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1998年春,嘉祥县引种新川中岛桃,该品种表现个大、早果、丰产,平均单果重291.8g,3年生树平均株产14.5kg,果实于8月上旬基本达到全红,8月中旬转为浓红,生育期135天左右。  相似文献   

新川中岛桃及其栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新川中岛桃果实外观鲜红艳丽 ,平均单果重 350~ 4 50 g ,含可溶性固形物 1 3.5%。自花结实率高 ,成花易。在河北涿鹿 8月下旬成熟。栽培时宜选壤土、砂壤土建园 ,株行距 2m× 4m ,采用“Y”形整枝  相似文献   

1999年冬我们从安徽省六安市引入新川中岛桃成苗,2000年春定植在山东省郓城县西陈庄村,配置大久保作授粉树,试验园面积0.2 hm2.经4年引种观察,该品种表现果个大,着色鲜艳,优质丰产,为优良中晚熟品种,具有较好的发展前景.  相似文献   

1998年春引进新川中岛桃 1年生嫁接苗 ,苗高80cm ,平均地径 0 8cm ,砧木为毛桃 ,在小雪镇铁炉村定植建园 ,面积 2hm2 ,株行距 3m× 4m ,配置了授粉树。定植后第 2年即大量结果 ,平均 666 7m2 产 5 60kg ,第3年 1 5 40kg ,第 4年 2 70 0kg ,第 5年达 3 0 80kg。果实 7月下旬至 8月上旬成熟 ,平均单果重 40 0g ,全面艳红 ,果肉浅黄色 ,肉质细 ,果汁多 ,味浓甜 ,口感特佳。栽植时于定植前挖宽 80cm、深 80cm的条沟 ,每666 7m2 施鸡粪 2 0 0 0kg ,复合肥 80kg ,土与肥混匀 ,填平条沟 ,灌水沉实 ,起垄栽植 ,垄高 3 0cm ,栽后浇水覆膜。  从定…  相似文献   

新川中岛桃早期丰产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新川中岛是日本长野县选育的桃新品种 ,该品种平均单果重 40 0 g,果面鲜红色 ,汁液多 ,味浓甜 ,耐贮运。山东省曲阜市于 1 998年从胶东地区引进 ,经 5年栽培试验 ,该品种在曲阜市 7月下旬至 8月上旬成熟 ,丰产性好。现将试验结果报道如下。1 试验园基本情况及历年产量试验园设在山东省曲阜市小雪镇铁炉村。当地年平均气温 1 3 .6℃ ,年平均降水量 691 .4mm,年日照时数 2 468.8小时 ,年无霜期 2 0 1天。园地土壤为棕壤土 ,p H值 7.1 ,土壤有机质含量 0 .7%。试验园面积 2 hm2 ,1 998年春定植 ,行株距 4m× 3 m,主栽品种为新川中岛 ,授粉品…  相似文献   

新川中岛桃是日本长野县池田正元氏从川中岛白桃中选育出的优良品种.1994年山东果树研究所直接从日本中岛天香园引进.经南北各地试栽观察,综合性状优秀.2001年,河南省郸城县龙王农业有限责任公司示范基地从中国林科院引进该品种试栽,6 a来产量和收益显著,表现较好.现从高质量建园,加强土肥水管理,科学整形修剪等5方面总结了一套无公害丰产栽培技术规程.  相似文献   

以新川中岛桃为试材,进行套袋对果实的影响试验.结果表明,定果后(谢花后7周)及时套内黑外浅黄双层纸袋,不套袋果实开始着色时摘袋,摘袋后5天及时采收,可以显著改善果实的外观质量.套袋表现果面光洁、茸毛极短、底色乳白、着色鲜红艳丽,裂果率仅1 7%左右,比不套袋果降低近10个百分点,且果实早熟7~10天.套袋果果实可溶性固形物含量和硬度比对照稍有降低.  相似文献   

新川中岛桃系日本池田正元氏发现的川中岛白桃浓红色枝变,山东省果树所于1994年从日本中岛天香园引入我国,1998年开始推广。经试栽观察认为该品种具有以下六个特点:一、果个大,平均单果重250~350g;二、着色好,成熟时鲜红色面可达100%;  相似文献   

赵永孝 《落叶果树》1998,30(2):27-27
新川中岛桃品种引种初报赵永孝(山东省果树研究所泰安271000)新川中岛系日本长野县池田正元氏在福岛县从川中岛白桃(从实生苗里选出的品种)中选育成的新品种。1994年直接从日本中岛天香园引进。通过在省内外多点试栽观察,认为该品种栽培适应性强,早实丰产...  相似文献   

桃地方品种果实糖酸主要组分的遗传关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】定位桃果实糖酸主要组分的QTLs(Quantitative Trait Loci),获得与其相关的分子标记,应用于分子标记辅助育种。【方法】以来源于中国6个生态群96份桃地方品种为试材,采用定位于桃8条连锁群上的52对SSR(Simple Sequence Repeats)标记引物,用STRUCTURE 2.3.3和TASSEL2.0.1软件分别对群体结构和全基因组SSR位点间的连锁不平衡(Linkage Disequilibrium,LD)状况进行分析。再结合糖酸组分中的果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、山梨醇,可滴定酸和果肉p H等表型数据后进行关联分析。【结果】群体结构显示供试的96份桃地方品种基于ΔK数学模型可以分为7个亚群;LD分析表明在52个SSR位点组成的1 326个成对组合中,198个成对位点存在着显著LD且得到统计概率支持。相关性分析表明,山梨醇与蔗糖、葡萄糖呈极显著正相关,与p H呈显著正相关;蔗糖与葡萄糖、p H呈极显著正相关,与果糖呈显著正相关;葡萄糖与p H、果糖呈极显著正相关;p H与可滴定酸呈显著负相关。本研究共得到39个与桃糖酸组分相关的主效QTL,依次为:5个果糖相关的QTL,11个葡萄糖相关的QTLs,5个蔗糖相关的QTLs,9个山梨醇相关的QTLs,5个可滴定酸相关的QTLs,及4个p H相关的QTLs。部分位点与前人定位的连锁群相同,部分QTLs位点同时调控多个糖、酸组分。【结论】本研究共得到57个桃糖酸组分的QTLs,有53个QTLs为首次报道,表型变异率大于10%的有39个,经Bonferroni多重检验校正后,标记效应大于10%存有4个,分别是与p H关联的位点BPPCT023.2011、UDP96-013.2011、与山梨醇关联的位点CPPCT030.2011、与果糖关联的位点CPPCT033.2012,具潜在的育种标记开发利用价值。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨外源褪黑素对桃生长和果实品质的影响.[方法]以早熟桃'早蜜'为试材,于果实膨大期对其叶片喷施不同浓度的褪黑素,测定了桃果实成熟期的新梢生长量、生理状况和果实品质指标.[结果]50?150 pmol?L-1的褪黑素处理能促进桃新梢的生长,增加其茎长和茎粗.150μmol L1褪黑素提高了桃叶片超氧化物歧化酶活...  相似文献   


Changes in the severity of pulp browning, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene concentrations, and related gene expression in peach (Prunus persica L. ‘Bayuecui’) fruit stored at the biological freezing-point temperature (BFT; 1ºC), at 4ºC, or at room temperature (20ºC; as a control) were investigated.The results showed that fruit stored at room temperature showed climacteric changes in ethylene and ABA concentrations and in levels of expression of the corresponding ethylene synthetase genes (PpACS1, PpACO1) and the gene for a key enzyme of ABA synthesis (PpNCED), concomitant with a significant decrease in fruit firmness and an increase in juice yield. Meanwhile, two sucrose synthase genes (PpSUS1 and PpSUS2) were expressed at relatively low levels. However, fruit firmness decreased slightly and chilling injury (CI) increased significantly 40 d after storage (DAS) at 4ºC, with a significant accumulation of proline [from 8.33 µg g–1 (at t = 0 d) to 9.125 µg g–1 (at t = 40 d)]. In contrast, fruit firmness decreased slowly and pulp browning increased slightly 80 DAS at the BFT ( 1ºC), with a lower accumulation of proline than in fruit stored at 4ºC. The concentrations of soluble sugars and titratable acidity decreased during storage at 1ºC, 4ºC, or 20ºC, but there was a peak of soluble sugars at a late stage of storage at the BFT ( 1ºC). The fruit browning index was significantly and positively correlated (R 2 = 0.967) with ABA concentration. The decrease in ABA concentration in cold-stored fruit (at both 1ºC and 4ºC) inhibited ethylene production. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between CI in fruit and ethylene production. In conclusion, the decrease in ABA concentration reduced ethylene concentrations and inhibited the development of pulp browning, which resulted in an improved taste, but crisper fruit, when fruit were stored at the BFT (–1ºC).  相似文献   

以软溶质水蜜桃清水白桃为试材,分别在树上完熟的前6、4和2d采样,贮藏于25℃,相对湿度90%的环境条件下至完熟,与树上完熟果实相比较,调查了果实的生理变化、色泽和果汁品质性状,并对完熟果实进行了风味评定。结果表明,贮藏期间的果实乙烯释放量以完熟前2d采收的果实增加最快并在果实完熟时达到最大,树上完熟的果实乙烯释放量最少。树上完熟前6d采收的果实,果皮亮度、果汁的蔗糖含量、“果香型”内酯类物质含量均低于后3次采收的果实,其中以树上完熟前2d采收的果实为最高。相反滴定酸、柠檬酸、天冬酰胺和“清香型”香气物质含量以树上完熟前6d采收的果实最高。完熟果实的风味评定也显示了树上完熟前2d采收的果实综合评价最高,早期采收的果实即使贮藏后达到完熟果肉硬度,甜度和香味少、酸味重。另外,树上完熟的果实肉质粗,酸度低,有怪香味,综合评价不高。  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellic acid, GA3, on breaking of dormancy, sprouting and flowering of 9 cultivars of tulips was investigated, using 4 cultivars recommended for forcing and 5 not suitable for forcing. GA3 was applied to the basal plates of the bulbs in a lanolin paste before planting, or was injected into the bulbs prior to rooting or after 38 or 64 days of cold treatment. The application of GA3 stimulated sprouting, growth of floral stalks and flowering in all investigated cultivars. Injection of GA3 was more effective than topical application. The effect of GA3 on sprouting and flowering of plants was especially effective after 38 or 64 days of cold treatment. The possibility of applying GA3 in commercial horticulture is considered.  相似文献   


Late in the season, a double-labelled solution containing 15N-enriched urea and 68Zn sulphate was painted on the entire leaf area of 15, 1-year-old ‘O’Henry/Nemaguard’ peach trees to quantify N and Zn movement out of leaves following foliar application, and redistribution of these nutrients to new growth in the following Spring. About 47% of the labelled N and only 7% of the labelled Zn painted on the leaf surfaces was recovered in the permanent structure of the trees after leaf fall. Thus, it is concluded that foliar applications of Zn in the Autumn are not very efficient at supplying Zn to peach trees, especially when compared to supplying N as urea sprays in the Autumn. These data raise the possibility that foliar applications of Zn may actually be considered as soil applications, because 90% or more of the foliar-applied Zn may be carried to the orchard floor at the time of leaf fall. Therefore, future research needs to focus on assessing the efficacy of foliar applications for Zn nutrition of fruit trees, and identification of potentially detrimental effects from possible excessive soil accumulation of Zn. Once within the tree, however, labelled Zn was quite mobile and was stored throughout the plant, including in the roots. Of the labelled N and Zn exported from treated leaves prior to leaf fall, a substantial redistribution from storage was evident by 2 weeks after bloom and, by 4 weeks after bloom, 38% and 56% of the labelled N and Zn, respectively, had been redistributed from storage in roots, trunk and 1-year-old shoots to new growth. The biomass of new, above-ground growth tripled between 2 – 4 weeks after bloom and was coincident with a conspicuous influx of both N and Zn from the soil.  相似文献   

‘St. Julien A’ (Prunus instititia L.) rootstock was induced to proliferate shoots on a modified half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Cultures treated with 12.5 mg l?1 gibberellic acid (GA3) produced elongated shoots suitable for rooting. Elongated shoots were placed in media with indolebutyric acid (IBA) or indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) with or without a 16-day dark incubation. Light (16-h photoperiod) inhibited rooting. IAA (4 mg l?1) was ineffective in promoting rooting. Rooting was best when shoots were incubated in the dark with IBA (4 mg l?1). GA3 was deleterious to shoots, causing chlorosis and apical die-back. Light regime interacted with auxin treatments in affecting shoot condition. Shoot condition was better on shoots treated with IBA and dark-incubated; while those treated with IAA were better when light-incubated.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures were derived from adventitious somatic embryos induced on cotyledons of rescued peach embryos. Embryogénie calli were induced and established on modified MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D, BAP, KN and inositol. Development of embryos during suspension cultures was identified by growth pattern and by histological and cytological examination, using acetocarmine stain. More embryogenic calli were produced using 2,4-D (5 (µM) than NAA. A gradual reduction of 2,4-D increased the recovery of globular embryos. Heart-stage embryos were developed on high-nitrogen salt medium, with added Ca(N03)2 (1000 mg I"1) and 6% sucrose. Somatic embryos turned green and sometimes red under white light. Embryo viability was highest when subculturing every 14 days. Viability of cells and differentiating embryos was assessed, microscopically, with Alexander’s stain. Viable embryos reacted pink to red while non- viable embryos reacted green to blue. Embryogenic cell suspension cultures were maintained for over ten months by regular subculturing after two weeks on modified MS medium with low 2,4-D, BAP and KN.  相似文献   

基于电子鼻无损检测技术的桃果实香气研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为了无损评价桃果实的香气品质差异,【方法】以19个桃品种八成熟的果实为试材,应用FOX4000电子鼻研究了品种间果实香气的差异。【结果】电子鼻18个金属氧化传感器对不同样品的感应值存在差异,LY2/LG、LY2/AA、LY2/GH、LY2/gCT1和LY2/gCT传感器的感应值为负值,其余13个传感器的感应值为正值;判别因子分析(DFA)方法可将桃果实大致分为4个小组,而主成分分析(PCA)方法的区分效果不明显,统计质量控制(SQC)方法显示样品间的香气品质具有差异;18个传感器在PCA与DFA分析方法中的权重存在不同。【结论】基于电子鼻的无损检测,应用DFA和SQC方法能较好呈现桃果实香气品质的差异。  相似文献   

An optimal dosage of nitrogen has long been known to play important roles in governing nitrogen-use efficiency and improving the yield of plants. However, there is limited information on the isolation and expression profiles of genes related to nitrogen metabolism in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch). This study isolated five genes involved in nitrogen metabolism and evaluated the effects of a single foliar application of urea on levels of expression of these genes in the leaves of ‘Dazhenbaochiyue’ peach. Cloning resulted in the isolation of 1,767, 1,236, 1,074, 1,758, and 2,721 nt-long cDNAs with full-length open reading frames encoding 588, 411, 357, 585, and 906 amino acids representing the asparagine synthetase (AS), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), nitrite reductase (NiR), and nitrate reductase (NR) genes in peach, respectively. An alignment of multiple amino acid sequences revealed that the AS, GDH, GS, and NR proteins in peach shared high levels of sequence conservation or identity at the amino acid level with their homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana and grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Based on analyses of expression of the five genes in peach leaves, we demonstrated that genes related to nitrogen metabolism responded to a foliar application of urea within 2 d. This was consistent with previous reports which indicated that leaves rapidly absorbed urea-nitrogen after foliar application. Foliar application of 0.5% (w/v) urea inhibited expression of GS and NiR, but increased expression of GDH, AS, and NR compared to control leaves. The different patterns of expression of the five genes in this study suggested that their expression might reflect their various roles in nitrogen metabolism, plant N status, and responses to weather conditions such as high light intensity, temperature, or humidity, all of which affect photosynthesis. These findings provide a basis for future functional analyses of these five genes in peach.  相似文献   

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