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Larval antigen of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, the vector of Theileria annulata, was purified by two-step affinity chromatography using anti-tick gut-specific rabbit IgG and IgG from immunized cattle. The purified antigen showed the presence of a single polypeptide of 37 kDa (GHLAgP) on SDS-PAGE. Two groups (I and II) of naive crossbred calves (Bos taurus × B. indicus) were immunized with 1 mg of GHLAgP in three divided doses. Immunized calves of group I were also infected with a sublethal dose of T. annulata along with a group of non-immunized calves (group III). Animals in groups I, II, III as well a control group (group IV) were challenged with live nymphs of H. a. anatolicum on the 10th day of immunization. There was a significant reduction in the number of emerging adults of 56.9% ± 1.67% in calves of group I (p < 0.01) and 63.09% ± 1.26% in calves of group II (p < 0.001) compared to the controls. The calves of groups I and II showed antibody responses to tick antigen up to day 70 post immunization. Infection with T. annulata was determined in the salivary glands of adult ticks that developed from the nymphs used for challenge infection. In ticks taken from group I calves, there was a 75.0% ± 0.00% infection compared with only 85.0% ± 2.88% infection in ticks taken from calves of group III. Using PCR, a lower infection (83.33% ± 3.33%) was detected in ticks that developed from calves of group I compared with calves from group III (90.00% ± 2.88%). The ground-up tick supernatants (GUTS) of the ticks taken from calves of group III yielded higher infection rate and exhibited higher infectivity titre in in vitro infection assay of bovine mononuclear cells than the GUTS of the ticks taken from calves of group I. The results suggest a partial reduction in growth rate of T. annulata in ticks feeding on calves immunized with GHLAgP.  相似文献   

The control of equine piroplasmosis is becoming increasingly important to maintain the international market open to the horse industry. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of equine piroplasmosis (Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) in Galicia, north-west Spain, and to compare haematological and serum biochemistry parameters between non-parasitaemic horses and horses parasitaemic with T. equi and B. caballi. Sixty serum samples (control group) were taken from healthy horses pastured on two farms, and examined for evidence of equine T. equi and B. caballi infection by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Of the 60 samples, 24 (40%) and 17 (28.3%) samples were positive for T. equi and B. caballi, respectively. Twelve (20%) samples were positive for both parasites. Haematology and serum biochemistry were compared between controls and a series of 36 horses clinically affected by T. equi (25) or B. caballi (11). Compared with the healthy group, there was a 43% and 37% decrease in the haematocrit for T. equi and B. caballi infection, respectively. Parasitaemic horses presented an intense anaemia and serum biochemistry signs of liver damage. The anaemia was more severe in T. equi-infected than in B. caballi-infected horses. Our results suggest that equine piroplasmosis is widespread in the region and is a cause for concern.  相似文献   

In this study, pathological, serological and virological examinations were performed on 15 sheep from a flock of 250 sheep and lambs that suffer from simultaneous naturally occurring BTV, PPRV and SPV outbreaks. SPV was diagnosed macroscopically and histopathologically, BTV was diagnosed by ELISA, and PPRV was diagnosed pathologically and by ELISA. Clinically fever, diarrhea, depression, polypnea, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, rhinitis, erosive stomatitis, edema of eyelids, photophobia, cutaneous eruption with erythematous areas especially noticeable in wool-free parts of the body and axilla lesions evolving into papules were observed. At necropsy, the most effected organs were lungs and gut. Subepicardial hemorrhages were also commonly seen. While typical pox lesions were observed in some lambs, usually fibrinous pleuropneumonia was more prominent lung lesion. SPV and PPRV lesions were seen at the histopathological examination of the lesioned tissues, BT lesions were mild than SPV and PPRV microscopically. Serum and leukocyte samples of 15 animals were examined for PPRV and BTV by ELISA; 5 samples were positive for PPRV and 6 BTV, 4 were positive for both PPRV and BTV simultaneously. One hundred animals died, most were lambs. Mortality rates were 100% in lambs and 80% in the herd.  相似文献   

Nigerian strain of Peste des Petit Ruminant (PPR) virus and Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) biotype A serotype 2, was used successfully to reproduce a concurrent disease in West African Dwarf goats. The development of the various pathological features were studied at regular intervals following infection. The acute inflammatory reaction which had developed by day 3 after initial infection was characterised by flooding of the alveoli by neutrophils, oedema, hemorrhage and syncytial cells together with a moderate bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial necrosis. This progressed to a milder acute broncho interstitial pneumonia with giant cells. At this stage, the mucosal immunity were well developed especially the aggregate form of NALT and more of nodular forms of BALT. The organisms were demonstrated with strong immunostaining in the necrotic center, necrotic alveolar wall, fibrin, serous exudate, and degenerated leukocyte in the alveoli and respiratory airways. The bacterial antigens were observed as a strong immunostaining in the blood vessels of the nasal septum, sinusoid in the liver and interstium of the kidney, cytoplasm of alveolar macrophages, pneumocytes, bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, in the monocytes in the blood vessels. These findings confirmed the enhancement of MH tropism especially in the respiratory tract, liver and kidney. It also showed that West african dwarf goats are highly susceptible to the intratracheal combined infection of PPR virus and MH. The fact that the infection induces strong mucosal responses, this phenomenon can be explored in Africa with the use of combined PPR virus and MH intranasal vaccines to curtail the menace of pneumonia associated with the combined infection on field.  相似文献   

The prevalence of equine piroplasmosis caused by Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in Nigde, in central Anatolia, Turkey has remained unknown. Serum samples were obtained from a total of 125 horses and were tested for antibodies to T. equi and B. caballi using the Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). Twenty-three (18.4%) horses were seropositive for equine piroplasmosis. Anti-T. equi was observed in 16 horses (12.8%) while anti-B. caballi was detected in 12 horses (9.6%). In addition, 5 serum samples were positive for both parasites. The prevalence rates of antibodies to T. equi and B. caballi for female and male horses were statistically indifferent (p = 0.19 and 0.90). The difference between the seropositivity rates to T. equi among age groups was statistically insignificant (p = 0.44) while the difference to B. caballi among age groups is statistically significant (p = 0.01). Seropositivity rates ranged from 2.9% to 25.7% for T. equi and 2.9% to 14.3% for B. caballi from the selected districts in Nigde. A statistically significant difference on seropositivity rates for the study sites was observed for only T.equi (p = 0.03). This study indicates that T. equi is higher than B. caballi in Nigde. This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Unit of Nigde University (FEB 2007/08).  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne’s disease, a chronic enteritis in cattle and other domestic and wild ruminants. The presence of MAP in tissues other than intestines and associated lymph nodes, such as meat and liver, is a potential public health concern. In the present study, the relationship between the results of rapid diagnostic tests of the Johne’s disease, such as serum ELISA, rectal scraping PCR, and acid-fast staining, and the presence of MAP in liver was evaluated. Blood, liver, and rectal scraping samples were collected from 200 slaughtered cattle with unknown Johne’s disease status. ELISA was performed to determine the MAP antibody activity in the serum. Acid-fast staining was performed on rectal scraping samples, and PCR was performed on rectal scraping and liver samples. PCR-positive liver samples were used for mycobacterial culture. Overall, the results of this study demonstrated that MAP can be detected and cultured from liver of slaughtered cattle and rapid diagnostic tests of Johne’s disease have limited value in detecting cattle with MAP infection in liver. These findings show that the presence of MAP in liver tissue may occur in cows with negative results for rapid diagnostic tests and vice versa. Hence, liver might represent another possible risk of human exposure to MAP. Given concerns about a potential zoonotic role for MAP, these results show the necessity to find new methods for detecting cattle with MAP disseminated infection.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most contagious diseases affecting wide range of host species with variable severity and decreased productivity. The present study was undertaken to compare the clinical and leucocytic changes in indigenous Indian cattle and buffaloes experimentally infected with FMD virus (FMDV) Asia 1. A mild type of disease was observed in the cattle, more so in buffaloes infected with FMDV. Difference in terms of type, site and healing of lesion was observed between cattle and buffaloes. Foot lesions were more common than tongue in buffaloes, which were mainly evident in bulb of the heel in contrast to interdigital foot lesions in cattle. Further, FMDV infection induced a transient moderate leucopenia with lymphopenia in both cattle and buffaloes, but monocyte levels diverged. Relationship between the raised body temperature, leucocytic changes and lesion development was observed. Microscopic changes were observed in the keratinized epithelium of tongue and foot. The findings of the present study indicated the need to investigate the early leucocytic changes in cattle and buffaloes in depth for better understanding of the disease process.  相似文献   

Bovine sarcocystosis is caused by Sarcocystis cruzi and is known to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in cattle. This species is distributed worldwide in cattle and is the most prevalent of the Sarcocystis species infecting cattle. There is high infection rate of sarcocyst in cattle in Iran, but to our knowledge, there is no study about identification of Sarcocystis species. This work aimed to survey prevalence of S. cruzi cyst in slaughtered cattle of Isfahan, Iran. In this study, esophageal and diaphragmatic muscles of 100 cattle were collected from Fesaran abattoir of Isfahan and examined for the presence of Sarcocystis spp. cysts macroscopically and microscopically. No macroscopic sarcocysts were found in any of the samples. In light microscopy, 89 out of 100 cattle (89%) had thin-walled cysts of S. cruzi, while 21 out of them (21%) had thick-walled sarcocysts. In addition to light microscopy, ultrastructural features of the thin-walled cyst confirmed the presence of S. cruzi.  相似文献   

Seven donkeys raised in different locations in Egypt were found to have a unilateral eye showing motile white worms in the aqueous humor. The parasites were surgically removed from the anterior chamber of the eye in five out of the seven donkeys, and were cleared, mounted and identified as Setaria equina based on light microscopic features. The ocular infection with S. equina reported herein may be the first reported aberrant cases in the Egyptian animals.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in yaks (Bos grunniens) was surveyed in Qinghai Province, northwestern China in May and June 2010. A total of 650 serum samples were collected from six counties and assayed for T. gondii antibodies by an indirect hemagglutination test. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 35.08% (228/650) with the highest rate of 55.34% in Chengduo County. The results of the present survey indicated that infection with T. gondii in cattle is widely spread in China, including yaks in Qinghai Province.  相似文献   

Erythrocytic lipid peroxidation, activities of some antioxidant enzymes and osmotic fragility of red blood cells was studied in adult (>1 year) crossbred cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Twenty clinically healthy animals (group I) and 15 clinical cases (group II) of tropical theileriosis were selected. Cattle suffering from theileriosis had significantly higher (p<0.01) erythrocytic lipid peroxidation and osmotic fragility. Activities of antioxidant enzymes, viz. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and glutamate peroxidase (GPx) were also significantly increased (p<0.01) in group II. However, superoxide dismutase and catalase did not show significant changes. The results indicated that infection with theileria led to increased oxidative stress to the animals, and even a significant rise in the activities of antioxidant enzymes. G6PD and GPx could not lower this oxidative stress. However, the increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes pointed towards the body’s defence mechanism against lipid peroxidation during oxidative stress in theileriosis.  相似文献   

Ascaris suum is a gastrointestinal nematode parasite of swines. The aim of this study was to observe Pochonia chlamydosporia fungus on biological control of A. suum eggs after fungus passage through swines gastrointestinal tract. Eighteen pigs, previously dewormed, were randomly divided into three groups: group 1, treated with the fungus isolate VC4; group 2, treated with the fungus isolate VC1 and group 3 did not receive fungus (control). In the treated groups, each animal received a 9 g single dose of mycelium mass containing P. chlamydosporia (VC1 or VC4). Thereafter, animal fecal samples were collected at the following intervals: 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h after treatment beginning and these were poured in Petri dishes containing 2% water-agar culture medium. Then, 1,000 A. suum eggs were poured into each dish and kept in an incubator at 26°C and in the dark for 30 days. After this period, approximately 100 eggs were removed from each Petri dish and morphologically analyzed under light microscopy following the ovicidal activity parameters. The higher percentage observed for isolated VC4 eggs destruction was 57.5% (36 h) after fungus administration and for isolate VC1 this percentage was 45.8% (24 h and 72 h) (p > 0.01). P. chlamydosporia remained viable after passing through the gastrointestinal tract of swines, maintaining its ability of destroying A. suum eggs.  相似文献   



This study aims to investigate the immunoprotection of recombinant Eg.P29 (rEg.P29) vaccine and analyze the underlying mechanism in sheep.


Three groups of male sheep were immunized subcutaneously with rEg.P29 and PBS, Freund’s complete adjuvant as controls, respectively. After prime-boost vaccination, the sheep were challenged with encapsulated Echinococcus granulosus eggs. The percentage of protection in sheep was determined 36 weeks after the infection. Humoral immune response was analyzed for specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgE levels. Moreover, cytokines including interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4,and IL-10 were also evaluated.


Immunization with rEg.P29 induced protective immune responses up to 94.5 %, compared with immunoadjuvant group. The levels of specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgE as well as IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 significantly increased after two immunizations (P < 0.05); however, the levels of IgM and IL-10 did not show difference.


rEg.P29 showed Immunoprotection and induced Th1 and Th2 immune responses; hence, rEg.P29 is a potential vaccine for E. granulosus infection.

Ticks and tickborne diseases (TBDs) are serious constraints to cattle production in Tanzania and other tropical and subtropical countries. Among the TBDs, East Coast fever (ECF) is the most important as it causes significant economic losses to the cattle industry in Tanzania. However, control of ECF in Tanzania has continued to be a challenge due to inadequate epidemiological information. The main objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological situation of Theileria parva infections in cattle kept under pastoral and agro-pastoral farming systems in Mara, Singida, and Mbeya regions of Tanzania. Blood samples were collected from 648 cattle in the three regions. Genomic DNA was extracted and amplified in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using T. parva-specific primers targeting the 104-kD antigen (P104) gene. In addition, information was collected on the possible risk factors of T. parva infection (animal age, region, animal sex, tick burden, tick control method, and frequency of acaricide application). The prevalence of T. parva across the three regions was 14.2%. There was variation in prevalence among the three regions with Mara (21.8%) having a significantly higher (p = 0.001) prevalence than the other regions. Moreover, Mbeya exhibited relatively lower prevalence (7.4%) compared to the other regions. Factors found to be significantly associated with an animal being PCR positive for T. parva were region (p = 0.001) and tick burden (p = 0.003). Other factors were not found to be significant predictors of being PCR positive for T. parva. The present study showed high variation in tick burden and T. parva prevalence across the regions. Therefore, different strategic planning and cost-effective control measures for ticks and T. parva infection should be implemented region by region in order to reduce losses caused by ticks and ECF in the study area.  相似文献   



This study evaluated the effects in vitro and in vivo of Agaricus blazei against Haemonchus contortus in sheep.


The in vitro efficacy of aqueous extract on egg hatching inhibition (EHI) was investigated and after 72 h incubation with varying concentrations the effects on, blastomeres, embryonated eggs, and first stage larvae (L1) were evaluated. Larval development inhibition (LDI) for dry powder and the aqueous extract were evaluated in fecal cultures of sheep infected with H. contortus. In vivo efficacy was determined by reduction in fecal egg count (FEC). Lambs were treated with powder A. blazei (11.4 g/kg pc) or trichlorfon, or were untreated and the possible toxicity of this fungus was monitored by plasmatic enzyme analysis.


Concentrations equal to and higher than 3.62 mg/mL and of aqueous extract were 100% effective in the EHI test. In the LDI test, LC90 was estimated for 5.66 and 106.0 mg/g fecal culture for aqueous extract and powder, respectively. The mean FEC in lambs 14 days post-treatment with A. blazei powder was significantly lower than observed for the negative control, and the serum levels of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase were normal.


The fungi supplementation promotes, respectively, high and moderate anthelmintic efficacy with in vitro and in vivo tests, respectively, suggesting it as an alternative or complementary treatment for haemonchosis in sheep.

Although methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were generally isolated from human beings; these agents were recently isolated from various animal species. It has been shown that MRSA isolates are not only resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics, but can also be resistant to the other commonly used antibiotics. In this study, 18 phenotypic methicillin resistant S. aureus isolates from bovine mastitis cases were analyzed by PCR for the presence of mecA gene encoding methicillin resistance and aac(6′)/aph(2″), aph(3′)-IIIa and ant(4′)-Ia genes encoding aminoglycoside resistance. Out of 18 S. aureus isolates (oxacillin MICs, ≥4 μg/ml), 3 were positive for mecA gene. Only one from 3 mecA positive isolates was positive for genes encoding aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes and this isolate carried aac(6′)/aph(2″) in combination with aph(3′)-IIIa gene. The aph(3′)-IIIa gene was detected in 3 isolates. These three isolates carrying the aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme genes were resistant to gentamicin, kanamycin and neomycin. The mecA gene of 3 MRSA isolates was sequenced. All three mecA genes of these isolates were identical to that found in human MRSA strains, except a one-base substitution at nucleotide position 757. From the data presented in this study, it can be concluded that MRSA isolated from bovine mastitis may be originated from human beings, but further studies are needed to investigate the possibility of zoonotic transfer of MRSA.  相似文献   

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