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阿根廷政府4月1日宣布,由于农业团体长期罢工造成国内市场牛肉供应紧张,  相似文献   

【本刊辑】据阿根廷《纪事者报》2012年2月7日报道,阿根廷国家农产品质检总局(SENASA)年度报告显示,2011年,阿根廷的乳制品出口量首次超过牛肉,达到40.7万吨,其中以奶粉为主,而牛肉的出口量仅为2625万吨。同时,乳制品出口创汇也超过了牛肉,二者分别为15.27亿美元和14.92亿美元。  相似文献   

世界畜产品贸易状况 2006年世界肉类产量达到2,725亿吨。2005年肉类产量是2,68亿吨.出口2050万吨.进口2040万吨.出口总量占产量的7,63%。禽肉产量8190万吨.牛肉产量6430万吨.出口量均占产量的1/10。猪肉产量10370万吨.出口量470万吨.仅占产量的4.5%。猪肉贸易量比例达不到禽肉和牛肉的一半.除了发达国家牛肉、鸡肉消费比重大的因素外.还有占世界猪肉产量将近一半的中国.猪肉出口量仅占产量比例的0.98%.也是一个重要因素。世界肉类出口量,  相似文献   

阿根廷属于传统上的畜牧业国家,农牧业发达,素有世界粮仓肉库之美称,是世界重要的粮食、肉类生产和出口国家,也是世界上牛肉质量最好的国家之一。1畜牧业生产状况  相似文献   

据阿根廷《民族报》报道,阿根廷目前正在与中国进行积极磋商,希望恢复向中国市场出口牛肉。  相似文献   

<正>据阿根廷《民族报》2011年12月21日报道,阿根廷牛肉行业商会的一份报告指出,今年阿根廷牛肉消费量继续下降,前10个月人均消费53.8 kg,比去年同期减少3.9 kg,和最近10年的峰值相比,减少了15 kg。作为替代,鸡肉和猪肉的消费量出现增长。预计今年鸡肉的年人均消费量将达到40 kg,比上年增加1.5 kg;而猪肉人均消费量从2009年的  相似文献   

我国高档牛肉市场现状分析及其技术展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国肉牛业持续快速发展,牛肉产量不断增加。随着工业化、城镇化进程的加快,城乡居民经济收入的普遍提高,膳食结构的日益改善,人们对牛肉的需求数量不断增加,质量要求也越来越高。高档牛肉已慢慢走上餐桌,逐步被人们接受。  相似文献   

2012年9月13日,阿根廷肉类及副产品工贸商会(CICCRA)最新发布的报告显示,2012年1~7月份阿根廷牛肉出口较2011年同比下降24.4%,再次落后于存栏量仅3500万头牛的乌拉圭。该商会的负责人预测,阿根廷2012年的牛肉出口额仅约12亿~13亿美元。阿根廷2012年牛肉出口下降已成定局,而影响  相似文献   

我国的肉牛产业及其发展展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1997年之前,我国的肉牛产业应称作"耕牛产肉业",之后是"肉牛产业",因为我国的"肉牛生产力"从这一年步入世界第二方阵,母牛、犊牛、架子牛和育肥牛头数之和与牛肉产量之比(生产一吨牛肉需要的总头数,头/吨)达到了近20/1,  相似文献   

摩洛哥和土耳其是世界上重要的柑桔生产国。据联合国粮农组织(FAO)统计,2007年摩洛哥柑桔产量排名世界第15位,土耳其排名第10位。其中,土耳其宽皮柑桔产量在世界各国宽皮柑桔生产中位居第4位。同时,两国也是世界重要的柑桔出口国。据联合国商品贸易统计数据库(COMTRADE)数据,2007年世界各柑桔生产国中,土耳其柑桔出口量位居世界第4位,摩洛哥排名世界第8位。  相似文献   

国内价格 一、价格总体稳定,年底上涨 2010年初牛羊肉价格延续2009年高位运行.遵循季节规律,2月牛羊肉价格达到历史高点,3~5月价格回落,6~10月牛肉价格持平,羊肉稳中有涨.11~12月牛肉价格持平略涨,羊肉价格明显上涨.12月牛肉价格为35.02元/千克,环比涨1.1%,同比涨3.8%.羊肉价格为37.53元,千克,环比涨3.1%,同比涨11.4%.牛羊肉价格相比猪肉、禽肉等其他肉类总体保持稳定.  相似文献   

Incidence of rotavirus in beef herds in Argentina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Faecal samples were collected from 177 diarrhoeic and 40 healthy calves from 19 farms in Buenos Aires State, Argentina during 1984 and 1985. Samples were examined for rotavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of their genomic RNA segments. Rotavirus was found in 95 samples of diarrhoeic calves (53 per cent) and in three healthy calves (7 per cent). All positive samples were tentatively classified as group A on the basis of electropherotype and ELISA test reactivity and exhibited 18 different genomic electropherotypic patterns.  相似文献   

为迎接畜牧产品的国际化,关于我国牛肉的国际贸易,我国应当利用国内目前市场不缺肉机遇,尽快调整思路,研究应对开拓国外市场的新布局。近年来,我国牛肉生产发展很快,也是随经济发展,肉食结构调整的结果,牛羊肉增长速度超过猪肉。2003年世界牛肉产量5874.2万吨,占世界总肉量的23.51%。因贸易数据最近是2002年。故本文统计数据一律采用2002年数据。世界牛肉产量5788.3万吨,基本结构没有变(23.62%)。我国产量是532.0万吨,占世界总产的9.19%。在世界牛肉产量中属于中等。  相似文献   

为迎接畜产品的国际化。现提供关于牛肉国际贸易研究,以此为业界提供一些思路和参考意见。我国应当利用目前国内市场已基本实现自给自足的机遇,尽快调整思路,研究应对、开拓国外市场的新策略。  相似文献   

我国牛肉生产类型复杂,有草地放牧饲养、异地育肥、老残牛淘汰,也有现代精饲料育肥。因此,质量、成本、价格都有很大差别。活牛饲养期长,可能同一头牛,数次移地,出栏和产量准确性低。我们尽量以价格和数量结合,分析肉牛市场,力求建议意见的准确。  相似文献   

2006年牛羊肉市场综述及形势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总体上看,2006年我国牛羊肉生产继续保持稳步发展态势。牛羊肉价格同比继续提高;牛羊肉消费水平仍然较低,地区差距较大;牛产品和羊产品均出口增加,进口减少,贸易顺差。国际市场上。牛羊肉产量小幅增加,贸易量与2005年基本持平。价格有所回落。市场具体运行情况如下:  相似文献   

Antimicrobials are critical to contemporary high-intensity beef production. Many different antimicrobials are approved for beef cattle, and are used judiciously for animal welfare, and controversially, to promote growth and feed efficiency. Antimicrobial administration provides a powerful selective pressure that acts on the microbial community, selecting for resistance gene determinants and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria resident in the bovine flora. The bovine microbiota includes many harmless bacteria, but also opportunistic pathogens that may acquire and propagate resistance genes within the microbial community via horizontal gene transfer. Antimicrobial-resistant bovine pathogens can also complicate the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in beef feedlots,threatening the efficiency of the beef production system. Likewise, the transmission of antimicrobial resistance genes to bovine-associated human pathogens is a potential public health concern. This review outlines current antimicrobial use practices pertaining to beef production, and explores the frequency of antimicrobial resistance in major bovine pathogens. The effect of antimicrobials on the composition of the bovine microbiota is examined, as are the effects on the beef production resistome. Antimicrobial resistance is further explored within the context of the wider beef production continuum, with emphasis on antimicrobial resistance genes in the food chain, and risk to the human population.  相似文献   

Biochemical and haematological measurements were used to identify constraints on productivity in beef cattle. One hundred and twelve Aberdeen Angus and Criollo Argentine females including lactating cows, dry non-pregnant cows and heifers were selected. Blood samples were taken in the middle of summer and autumn. Serum was analysed for haemoglobin, PCV, glucose, albumin, urea, creatinine, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, ALP, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, Cl∼, Na and K content. Globulin was calculated by taking the difference between total protein and albumin. Percentages of all cattle that had metabolite levels outside reference ranges were: 15% (glucose), 8% (globulin), 5% (urea), 96% (Ca), 50% (P), 12% (Mg), 20% (Na), 5% (K), 24% (Cl), 18% (Fe), 5% (Cu) and 85% (CK). These results indicate with some certainty that dietary protein was not limiting. Body condition score loss was detected only in lactating cows. There were a few animals that could have presented chronic inflammatory disease. Phosphorus could be an important potential constraint on fertility, although the presence of symptoms of hypophosphataemia was not observed. The study also demonstrates the absence of anaemia or liver disease. Breed, seasonal and physiological state differences in some blood metabolites could be attributed to one or more of the following factors: chemical composition of the feed ingested, environmental temperature, nutrient content of the forage, animal age and cattle foraging experience. The study provides a basis for implementing helpful adjustments in current cattle management practices so as to alleviate the constraints on productivity, provided that these practices are profitable.  相似文献   

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