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戴海燕 《当代畜牧》2013,(20):29-30
伪结核棒状菌具有很多种形状,像杆状、球状等等,广泛存在于患畜的皮肤、肠道内,也可存在于肥料、土壤中。如果骆驼感染伪结核棒状菌,其粪便中也有病菌存在,进而感染其他的骆驼。如果骆驼体内含有伪结核棒状菌病病毒,其淋巴结、肺脏等处会出现大大小小的脓肿,而且一旦其体表的脓肿有破溃发生,其中的白色粘稠脓汁就会流出来,进而污染周围的环境,发病率是很高的。所以需要对其进行研究和探讨,寻找最好的解决方案。本文通过伪结核棒状杆菌病的来历以及症状,阐述双峰骆驼伪结核棒状杆菌病的诊断及防治方法。  相似文献   

发病情况 农七师一二四团一养殖户,所有骆驼的饲养方式是常年放养在荒漠戈壁草场,共计饲养42峰,从2003年3月20日至4月10日发病5峰,发病率为11.90%,全部死亡,病死率为100%。发病年龄从2月龄至10岁均有发病。此病的发生无明显的年龄界限和性别之分,也无明显的季节性,但以春季发病较为多见。  相似文献   

骆驼脓肿病主要是假结核棒状杆菌引起的体表局部或肺脏发生大小不一的一种散发性、慢性传染病,常呈散发性或地方流行性,一年四季都能发病,主要是秋,春季节多发,骆驼抗病力较强,患病初期不易发现,症状明显时,病已到后期,故治愈率很低.此病的特征是肺、皮下、四肢关节、淋巴结、肌肉、腱鞘以及全身各部发生大小不等的脓肿.不仅可引起骆驼还可羊,牛,马,兔,猪都会发病,但发病时临床症状不一致,人也可以感染.本文主要叙述了的病因及临床症状、发病原因、诊断、治疗与预防.  相似文献   

山羊伪结核棒状杆菌病是由伪结核棒状杆菌引起的一种接触性人畜共患慢性传染病。山羊发病特征是局部淋巴结发生脓肿和干酪样坏死,病羊消瘦。老百姓叫"长包"或"长大包"、"长兴羊子"。由于养殖户和基层兽医对  相似文献   

我省某波尔山羊养殖场发生了几乎波及全群的体表淋巴结脓肿,通过流行病学调查、临床症状、病理变化以及实验室诊断,确诊该病病原为伪结核棒状杆菌。  相似文献   

山羊伪结核棒状杆菌(Corynebaeteriurn pseudotuberculosis)是引起人和多种动物共患的慢性传染病的重要病原之一,主要引起羊干酪性淋巴结炎、骆驼脓肿、马溃疡性淋巴管炎和人化脓性淋巴管炎。动物多由皮肤破伤感染,有的可因摄食污染的饲料而感染。羊的发病率较高,常在8%~30%以上。该病的发病特征是受害羊的皮下及淋巴结出现化脓性病变,呈脓性干酪性坏死;  相似文献   

伪结核棒状杆菌是一种重要的人畜共患病和慢性接触性传染病的病原菌,该病原可在机体内增殖,尤其在山羊中多发,可引起浅表淋巴结肿大,严重者器官肿大、出现腹泻甚至死亡。由于其耐受性强、难以根除,严重危害我国山羊养殖业发展和公共卫生安全。论文从病原的生物学特性,疾病的流行现状、诊断和防控等方面对山羊伪结核棒状杆菌病的研究进展进行综述,以期为该病的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

我省某波尔山羊养殖场从上海某种羊场引入一批波尔山羊,引入几个月就发现一只大公羊体表淋巴结主要是肩前淋巴结和股前淋巴结发生脓肿,此后,同舍内的母羊也相继受到感染。由于该羊群是放养,羊舍墙壁为土墙,发生脓疱的羊在墙上磨擦,脓疱破溃,污染羊舍和草地,所以很快波及全群。大羊发生率高,小羊发生率低。  相似文献   

从福建省不同羊场的山羊颈肩部淋巴结脓肿处分离到5株无荚膜、不形成芽孢的革兰氏阳性球杆菌,该菌在含血清的琼脂培养基上,可生长成直径1-2 mm、干燥、中央凸起、不透明、边缘不整齐、伴有β溶血环的菌落,而在普通培养基上生长不良,在麦康凯琼脂培养基上不能生长。根据其形态学、培养特性、生化特性及致病性试验和动物回归试验结果,判定所分离的5株菌为山羊伪结核棒状杆菌。  相似文献   

Lambs were inoculated IV with 3.2 X 10(3) colony forming units (CFU) to 3.2 X 10(6) CFU of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis from a 6-hour broth culture supplemented with 0.1% sorbitan monooleate. After 28 days, multiple abscesses were observed in the lungs and lymph nodes. The number of abscesses in the lungs correlated with the inoculation dose. Two lambs given 10(5) CFU and 10(6) CFU died. Multiple abscesses occurred in other lambs given 10(6) CFU to 10(4) CFU and few abscesses occurred in lambs given 10(3) CFU. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was isolated from lung abscesses, inoculation site abscesses, and lymph node abscesses, but not from normal tissues. Because this procedure consistently induced abscesses in the lungs, we believe it will be a suitable challenge system for studies on the prevention of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep.  相似文献   

Two horses were examined for large head wounds suspected to be the result of trauma and characterized by extensive necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, with abundant purulent exudate. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was isolated from the facial wounds in both horses. Histopathologic examination revealed severe suppurative cellulitis and panniculitis with fistulous tracts and granulation tissue in 1 horse. Both horses were treated with local wound care, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and administration of antimicrobials. The concept of moist wound care was used in the second horse, with products that have recently become available for veterinary wound management. Outcome in both horses was good.  相似文献   

Transformation of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis by electroporation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was transformed by electroporation, using pNG2, an erythromycin-resistance plasmid from C diphtheriae. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis cultivated in brain-heart infusion broth was washed 3 times with water, and resuspended to a final concentration of about 5 x 10(13) colony-forming units/ml. An electroporator constructed in our laboratory incorporated an electrode with 0.8-mm interelectrode gap, using disposable spectrophotometer cuvettes as containers for electroporation. The pNG2 was prepared in Escherichia coli and 4 to 16 micrograms of pNG2 DNA was mixed with 400-microliters amounts of cell suspension in prechilled cuvettes. After incubation on ice for 5 to 10 minutes, the mixture was electroporated at field strengths of up to 18 kV/cm, mixed with 1.5 ml of brain-heart infusion broth, and incubated at 37 C for 2 hours with agitation. Aliquots were then plated on brain-heart infusion blood agar with 15 micrograms of erythromycin/ml. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was transformed at a maximal efficiency of approximately 4 x 10(4) transformants/micrograms of pNG2 DNA. Most total transformants and most transformants per microgram of pNG2 were generated at a field strength of 18 kV/cm. When the concentration of pNG2 DNA was varied, the average total number of transformants increased through a concentration of 30 micrograms/ml, but the efficiency of transformation was highest at the lowest DNA concentration. Transformants contained unmodified pNG2.  相似文献   

Among the population of an alpaca breeding farm, 5 alpacas (22 days to 14 months old) developed focal swellings in the subcutaneous tissues of the head or neck. Infection with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was confirmed on the basis of results of microbial culture of abscess material and a serum hemolysis inhibition assay to detect C. pseudotuberculosis toxin. The dams of the affected alpacas were seronegative for C. pseudotuberculosis toxin. The affected alpacas underwent surgical excision of the abscesses and were isolated from herdmates for 90 days; treatment was successful, and no other alpacas in the herd became infected. Common risk factors for sources of infection in the affected alpacas included housing in a maternity barn and a pasture. Also, the infection potentially originated from new alpacas introduced into the herd during the preceding 3 months. Infection with C. pseudotuberculosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis for camelids with peripheral lymphadenopathy or abscesses in subcutaneous tissues.  相似文献   

The inoculation of 2000 colony-forming units of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis into one teat canal of each of three cows resulted in severe, chronic, pyogranulomatous mastitis. Within three days the cows had a reduced haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and red cell count. The anaemia was initially normocytic, normochromic and non-regenerative, and was associated with a brief peak of neutrophilia; a regenerative response became evident two to three weeks later. Clinical signs of mastitis appeared seven to 14 days after the inoculation, with a peak of high fever, more severe anaemia, a second peak of neutrophilia and the complete cessation of milk production from all quarters; extensive and severe pyogranulomatous mastitis developed in the inoculated quarters. No other lesions were detected postmortem, and C pseudotuberculosis was cultured from the affected quarters but not from the supramammary lymph nodes and viscera.  相似文献   

为获得陕西某羊场病羊脓包中的病原菌,以无菌采集的病羊颈部脓汁为材料,进行细菌分离培养,鉴定分离菌株的形态特征、培养特性、生化特性,挑取分离菌株进行协同溶血试验(cAMP)和16SrRNA基因的PCR扩增,并对序列进行分析,NJ法构建系统发育树;用分离菌株分别接种Balb/c小鼠和奶山羊;药敏试验鉴定分离株的耐药性。结果显示,分离菌株的形态特征、培养特性、生化特性与伯杰细菌鉴定手册所述伪结核棒状杆菌特性一致;测序显示分离菌株与GenBank中已收录伪结核棒状杆菌相似性达97%以上;Balb/c小鼠致病性试验和奶山羊动物回归试验表明分离株有强致病性;药敏试验表明分离菌株对红霉素、环丙沙星、克拉霉素、强力霉素、四环素、头孢唑啉、新霉素、氧氟沙星等多种抗生素敏感,对复方新诺明耐药。  相似文献   

A 13-year-old Oldenburg mare was evaluated for lethargy and signs of mild colic. Pericardial tamponade caused by fibrinoeffusive pericarditis was diagnosed. Cytologic and biochemical evaluation of pericardial fluid was consistent with a septic effusion. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, the cause of pigeon fever, was identified by bacteriologic culture of pericardial fluid. Drainage and lavage of the pericardial sac, local (intrapericardial) and systemic antimicrobial treatment, and subsequent corticosteroid treatment resulted in a successful outcome in this horse. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of pericarditis associated with C pseudotuberculosis in a horse.  相似文献   

We developed an improved protocol for the electrotransformation of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, testing variations of parameters in the procedures that are routinely used for the preparation of electrocompetent cells of this species, including (i) culture conditions, (ii) cell growth phase, (iii) electroporation solutions and (iv) quantity of plasmid DNA. We obtained the greatest efficiency of transformation when the cells were grown until the stationary phase and then washed with 10% glycerol electroporation solution. The transformation efficiency was inversely proportional to the quantity of plasmid DNA. The transformation efficiency reached 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu)/mug plasmid DNA. This protocol would be useful for genetic studies of C. pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   

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