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龙山县根据县情,明确退耕还林主体资格,鼓励多种主体实施退耕还林,调整退耕还林补助分配标准,建立健全符合龙山实际的苗木采购供应体系,强化县级项目管理职能,做到“九统一”及退耕还林与其它开发项目相结合等方面进行了完善退耕还林政策的探讨,取得了明显的项目建设成效。  相似文献   

为了提高退耕还林质量,通过调查当前退耕还林项目建设树种选择上存在的问题,总结了退耕还林树种选择对退耕还林成效的影响,提出了选择退耕还林树种的方法,以期实现“退得下、稳得住、能致富、不反弹”的目标。  相似文献   

灵石县是2002年初开始实施退耕还林项目的,县委、政府充分认识到退耕还林是国家加强生态环境建设的重大战略决策,紧紧把握这次千载难逢的机遇,  相似文献   

张家界市退耕还林工程调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹志坚 《湖南林业科技》2006,33(2):55-57,69
为了全面了解退耕还林工程实施的基本情况,分析工程建设的生态、经济、社会效益及存在的不足,对桑植县、永定区的有关乡镇进行调查研究,从而对张家界市退耕还林的现状有了基本的认识,对如何进一步搞好退耕还林项目建设,特别是如何加强退耕还林后续产业建设提出见解。  相似文献   

指出了2008年以来,永靖县实施了巩固退耕还林成果专项规划建设项目,通过对项目基本情况的阐述,分析了项目建设取得的成效,总结了项目实施中的一些管理措施及取得的显著的经济效益,以期对退耕还林工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

隆回县广大农民以退耕还林试点示范项目为契机,积极投身到生态环境保护和建设中去。截止 8月底,该县已有 4万农民扛着锄头走上山头,完成退耕还林整地 333 3公顷。 隆回县是我省四个退耕还林试点县之一,为此,该县提出了“不给洞庭输泥沙,要为资江送清水”的建设目标,成立了由县主要负责人挂帅的退耕还林指挥部,并作出了相应的决议。该县决定今年完成退耕还林 2666 7公顷,并按照“退一还二”的原则,同期完成宜林荒山造林 2666 7公顷。力争用 5年时间,将该县 2 67万公顷坡度在 25度以上的坡耕地全部退耕还林。 9月 3日,该…  相似文献   

2001年以来,青海湟中县响应国家生态建设号召,积极争取成为退耕还林的建设县。为使退耕还林工程中规范建设和管理,提高工程建设质量,保护退耕还林者的合法权益,确保工程建设的顺利实施,县林业局总结经验,结合中澳合作青海林业资源管理项目,把参与式方法推广运用到退耕还林工程建设中。  相似文献   

自1990年以来,在国家林业局的大力支持下,河南省积极拓宽引资渠道。先后引进了世行贷款和亚行贷款项目。2000年.又启动了天然林保护和退耕还林工程。外资项目、天然林保护和退耕还林工程实施后均取得了显的成效。建设质量和发展速度在全国名列前茅。  相似文献   

摘 要:介绍了铜仁市新一轮退耕还林工程建设实施情况,客观评价和分析了工程建设取得的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。针对新一轮退耕还林项目建设用地难、效益低、管护资金少、产业链不发达、部门联动不足等矛盾和问题,充分利用国家支持贵州在新时代西部大开发上闯新路的新机遇,提出统筹造林项目、实施提质增效、健全产业结构、完善政策体系、强化绩效考核等高质量发展对策建议。  相似文献   

一、基本情况 多年来,定兴县林业工作始终坚持“以经济建设为中心,加快生态建设,创建人与自然和谐发展的生态强县”的指导思想,依托退耕还林工程、生态文明村建设工程、世界银行贷款造林项目及绿色通道建设工程等重点项目工程建设,全面推进全县生态安全建设,加快林业产业结构和林业产业发展步伐。  相似文献   

This study presents data on the biomass and net aerial primaryproductivity (NAPP) of two contrasting East Anglian salt marshes.One site was at Tollesbury, Essex where the marshes are of theestuarine type and are subject to marsh degradation and erosionwhile the other site was 130 km to the north at Stiffkey, Norfolkwhere the barrier-type marshes are still actively developing withno signs of erosion. The NAPP was determined by the method ofSmalley with quadrats being harvested monthly with replacement.At the lowest levels at Tollesbury there was Pioneer Marshwhich was dominated by a mixture of Salicornia spp. and Astertripolium. At higher levels at Tollesbury there was LowerMarsh which was dominated by a mixture of Atriplex portulacoides andPuccinellia maritima. Over the four years of the studyPuccinellia became the dominant species following a markeddecrease in the extent and vigour of Atriplex. At Stiffkey theMiddle Marsh was at a much higher level and the vegetation waspredominantly a short dense sward with Atriplex portulacoides,Puccinellia maritima and Limonium vulgare together with smallerquantities of Armeria maritima and Plantago maritima. The meanNAPPs over three years of the Pioneer and Lower Marsh atTollesbury (467 & 519 g m-2 yr-1respectively) were similar butin 1993 the NAPPs recorded at Tollesbury were higher than thoserecorded at Stiffkey (625 & 583 compared with 458 g m-2yr-1).Smalleys method is difficult to apply to communities wherespecies dominance is variable, especially when dominance isshared between species with markedly different growth patterns.The results for NAPP obtained from the salt marshes at Tollesburyand Stiffkey are discussed in relation to results obtained byother workers from comparable areas in England and theNetherlands. Attention is also drawn to the possibly largerbelow-ground component of production that is frequentlyoverlooked. The importance of salt marshes in relation to othercoastal communities lies in the export of a proportion of theorganic matter produced and this mainly depends on theabove-ground production.  相似文献   

Laurel wilt, caused by the fungus Raffaelea lauricola and transmitted by the exotic ambrosia beetle Xyleborus glabratus, has killed members of the Lauraceae plant family throughout the southeast United States. A series of experiments were conducted to examine the effects of inoculum concentration on the development of laurel wilt in swamp bay, Persea palustris, and avocado, Persea americana. In each experiment, host plants were inoculated with aqueous suspensions of 102, 103, 104 or 105 conidia of R. lauricola, and plants were rated periodically for external symptom development (wilting and foliar dieback). At the end of experiments, plants were rated for internal symptoms of the disease (discoloration of sapwood) and assayed for R. lauricola on a semi‐selective medium. Symptom severity in swamp bay was significantly lower for the 102 treatment than at higher (103–105) concentrations, whereas 102 and 103 conidia caused less disease than 104 and 105 conidia in avocado. At the lowest inoculum concentration, 67% of the swamp bay plants and 20% of the avocados died by the time the respective experiments were terminated. The pathogen was recovered from a high proportion of the symptomatic sapwood of swamp bay (100%) and avocado (94%), and sapwood discoloration and recovery of R. lauricola from inoculated stems of swamp bay were highly correlated with recovery of the pathogen and symptom development in roots. Clearly, swamp bay and avocado are very sensitive to R. lauricola. The ability of only 100 conidia of this pathogen to kill these hosts suggests that few individuals of X. glabratus or other ambrosia beetles that carry low levels of the pathogen would be sufficient to transmit conidia that infect and lead to disease development. The results are also relevant to the development of disease‐tolerant host selections, as they indicate levels of the pathogen appropriate for use in screening plants for disease resistance.  相似文献   

采用野外调查与查阅标本相结合的方法,对东莞蕨类植物区系及其分布特点进行研究,结果表明:东莞市有蕨类植物37科66属125种,其区系特点为:①分布区类型在科、属、种的水平上皆以热带、亚热带性质为主,占各自总数的64.87%、75.76%与61.60%。②科与属的分布区类型显示出东莞蕨类植物区系从热带向亚热带过渡的性质,与温带蕨类植物区系的联系较弱;在种的水平上,温带成分占总数的28.80%,呈现出热带蕨类植物区系向温带蕨类植物区系过渡的特点。③在种的水平上热带亚洲分布及东亚分布类型构成了东莞蕨类植物区系的主体,各占38.40%和20.80%。④与周边4个地区的比较中,与深圳的相似性为最高,与乐昌的相似性为最低;总体上,东莞蕨类植物区系与周围地区关系较为密切。  相似文献   

We carried out an ethno-medico-biological investigation in the interior of Bhadrak district, Odisha, India to explore the therapeutic use of traditional plants/animals by local inhabitants. The villagers and rural people used plant and animal species as medicine. We recorded therapeutic use of 18 plant species of 13 families and 12 animal species of seven taxonomic categories. Different plant/animal parts like bark, leaf, flower, seed, stem, root, whole plant, oil, blood, milk, urine and flesh were reported as used in raw or cooked form against 17 specific diseases. Prominent diseases treated by plant/animal remedies were asthma, cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, epilepsy, jaundice, malaria, skin disorder and rheumatism. This study provides a better database for future studies.  相似文献   

当前 ,人类赖以生存的地球资源与环境面临越来越严重的威胁。如何迅速、宏观、准确、周期性监控资源和环境 ,已被各国和国际环境组织所重视 ,而卫星遥感就具有迅速、宏观、准确、周期性等特点 ,已被各国应用。内蒙古大兴安岭林业调查规划设计院于 1996年松岭林业局森林资源二类调查时就采用了这个先进的卫星遥感技术。现将影响卫片色调的坡向、坡度、坡位、林分龄组、郁闭度的五大因素进行系统研究 ,找出其相关规律 ,为今后的森林资源调查建立标志和目视判读解译标志提供理论依据  相似文献   

订正了《甘肃省小陇山高等植物志》荨麻科、石竹科、毛茛科、樟科、十字花科、五加科、木犀科植物30种5变种2亚种的学名。  相似文献   

Six mansonoes, previously isolated from Ulmus americana L. infected by Ceratocystis ulmi (Buis.) C. Moreau, were assayed for their inhibitory activity against several strains of the fungus. Mansonone A was most effective in inhibiting the linear growth of six strains of C. ulmi tested. A mixture of the pure mansonones, recombined at their original concentrations, was less inhibitory to the three aggressive strains of C. ulmi than the non-aggressive ones. The total mansonone fraction accounted for all the inhibition of the three non-aggressive strains.  相似文献   

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