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一个多世纪以来,流感一直威胁着人类的健康。伴随着人流感的流行,禽流感、猪流感、马流感等都经常给暴发地的经济造成沉重的打击,因此WHO和各大研究机构都密切注意着流感的动向。1997年香港发生了HPAIV直接感染人并致人死亡的事件,更是为流感研究工作提出了一个新课题——什么样的AIV可以突破中间屏障直接传播给人并导致人流感大暴发?  相似文献   

生物安全隔离区划(compartmentalisation)是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)于2003年提出的动物疫病区域化管理新模式,即通过建立共同的生物安全管理体系(common biosecurity management system),建立基于企业水平的生物安全隔离区(compartment)。这个模式提出后,引起了世界范围的广泛关注。欧盟、泰国、土耳其等国通过制定法规,起草标准,开展试点等,推动生物安全隔离区划的实施。我国将生物安全隔离区作为我国无规定动物疫病区的一种重要类型,并在此基础上创造性提出了无规定动物疫病企业(无疫企业)的概念。  相似文献   

从实际应用角度出发,设计了以知识库、数据库、模型库为基本内容,智能决策为主要功能的草坪建植管理智能决策系统。该系统可综合运用推理、解释等机制,帮助用户设计在不同气候区域建植不同用途草坪的方案,并解答建植养护管理等技术问题。同时,系统采用多样灵活的查询方式,将多年来草坪专家积累的知识、经验和技术,以文本、图片等集成信息展示于用户。系统信息量大,功能全面,操作简便,对草坪建植管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A wide range of management techniques is available to enhance quantity and quality of forage supply to grazing animals throughout the annual production cycle. Within broad limits, dry matter (DM) production is relatively insensitive to management of defoliation frequency, severity and duration. However defoliation management has effects on feed quality which can be enhanced, in particular, by control of pasture growth in the spring through maintenance of relatively low average pasture masses. Treading damage can have significant immediate and ongoing effects on pasture production and farmers can use a range of management techniques to minimise these. Fertiliser application practices have a potent influence on pasture production and seasonality of that production. Available soil nitrogen is the primary nutrient deficiency limiting production in New Zealand's characteristically grass-dominant pastures. Nitrogen fertiliser usage has increased markedly in recent years, particularly to grow substantially greater amounts of forage during the cool season, and this trend looks set to continue. However, the use of nitrogen fertiliser has important environmental implications. Pasture renewal and forage crop use has also increased in recent years. Care needs to be taken in conducting cost-benefit analyses, selecting the options that best meet the needs, and in establishment and subsequent management practices. Ryegrass (perennial and hybrids) and white clover remain the primary choice for permanent pasture renewal, the availability of safe endophytes having largely alleviated effects of endophyte toxicosis. Special-purpose mixtures are used, especially in dry environments. Italian ryegrasses, brassicas and chicory are common choices for forage crops. A range of management techniques can be used to alleviate deleterious effects of some forages, including ryegrass endophyte toxicosis, facial eczema, and toxins associated with Fusarium fungi. Generally these techniques are not totally effective. More research is required to increase our understanding of these disorders, and in order to develop more effective and reliable management practices.  相似文献   

A wide range of management techniques is available to enhance quantity and quality of forage supply to grazing animals throughout the annual production cycle. Within broad limits, dry matter (DM) production is relatively insensitive to management of defoliation frequency, severity and duration. However defoliation management has effects on feed quality which can be enhanced, in particular, by control of pasture growth in the spring through maintenance of relatively low average pasture masses. Treading damage can have significant immediate and ongoing effects on pasture production and farmers can use a range of management techniques to minimise these.

Fertiliser application practices have a potent influence on pasture production and seasonality of that production. Available soil nitrogen is the primary nutrient deficiency limiting production in New Zealand's characteristically grass-dominant pastures. Nitrogen fertiliser usage has increased markedly in recent years, particularly to grow substantially greater amounts of forage during the cool season, and this trend looks set to continue. However, the use of nitrogen fertiliser has important environmental implications.

Pasture renewal and forage crop use has also increased in recent years. Care needs to be taken in conducting cost-benefit analyses, selecting the options that best meet the needs, and in establishment and subsequent management practices. Ryegrass (perennial and hybrids) and white clover remain the primary choice for permanent pasture renewal, the availability of safe endophytes having largely alleviated effects of endophyte toxicosis. Special-purpose mixtures are used, especially in dry environments. Italian ryegrasses, brassicas and chicory are common choices for forage crops. A range of management techniques can be used to alleviate deleterious effects of some forages, including ryegrass endophyte toxicosis, facial eczema, and toxins associated with Fusarium fungi. Generally these techniques are not totally effective. More research is required to increase our understanding of these disorders, and in order to develop more effective and reliable management practices.  相似文献   

针对兽药质量综合管理问题,提出强化兽药生产企业的源头管理、加强进入经营使用环节兽药的质量管理、编印《全国兽药产品审批信息汇编》、建立全国兽药标签与说明书信息网等措施。  相似文献   

如何加强动物免疫档案规范化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物免疫档案的建立和规范化管理是确保免疫效果的重要措施.实践证明,规范免疫档案管理是发展畜牧业不可缺少的重要工作.现笔者结合工作实践,将如何强化动物免疫档案规范化管理总结如下.  相似文献   

在云南曲靖地区选择多年生黑麦草,草地早熟禾和高羊茅3种草坪草进行混播建植,播种量分别为25,10和10g/m2。混播后进行常规管理,成坪后,不仅提高了视觉美感和观赏价值,而且增加了城市环境生态效益。  相似文献   

康定城区草坪建植与管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
兰伟 《四川草原》2000,(4):25-27
依据近年来康定城区草坪建植经验 ,对康定城区高寒生境条件下草坪建植从草种的选择、草坪建植技术、管理措施等进行了论述。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper aims to suggest an alternative, or supplementary, conceptual and practical framework for livestock genetic resource conservation in developing countries. In a paradigmatic shift away from the reductionist approach of regarding 'breeds' as manifestations of certain genes that deserve to be either saved or not saved, an evolutionary model is adopted which views livestock genetic resources as products of certain specific socioeconomic conditions. This model focuses on the processes that have caused the development of domestic animal diversity historically, such as the livestock-exchange mechanisms and breeding practices that function among traditional societies. A new definition for the term 'breed' is suggested that does not only apply to western Europe and its former colonies, but also to developing countries. The need to integrate knowledge into the identification and conservation of threatened livestock breeds is emphasized. By exploring these additional dimensions, new and participatory strategies for maintaining livestock genetic diversity can be discovered, that will have a wider application than technical approaches. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: In diesem Artikel werden alternative, bzw. zus?tzliche Ansatzweisen zur Erhaltung tiergenetischer Ressourcen in Entwicklungsl?ndern vorgeschlagen. Abweichend von der vorherrschenden reduktionistischen Perspektive, die Tierpopulationen nur noch als Tr?ger bestimmter Allele betrachtet, wird hier ein evolution?res Modell aufgezeigt, das tiergenetische Ressourcen als Produkte bestimmter sozio?konomischer Kontexte betrachtet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Prozesse, die historisch zur Entstehung der tiergenetischen Vielfalt in traditionellen Kulturen geführt haben, wie Viehaustauschmechanismen und indigene Zuchtpraktiken. Eine neue, anthropologisch orientierte Definition des Begriffs "Rasse"wird vorgeschlagen, die auch auf die ph?notypisch oft nicht einheitlichen Tierpopulationen in Entwicklungsl?ndern anwendbar ist. Die Notwendigkeit indigenes Tierzuchtwissen in die Identifikation und Erhaltung bedrohter Rassen einzubeziehen wird betont. Durch Erforschung dieser zus?tzlichen Dimensionen werden sich neue partizipatorische Ans?tze zur rhaltung der tiergenetischen Vielfalt entwickeln lassen, die eine breitere Anwendungsbasis haben als rein technische Ma?nahmen.  相似文献   

近年来,猪链球菌病严重影响着世界各个养猪国家的养殖业,造成了很大的经济损失。猪链球菌可引起猪的关节炎、脑膜炎、肺炎、败血症及突发性死亡,该菌现在正严重危害着人类的身体健康。猪链球菌的分类很多,并且在不同地区和时期血清型流行情况不一致,这就要求我们对该病的流行病学有一定的了解。本文就猪链球菌的分类、流行病学和实验动物的选择做简要的叙述。  相似文献   

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