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An outbreak of lameness of dietary origin in growing calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Treatment with toltrazuril in a natural outbreak of coccidiosis in calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment with toltrazuril (Baycox) in calves naturally infected with several enteropathogenic agents resulted in a reduction in the mean number of Eimeria oocysts shed. The mean faecal consistency for the treated calves also differed significantly from that of the untreated calves. There was virtually no difference in weight gain in the two groups.  相似文献   

An outbreak of acute severe pneumonia which affected six to 14-week-old single-suckled calves, resulted in 45/77 requiring treatment. The examination of paired sera from all affected calves revealed that neither an adenovirus, non infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus nor parainfluenza 3 virus was involved. The acute exudative interstitial pneumonia found at post mortem was typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report an outbreak of congenital chondrodystrophy in calves in South East Australia. METHODS: District veterinarians investigated reported cases of calf deformities. Owners of affected herds were interviewed using a standard questionnaire to identify potential risk factors. Dams of several affected calves were serologically tested for Akabane virus, Aino virus, pestivirus and bluetongue, and affected calves were tested for pestivirus antigen and serum immunoglobulin concentrations. Gross and histopathological examinations of numerous calves were performed, concentrating on the musculoskeletal system. RESULTS: A case definition of distinctive skeletal deformities was established, and 89 property owners reported calves with chondrodystrophy in Spring 2003, 2004 or 2005. Some 14 property owners reported affected calves in more than one year. Prevalence and severity of deformity varied greatly between and within properties. None of breed, sex, age of dam, lineage, pasture type, supplementary feeding, fertiliser use or toxic plants was consistently associated with the disease. All dams experienced hot, dry conditions during the first trimester of pregnancy and were exposed to adverse conditions thereafter. Consistently dams were reported to have been grazing undulating to hilly terrain during early pregnancy. All serological tests were negative for Akabane virus, Aino virus, pestivirus and bluetongue. Histopathology of affected skeletal samples showed chondrodysplasia. CONCLUSION: The outbreak had similarities with previous outbreaks reported in the region. No specific aetiology could be determined. There is some evidence that the cause of the deformities could be a manganese deficiency during foetal development. Ongoing work to test this hypothesis is therefore warranted.  相似文献   

Severe respiratory disease, associated with seroconversion to bovine respiratory syncitial virus (BRSV), caused the death of two cattle and necessitated antibiotic treatment of 70 calves (rectal temperature of 39.6°C or greater) from a group of 96 (73%) during an 8-day period. Tilmicosin injection resulted in a reduction in median rectal temperature from 40.3°C to 39.2°C and 39.0°C for the first and second days after treatment. The rectal temperature was 39.5°C or lower in 72% (48 of 67) and 96% (64 of 67) of cattle 1 and 2 days after tilmicosin treatment, respectively. Ten cattle were re-treated with tilmicosin 6 to 16 days after the first treatment. Our study demonstrated that bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection could cause severe respiratory disease in a beef herd that had no previous history of BRSV-related disease. Secondary bacterial invasion after BRSV infection was controlled effectively by tilmicosin treatment but repeat antibiotic treatments were occasionally necessary due to bacterial re-infection of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

On a dairy farm, otitis media was diagnosed in 64 suckler calves (21.8%) during a study period of 2 years, and in 10 calves (3.4%) in the third year. The inflammation was unilateral in 63 and bilateral in 11 calves. The affected calves were dull, lacked appetite, were pyrexic and displayed drooping ear or ears and tilted heads with purulent discharge exuding from the external ear canal. Of the affected animals, 56 (87.5%) were aged between 3 and 8 weeks. Morbidity was higher during the calving season and during the autumn and winter months (October-December). Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from 21 (32.8%), P. multocida from 20 (31.2%), Actinomyces pyogenes from 11 (17.2%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae from three (4.7%) of the clinically affected calves only during the first two study years. The exudate of the acute ear infections contained, in addition to Pasteurella spp., various bacteria and yeasts. Most of these bacteria were isolated from healthy ears as well, and are likely to be part of the normal ear flora. On the other hand most of the yeasts were isolated from otitic calves. After a short course of an appropriate treatment infections healed in all cases. Possible preventive measures are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: During 1988, 2 farmers in the Bega district agisted pregnant cattle in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. On return to the district to calve, 54% of calves from herd 1 and 30% of calves from herd 2 were affected with congenital arthrogryposls or hydranencephaly caused by Akabane virus infection. Field observations and laboratory findings from this outbreak are presented, illustrating the danger of moving immunologlcally naive animals into areas where Akabane virus is endemic.  相似文献   


Fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a neoplastic disease that primarily affects green turtles Chelonia mydas in epidemic proportions worldwide. Although several infectious agents (herpesvirus, retrovirus, and papillomavirus) have been associated with the condition, the etiologic agent has not been isolated or characterized. Recently, FP has been reported in other sea turtle species including confirmed cases in loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta in Florida and field observations in olive ridley turtles Lepidochelys olivacea in the Pacific coasts of Mexico and Costa Rica. Skin and tumor specimens were collected from 72 olive ridley turtles nesting in Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, between July and September 1997. In all, 50 tumor biopsies were examined from 25 of the affected turtles. In addition, six biopsies were examined from five turtles that did not have visible masses and served as controls. Grossly, masses were 25 mm or less in diameter, white to gray, smooth to verruciform, raised tumors of the integument of the neck and flippers. Histologically, 42 of 50 were diagnosed as fibropapillomas and eight were classified as chronic active dermatitis and not tumors. Twenty of 42 fibropapillomas were in stages of regression and 9 of the remaining 22 tumors had histological changes that suggested early degeneration within the tumor. During field surveys based on gross lesions, prevalences of 1–10% have been reported in this nesting population. This is considered the first histopathologic confirmation of FP in olive ridley turtles.  相似文献   

A silage clamp was sampled for the presence of Listeria species. Even though covered by a heavy duty black plastic sheet the top few centimetres of silage were heavily contaminated with Listeria species. In the areas nearest the edges of the sheet the pathogenic species Listeria monocytogenes was found in numbers in excess of 12,000 organisms/g silage. Using the methods of isolation described, pathogenic species of Listeria could be differentiated from non-pathogenic species in three to four days.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovoculi and Mycoplasma bovis were both isolated from conjunctival swabs taken from young calves showing symptoms consistent with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (pinkeye). No Moraxella spp. or other nonmycoplasma bacteria were isolated in association with this severe clinical outbreak. Based on laboratory tests and clinical observations, the first phase of the disease was likely pneumonic in nature, possibly caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus and M. bovis. In the subsequent phase of the disease course, infection with both M. bovoculi and M. bovis resulted in ocular disease. A combination of microbiological, serological, and molecular diagnosticmethods was used to elucidate the etiology of the outbreak.  相似文献   

Bovine acute phase proteins (APPs), lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (Hp) and alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) were evaluated as inflammatory markers during an outbreak of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Calves (n = 10) presented mild to moderate signs of respiratory disease. Secondary bacterial infections, Pasteurella multocida and Mycoplasma dispar as major species, were detected in tracheobronchial lavage samples. Concentrations of SAA and LBP increased at week 1 had the highest values at week 3 and decreased at week 4 of outbreak. Some calves had high Hp concentrations at week 3, but AGP concentrations did not rise during respiratory disease. Higher SAA, LBP and Hp concentrations at a later stage of BRD (week 3) were associated with the low BRSV-specific IgG1 production, suggesting that these calves had enhanced inflammatory response to the secondary bacterial infection. In conclusion, APPs (especially SAA and LBP) are sensitive markers of respiratory infection, and they may be useful to explore host response to the respiratory infections in clinical research.  相似文献   

An outbreak of congenital hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia occurred between November 1985 and May 1986 in Miyazaki, South Kyushu, Japan. Seventy-three calves had nervous signs of varying severity such as inability to stand, locomotor difficulties, defective vision and difficulty in sucking. At necropsy, 62 calves had macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system: hydranencephaly accompanied by cerebellar hypoplasia in 47; hydranencephaly alone in eight; and dilatation of the lateral ventricle in seven; none had arthrogryposis. Microscopically, all 62 cases involved various degrees of hypoplasia of neural components, such as total or partial thinning of the cerebral or cerebellar laminae. Heterotopia, such as abnormal islands of granule cells or Purkinje cells was also observed. Fourteen of these animals had other lesions such as non-purulent encephalitis, focal gliosis, neuronal degeneration, calcification or pseudocalcification, and cholesterol deposits, activation of vascular endothelial cells and haemorrhage. From the findings, these cases were considered to represent mainly hypoplasia of nerve tissue due to infection with a virus different from Akabane virus.  相似文献   

Fibropapillomatosis (FP) is characterized by multiple fibroepithelial tumors in all parts of the skin and has been reported in sea turtles worldwide. Clinically infected individuals are often emaciated and anemic. In Mexico, however, there are few records of this disease. In this study of green turtles Chelonia mydas in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur (BCS), we noted one juvenile with multifocal fibropapilloma lesions on the external upper surface of its eyes and hind flippers. Light microscopy revealed hyperkeratosis, epidermal hyperplasia, dermal papillary projections, and fibroblast proliferation. Electron microscopy revealed viral particles. Biopsies of normal skin were done to determine the origin of the turtle through genetic analysis. Its mitochondrial DNA matched that of a haplotype (CMP2) from a Hawaiian green turtle population. Finding FP in a turtle captured in BCS elucidates the need for further monitoring along the west coast of Mexico. Further investigation should include testing tumors to detect and characterize any chelonid herpesviruses and explore any association with FP and other diseases that pose a health risk to other sea turtle species.

Received March 26, 2016; accepted August 3, 2016 Published online October 27, 2016  相似文献   

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