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Spiders are kept as pets, for scientific study and for display. The veterinary profession is increasingly being consulted for advice on their care. The basic biology and management of spiders are outlined, together with information on physical and chemical restraint. These animals are particularly susceptible to managemental problems but other diseases may also occur. A certain amount of medical and surgical attention is possible.  相似文献   

Pigeons of many species may be presented to the veterinary surgeon for examination and treatment. In this paper the basic approach to these birds is outlined. Diseases are not discussed in detail; instead the practical aspects of biology, examination, restraint and diagnosis are presented and explained.  相似文献   

Aging induces many morphological and metabolic changes in the brain, which may eventually lead to cognitive impairment and dementia called cognitive dysfunction syndrome in senior dogs. Cognitive impairment and dementia can adversely affect the quality of life in both dogs and their owners. Progress has been made over the past years to understand how aging affects brain and its functions in humans and animals including dogs. Existing data indicate that aging-induced changes in the brain are gradual and irreversible. Therefore, it is too late to effectively manage dogs with cognitive impairment and cognitive dysfunction syndrome. The best option to manage brain aging successfully is to reduce or prevent aging-induced changes in the brain by correcting early metabolic changes and eliminating risk factors associated with brain aging and dementia. This article reviews behavioral, morphological, and metabolic changes in the brain induced by aging and discusses a novel nutritional solution for the aging-induced metabolic changes in the brain.  相似文献   

This article discusses new and innovative methods that can be used in the field to assess the economic value of ingredients in the production system. Methods to evaluate and monitor milk production responses are considered.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to be a guide for the practitioner to the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of heart disease in the dog. Diagnosis and treatment of heart disease is based on a thorough clinical examination specifically auscultation of the chest and examination of the pulse augmented by radiography and electrocardiography.Cardiology is an exciting subject and recent advances in therapy have improved not only the life expectancy of dogs with heart disease but also the quality of life. The most important factor is to recognize that the problem is cardiac in origin. The elderly animal with a cough and a heart murmur must be examined and investigated thoroughly before assuming that the murmur and cough are connected. Overall incidence of heart disease has been estimated at 11 · 3% with the congenital type accounting for 0 · 5% (Detweiler & Patterson, 1965).Congenital heart disease should be detected early in life, and certainly no later than at presentation of the puppy for primary vaccination, but will only be diagnosed if the puppy is thoroughly auscultated. The more common congenital cardiac defects, in approximate order of incidence, are patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonic stenosis, aortic stenosis, persistent right aortic arch, ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot and atrial septal defect (Patterson, 1965). Early diagnosis is important as, particularly with patent ductus, surgery performed at an early stage can be curative. Pulmonic stenosis can also be treated surgically and successful treatment of tetralogy of Fallot using cardiopulmonary bypass has been reported (Herrtage, Hall & English, 1983). Septal defects are also amenable to treatment by using cardiopulmonary bypass.Persistent right aortic arch will not cause a heart problem but vomiting will occur in the young dog. Chronic valvular fibrosis with mitral, followed by tricuspid, insufficiencies is the most usual acquired heart disease. It has been estimated that in dogs over eight years old 70% are likely to suffer from valvular heart disease but not necessarily showing clinical signs.  相似文献   

比较了几种不同的回归模型对营养物质需要量的估计效果.其中包括2种不同的折线回归模型、多项式模型、4参数的Saturation Kinetics模型和5参数的Saturation Kinetics模型.模型拟合采用SAS 9.2 software package的NLIN过程,并给出了相应的SAS代码.  相似文献   

A variety of models have been proposed to fit nutritional input-output response data. The models are typically nonlinear; therefore, fitting the models usually requires sophisticated statistical software and training to use it. An alternative tool for fitting nutritional response models was developed by using widely available and easier-to-use Microsoft Excel software. The tool, implemented as an Excel workbook (NRM.xls), allows simultaneous fitting and side-by-side comparisons of several popular models. This study compared the results produced by the tool we developed and PROC NLIN of SAS. The models compared were the broken line (ascending linear and quadratic segments), saturation kinetics, 4-parameter logistics, sigmoidal, and exponential models. The NRM.xls workbook provided results nearly identical to those of PROC NLIN. Furthermore, the workbook successfully fit several models that failed to converge in PROC NLIN. Two data sets were used as examples to compare fits by the different models. The results suggest that no particular nonlinear model is necessarily best for all nutritional response data.  相似文献   

Pruritus is a common complaint in equine medicine. While pruritus in most horses is due to ectoparasites (midges, flies, mites) or environmental allergens (pollens, barn dust, moulds, etc.), other causes such as staphylococcal or fungal infections, vasculitis, and internal organ dysfunction should not be overlooked. In a rational approach to the pruritic horse, history and physical examination become very important as a guide to choosing diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

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