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关超  张玉换 《中国牛业科学》2011,37(1):24-25,28
[目的]为了验证NPN补充料时肉牛增重效果,进行本试验.[方法]试验将西杂牛20头随机分为试验组和对照组,每组10头,试验组在精料中添加NPN补充料,对照组饲喂常规饲料,不添加NPN补充料.经过80 d的试验.[结果]表明:试验组肉牛总体重5 116.8 kg,比对照组的4 806.1 kg,多增重310....  相似文献   

山羊精料补充料目前未见国标和地标,遵照饲料卫生标准(GB13078—2001)。参照美国NRC(1981)和《饲料添加剂手册》(张力2000)推荐量设计生产的山羊精料补充料经试验表明.试验组只平日增重126.3±12.6g,比对照组66.4±22.3g提高90.2%,差异显著(P〈0.01),投入产出比1:1.92。  相似文献   

为了提高养羊效益,研究设计了3个饲料配方,在贵州省镇远县开展了为期60天的对比育肥试验.同时为探索杂交肉牛对饲料的利用率,以3号配方配制的补充料为基础,用甲醛和醋酸对菜籽粕和豆粕进行了过瘤胃蛋白保护处理.结果表明:在配方筛选试验中,使用3号配方的第3组效果最好,日增重达1 273 g,饲料价格仅为1 500元/t;使用2号配方的第2组,日增重为1 275 g,饲料价格为1 750元/t;使用1号配方的第1组,日增重为1 142 g,饲料价格为1 710元/t.在过瘤胃蛋白保护处理中,以第4组甲醛保护的效果较理想,日增重达1 508 g,比未保护的对照组(第3组)提高18.46%,呈显著差异(P<0.05);用醋酸保护的第5组,日增重为1 402 g,较对照组(第3组)提高10.08%,差异不显著(P〉0.05).  相似文献   

5~42日龄、76~118日龄、11~36月龄的西本杂改良牛,在饲喂作物秸秆、豆糠、青草、玉米面等传统饲料的基础上,补充犊牛补充料100 g和200 g,肉牛补充料500 g,改善了饲养水平,日增重显著提高了21.2%、41.7%、47.6%。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究补饲非蛋白氮(NPN)补充料对放牧牛群生产性能的影响。试验在春末夏初放牧前,选择30头9~10月龄、体重150~170 kg的中国西门塔尔太行类群小公牛,分为对照组、试验1组和试验2组,进行放牧加补饲试验。试验1组日补饲玉米粉1.0 kg;试验2组在试验1组的基础上增补NPN补充料0.25 kg。进行了为期100 d的放牧补饲效果试验。结果表明,对照组、试验1组、试验2组日增重分别为0.622、0.839和1.051 kg。试验1组比对照组日增重提高217 g;试验2组比对照组和试验1组日增重分别提高429和212 g。3组间增重差异显著。因此,北方山坡草地放牧牛群补饲少量精料效果明显,同时,补喂少量NPN补充料经济效益更为显著。  相似文献   

在日粮代谢能、粗蛋白相同的条件下,用羔羊蛋白补充料对断奶杂交肉用羔羊进行饲养试验,观察肉用羔羊的日增重情况。  相似文献   

11~ 4 4日龄、90~ 115日龄、1~ 5月龄和 11~ 15月龄的西门塔尔牛 ,在饲喂秸秆、杂草、少量土豆和玉米面等传统饲料的基础上 ,补充犊牛补充料 10 0g和 2 0 0 g ,肉牛补充料 5 0 0 g,改善了日粮中蛋白质、钙、磷和微量元素的状况 ,日增重显著提高了 2 5 2 1%、4 5 4 1%、4 7 32 %和 4 9 91%。  相似文献   

为探讨木薯渣(CR)不同补饲方式对西本杂牛增重的组合效应,选用平均体重155.8kg的西本杂公牛12头,随机分成4个处理,每个处理3头。处理Ⅰ为仅喂混合粗饲料(75%稻草+25%苜蓿)但不补饲CR的对照组,处理Ⅱ、处理Ш与处理Ⅳ为在饲喂混合粗饲料基础上以不同方式按每千克代谢体重30g给每头西本杂牛补给CR的试验组。处理Ⅱ在给牛投给混合粗饲料前3h一次性补饲CR,处理Ш在投给混合粗饲料后2h一次性补饲CR,处理Ⅳ将处理Ш的CR分3次等量补饲。试验结果为:平均日采食混合粗饲料量(ADRI)自高到低的排序为处理Ⅳ(3425.2)处理Ⅲ(3247.5)处理Ⅱ(3020.6)处理Ⅰ(2974.7),括弧中的数字为ADRI,单位为g/d。西本杂牛稻草与苜蓿干草混合粗饲料补饲木薯渣(CR)的替代率(SR)均为负值,表明补饲CR可以提高混合粗饲料(75%稻草+25%苜蓿)的采食量,在采食量上表现为正组合效应,但SR不能定量地描述这种组合效应。各组平均日增重(ADG)自高到低的排序与ADRI相同,但处理Ⅳ(344)与处理Ⅲ(326)差异不显著(P0.05),其余组间差异显著(P0.05),括弧中的数字为ADG,单位为g/d。每千克增重所消耗日粮干物质量自高到低的排序为处理Ⅱ(16.63)处理Ⅰ(14.03)处理Ⅲ(14.01)处理Ⅳ(13.79),处理Ⅱ显著高于另3个处理,其余3个处理之间差异不显著(P0.05);这表明处理Ⅳ的日粮干物质转化效率最好,其次为处理Ⅲ,最差为处理Ⅱ。本研究表明,CR作为能量添补饲料,用于西本杂牛补饲时,可以通过改变补饲方式与增加饲喂次数这样的饲养措施来激发饲料间的正组合效应,从而提高动物的生产性能。  相似文献   

“畜大壮”对利延杂交牛放牧期增重效果试验赵完现,朴永和,金光日,金文雄(吉林省延边农学院,133400)(吉林省龙井市畜牧兽医总站,133400)1前言使用“畜大壮”增重剂是提高牛肉产量加快肉牛业生产的一种有效途径。“畜大壮”是一种促生长剂,即一种间...  相似文献   

本研究测定分析了秸秆制粒饲喂肉牛对其采食、反刍、养分表观消化率、瘤胃发酵和增重的影响,以丰富秸秆饲料化利用方式。试验选取30头18月龄左右、活重接近的西杂肉牛,随机分成3组(每组10头),分别饲喂粉碎玉米秸秆(对照组)、玉米秸秆颗粒饲料(试验Ⅰ组)及玉米秸秆精粗饲料颗粒(试验Ⅱ组)。结果表明,1)秸秆制粒饲喂肉牛,其采食、反刍、咀嚼时间均有所缩短,且每食团咀嚼时间显著少于对照组(P=0.004),而试验Ⅱ组采食时长显著低于对照组(P=0.032)。2)除试验Ⅰ组中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率显著低于对照组外(P<0.05),3组肉牛其他养分的表观消化率均无显著差异。3)秸秆粉碎制料后饲喂肉牛影响瘤胃发酵,与对照组比较,试验Ⅰ组瘤胃pH值及丁酸含量显著下降(P<0.05),而乙酸含量和乙酸/丙酸显著升高(P<0.05);试验Ⅱ组瘤胃液丁酸含量显著下降(P<0.05),乙酸/丙酸及NH3-N含量显著升高(P<0.05)。4)秸秆粉碎制粒饲喂肉牛能显著增加日增重和饲料转化率(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ组及试验Ⅱ组日增重较对照组分别高出0.36和0.38 kg,饲料转化率(料重比)分别提高27.86%和29.09%。  相似文献   

不同酸化剂对哺乳仔猪增重效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在哺乳期分别对约×互仔猪灌服不同酸化剂,进行25天试验。结果:灌服乳香酸组、下边酸组与对照组相比,哺乳仔猪平均日增重分别提高42.30%(P<0.01)和降低33.26%(P<0.01),经济效益分别增长36.50%和下降36.48%。  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (PAGE)对 37头甘肃黑猪合成系猪的转铁蛋白 (Tf)、前白蛋白 (Pa)、脂酶 (Es)、淀粉酶 1 (Am1 )、淀粉酶 2(Am2 ) 5个蛋白质基因座的多态性进行了检测。并运用通用线性模型分析了这 5个蛋白质基因座的共 1 7种基因型对初生重、 45日龄内平均日增重的相关效应。结果表明Am1AA型具有显著提高初生重的效应 ,PaAA型具有显著提高 45日龄内平均日增重的效应。因此这 2个位点可望用于标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

为了研究不同肉牛品种杂交改良西门塔尔杂种牛的效果,筛选出产肉量高、肉质好、抗逆性强的品种杂交组合,为大规模开展杂交提供依据,试验采用红安格斯、利木赞、夏洛莱(法系)、德国黄牛4个品种牛,分别杂交西门塔尔杂种母牛,产犊后从每个杂交组合中选择11头断奶小公牛,在相同饲养管理条件下持续育肥至18月龄,并进行屠宰和肉质评定。结果表明:红安西杂组合杂交效果最好,其次是利西杂及夏西杂,德黄西杂组合杂交效果较差。说明在生产实际中,如果采用断奶小公牛持续育肥至18月龄时出栏、屠宰,应优先选择红安格斯×西门塔尔杂交组合。  相似文献   

The economic and performance effect of supplementing smallholder cattle by substituting commercial feed with iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets based on alternative protein sources was investigated in two trials. In trial 1, three diets (commercial concentrate, commercial concentrate partially substituted with mucuna, and commercial concentrate partially substituted with lablab–cowpea) compared with veld grass were allocated to 12 cattle in a complete randomised block design. In trial 2, a double complete randomised block design with 40 cattle assigned to four forage legume-based diets, a poultry-based diet and a commercial beef concentrate was carried out. Diets were offered at 1.5% of body weight daily over 56 d. Average daily weight gain (ADWG) was measured weekly in trial 1 and fortnightly in trial 2. In trial 1, ADWG was significantly (p < 0.05) higher for animals on supplements compared with non-supplemented cattle. In trial 2, ADWG was significantly highest on the groundnut stover-based diet and least on the poultry litter diet. Supplementation had a positive effect on ADWG and economic performance of smallholder beef cattle. Substitution of commercial concentrates with alternative protein sources reduced diet costs and significantly improved gross margins.  相似文献   

Different methods of estimating weight gain were compared for accuracy and utility, using the amount of error variation from fitting the residual feed intake (RFI) model. Data were collected on 1481 cattle of temperate and tropically adapted breeds, feedlot-finished for the domestic (liveweight 400 kg), Korean (520 kg), or Japanese (steers only; 600 kg) markets. Cattle were tested in 36 groups over 4 years. The aim was to estimate weight gain over the period feed intake was measured, which was at least 49 days and averaged 63 days, including time for animals to adapt to the automatic feeding system. The different estimates were derived from linear and quadratic regressions of weight over time fitted to: F1) all weighings in the feedlot and F2) all weighings in the feedlot excluding atypical records in the first few weeks following feedlot entry. More complex linear and quadratic models were also fitted to weighings when feed intake was being measured, using the amount of feed eaten on the day of weighing, and previous days, to adjust for gut fill. Finally, a random regression model including general trends in the growth of each animal and short term measurement error was fitted to dataset F2 to estimate weight gain for the period feed intake was measured.The RFI equation: feed intake=intercept(s)+βw*mean(weight0.73)+βg*weight gain+error (i.e. RFI) was fitted using the different weight gain estimates. Based on mean squared errors from fitting this equation, longer measurement periods generally resulted in more accurate estimates of weight gain. The increased accuracy from using all weight measurements in the feedlot outweighed the loss from not measuring over the desired time interval—i.e. the period for which feed intake was measured.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the prevalence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) in beef cattle grazing lush pasture and the effect of monensin on reducing SARA and improving animal performance. Design Commercial Angus and Murray Grey steers received a monensin slow‐release capsule (n = 19) or remained untreated (n = 19). Cattle grazed an oats crop or tetraploid ryegrass pasture for a total of 91 days. Rumen fluid pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and lactic acid concentrations and body weight data were collected prior to treatment and again 28, 56 and 91 days after treatment. Changes in measures over time were analysed using mixed model repeated measures analysis. Differences in average daily gain between treatment groups were determined. Results The prevalence of SARA was low during the study, with only one animal satisfying criteria for SARA at one time point. Cattle treated with monensin capsules were 11.9 kg heavier at the completion of the study compared with untreated controls (414.5 ± 3.88 kg vs 402.6 ± 4.03 kg, P = 0.04). Rumen VFA and L‐ and D‐lactate levels did not differ between cattle treated with monensin and untreated cattle. However, the ratio of propionate to acetate plus two times butyrate was higher (P < 0.001) when cattle were treated with monensin. Conclusions Subacute rumen acidosis was not consistently detected under the conditions of the study. The higher body weight of cattle treated with monensin may have been due to improved energy utilisation of the pasture, indicated by increased propionate proportions in the rumen, rather than prevention of SARA.  相似文献   

[目的]试验旨在研究不同蛋白源饲料对秦川肉牛日增重、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。[方法]选择20头体重相近、健康状况良好的12月龄左右的秦川肉牛(母牛)为试验动物,随机将试验牛分为5组,各组分别饲喂5种不同精饲料。试验结束后,对照组(31%豆粕组)、试验Ⅰ组(36%菜籽粕组)和试验Ⅳ组(42%紫苏饼组)各选3头参试牛进行屠宰。[结果]试验Ⅳ组的全期总增重、平均日增重和屠宰率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验Ⅳ组背最长肌中干物质和粗蛋白含量均高于其他两组,但各组间均差异不显著(P>0.05);对照组和试验Ⅰ组大理石花纹均是3级,试验Ⅳ组大理石花纹是4级。[结论]本试验条件下,精饲料中添加42%的紫苏饼能够提高肉牛日增重和屠宰率,能够提高牛肉中氨基酸的含量和粗蛋白水平。  相似文献   

选用60日龄体质量均匀、健康的塞北乌骨鸡120只,随机分为I~V个试验组,每个试验组设4个重复,每个组6只乌骨鸡(雌雄各半),探讨饲粮中添加不同水平能量(10.38,10.94,11.51,12.34,12.96MJ/kg),对塞北乌骨鸡体增质量、血液指标和免疫器官的影响。结果表明。育成期公鸡在12.34MJ/kg时体增质量最高,母鸡在12.96MJ/kg时体增质量最高;80日龄时公鸡调节血糖的能力优于母鸡,对肝脏具有很好的保护力;LDL—C与日粮能量引起体质量的变化具有一定的相关性。总胆固醇的含量在育成期随着日粮中能量水平的增加而逐渐下降。日粮能量水平不同,对内脏器官的影响也不同,都存在不同的显著性差异。  相似文献   

半胱胺对羔羊增重及羊毛生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选择 4~ 5月龄断奶雌性杂种羔羊 2 2 0只 ,随机分成对照组和添加半胱胺组 ,半胱胺组按 5 0mg/kg体重包膜保护半胱胺 ,连续添加 12 0d ,试验结束。结果显示 ,半胱胺组从试验第 4 6天体重、毛长显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,整个试验期半胱胺组比对照组增重提高 17.9% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,毛长增长提高 6 .2 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ,说明半胱胺能够显著地促进断奶母羔体重增加和羊毛生长。  相似文献   

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