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A sensitive and selective analytical method for the determination of acrolein in heated vegetable oils by liquid chromatographic separation with pulsed electrochemical detection is described. An optimized triple-step pulsed waveform, based on the formation/inhibition of PtOH species on the electrode surface, a consequence of the absence/presence of adsorbing analytes, is described for the sensitive detection of acrolein in acidic medium. Under these optimized experimental conditions the proposed analytical method allowed detection limits of 0.15 microM without pre- or postcolumn derivatization or tedious cleanup procedures. The proposed analytical method was successfully employed for the sensitive determination of acrolein in fresh and heated vegetable oils with good mean recoveries, selectivity, and analytical reproducibility.  相似文献   

The content of phytosterol oxidation products was determined in samples of crude vegetable oils: peanut, sunflower, maize, palm nut, and lampante olive oils that were intended for refining and not for direct consumption. The 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxy derivatives of beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol and the 7-keto-beta-sitosterol were the principal phytosterol oxides found in almost all of the oils analyzed. In some oils, the epoxy and dihydroxy derivatives of beta-sitosterol were also found at very low levels. The highest total concentrations of phytosterol oxides, ranging from 4.5 to 67.5 and from 4.1 to 60.1 ppm, were found in sunflower and maize oils, respectively. Lower concentrations were present in the peanut oils, 2.7-9.6 ppm, and in the palm nut oil, 5.5 ppm, whereas in the lampante olive oils, only three samples of the six analyzed contained a low concentration (1.5-2.5 ppm) of oxyphytosterols. No detectable levels of phytosterol oxides were found in the samples of palm and coconut oils. Bleaching experiments were carried out on a sample of sunflower oil at 80 degrees C for 1 h with 1 and 2% of both acidic and neutral earths. The bleaching caused a reduction of the hydroxyphytosterol with partial formation of steroidal hydrocarbons with three double bonds in the ring system at the 2-, 4-, and 6-positions (steratrienes). The same sunflower oil was deodorized at 180 degrees C under vacuum for 1 h, and no dehydration products were formed with a complete recovery of the hydroxyphytosterols. A bleaching test with acidic earths was carried out also with an extra virgin olive oil fortified with 7-keto-cholesterol, dihydroxycholesterol, and alpha-epoxy-cholesterol. There was no formation of steratrienes from these compounds, but dihydroxycholesterol underwent considerable decomposition and alpha-epoxycholesterol underwent ring opening with formation of the dihydroxy derivative, whereas 7-ketocholesterol was rather stable  相似文献   

A simple and precise analytical method for the determination of hydroxy pentacyclic triterpene acids (HPTAs) in vegetable oils was developed. The acidic fraction was isolated by solid-phase extraction using bonded aminopropyl cartridges, and the extract was silylated and analyzed by gas chromatography. Repeatability and recovery of the method were determined. In virgin olive oils, similar amounts of oleanolic (3beta-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic) and maslinic (2alpha,3beta-dihydroxyolean-12-ene-28oic) acids and traces of ursolic (3beta-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic) acid were found. The main factor affecting HPTA concentration was the oil quality since that increases as the quality decreases, while olive variety, olive ripeness, and oil extraction system had less influence. In crude olive pomace oils, the concentrations were very much higher than in virgin olive oils. During refining processes, total or significant losses of HPTAs were observed. Esterified derivatives of HPTAs were not found.  相似文献   

The similarities and differences of eight vegetable oils produced in China were investigated in terms of their fatty acid, sterol, and tocopherol compositions and subsequent data processing by hierarchical clustering analysis and principal component analysis. The lipid profiles, acquired by analytical techniques tailored to each lipid class, revealed great similarities among the fatty acid profiles of corn and sesame oil as well as few differences in their sterol profiles. It turns out that not only was there great similarity between the fatty acid profiles of corn oil and sesame oil but also there were not too many differences for the sterol profiles. Sunflower and tea-seed oil showed similar sterol compositions, while the tea-seed oil tocopherol was very similar to palm oil. The results demonstrated that the use of only one of these profiles was unreliable for indentifying oil origin and authenticity. In contrast, the use of the sterol or tocopherol profile together with the fatty acid profile more accurately discriminates these oils.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least-square regression were used for determination of alpha-tocopherol in edible oils after extraction with ethanol. The standard error of calibration and the standard error of prediction were calculated for evaluation of the calibration models. The chemometric calibration model was prepared in spectral region 6500-4500 cm(-1) for standard alpha-tocopherol solutions (0.54-53.54 mg/mL). Obtained mean concentrations of natural alpha-tocopherol in different types of oils varied from 17.53 to 57.10 mg/100 g. Net analyte signal calculation was used to estimate detection limit (DL = 0.12 mg/mL), quantification limit (QL = 0.40 mg/mL), sensitivity (SEN = 0.045 mg/mL), and selectivity (SEL ranged between 0.24 and 0.54% of the measured reflectance signal) of the proposed NIR method. The comparable precision (RSD = 0.68-2.80% and 0.79-3.06%) and accuracy (recovery, 97.2-102.4% and 96.8-103.2%) for the proposed NIR and standard HPLC methods, demonstrate the benefit of the NIR method in the routine analysis of alpha-tocopherol in vegetable oils.  相似文献   

Vinyl chloride in foods is determined by gas-liquid chromatography either by direct injection of vinegars and alcoholic beverages or by headspace analysis of vegetable oils. The lower limit of detection is 10-15 ng/ml for direct injection and 1-10 ppb for headspace analysis. Confirmation by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, single ion monitoring at m/c 62, is possible at 50 ppb for either method. The levels of vinyl chloride bottles were 0.0-1.6 mu-g/ml for alcoholic beverages, 0.0-8.4 mu-g/ml for vinegars, and 0.3-3.3 ppm for peanut oil.  相似文献   

A new sensitive and selective method has been developed for the quantification of the total coenzyme Q9 (CoQ9) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) concentration in vegetable oil samples. The coenzyme Q fraction is isolated by solid-phase extraction (SPE) on amino phase eluting with a mixture of heptane:ethyl ether. The organic solvent is evaporated under nitrogen, and the residue is dissolved in a mixture of acetonitrile:tetrahydrofuran and finally is analyzed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with a mass detector. The sensitivity of the method is based on the high efficient formation of the radical anions [M (-.)] of CoQ9 and CoQ10 by negative atmospheric pressure ionization. Interferences are minimized by using mass detection of the [M (-.)] ions ( m/ z = 797.5 for CoQ9 and m/ z = 862.5 for CoQ10) in selective reaction monitoring mode ( m/ z = 797.5 --> m/ z = 779.5 and m/ z = 862.5 --> m/ z = 847.5) using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer. The method was successfully applied to sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed oils, with a limit of quantification of 0.025 mg/kg for both compounds.  相似文献   

Symptoms resembling off-target plant growth regulator (PGR) herbicide injury are frequently found in soybean fields, but the causal agent is often difficult to identify. The expression of GH3, an auxin-regulated soybean gene, was quantified from soybean leaves injured by PGR herbicides using real-time RT-PCR. Expression of GH3 was analyzed to ascertain its suitability for use in a diagnostic assay to determine whether PGR herbicides are the cause of injury. GH3 was highly induced by dicamba within 3 days after treatment (DAT) and remained high at 7 DAT, but induction was much lower at 17 DAT. GH3 was also highly induced at 7 DAT by dicamba + diflufenzopyr, and to a lesser extent by the other PGR herbicides clopyralid and 2,4-D. The non-PGR herbicides glyphosate, imazethapyr, and fomesafen did not significantly induce GH3 expression above a low constitutive level. These results indicate that a diagnostic assay for PGR herbicide injury based on overexpression of auxin-responsive genes is feasible, and that GH3 is a potential candidate from which a diagnostic assay could be developed. However, time course analysis of GH3 expression indicates the assay would be effective for a limited time after exposure to the herbicide.  相似文献   

Virgin argan oil possesses high antioxidant capacity (AC), which may be partially explained by its high content in antioxidant molecules such as polyphenols and tocopherols. However, the content in other antioxidant molecules, for example, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ(10)), coenzyme Q9 (CoQ(9)), and melatonin (Mel), which have been identified in other edible vegetable oils, have not been evaluated in virgin argan oil. Consequently, it was decided to evaluate the contents of CoQ(10), CoQ(9), and Mel in virgin argan oils and compare the results to those obtained in extra virgin olive oils and some varieties of seed oils. By the use of sensitive HPLC-EC/F methods, the results showed that virgin argan oil is a rich source of CoQ(10) and Mel, but no CoQ(9) was detected. Extra virgin olive oil showed higher levels of CoQ(10) and lower levels of Mel than virgin argan oil. Between the seed oil samples, only virgin soybean oil showed higher CoQ(10) and Mel levels than virgin argan oil. The results may be relevant for the contribution of CoQ(10) and Mel to the biological activities of virgin argan oil.  相似文献   

A novel multiresidue analysis method is developed for the determination of twenty phthalate esters at the μg/kg level in edible vegetable oils by microwave-assisted extraction-gel permeation chromatography-solid phase extraction-high resolution gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MAE-GPC-SPE-HRGC-MS/MS). The samples were extracted with methanol under microwave incubation. Cleanup was carried out with GPC followed by a further C18 SPE column and then separated by the HP-5MS capillary column under a temperature program. The eluents were qualitatively and quantitatively determined by tandem mass analyzer with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) type and positive ion mode. The calibration curves showed good linearity in the range 5 μg/kg to 2.50 mg/kg with correlation coefficients larger than 0.999. Low detection limits (LODs) of 0.218-1.367 μg/kg and quantification limits (LOQ) of 0.72-4.51 μg/kg were achieved. The mean recoveries were in the range from 93.04% to 104.6% at 5, 15, and 40 μg/kg spiked levels, and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were in the range of 1.01% and 5.26% (n = 7). This method could potentially overcome the interference from large amounts of lipids and pigment. The real sample test showed this method can be used for sensitive and accurate determination and confirmation of phthalate ester residues in high-fat and complex samples.  相似文献   

The adoption of the 7th amendment of the European Cosmetic Directive 76/768/EEC requires any cosmetic product containing any of 26 raw materials identified by the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for Consumers as likely to cause a contact allergy when present above certain trigger levels to be declared on the package label. Of these 26, 24 are volatile and can be analyzed by GC. This paper describes a method for the quantitative analysis of these volatile raw materials in perfume ingredients as well as complex perfume compositions. The method uses sequential dual-column GC-MS analysis. The full-scan data acquired minimize the false-positive and false-negative identifications that can be observed with alternate methods based on data acquired in the SIM mode. For each sample, allergen levels are determined on both columns sequentially, leading to two numerical results for each allergen. Quantification limits for each allergen in a perfume mixture based on the analysis of a standard are <4 mg/kg. This is well below the level that would trigger label declaration on the consumer good. Calibration curves for all allergens are linear (r > 0.999) and stable for multiple days. Studies on perfumes spiked with multiple allergens at 30, 50, and 70 mg/kg show recoveries close to nominal values.  相似文献   

紫色土区存在耕作破碎母岩补充土壤的现象,尤其是在土层浅薄且岩性松软的泥页岩区,然而目前鲜有相关方面报道。为定量评估不同自然条件和耕作方式下母岩破碎运动特征,以裸露泥岩为研究对象,在野外模拟耕作试验中使用物理示踪法追踪2种含水率(7.44%和14.77%)和5个坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°、25°)条件下,不同深度(2、4、6 cm)耕作引起的母岩破碎运动情况。结果表明:1)含水率是影响母岩破碎运动的重要因素,且耕作深度越小其影响越大;2)随着耕作深度的增大,岩屑的平均位移呈逐渐减小的变化趋势,2 cm深度耕作引起的岩屑位移最大;3)岩屑位移随着深度的增加快速减小,且岩石含水率高的坡面减小幅度更大;4)母岩含水率较高(14.77%)时,坡度对坡面岩屑运动没有显著影响(P>0.1),但母岩含水率较低(7.44%)时,坡度与坡面岩屑位移存在显著正相关关系(P<0.1)。可见,耕作破碎母岩过程受到岩石含水率、耕作深度和坡度的共同影响,且各因子在不同深度的作用机制不同。该研究为揭示母岩人为风化成土和侵蚀机制初步提供了技术支撑和依据。  相似文献   

The aqueous alcohol-soluble fraction of wheat gluten is gliadin. This component has been implicated as the causative principle in celiac disease, which is a physiological condition experienced by some infants and adults. The outcome of the ingestion of whole wheat products by susceptible individuals is malabsorption of nutrients resulting from loss of intestinal vili, the nutrient absorption regions of the digestive system. This leads to incessant diarrhea and weight loss in these individuals. Only recently has this health condition been properly recognized and accurately diagnosed in this country. The culprit gliadin is characterized by preponderant glutamine side-chain residues on the protein surface. Gliadin is commercially available as a wheat gluten extract, and in our search for new biobased and environmentally friendly products from renewable agricultural substrates, we have exploited the availability of the glutamine residues of gliadin as synthons to produce novel elastomeric nonfood products dubbed "milkglyde", "saliglyde", and soyglyde from milkweed, salicornia and soybean oils. The reaction is an amidolysis of the oxirane groups of derivatized milkweed, salicornia, and soybean oils under neat reaction conditions with the primary amide functionalties of glutamine to give the corresponding amidohyroxy gliadinyl triglycerides, respectively. The differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analyses, and rheological data from a study of these products indicate properties similar to those of synthetic rubber.  相似文献   

利用自流式农田地下淋溶收集装置,研究设施蔬菜有机种植中有机肥与水的不同管理模式下氮素淋洗的变化特征,并对土壤-作物体系的氮素表观平衡进行评估。结果表明,有机肥施肥量对淋洗液中NO3--N浓度有明显影响,并在施肥后60 d左右出现峰值,种植期间的淋溶液中NO3--N的平均浓度最高达到61.57 mg/L。施肥量明显影响氮素累积淋洗量,常规水肥管理(施有机肥N量718.2 kg/hm2,灌溉量1 200 mm)下氮素淋失量最大,为17.32 kg/hm2;而水肥减量管理(施有机肥N量359.1 kg/hm2,灌溉量700 mm)下,氮素淋失量明显降低,为10.78 kg/hm2。在0~90 cm的作物-土壤体系中,常规施肥管理下的氮素平衡值超过300 kg/hm2,而减半量施肥的平衡值在15.0 kg/hm2以下,有效地维持了系统氮素平衡。  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with 3-7 rings in (I) meat, poultry, fish, and yeast; and (II) oils and fats. The extraction of PAHs from group I is incomplete, and, therefore, group I samples must be dissolved homogeneously by saponification in 2N methanolic potassium hydroxide. The PAHs are concentrated by liquid-liquid extraction (methanol-water-cyclohexane, N,N - dimethylformamide - water-cyclohexane) and by column chromatography on Sephadex LH 20. The PAHs are separated by high-performance gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with columns containing 5% OV-101 on Gas-Chrom Q and estimated by integration of the flame ionization detector signals in relation to an internal standard (3,6-dimethylphenanthrene and/or benzo(b)chrysene). The sensitivity is significantly higher than that obtained with ultraviolet spectroscopic methods. The reproducibility and margin of error were tested with meat samples fortified with 11 PAHs and with samples of sunflower oil. The method was further applied to meat, smoked fish, yeast, and unrefined sunflower oil. All samples investigated contained more than 100 PAHs (characterized by mass spectrometry) of which only the main components were determined: phenanthrene, anthracene, fluorene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene + benzo (j)fluoranthene + benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(e)pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene, perylene, dibenz(a,j)anthracene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene + indeno(1,2,3,-cd)pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, anthanthrene, and coronene. In contrast to other methods, the GLC profile analysis allows the recording of known and unknown PAH peaks simultaneously and also allows a compilation of all PAHs.  相似文献   

A novel screening method using an automated flow injection electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry system is proposed for the simultaneous determination of five nonprotein amino acids (β-alanine, alloisoleucine, ornithine, citrulline, pyroglutamic acid) and three betaines (glycine betaine, trigonelline, proline betaine) after derivatization with butanolic HCl. MS/MS experiments were carried out in a triple-quadrupole instrument using multiple reaction monitoring mode in <2 min. The proposed method provided high fingerprinting power to identify the presence of five of the studied compounds in different types of vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower, corn, olive) with LODs at parts per billion levels. The method was validated, and different mixtures of extra virgin olive oil with seed oils were analyzed, achieving the typification for the detection of adulterations in extra virgin olive oils up to 2% w/w. The nonprotein amino acid ornithine was confirmed as a marker for adulteration in the olive oils analyzed.  相似文献   

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