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In bottomland hardwood forests, partial cutting techniques are increasingly advocated and used to create habitat for priority wildlife like Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Neotropical migrants. Although partial cutting may be beneficial to some species, those that use dead wood may be negatively affected since large diameter and poor quality trees (deformed, moribund, or dead) are rare, but normally targeted for removal. On the other hand, partial cutting can create dead wood if logging slash is left on-site. We studied foraging behavior of pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) in one- and two-year-old partial cuts designed to benefit priority species and in uncut forest during winter, spring, and summer of 2006 and 2007 in Louisiana. Males and females did not differ in their use of tree species, dbh class, decay class, foraging height, use of foraging tactics or substrate types; however, males foraged on larger substrates than females. In both partial cut and uncut forest, standing live trees were most frequently used (83% compared to 14% for standing dead trees and 3% for coarse woody debris); however, dead trees were selected (i.e. used out of proportion to availability). Overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) and bitter pecan (Carya aquatica) were also selected and sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) avoided. Pileated woodpeckers selected trees ≥50 cm dbh and avoided trees in smaller dbh classes (10–20 cm). Density of selected foraging substrates was the same in partial cut and uncut forest. Of the foraging substrates, woodpeckers spent 54% of foraging time on live branches and boles, 37% on dead branches and boles, and 9% on vines. Of the foraging tactics, the highest proportion of foraging time was spent excavating (58%), followed by pecking (14%), gleaning (14%), scaling (7%), berry-eating (4%), and probing (3%). Woodpecker use of foraging tactics and substrates, and foraging height and substrate diameter did not differ between recent partial cut and uncut forest. Partial cutting designed to improve or maintain habitat for priority wildlife did not affect pileated woodpecker foraging behavior or availability of selected trees compared to uncut forest in the short term.  相似文献   

Tree dwelling bats select cavities in large, old, dying or dead trees. This inevitably brings them into direct conflict with the interests of forest managers, who are trained to fell such trees. Therefore the identification of forest stands providing optimal roosting opportunities for bats is crucial, in order to provide appropriate guidelines for forest management. It is also important to identify the extent to which the roosting ecology of bats changes in response to habitat modification. Bia?owie?a Forest (BF) offers a unique opportunity, in the temperate zone, to observe differences between areas with no direct human intervention and managed areas and in particular to reveal the effect of forest management on the roosting ecology of forest dwelling bat species. We used GIS techniques to evaluate bats’ spatial response to changes in forest structure and to test the hypotheses that the forest dwelling bats Nyctalus noctula and Nyctalus leisleri prefer roost sites within old deciduous or wet woodlands over young and coniferous ones and that roost site preferences reflect the extent to which dead and dying trees are removed. There was a significant difference in the selection of roosting habitat between the managed and pristine areas of the forest. Within the pristine forest, both species displayed a strong preference for roost trees located within old deciduous stands (>100 years), whereas in the managed part of the forest old wet woodland was preferred while all medium and young forest stands were avoided. Our data reveal a high degree of lability in the selection of roosting habitat by bats. It appears that bats are able to respond to changes in their environment by changing their roost site preferences and could therefore occupy habitat previously considered less suitable.  相似文献   

In forests worldwide, ~10?40% of bird and mammal species require cavities for nesting or roosting. Although knowledge of tree cavity availability and dynamics has increased during past decades, there is a striking lack of studies from boreal Europe. We studied the density and characteristics of cavities and cavity-bearing trees in three categories of forest in a north-Swedish landscape: clearcuts with tree retention, managed old (>100 years) forest, and unmanaged old forest. Unmanaged old forests had significantly higher mean density of cavities (2.4?±?2.2(SD)?ha?1) than managed old forest (1.1?±?2.1?ha?1). On clearcuts the mean cavity density was 0.4?±?2.3?ha?1. Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula) had a higher probability of containing excavated cavities than other tree species. There was a greater variety of entrance hole shapes and a higher proportion of cavities with larger entrances in old forest than on clearcuts. Although studies of breeding success will be necessary to more accurately assess the impact of forest management on cavity-nesting birds, our results show reduced cavity densities in managed forest. To ensure future provision of cavities, managers should retain existing cavity-bearing trees as well as trees suitable for cavity formation, particularly aspen and dead trees.  相似文献   

When pine trees are invaded by pine wilt diseases, the severely infected pine trees will die and fall down, or they will be removed when found to be damaged by the disease. It gives rise to the invasion of other species in these empty niches originally occupied by pine trees, i.e., competing surrounding trees or understory shrubs will invade the empty niches during the following years. As a result, the spatial distribution and pattern of the main tree species in a pine forest will change, and a niche variety in the main population will occur. In the end, the direction of the succession and restoration of the pine forest ecosystem will be affected. In our study, a Pinus massoniana forest with the dominant shrub, Pleioblastus amarus, was invaded by pine wood nematode and was clear cut. Selecting this community as our research object, we studied the effect of the invasion of the pine wood nematode on the growth of the dominant shrub, P. amarus, in this Pinus massoniana forest. Our results show that, after the attacked pine trees were removed, the niche was occupied by Pleioblastus amarus and other shrubs, which benefited the growth of P. amarus to its climax. Growth of P. amarus at the climax stage was greater compared with the unhealthy pine forest and the control group.  相似文献   

Tree retention is understood as a key practice in creating complexity, leading to heterogeneity in resources and habitats in managed stands. In this article, we clarify the long-term effects of tree retention on stand structure and tree-species composition in a 60-year-old Larix kaempferi plantation in central Japan. In our study plot (1.5 ha) there were 18 stems/ha of retained trees (determined by tree-ring analysis), mostly Quercus crispula. We conducted spatial analyses and tested the hypothesis that tree abundance, size structure, and species composition and diversity change with distance from the retained trees. Near the retained trees, L. kaempferi showed a reduction of 40%–60% in basal area, due presumably to the shading effect. In contrast, the nearby area showed greater species diversity in the canopy layer. The retained trees created patches of different species composition in the understory. The spatial gradient of shade and colonization opportunity provided by retained trees greatly affect the distribution of the colonized species, according to their shade tolerance and seed-dispersal ability, which resulted in the stand structure with a heterogeneous shrub-layer vegetation. Retention proved particularly important for the enhancement and long-term maintenance of structural and compositional complexity in L. kaempferi plantations.  相似文献   

Growing concern for economic and environmental issues emphasizes the potential value of intercropping systems in temperate regions. However, the selection of relevant tree species to be associated with crops has been little documented. The growth and the nitrogen nutrition of two economically valuable species, wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) and hybrid walnut (Juglans nigra L.×Juglans regia L.), were compared over six years after plantation. These two species were associated with non-irrigated cereal crops in the agroforestry treatment or grown separately (weeded control and fallow). Intercropping increased diameter growth as soon as year 2 in the two species. Leaf biomass assessment using allometric models showed an earlier and greater leaf biomass increase in hybrid walnut than in wild cherry tree. After six years, the relative growth increase of the agroforestry trees with respect to the control trees varied with the parameter considered (diameter at breast height from +26 to +65%, leaf biomass from +54 to +142%) and with the tree species (higher relative growth for hybrid walnut trees). The beneficial effect on tree growth can be accounted for in terms of enhanced nitrogen nutrition. The tree–crop association in intercropping systems, which improves tree growth, might thus allow the planting of more demanding trees on soils of lower fertility.  相似文献   

[目的]由于激光雷达技术已经能准确测定立木树高及相关树冠因子,应用该技术建立基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型,为激光技术在森林蓄积估计中提供技术支撑.[方法]利用云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种组的3 010株实测样木数据,分析了立木材积与胸径、树高、树冠因子之间的相关关系;并通过对数回归方法构建了基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型,用确定系数R2和平均预估误差MPE等6项指标对模型进行评价.[结果]表明,立木材积与单一因子之间的相关,以胸径最为紧密,其次是树高,再次是冠长和冠幅.基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型中,以树高和冠幅作为解释变量的二元模型效果较好,再增加冠长因子的三元模型改进不大.云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种组基于树高冠幅的立木材积模型,其R2分别为0.81、0.80、0.76和0.77,MPE分别为4.7%、5.3%、5.4%和5.3%,模型预估精度均能达到95%左右.[结论]本文对材积与林木因子之间相关关系的定量分析,建立了云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种的立木材积模型,模型预估精度高.为激光雷达技术定量估测森林参数提供了依据.  相似文献   

小陇山锐齿栎天然林结构动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了解锐齿栎天然林群落动态变化过程。[方法]采用每木定位监测样地重复观测的方法,对甘肃小陇山林区百花林场王安沟营林区内的锐齿栎天然林进行研究,从树种组成及多样性结构、径级结构、空间结构等几方面分析了锐齿栎天然林群落的结构动态特征。[结果]表明:2次调查群落树种组成和优势树种的重要值排序变化不大,有2个稀少种退出群落,死亡林木40株,死亡率8.3%;群落乔木层的物种丰富度和树种空间多样性下降,优势树种的集中性变大,物种个体数目分配的均匀程度下降。林分径级结构由典型的反"J"型分布变化为左偏的单峰状曲线;群落的空间结构没有发生显著变化,林木分布格局仍为随机分布,中林层和上林层林木个体增加,垂直结构更趋复杂;树种隔离程度下降,建群种锐齿栎的优势度增强,膀胱果、白桦和青榨槭种群的优势度下降。[结论]锐齿栎天然林群落组成和结构变化是一个复杂和缓慢的过程,6年间仅发生了一些微小的波动。  相似文献   

[目的]松材线虫病是我国对森林危害和威胁最严重的病害,控制其传播媒介昆虫松褐天牛是防治松材线虫病的主要手段。作者发现的松褐天牛深沟茧蜂(Iphiaulax monochamusi Yang)是寄生松褐天牛中老龄幼虫的重要天敌。为明确松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主和环境因子的关系,开展了本研究。[方法]通过解剖46株松褐天牛危害致死的马尾松,调查了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与马尾松、松褐天牛和环境因子之间的关系。[结果]调查研究表明:寄主树木的高度、胸径和树龄对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率没有显著影响,松褐天牛的数量对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率亦没有显著影响,而松褐天牛幼虫龄期和松褐天牛幼虫在树干上的位置显著影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率。松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与松褐天牛龄期呈显著正相关,其偏好寄生3~5龄幼虫;就天牛在其危害寄主树木上的位置而言,松褐天牛深沟茧蜂偏好寄生马尾松主干上部和在韧皮部危害的松褐天牛幼虫,其对位于马尾松树干上部的寄主幼虫寄生率最高,达27.38%,对在韧皮部生活、危害的寄主幼虫寄生率为20.18%,显著高于位于木质部生活的寄主幼虫寄生率(5.46%)。逐步回归分析表明:影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率的关键环境因子是寄主树木的坡位和其它天敌寄生率,其中,坡位与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂呈显著正相关,其它天敌寄生率与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率呈显著负相关。[结论]以上研究初步明确了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主害虫和天敌之间的关系,为今后利用该重要天敌控制松褐天牛打下了基础。  相似文献   

The ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus causes mass mortality of Fagaceae trees in Japan, and tree species differ in their susceptibility to P. quercivorus. We hypothesized that interspecific differences in susceptibility are caused by differences in beetle infestation patterns, that is, how many beetles fly to a tree and how many of those arriving bore holes. To examine how tree susceptibility is related to these parameters, two tree species with different degrees of susceptibility were studied (highly susceptible Quercus crispula and less susceptible Q. salicina). Specifically, we measured the number of male beetles per unit area that flew to the host trees (NFM) and the density of holes bored by male beetles (DH). From these two values, we calculated the proportion of male beetles flying to a host tree that bored holes (PBM). These parameters were compared for the two Quercus species. Although the two species did not differ in NFM in 2003, PBM was markedly lower for Q. salicina than for Q. crispula and DH was significantly lower for Q. salicina than for Q. crispula. Thus, the lower susceptibility of Q. salicina is partly explained by its low PBM.  相似文献   

To better understand tree regeneration trajectories and the resultant coexistence of Abies with co-dominants, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis, Tsuga diversifolia and Betula ermanii, in an old-growth subalpine forest, we investigated spatial mortality patterns during the regeneration of Abies mariesii and A. veitchii, which are abundant in the understory reflecting their shade tolerance. Regeneration of these Abies spp. from shaded understory to canopy status is affected by other canopy co-dominants. Snags of understory Abies spp. were common, suggesting that the primary mortality agent is suppression by the overstory. Although live, small Abies trees in the understory were positively associated with a Picea canopy, the long-term survival was reduced among Abies trees close to the canopy, suggesting that shading by large Picea in the overstory negatively affects understory Abies plants. The existence of shade-intolerant canopy co-dominants such as Picea and also Tsuga, which are larger and longer lived than the shade-tolerant Abies, may play an important role in preventing the Abies spp. from competitively displacing these other tree species, which are much rarer in the understory, though common in the canopy. Moreover, in spite of the fact that Betula canopies fostered recruitment and growth of Abies saplings, Abies showed no association with Betula canopy and their survival at later-stage was rather reduced near or beneath Betula canopies at the subsequent understory small tree stage. Based on spatially significant events related to tree death, this study detected such “habitat shifts” in the trajectory of tree regeneration. Accordingly, it can be concluded that careful consideration of the regeneration habitat is required for a fuller understanding of ecological processes in spatially complex old-growth forest systems.  相似文献   

Pedraza  R.A.  Williams-Linera  G. 《New Forests》2003,26(1):83-99
Four native tree species (Liquidambar styraciflua, Juglans pyriformis, Podocarpus matudae, and Carpinus caroliniana) were evaluated for their suitability in rehabilitating degraded areas of Mexican cloud forest. Plant survival and growth in height and diameter were determined in three mixed-experimental plantations with different land use histories; their performance was compared with two on-farm plantations started by landowners for forest restoration. Nearby forest fragments were controls for soil compaction. An experimental plantation with remnant trees had the highest plant survival (82%), height, basal diameter and relative growth rate. The plantation with the steepest slope had high plant survival (63%) and growth. The plantation characterized by dominance of grasses and compacted soils had the lowest survival (22%) and growth. On-farm plantations had good establishment of planted trees (5–10 species planted), and facilitated the recruitment of 9–11 woody species. Carpinus and Liquidambar appear to be suitable species for reforestation in all these areas. Podocarpus grew relatively slowly, although it performed well in two experimental sites. Juglans had high survival (76%) under the stressful conditions of the most adverse site, and therefore may be useful for rehabilitation of degraded sites. Differences among species and sites strongly suggest that species success depends on plantation site quality.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the semi-arid regions of Haryana, in Northern India, to see the effect of Azadirachta indica, Prosopis cineraria, Dalbergia sissoo and Acacia nilotica on the yield of irrigated wheat crop. Data on crop yield for each tree species at different distances (1, 3, 5 and 7 m) and four directions (east, west, north and south) from the tree bases and control (no trees) were collected. Results indicate that A. indica and P. cineraria did not show any significant difference in the wheat yield while the other two species (D. sissoo and A. nilotica) showed a reduction in wheat yield. A. nilotica had the most significant and prominent effect, and a reduction of nearly 40 to 60% wheat yield was observed. The effect of this tree species was observed even beyond the spread of the crown. D. sissoo reduced yield by 4 to 30% but the reduction was only up to a distance of 3 m. In general, the impact of trees on wheat yield was observed up to 3 m distance and there is little, if any, impact up to 5 m distance and almost no impact at 7 m distance. In all the tree species, the wheat yield was reduced to a maximum on the north side of the trees and had almost no effect in the southern direction. Crop maturity was observed to be delayed by three weeks under A. nilotica, by 9–10 days under D. sissoo, and only by 6–7 days under P. cineraria and A. indica.  相似文献   

The most common canopy trees in the savannas of northern Australia, Eucalyptus tetrodonta and E. miniata are also two of the most common species harvested to make didgeridoos, the traditional musical instrument of northern Australian Aboriginal peoples now experiencing high demand from international markets. Most of the trees of the area naturally have hollow cores, or pipes, due to termite activity, but little is known of the relationships of the cores to size of tree, tree growth or survival. In a wooded savanna of northern Australia, 267 individual trees with known growth and survival rates were cored to determine degree of termite-piping. Generalized linear modelling and multi-model inference showed that frequency of piping increased with diameter (dbh) tree for E. tetrodonta, but >85% of E. miniata trees were piped regardless of dbh. Growth (dbh increment) and survival (4-year) were size-dependent. Survival of both species decreased strongly with degree of piping (pipe ratio). For any given diameter, the growth rate of E. miniata trees was independent of pipe ratio, but for E. tetrodonta trees decreased strongly with pipe ratio. From modelled data, a 10-cm tree with pipe ratio of 0.60 was very vulnerable, growing at 0.0 cm year−1 with 46% survival rate, whereas a 40-cm tree, even with large pipe ratios (0.80), grew 0.05 cm year−1 with 98% survival rate. Traditional methods of tree harvesting remove only those smaller hollow trees that are already suffering low growth rates and are likely to die before reaching maturity, whereas current large-scale commercial methods also remove trees with higher growth and survival rates—those trees most likely to contribute to sustainable tree populations. Incorporating traditional selection and harvest methods into current commercial operations would help ensure longevity of this source of livelihood for indigenous peoples of the region.  相似文献   

Comparative water use by dryland trees in Parklands in Senegal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Despite the clear evidence of competition for water between trees and crops, there have been very few studies comparing simultaneous water use by differing tree species in drylands. Comparative water use by dryland trees was measured in Senegal using heat balance gauges at the end of the wet season and in the dry season. Significant differences between tree species were found for maximum rates of water use per unit leaf area. Indigenous species may be better adapted to the dry environment than exotic species but the indigenous species Acacia seyal Del. used more water per unit leaf area than all other species. The exotic species Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. consistently used less water per unit leaf area than most other species. There were significant differences in amounts of water used per unit leaf area by differing provenances of the same tree species. Water use in the dry season varied by a factor of three between two provenances of Acacia aneura F. Muell ex Benth. indicating potential to select provenances for drylands based on their water use characteristics. Absolute rates of water use as well as differences in sapflow between species were greatest when soils were moist suggesting that comparative sapflow studies will be most informative when carried out during the wet season. Water use rankings of the differing tree species were broadly maintained irrespective of season.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The conversion of anthropogenic into more natural, self-regenerating forests is one of the major objectives of forestry throughout Europe. In this study, we present investigations on permanent plots with different silvicultural treatment in NE German pine stands. Management of old-growth pine stands on acidic and nutrient-poor sandy sites differs in fencing, thinning, and planting of certain tree species. The investigations were carried out on the community, population, and individual level of the pine forest ecosystems. Thus, vegetation changes, size and height of tree populations, and height increment of tree individuals were observed over a time span of 6 years. Special attention was paid to short-lived tree species such as, e.g., Frangula alnus and Sorbus aucuparia, as well as to Fagus sylvatica as one of the most typical forest tree species of Central Europe. Vegetation changes are interpreted as a consequence of natural regeneration of formerly degraded forest sites, involving an increase in nutrient availability. High browsing pressure can be considered as a key factor for the inhibition of tree seedlings and growth of saplings. Some Sorbus aucuparia individuals, however, succeeded in growing out of the browsing height also in unfenced stands. Few found specimens of Fagus sylvatica proved that this species is able to establish spontaneously on these relatively dry, acidic sites under continental climate influence. Such natural regeneration processes, also including spontaneous rejuvenation of trees, can be integrated into silviculture as passive forest conversion management. An active management like thinning of stands, planting of trees, and fencing can accelerate forest conversion with regard to height growth and species number of trees.  相似文献   

On-farm indigenous (Cordia africana) and exotic (Grevillea robusta) tree species were compared in terms of the quality of their utility and their agronomic traits in the Meru Central district of Kenya. These two species are the most common indigenous and exotic trees, respectively, among the recorded 117 trees on farms. Interviews with farmers and collected documents on tree felling and planting showed that farmers considered C. africana to be more useful than G. robusta. However, farmers wanted to plant more G. robusta than C. africana because the easily established and fast growing G. robusta has a higher short-term contribution to the household economy. The advantages of C. africana, however, should be redefined in terms of its long-term contribution to farmers; C. africana contributes to farming more effectively than does G. robusta. The lower growth performance and relative difficulty in the establishment of C. africana can be compensated for by its higher timber quality and coppicing ability.  相似文献   

Effect of trees on the yield of wheat crop   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A study was conducted at the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) by planting trees of four different species: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Albizia procera, Morus alba and Leucaena leucocephala along the boundary of wheat fields in a randomized complete block design. Data on crop yield for each tree species and control (no trees) at different distances viz 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 meter (m) from the tree bases and control were collected and analyzed. The statistical analysis did not show any significant difference in the wheat yield among different tree species. However, the wheat yield was numerically lowest at 2 m distance in case of all the four tree species and control. In case of mulberry, it was lowest statistically also from other distances. Numerically higher wheat yield values were noted at later distances (8, 10 and 12 m) in case of all tree species including control except for siris where numerically highest value was found at 6 m distance. Therefore, it can be generalized that tree's impact on wheat yield can be experienced up to 2 m distance, there is little, if any, impact up to 6 m distance and almost no impact at 8, 10 and 12 m distances.  相似文献   

Variations in tree ring growth of Quercus suber L. were analysed using dendrochronological techniques on cork oak discs from trees harvested in the cork producing region of Alentejo, Portugal. A tree-ring chronology containing a strong common signal and covering the period from 1970 to 1995 was build for ca. 30-year-old cork oaks never submitted to cork harvesting using 14 trees that crossdated satisfactorily out of 30 sampled trees. The tree ring indices correlated positively with September temperature (r = 0.48, P < 0.05) and very strongly with precipitation totals from previous October until current February (r = 0.82, P < 0.001) showing that the water stored in the soil during the autumn and winter months prior to the growing season has a primordial effect on the growth of the given season. The effects of cork harvesting were analysed by comparing mean ring width, mean annual vessel area, vessel density (n°vessels/mm2), and vessel coverage (percentage of transverse surface occupied by vessels) between three mature cork oak trees and three young trees, for the period from 1987 to 1996, corresponding to the growth between two consecutive cork removals in the case of mature trees. In 1988, 1989 and 1996 (corresponding to the first and second years after cork removal, and 1996 to a year of cork removal), the ratios between ring widths of young versus mature trees was twice that for the rest of the period. However, an effect of cork removal indicated by eventual alterations in vessel size and distribution in the wood rings corresponding to the years 1988, 1989 and 1996 in the mature cork oaks was not observed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify and explore indigenous knowledge relating to fodder trees and silvopastoral management systems of small-scale farmers in seasonally dry areas of Jamaica. The objectives of the study were to: 1) explore farmers indigenous knowledge relating to fodder trees and silvopastoral management systems in a subtropical dry climate; 2) examine pastoral land-use systems and technologies in current use; and 3) seek to integrate this information into silvopastoral tree fodder systems. Data were gathered via observation and semistructured interviewing. A snowball sampling strategy was used to purposively select all small-scale farmers who had cattle in the Green Park valley for interview.Of forty farmers interviewed, 37 males (92.5%) and 3 females (7.5%) were primary caretakers of cattle. Twenty-seven of 40 farmers (68%) raised cattle to generate income. During extended droughts farmers are forced to look for alternatives to desiccated, overgrazed pasture grasses, including: 1) local travel to harvest sugar cane tops and to cut Guinea grass (Panicum maximum); 2) purchase of bag feed; and 3) harvest and use of tree fodder. Preferred fodder trees were identified as Bacedar (Guazama ulmifolia), Guango (Albizia saman), Breadnut (Brosimum alicastrum) and Quickstick (Gliricidia sepium).Recommended silvopastoral management systems include fodder hedgerows, three strata forage systems, and living fences. In addition, production of indigenous fodder tree species, introducing improved tree fodder species, and planting improved pasture grasses concurrent with cash trees is suggested.  相似文献   

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