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This study aimed to determine the genetic variability of isolates of rotting of pineapple fruitlet core in Brazil on the states of Paraiba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, based on phylogenetic analysis of the RPB2 gene, morphocultural markers and aggressiveness of the isolates. The phylogenetic reconstruction of maximum parsimony and bayesian inference of the isolates were performed. Twenty-seven phylogenetic lineages were characterized with morphocultural markers on potato dextrose agar and synthetic nutrient-poor agar. The aggressiveness of these lineages were characterized in leaves and fruits of pineapple ‘Pérola’ cultivar. The Phylogenetic reconstruction showed close relationship between isolates of this study and phylogenetic lineages of F. guttiforme, F. ananatum and F. oxysporum by analysis of RPB2 gene. Phylogenetic lineages of this study shared significant morphocultural markers similar to those described for this species. Overall, the lineages related with Fusarium oxysporum Species Complex were more aggressive to the fruits of the Fusarium lineages related with Fusarium fujikuroi Species Complex. It is possible that F. ananatum and F. guttiforme or other lineages closely related to these species or F. oxysporum are present in the fields causing pineapple rotting fruitlet core in fruits of pineapple ‘Pérola’ in Brazil. The used markers determined high genetic variability in isolates analyzed in leaves and pineapple fruit ‘Pérola’ in the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte of Brazil and the pathogenic lineages analyzed were better adapted to the fruits than to the detached leaves in pineapple ‘Pérola’ analyzed.  相似文献   

Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi with green algae or cyanobacteria. They have arisen independently several times within the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. This symbiosis became with time one of the most successful life forms on Earth. Outside of the symbiotic algae and fungi, there are endophytic fungi, other algae, and lichen-associated bacteria present within lichen thalli. Till now, no lichen-specific pathogens have been reported among bacteria and viruses. Around 15 dsRNA viruses are known from Eurotiomycetes and another dsRNA and reverse transcribed ssRNA viruses from Dothideomycetes containing some lichenized fungal lineages. Algal viruses have been identified from less than 1 % of known eukaryotic algal species but no virus has been found in Trebouxia or in Trentepohlia (Chlorophyta, Pleurastrophyceae, Pleurastrales), the most common green lichen photobionts. On the other hand, dsDNA viruses infecting related Chlorella algae are well known from freshwater phytoplankton. However, high-molecular weight dsRNA isolated from different lichen thalli indicated to us presence of ss or dsRNA viruses. A PCR-based search for viruses with genus-specific and species-specific primers resulted in amplification of genome segments highly identical with those of plant cytorhabdoviruses and with Apple mosaic virus (ApMV). The nucleotide sequence of the putative lichen cytorhabdovirus showed high identity (98 %) with Ivy latent cytorhabdovirus. The nucleotide sequences of six Apple mosaic virus isolates from lichens showed high similarity with ApMV isolates from apple and pear hosts. The lichen ApMV isolates were mechanically transmitted to an herbaceous host and detected positive in ELISA 14 days thereafter, which support its infectivity on plants. We prepared axenic cultures of photobionts identified as Trebouxia sp. from this ApMV-positive lichen samples. All these cultures were positive for ApMV in RT-PCR test. We suggest that lichens as a whole (or their photobionts, more specifically) could serve as reservoirs for viruses, despite the fact that the way of transmission between different organisms is not clear. We showed that lichens could harbour several viruses simultaneously, as the plant cytorhabdovirus and ApMV were detected in the same host, also.  相似文献   

Johan Dekker, born 26 november 1925, in's Heerenhoek (on the island Zuid Beveland in the southwest of the Netherlands), grew up in a rural environment and was initiated in all farming practices. He went to grammar school (gymnasium ) during the turbulent years of the Second World War and graduated in 1945. He continued his education at the Wageningen Agricultural University, where he chose Tropical Agronomy as a major and Phytopathology as a minor. The academic studies were interrupted to do military service (1947–1950; reserve officer), which in the unstable post-war period required many years. The then mature student apparently became fascinated with phytopathology, as testifies his undergraduate thesis onRhabdospora ramealis (purple blotch, nowR. ruborum) as the causal agent of a blueberry disease, but he did not forget about his major, vide the literature review on rubber mildew (Oidium heveae) which would have fit in the Annual Review of Phytopathology as to thoroughness and number of references. Did his student work already indicate Dekker's abilities as an editor and review writer?Johan Dekker werd geboren op 26 november 1925 en groeide op in een agrarisch milieu. Na zijn gymnasium-opleiding studeerde hij Tropische Landbouw aan de Landbouwhogeschool, met Fytopathologie als bijvak. In 1953 behaalde hij zijn ingenieursdiploma, in 1957 zijn doctorsbul. Zijn gehele carrière speelde zich af binnen wat nu de Vakgroep Fytopathologie heet en was steeds gericht op Interne Therapie door middel van chemotherapeutica (w.o. antibiotica) en resistentiebevordering. In 1969 aanvaarde Johan Dekker het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de Fytopathologie. Onderwijs en onderzoek kwamen tot grote bloei onder zijn leiding. Hij had de hand in enkele patenten, meer dan 90 publikaties, en meer dan 20 proefschriften. Dekker had grote bestuurlijke belangstelling en vervulde vele bestuursfuncties, universitair, nationaal en internationaal. Zijn bijdragen tot de gewasbescherming zijn internationaal zeer gewaardeerd, zoals blijkt uit drie zeldzame internationaal-wetenschappelijke onderscheidingen. In 1989 werd Johan Dekker benoemd tot ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw.  相似文献   

Ideotypes are a popular concept for plant breeders, who designate as such the ideal combinations of traits in a particular genotype to reach a pre-set production objective within a given socio-economic context. The historical, ‘genetic’ view of ideotypes has been more recently extended to cover the design of plant genotypes for specific cropping systems (the ‘agronomic’ view), or even the ideal combination of parameters, identified from formal or simulation modeling, to a specific agronomic problem (the ‘modelling’ view). These different forms of ideotypes in turn lead to different strategies for breeding plants. This paper will briefly describe, analyse and discuss some applications of these ideotype views, using the specific case of architectural traits of plant and crop canopies to limit the epidemic development of pests and diseases in crops. It is not intended to be an exhaustive and objective review of the existing literature on plant ideotypes, but rather to express as an ‘opinion’ paper the views discussed and elaborated among participants to the EpiArch network.  相似文献   


Eco-climatic niche models are powerful tools for assessing the potential range of plant pests and pathogens, widely applied in comprehensive pest risk assessments globally. We conducted a bibliometric analysis comparing the number of CLIMEX models developed for plant pathogens and plant arthropod pests. We found that plant pathogens were statistically significantly under-represented, with fungal plant pathogens less than half as likely as plant insect pests to be the subject of a published CLIMEX niche model. We explore key factors that may account for this disparity, including inconsistent experimental paradigms and lack of cross-disciplinary (i.e., plant pathology and modelling) expertise.  相似文献   

Ignoring plant diseases misinforms the climate change and food security debate. Diseases are expected not only to cause more severe crop loss in many areas in the world and threaten food security, but also to decrease the climate change mitigation capacity of forests, of other natural ecosystems and of producing crops. However, if research, policy and industry join forces to obtain the multidisciplinary knowledge necessary to adapt integrated pest management (IPM) to the changing climate, it is expected that sufficiently resilient cropping systems can be developed in time. This was the main conclusion of the International Conference on Climate Change and Plant Disease Management held in Evora, Portugal, in November 2010.  相似文献   

Plants use trichomes as a morphological defense against attacks from herbivores. The literature was reviewed to test the hypothesis that trichome‐bearing (pubescent) plants do not cause more harm than good to predators. Forty seven records on interactions between plant trichomes and predatory insects were found. Overall, the records reveal that trichomes have more harmful than beneficial effects on predators. Fortunately, most harmful effects are sublethal; they usually affect movement, development, oviposition and predation potential. In worst cases, sticky exudates from glandular trichomes entrap predators. The hooked tips on non‐glandular trichomes impale predators. Entrapped and impaled predators often die from desiccation or starvation. Plant cultivars with high (rather than low) trichome density cause the most harm, and trichomes on tomato and some beans often cause more harm than good to predatory beetles, true bugs and lacewings. Whether these harmful effects have a net negative effect on plant fitness is poorly known and ripe for study. When developing and testing cultivars with increased trichome‐based resistance to herbivory, the question as to whether these technologies are compatible with the functional role of those predators (single or combined species) capable of suppressing herbivore populations should be considered. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

Research on germination strategies has been proposed as a tool for understanding the evolutionary patterns of plant species living in extreme climate conditions. Previous research has concentrated on spring-germinated plants, while there has been little investigation on the ecological significance of ephemeral plants that germinate in both autumn and spring. The biological characteristics and life history strategies of autumn-and spring-germinated plants of Hypecoum erectum L. that belongs to Hypecoum in Papaveraceae family in the southern part of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China, were investigated from 2016 to 2017. Results showed that:(1) the interval from seedling emergence to the end of the life cycle in autumn-germinated plants(202–208 d) was significantly longer than that in spring-germinated plants(53–65 d);(2) the height, crown, principal axis and the number of leaves of autumn-germinated plants were much greater than those of spring-germinated plants;(3) allocation of dry mass to reproduction was 30.24%(±2.41%) and 10.12%(±0.68%) in autumn-and spring-germinated plants, respectively. Autumn-germinated seedlings of H. erectum had an advantage in avoiding the competition between annual and perennial herbs that had longer periods of vegetative growth.Spring-germinated seedlings need to ensure the survival of population when only a fewer autumn-germinated seedlings successfully overwinter. In an unpredictable environment, the germination strategy of bet hedging not only utilizes the resources and reduces the competition intensity in offspring,but also ensures the survival of the plant population.  相似文献   

The global sustainability agenda is increasing the demand for reduction in inputs into agricultural production while maintaining profitable yield of quality products. Plant diseases are a major constraint for both yield and product quality, but often tools for their control are ineffective or lacking. Biological control using antagonistic microorganisms has long been a subject of research resulting in a wide range of products that are now available and marketed in specific territories around the world. These preparations are often niche products with narrow uses. The research effort is intense both to develop new biological control agents (BCAs) and to obtain knowledge of the mechanisms underlying biological disease control. The prospects for biological control are promising. As a minimum, BCAs supplement other sustainable disease management practices such as disease resistance, and present opportunities for controlling diseases for which other approaches are ineffective or unavailable. We can realistically expect increasing use of BCAs to control crop diseases in ways that will benefit the environment. This review paper arose from a webinar held by the British Society for Plant Pathology as part of the International Year of Plant Heath (IYPH2020), at which many of the 300 participants posed or discussed interesting questions. This review is based on that input and the panel members at the webinar are all included as co-authors in this review.  相似文献   

Probably the most known and best studied type of plant resistance to pathogenic infections is the hypersensitive response (HR), a form of localized programmed cell death associated with restriction or killing of pathogens that often leads to macroscopically visible localized tissue necrosis. It is generally assumed that cell death and resistance within the HR are physiologically and genetically linked. However, there has been considerable speculation about whether cell death is an absolute requirement for resistance conditioned by the HR. This review discusses the relation of cell death and resistance in the HR, in particular, the importance of cell death in this process. We intend to focus on the increasing amount of research evidence showing that in several plant-pathogen interactions, the two main components of the HR – resistance and cell death – can be physiologically, genetically and temporally uncoupled. In other words, HR should be considered as a combination of resistance and cell death responses, where cell death may be dispensable for plant disease resistance. The varying contribution of these two components (i.e. cell death and resistance) generates an array of defense strategies differing in efficiency. Thus, a very early and rapid defense response seems to contribute to the development of macroscopically symptomless (extreme) resistance, while a moderately early defense response results in resistance with the concomitant development of controlled and limited cell and tissue death (HR). Accordingly, a delayed and failed attempt by the host to elicit resistance responses would result in massively stressed plant tissues (e.g. “systemic HR”) and a partial or almost complete loss of control over pathogen invasion. The dynamic nature of resistance responses in plants implies that resistance can be effective with or without cell death but its outcome and efficiency may depend primarily on the timing and speed of the host response.  相似文献   

Cultivars with introgressed natural resistance genes have been widely used for plant disease control, especially in the control of virus diseases, for which no effective chemical control agent is available. However, we often encounter virus mutants that break down or overcome the resistance. In this review, recent studies will be discussed with respect to breakdown of plant virus resistance.  相似文献   

A new category of officially regulated pests has been introduced during the past decade. The aim of this new categorization is to protect plant health and, in particular, farmers’ and growers’ crops against the introduction of pests via propagation material. The phytosanitary term ‘regulated non‐quarantine pests’ (RNQPs) is relatively new. It was introduced in 1997 as part of the new revised text of the International Plant Protection Convention. These RNQPs differ from the common category of quarantine pests in that they can be widespread within the territory of concern. Unlike quarantine pests, a level of tolerance could be applied for RNQPs infesting certain plants for planting. Some certification systems for the production of propagation material may specify certain tolerance levels, however, these systems are usually not regulated by national plant protection organizations and the tolerance levels are usually not based on scientific evidence. To date, only a few countries have applied the concept of RNQPs: notably Uruguay and Brazil. To apply the concept and, in particular, to determine specific tolerance levels presents many challenges. The concept may be embraced in the coming years by the European Community as part of the revision of the EU Council Directive 2000/29/EC.  相似文献   

Disease resistance is without argument the best technological approach to control diseases in plants since no management input is required by the grower once the resistant variety has been planted. The biggest problems in using disease resistance lie in the facts that effective sources of resistance are not available for many important diseases, especially those caused by necrotrophic pathogens; and that pathogen populations adapt to the utilisation of novel sources of resistance, most notably for air-borne biotrophic pathogens. Several biotechnological approaches have been developed to produce disease resistant plants, the most recent known as NBT – New Breeding Technologies. This review focuses on recent advances in those technologies which adapt the knowledge obtained using molecular genetic approaches for the study of plant-microbe interactions to combat plant diseases.  相似文献   

Effective detection of pathogens from complex substrates is a challenging task. Molecular approaches such as real‐time PCR can detect pathogens present even in low quantities. However, weak real‐time PCR signals, as represented by high cycle threshold (Ct) values, may be questionable. Therefore, setting a reliable Ct threshold to declare a positive reaction is important for specific detection. In this study, five methods were assessed for their performance in determining a Ct cut‐off value. These methods were based on the widely used probability of detection (POD) or receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) approaches. Two important forest pathogens, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Fusarium circinatum, were used to set up three experimental frameworks that combined two types of substrates (seed lots and spore traps) and different PCR machines. The ROC‐based method emerged as the most complete and flexible method under various experimental conditions. It was demonstrated that the ROC method leads to a cut‐off value below which late Ct results can reliably be considered indicative of positive test results. This cut‐off value must be determined for each experimental approach used. The method based on the distribution of a previously determined set of Ct values corresponding to false‐positives appeared to be better adapted to detecting false‐negative results, and thus useful for testing potentially invasive pathogens.  相似文献   

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