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随着肉牛产业的长足发展,肉牛场粪污污染问题已成为制约养牛业良性发展的关键问题,本文综述了肉牛场粪污对空气、水源及土壤等环境造成的影响,肉牛场粪污处理的主要方法.  相似文献   

现代规模化牛场发展迅速,为市民提供大量优良奶源和畜肉,但同时牛场产生粪便、污水等废弃物排泄量增加,大部分牛场不能规范化处理,粪污堆积在生产区域,不光对周围土壤、空气和水体造成污染,还影响牛场的正常养殖生产秩序,对生态环境危害严重,影响养牛业绿色可持续发展,因此牛粪的处理和资源化利用问题急需解决。为了稳定、无害的处理粪污,将规模化牛场粪污作资源化处理利用,不仅可以解决牛场粪污污染问题,还能实现粪污资源最大化利用,具有重要意义。本文分析了牛粪的营养成分以及规模化牛场粪污造成的环境污染问题,简述了粪污资源化利用的目的、原则和预期效果,介绍了牛粪资源化利用的现有途径和方式,其中主要包括能源化、基质化、饲料化、燃料化、肥料化、氧化塘发酵后再利用等方法,以期通过分析多种资源化处理技术,将其根据具体情况应用,或者多种技术搭配实施,避免单一技术存在的局限性,为不同养殖环境情况下的粪污处理提供参考,为现代化养牛业低碳可持续发展提供借鉴。在未来应继续加大规模化牛场粪污资源化利用力度,科学合理制定各地区养殖场的粪污处理规划和资源化利用模式,监测周围环境质量并作出有效控制,促进畜牧业健康发展,为畜牧业循环经济...  相似文献   

山东省滕州市畜禽养殖业的快速发展为群众的餐桌提供了日益丰盛的肉类产品,然而由于个别养殖场对畜禽粪污污染的认识不足,不可避免地产生了畜禽粪污污染问题,破坏了周围的环境。为了大力推进滕州市畜禽粪污资源化利用,本文介绍了滕州市畜禽粪污未充分利用的原因:养殖场负责人认识不到位、土地承载力不匹配,粪污配建设施配套不足,源头减量未能得到很好的控制;总结了滕州市处理畜禽粪污的对策:坚持"源头减量、过程控制",用堆积发酵处理畜禽粪污,配建畜禽粪污处理设施,采用干湿分离技术处理畜禽粪污,委托第三方处理畜禽粪污。  相似文献   

为推动山东省畜禽养殖业污染防治工作,促进粪污资源化利用,提高畜禽标准化规模养殖水平,促进畜禽养殖业健康可持续发展,笔者对山东省畜禽粪污处理利用情况进行了调查,对典型做法进行了认真总结,供读者生产中借鉴参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国畜牧业持续稳定发展,以及产业结构的调整,养牛业得到快速发展.然而,养牛所产生的粪污已构成对生态环境的破坏.加快对牛粪的资源化利用,将有效缓解农业面源污染,实现对生态脆弱区生态环境和水质安全的保护,从而推进养牛业的可持续发展.因此,对牛粪的处理和资源化利用迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

随着畜禽养殖规模的不断扩大,畜禽粪污对环境造成的影响也日益加重。山东省是畜禽养殖大省,粪污产量大、分布差异显著,其中德州市畜禽粪污处理任务更为艰巨。在严峻的形势下,挖掘畜禽粪污处理存在的问题及本质原因十分重要。笔者基于扎根理论对德州市畜禽养殖户进行调查,从政府、养殖户、技术以及中国规模化养殖特点四个方面对德州市畜禽粪污处理的问题及原因进行了总结归纳,并提出建议,以期为畜禽粪污处理问题的解决提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吴占元 《中国猪业》2016,11(11):49-51
本文通过对山东省临沂市养猪业的介绍,指出当地的养猪业在环保压力下,采取了一系列措施对养殖业所产生的粪污进行处理。同时,提出目前临沂市养猪场(户)在粪污处理方面仍存在一些问题,通过分析这些问题,给出了未来临沂市养猪业在发展中粪污处理方面的一些建议,旨在为临沂市养猪企业的发展找到一条健康环保的道路。  相似文献   

山东省畜牧业规模庞大,规模化养殖场所采用的畜禽粪污处理和利用的技术路线已逐步发展为能源生态型和能源环保型两种模式。能源生态型的突出特点是粪污经厌氧处理后可产生能源及有机肥料;而能源环保型则是将污水经厌氧、好氧及其他一些方式处理,达标后排放。笔者通过对山东省内4个粪污处理案例的详细介绍,比较了两种处理模式间的优缺点。能源生态型处理模式投资小、再生能源及有机肥料回收率高,但出水水质差,需要有一定规模的农田进行消纳;能源环保型处理模式工程规范化程度高,处理水质好,可达标排放,但工程投资大,运行费用高,资源回收利用率低。  相似文献   

正2020年,山东省东营市1686家规模养殖场粪污设施配建率达100%。年产生粪污526.14万吨,综合处理利用485.84万吨,畜禽粪污资源化利用率达到92.34%。一、工作成效1.畜禽粪污设施配建率先完成。按照"一控两分四防"的工作标准,推动畜禽规模养殖场全部配建处理设施。指导养殖场应用了传送带自动清粪、新风系统等环境控制除臭、  相似文献   

<正>"到2020年,全省畜禽粪便处理利用率达到90%以上,污水处理利用率达到63%以上,粪污综合利用率达到81%以上;大型规模养殖场粪污处理设施装备配套率提前一年达到100%。"在近日省政府新闻办举行的发布会上,山东省畜牧兽医局副局长戴文超表示,《山东省加快畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用实施方案》已于省政府常务会议审议通过,近期即将印发实施。  相似文献   

在粪污对环境影响的基础上,论文就规模化牛场粪污微生物有氧发酵处理和生物(蚯蚓)处理方法等无害化处理途径做了重点论述,对处理后产物的判断标准及资源化利用的技术问题进行了讨论和分析,并根据目前牛场粪污利用现状提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

[Objective] The paper was to introduce the first case of Mycoplasma bovis in Shandong Province.[Method] Samples were collected from sick cattle,and identified through M.bovis isolation,biochemical identification,PCR,16S RNA sequence analysis and clinical treatment and other research work.[Result] A strain of M.bovis was successfully isolated,and typical colonies in fried egg shape were grown.It was further confirmed as M.bovis via molecular biological detection.The use of vaccine and sensitive drugs in clinical could quickly control the epidemic situation of cat-tle herds.[Conclusion] This is the first reported case of M.bovis in Shandong Province,and its diagnosis and treatment process is conducive to further prevention and control of the disease.  相似文献   


The effect of urine and dung deposition on the patch grazing patterns of cattle and sheep in the Southern Tall Grassveld was investigated using an experiment with four treatments, viz. artificial urine, fresh cattle dung, fresh sheep dung, and a control. Cattle and sheep preferentially grazed the sward surrounding and within urine deposits for six months after deposition. Cattle rejected herbage from both cattle and sheep dung patches for six months after deposition. Sheep initially rejected the herbage from cattle dung patches, but their grazing patterns were no longer affected at six months after deposition. Sheep grazing tended not to be influenced by sheep dung. Urine deposition may consequently be an important factor in patch initiation and patch development.  相似文献   

山东省肉牛主要疫病的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东省肉牛饲养比较集中的8个县(市)部分马牛场及其周边区域肉“牛群的疫现部分老的疫病已不存在,但占疫病的种类数量仍在逐渐增多,且复杂多样。提醒人们在肉牛规模化养殖中防制疫病的任务还相当艰巨。  相似文献   

通过对宁夏固原市肉牛产业发展现状和制约因素进行探讨和分析,提出了固原市肉牛养殖业适度规模化发展的建议,以期为当地肉牛产业实现健康、可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Objective To assess the toxicity to insects of drug residues excreted in cattle faeces following treatment with deltamethrin.
Design Bioassays were performed on one species of dung-breeding fly ( Musca vetustissima ) and two species of dung beetle ( Onthophagus binodis and Euoniticellus fulvus ).
Animals Cattle on properties near Kangaroo Valley, Canberra and Gundagai were treated with pour-on formulations of deltamethrin. Untreated animals acted as controls.
Procedures Faeces from treated and untreated cattle were inoculated with newly emerged fly larvae or fed to adults of two species of dung beetle. Percentage survival and duration of development provided measures of the toxicity of deltamethrin residues in faeces.
Results Residues of deltamethrin were excreted in concentrations sufficient to inhibit survival of larvae of M vetustissima for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Peak concentrations of 0.4mg deltamethrin/kg dry weight of faeces occurred 3 days after treatment and were sufficient to kill adult beetles for at least twice this period. With one of two formulations tested, there was evidence of a reduction in dung beetle fecundity and an increase in the duration of juvenile development. A model of the effect of deltamethrin on the breeding success of dung beetles in the field suggests that a single treatment, applied when most of the population is in a non-parous condition, may cause up to 75% reduction in beetle acitivity by the end of the season. Multiple treatments at 10 or 21 day intervals may drive local populations towards extinction.
Conclusion Depending on the time and frequency of treatment, the effect of deltamethrin on insects in cattle faeces may range from negligible to catastrophic.  相似文献   

山东是全国的养牛大省,拥有3个肉牛地方品种,多个国外引进品种,形成了肉牛生产3大片区,但是地方品种牛的保护与开发却存在着诸多问题,制约了全省肉牛业的发展。文章从五个方面提出了地方品种肉牛保护与开发的建议与对策,对改善当前的地方肉牛品种选育、保护与开发具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

莱芜市肉牛产业发展思路探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要就山东省莱芜市肉牛产业发展现状、存在的问题、当前肉牛产业发展机遇及下一步发展方向等方面加以阐述,并对当地肉牛产业发展提出一些思路及建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of two trials into the effects of the treatment of cattle with ivermectin slow-release (SR) bolus on the larval development of the dung beetle Aphodius constans Duft. Rectal faecal samples were collected prior to treatment and every 3 and 2 weeks in a first and second trial, respectively, and up to 156 days post-administration of the SR bolus. Faecal ivermectin concentration reached a peak at 63 days post-treatment (1427 ng g(-1)) and ivermectin was detected up to 147 days post-treatment in the first trial (7.2 ng g(-1)). First stage larvae of A. constans were reared with control or contaminated dung and adult beetles were counted after emergence. In the first trial, the comparison of pairwise samples showed that ivermectin prevented the development of larval A. constans until day 105, while at day 135 the rate of emergence was still significantly lower than the corresponding series of control (p < 0.05). In the second trial, the difference between control and treated series remained significant until 143 days post-treatment, with no emergence until 128 days post-administration of SR bolus to cattle. These results show the negative effect of ivermectin on the development of larval A. constans, even at a low concentration (38.4 ng g(-1)). The administration of ivermectin sustained-release bolus to cattle was highly effective in killing dung beetle larvae for approximately 143 days after treatment. The results were similar when dung was obtained from a single animal kept alone, or from a blending of faecal pats obtained from a group of animals kept in field conditions during the whole trial period.  相似文献   

基于SWOT模型的山东省牧草产业发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"粮改饲"政策旨在调整种植业结构,促进畜牧业转型升级,解决粮食安全、农业污染等问题。本研究介绍了山东省牧草产业发展现状,运用SWOT模型分析了山东发展牧草产业的优势(strength,S)、劣势(weaknesses,W)、机遇(opportunities,O)、威胁(threats,T),并将以4项要素交叉分析得出了SO、WO、ST、WT战略,分析得出SO战略是当前山东牧草产业发展的战略重点,即充分利用政策机遇发挥自然条件优势,选择土质资源、畜牧产业优势突出的地区,例如黄河三角洲地区,建立"粮改饲"试点基地,并针对四项战略的实施在试点基地建设、完善技术规程、政策宣传、产业融资等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

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