation) associated with normal and extreme daily precipitation levels. Significant changes were also observed in the frequency of daily streamflow discharge at given volumes above and below the historical daily mean. Simultaneously, the historical magnitude, frequency and pattern of precipitation values 0 mm, 6.0 mm and 35.0 mm show either no statistically significant change or influence on streamflow. Historical changes in streamflow in this basin appear to be related to increases in anthropogenic impervious surface cover. Historical aerial photography is a viable tool for revealing long-term landscape and ecosystem relationships, and allows landscape investigations to extend beyond the temporal and spatial constraints of historical satellite remote sensing data.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aldo Leo­pold is well known in North America as a conservationist, author, and promoter of the Land Ethic. Although Leo­polds work is rarely included in the realm of landscape ecology, he left several illustrations of an early spatial theory for conservation. While European geographer Troll published the term landscape ecology in 1939, Leo­pold was discovering the role of spatial configuration in European working landscapes, and began to apply the landscape ecology concepts to wildlife management and cooperative conservation in the US. With his own spatial language he wrote, mapped, and applied elements of pattern, process, and connectedness in the landscape. In this perspective piece I use three examples from Leo­polds work to demonstrate his contribution to spatial theory in early conservation design. First, this paper deciphers spatial elements conveyed through Leo­polds writing, drawing, and teaching in the early 1930s. Second, I re-interpret Leo­polds observations of the spatial design of remises from his visit to Silesia, Europe. Third, I show how the lessons from Silesia were applied to a landscape in Wisconsin, USA, involving both farmers and townspeople in cooperative implementation of a remise system. Collectively, a new perspective emerges on the early dialogue of landscape ecology and conservation across continents.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die im Wachstum begriffene australische Erdbeerindustrie ist geprägt durch optimale Klimabedingungen und einfachen Zugang zu den Ressourcen, hohe Intensivierung und — wie in Kalifornien — hohe Erträge über 30 t/ha. Der Markt ist fast autark, Im- und Exporte frischer Erdbeeren spielen keine Rolle. Mit einem derzeitigen Produktionsvolumen von 40.000 t/Jahr auf ca. 1.300 ha wird eine Ausweitung auf 71.000 t bis zum Jahre 2008 angestrebt. Dies entspricht — bei ca. 20 Mio. Einwohnern Australiens — einer Steigerung des Erdbeerkonsums von 2,0 kg auf ca. 2,7 kg/Kopf und Jahr im Jahr 2008. Der gegenwärtige Erdbeerkonsum in Deutschland liegt bereits bei ca. 2,7 kg/Kopf und Jahr, wobei die Erdbeerimporte von ca. 120.000 t die Eigenproduktion von ca. 100.000 t auf 10.420 ha Anbaufläche — im Gegensatz zu Australien — übersteigen. Die drei australischen Hauptanbaugebiete konzentrieren sich auf Queensland im Nordosten, Perth im Westen und Victoria im Südosten Australiens. Der überwiegend einjährige Anbau erfolgt mit 45.000–66.000 Grünpflanzen/ha als Einzel- oder Doppelreihe in Dammkultur und Mulchfolie mit integriertem Fertigationsschlauch. Nach telefonischem Verkauf erfolgt die Lieferung im Kühl-LKW direkt an die Supermärkte oft weit entfernter Großstädte. Als tagneutrale Erdbeersorten dominieren mit 90% amerikanische Sorten wie Selva, Camarosa und Camino Real aus Kalifornien sowie Sweet Charlie und Festival aus Florida. Interessante Neuzüchtungen aus dem Jahre 2003 sind Rubygem, Sugarbaby, Brighteyes und Harmony aus Queensland als Kurztagssorten. Zusammen mit tagneutralen Sorten aus dem südlichen Züchtungsprogramm in Victoria stieg ihr Marktanteil in den letzten drei Jahren von 8% auf 10%. Primäre Zuchtziele des nördlichen Züchtungsprogramms in Queensland sind Kurztagssorten mit frühem Reifebeginn und hohem Ertrag über 1,2 kg/Pflanze. Das südliche Züchtungsprogramm um Victoria zielt dagegen sowohl auf Kurztagssorten als auch Tagneutralität sowie eine zusätzlich lange Ernteperiode über mindestens 10 Wochen. Während die Zuchtziele der äußeren Fruchtqualität wie Fruchtgröße, Fruchtfestigkeit und Glanz mit denen Deutschlands übereinstimmen, unterscheiden sich die der inneren Fruchtqualität wie süßer Geschmack bei gleichzeitiger Säurearmut und hoher Fruchtfleischfestigkeit.  相似文献   

The role of habitat heterogeneity as a key factor in determining species pools in habitat mosaics has been acknowledged, but we still know little on the relative importance of the different ecological processes acting within such complex landscapes. We compared species richness and distribution in forest fragments imbedded in shrub-lands to those in continuous forests or in continuous shrublands. We examined the consistency of our data with the predictions of two hypotheses: 1) the Habitat fragmentation hypothesis which states that fragmentation has negative effects on the species from the original continuous habitat; 2) the Habitat supplementation /complementation hypothesis which stipulates that the presence of a matrix habitat around the fragments will mitigate negative effects on the species from the original habitat (supplementation) or allow the presence of species that depend on the presence of both the fragment and matrix habitats (complementation). We show that: 1) species richness in forest fragments did not differ from species richness in segments of continuous forests of equal area; 2) the bird community of forest fragments got impoverished in some forest species but a higher proportion of species common in continuous forests were not affected by fragmentation; 3) fragment communities had a significant proportion of common species that were scarce in, or absent from both continuous forests and shrublands. While, a few forest species supported predictions from the fragmentation hypothesis, occurrence patterns observed in several other species were consistent with either the supplementation or the complementation hypotheses. Our results suggest that there is no single hypothesis that properly captures the consequences of a shift from continuous forests to a mosaic of forest fragments and shrublands and that different ecological mechanisms act in conjunction to determine species pools in habitat mosaics. Habitat heterogeneity at a local scale appears a key factor in maintaining bird diversity in fire driven Mediterranean landscapes.  相似文献   

Relative dispersibility of Tilia americana L., Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh, was inferred from the ratio among species-specific regression coefficients () computed from seedling density-distance plots. Density counts were made in spatially-uniform old fields adjacent to single seed sources or monotypic fencerows. Resultant seedling shadow curves approximate the negative exponential form expected for many seeds (log y=a–X). This basic curve shape fit species of differing dispersibility, dispersal under a range of wind directions and one-year-old or all-aged cohorts. The ratios of were 1:2.6:3.2 for Tilia, Acer and Fraxinus, respectively, in order of increasing dispersibility. Vegetation patches isolated from seed sources by several hundred meters or more should have extremely low input of seeds, especially Tilia and Acer.The finding that Fraxinus disperses farther than Acer was unexpected, since the samaras of the former have faster terminal velocities. The relationship can be explained by better performance of Fraxinus samaras in the stronger winds experienced by trees in open landscapes, poorer formation of the samara abscission layer, and release of samaras following leaf abscission and during the winter when winds are the strongest. Both the samara plan and dispersal phenology need to be considered in estimating relative dispersibility among species.  相似文献   

Fire is a major driving force of landscape change in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this paper were to explore the implications of landscape change and wildfires in a region of northwestern Portugal for the diversity of breeding birds. Land use cover for the years 1958, 1968, 1983 and 1995 was obtained from aerial photography for a study area of 3700 ha. Breeding bird assemblages in each of six land use categories were characterized in 1998 using point counts. The main landscape changes in the study area across the 40 years were a decrease in the area of agricultural land and low shrublands (respectively 29% and 48%) and an increase in forests and tall shrublands (both over 95%). Bird assemblages showed increased richness and diversity across the gradient: low shrublands tall shrublands conifer mixed deciduous agricultural areas. Many of the species with narrow niche breadth (specialists) were associated with agricultural areas and deciduous forests. In spite of the low diversity of burned areas (mostly shrublands) a few specialist species depend on this habitat. Thus, the current fire regime probably contributes to maintaining bird diversity at the landscape level. There was an inverse relationship between landscape diversity and estimated bird diversity across the last 40 years. Landscape management actions to preserve bird diversity should focus on the maintenance of agricultural land and deciduous forests. In parallel, a wider use of prescribed burning and grazing is suggested. This would contribute to maintaining low shrublands in the landscape, useful both as an habitat for some bird species and as fuel breaks for preventing the occurrence of large wildfires.  相似文献   

In extreme deserts with precipitation of less than 10–20 mm/yr, biocoenoses occur which are void of producers but show ecosystem functions such as food chains and energy flow. Since they are fed by the importation of allochthonous organic material the term allochthonous ecosystems is proposed to designate these systems. The application of this term to other incomplete ecosystems without producers is discussed.  相似文献   

Lugo  Ariel E. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(7):601-615
Humans have used Caribbean island landscapes for millennia. Theconversion of wild lands to built-up lands or to agricultural lands in thesetropical countries follows predictable patterns. Conversion of moist forestlifezones and fertile flatlands is faster than conversion of wet and rain forestlife zones and low fertility steep lands. In Puerto Rico, these trends areleading to increased built-up areas, environmental surprises, and increaseddependence on external subsidies. Changes over the past 50 yr alsoinclude a reversal in deforestation and increase in forest patch size in spiteof increasing human population density. Present forests have different speciescomposition than the original ones but are indistinguishable in physiognomy andbasic function. The reversal of deforestation and forest fragmentation trends,if accompanied by an understanding of the forces that cause the reversal, canresult in the development of tools for landscape management. Tropical landscapemanagement requires understanding and application of natural resiliencemechanisms of ecosystems, greater use of ecological engineering approaches toinfrastructure development, enforcement of zoning laws, enlightened economicdevelopment policies, and an understanding and agreement of a conservationvision among all sectors of society. Mixing species in new combinations to formnew ecosystems is a necessary step in the development of future landscapes.Landscapes have always changed over time, but we sense,somewhat uneasily, that the processes now at work are more powerfully focusedand possibly irreversible.Our present assumption is that generally tropical lands aremuch more sensitive and less resilient than those in the temperatezones....the long-term world trend in land uses is a cascadingloss in capacity (i.e., degradation) in every broad category of landuse. J.F. Richards 1990, p 176 and 177.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamic simulation model of landscapes proposed by Turner et al. (1993). In this model a landscape, represented by a square grid of 100×100 cells, is exposed to disturbances of a fixed size at random locations at specified time intervals. The affected area recovers through a series of seral stages and achieves a mature stage unless it is affected again by successive disturbances. Two non-dimensional parameters, determining the dynamics of the model, are T, the ratio of the disturbance interval to the time of recovery and S, the ratio of the size of the disturbance to the size of the landscape. The main outcomes of analysis are the means and standard deviations of the areas occupied by different seral stages. We show that these characteristics of the system can be calculated analytically. This facilitates the understanding of the results of the computer experiments, the analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of the system (for example when the disturbances become increasingly small but very frequent, T,S1) and of more complex regimes of external disturbances, e.g., of the combined effects on a landscape from several types of disturbances with different spatial and time scales.  相似文献   

He  Fangliang  LaFrankie  James V.  Song  Bo 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(6):559-568
Abundance and richness are the two fundamental components of speciesdiversity. They represent two distinct types of variables of which the formerisadditive when aggregated across scales while the latter is nonadditive. Thisstudy investigated the changes in the spatial patterns of abundance andrichnessof tree species across multiple scales in a tropical rain forest of Malaysiaandtheir variations in different regions of the study area. The results showedthatfrom fine to coarse scales abundance had a gradual and systematic change inpattern, whereas the change in richness was much less predictable and ahotspot in richness at one scale may become acoldspot at another. The study also demonstrated that differentmeasures of diversity variation (e.g., variance and coefficient of variation)can result in different or even contradictory results which further complicatedthe interpretation of diversity patterns. Because of scale effect the commonlyused measure of species diversity in terms of unit area (e.g.,species/m2) is misleading and of little use in comparing speciesdiversitybetween different ecosystems. Extra care must be taken if management andconservation of species diversity have to be based on information gathered at asingle scale.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We question whether classical experimentation is adequate for real progress in landscape or regional ecology. One cannot do classical experimentation unless one can replicate the treatment. There is conflict between the need to replicate and the need to study processes at appropriately large scales.Because of the difficulties in doing controlled field experiments at regional scales, we propose that landscape ecologists take greater advantage of natural field experiments. Natural experiments must be coordinated, standardized, and synchronized over space and through time, and will require the cooperation of multiple investigators. Distributed computer networks can help provide the automated region-wide monitoring which will supply natural experiments with pre-treatment data.Regions or landscapes need not be replicated, and indeed, cannot be. One can achieve a relational understanding between a system's response and environmental characteristics. This understanding is not definitive, but allows for the development of testable hypotheses, in the classical sense. The confounding of space, time, and/or other environmental factors in pseudoreplicated natural experiments only allows for the development of hypotheses - how-possibly explanations. Discrimination among competing hypotheses can be done at smaller scales and used to infer processes occurring at larger scales. Use of natural and controlled field experiments in complementary roles is a more promising approach than views of one or the other as methodologically inferior.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Siebenjährige Apfelbäume der Sorten Elstar, Gala, Karmijn de Sonnaville, Pinova und Pilot wurden 2003 von Juni bis September 12-mal mit 400 l/ha CaCl2-Lösungen gesprüht. Kontrollen (Fu) waren Bäume, die nur mit Fungiziden (Discus, Dithane Ultra oder Kumulus) behandelt wurden. Bei den Behandlungen FuCa wurde den Fungiziden CaCl2 (ansteigend von 5–25 g/l) zugegeben. Die Behandlungen FuCaTe enthielten zusätzlich das Netzmittel Plantacare 1200 UP, um die Benetzung der Früchte (Oberflächenspannung 29–30 mN/m) zu verbessern. Die Ca-Konzentrationen in den Kontrollfrüchten (Schale plus 5 mm Fruchtfleisch) variierten von 3,6 (Elstar) bis 9,0 mg/100 mg Frischsubstanz (Pilot). Durch die Fruchtdüngung (FuCa) stiegen die Konzentrationen auf 6,3 bzw. 13,3 mg/100 g Frischsubstanz (FS). Zugabe des Netzmittels (FuCaTe) erhöhte die Ca-Gehalte weiter auf 6,8 bzw. 14,9 mg/100 g FS. Bezogen auf die Behandlung Fu entspricht das einer Erhöhung der Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte auf 163 bzw. 193%. Der Tensideffekt auf die Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte wird auf die schnellere Penetration des CaCl2 infolge besserer Benetzung zurückgeführt, da ein Einfluss auf die Retention der Spritzbrühe ausscheidet. Von der applizierten Ca-Dosis in Höhe von 26 kg/ha wurden nur 2,3 kg in den Früchten (50 t/ha) wieder gefunden, was einer Wiederfindungsrate von 8,8% entspricht. Die beobachtete Erhöhung der Ca-Konzentrationen der Früchte durch 12 Spritzungen dürfte in der Nähe des maximal Möglichen liegen, da die Witterungsbedingungen günstig und die Ca-Konzentrationen der Spritzbrühen hoch waren.  相似文献   

Analyses of carbon (C) dynamics at broad scales usually do not consider spatial interactions. The assumption is that C dynamics can be modeled within homogenous (i.e., even-aged) patches and then summed to predict broad-scale dynamics (an additive approach). The goal of this paper is to elucidate the scales over which this additive approach is sufficient to explain observed C dynamics at broad scales. We define emergent behaviors (vs. emergent properties) as those behaviors that cannot be predicted solely from the additive properties of units at a finer scale. We used a forest process model to check for possible emergent behaviors due to pattern-process interactions at multiple levels, from the patch to the landscape. Specifically, using artificial forest landscapes with various spatial structures, we estimated the relative effects of edge-induced, tree mortality (mainly due to wind) and light limitations on C dynamics. Emergent behaviors were observed at all levels examined, indicating that emergent behaviors did not cease as one proceeded from the patch to the landscape level, as we had expected. However, the magnitude of the emergent behaviors depended on the level of spatial interaction considered as well as the type and intensity of the processes included. In all simulations, interactions of light and wind processes resulted in significant emergent behaviors only when parameters controlling wind mortality were set to the highest levels observed in the literature. In one simulation, the magnitude of emergent behaviors differed among the landscapes, indicating that interactions among patches may not be accounted for by an additive correction for edge effects unless spatial interactions are addressed. The implication is that some C dynamics in fragmented landscapes may not be captured at broad-scales using an additive approach, whereas in other cases spatial interactions are small enough to be ignored.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pedroli  Bas  Harms  Bert 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(1):1-12
The realization of strategies for sustainable land use assumes specificresearch concepts from the local to the global scale (micro-, meso- andmacroscale). Therefore, landscape ecological science has to provideinvestigation methods for all these different scales. By combiningtop-down and bottom-up approaches in addition tocoupled GIS-model applications and traditional methods, the investigation oflandscape ecological structures and processes seems to be possible. Thepresented studies show this approach on examples of two study areas in EasternGermany: A watershed of 400 km2 and an administrativedistrict of about 4000 km2. The scale-specificapplicability of several models and methods were tested for theseinvestigations, and the validation of the calculated results are presented. Animportant outcome of the project should be the prevention of conflicts betweenagriculture, water management and soil, and water and nature conservation;based onrecommendations for land use variants with decreased pollutant loading withinagricultural areas. The scale specific investigations can be considered as abase for establishing sustainable land use.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting affects both composition and structure of the landscape and has important consequences for organisms using forest habitats. A timber harvest allocation model was constructed that allows the input of specific rules to allocate forest stands for clearcutting to generate landscape patterns reflecting the look and feel of managed landscapes. Various harvest strategies were simulated on four 237 km2 study areas in Indiana, USA. For each study area, the model was applied to simulate 80 years of management activity. The resulting landscape spatial patterns were quantified using a suite of landscape pattern metrics and plotted as a function of mean harvest size and total area of forest harvested per decade to produce response surfaces. When the mean clearcut size was 1 ha, the area of forest interior remaining on the landscape was dramatically reduced and the amount of forest edge on the landscape increased dramatically. The potential consequences of the patterns produced by the model were assessed for a generalized neotropical migrant forest bird using a GIS model that generates maps showing the spatial distribution of the relative vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds. The model incorporates the location and relative quality of cowbird feeding sites, and the relation between parasitism rates and distance of forest from edge. The response surface relating mean harvest size and total area harvested to the mean value of vulnerability to cowbird brood parasitism had a shape similar to the response surfaces showing forest edge. The results of our study suggest that it is more difficult to maintain large contiguous blocks of undisturbed forest interior when harvests are small and dispersed, especially when producing high timber volumes is a management goal. The application of the cowbird model to landscapes managed under different strategies could help managers in deciding where harvest activity will produce the least negative impact on breeding forest birds.  相似文献   

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