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Field data records on 10,511 Hereford and 2,522 Brangus bulls between 330 and 430 d of age were analyzed to find age of calf and age of dam adjustment factors for yearling scrotal circumference. Age of calf adjustment factors were .024 cm/d for Hereford bulls and .041 cm/d for Brangus bulls. Sons of Hereford dams were adjusted to a 6- to 8-yr dam age basis by adding .7, .3, .2, .2 or .3 cm for dams 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 or more years old, respectively. Age of dam adjustment factors for Brangus bulls were .8, .4, .3 and .2 for dams 2, 3, 4 or 8 or more years old, respectively. Variance and covariance components for yearling scrotal circumference and several growth traits were estimated within breed using multiple-trait models and pseudo expectations involving the solutions and the right-hand sides of the mixed-model equations. Additive heritability estimates for yearling scrotal circumference of .53 and .16 were found for Hereford and Brangus bulls, respectively. Maternal heritability estimates of .12 and .10 were found for Hereford and Brangus bulls, respectively. Genetic correlations between yearling scrotal circumference and other growth traits were positive for both sets of data indicating that selection for yearling scrotal circumference should not adversely affect other growth traits in either breed. Environmental correlation estimates between yearling scrotal circumference and adjusted birth weight and between yearling scrotal circumference and adjusted 205-d weight and adjusted 365-d height were positive and moderate in magnitude for both breeds.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference measurements were analyzed to develop appropriate adjustment factors for age and body weight differences in beef bulls. Age, body weight, and scrotal circumference measurements were collected on 863 Angus, 753 Polled Hereford, and 302 Simmental bulls from the Missouri tested bull sale, 1169 Polled Hereford bulls from the American Polled Hereford Association, and 465 Polled Hereford and 264 Simmental bulls from Nichols Farms in Bridgewater, Iowa. Within sources, data were subdivided into appropriate subsets and then each subset was statistically analyzed. Adjustment factors to remove differences in scrotal circumference due to age and body weight were developed for bulls of each of the 3 breeds studied.  相似文献   

The effect of age and body weight on scrotal circumference (SC), the effect of SC on percentage of sperm abnormalities and seminal characteristics, and the relationship of SC with testicular weight, epididymidal weight, degree of germinal epithelial loss (DGEL), and percentage of tubules graded 4 or greater (G4+) were studied in 37 Angus bulls. All bulls were from one herd and were examined at monthly intervals, during a 140-day weight gain test starting when they were 11 months old. The study was terminated when the bulls were slaughtered at 14 months of age. As age and body weight increased, SC increased (P less than 0.001). The incidence of sperm abnormalities decreased (P less than 0.001) as SC increased; however, seminal characteristics remained poor in bulls with SC less than or equal to 32 cm. Pathologic changes in 600 cross sections of seminiferous tubules from each bull were classified into 9 grades. The DGEL per 100 tubules was calculated by assigning a value to each grade according to the severity of loss of germinal epithelium. Tubules classified as G4+ were devoid of germinal cells and provided an index of irreversible loss of germinal epithelium. The SC was correlated positively with testicular weight (r = 0.91, P less than 0.001) and epididymal weight (r = 0.59, P less than 0.001) and negatively with DGEL (r = -0.48, P less than 0.01) and G4+ (r = -0.44, P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

From 1981 through 1986, BW, hip height, and scrotal circumference (SC) measurements were obtained on 329 bulls at the start of a 140-d gain test (SOT) and every 28 d to the end of test (EOT). Age, overall ADG, weight per day of age, ADG by period, and SC growth (cm/d) were calculated. Data were analyzed in two data sets because age of dam (AOD) and birth weights were unavailable between 1981 and 1983. Correlations of SC to other traits measured and probabilities for bulls attaining 30 or 32 cm SC by 365 d of age were calculated. Two adjusted 365-d SC (365-d SC) were calculated for each individual from regression analysis and from the following formula: 365-d SC = [(SCEOT-SCSOT)/140 d] x [365-ageSOT] + SCSOT. Except for ADG in Data Set 2, breed group differences (P less than .05) were observed for correlations of SC to all growth traits, age, and AOD. To attain 30 cm SC by 365 d of age with nearly 100% probability, Angus, Simmental and Zebu-derived bulls needed a 23-cm SCSOT, whereas continental (other than Simmental) and Polled Hereford bulls required a 26-cm SCSOT. Overall, 365-d SC means calculated by regression analysis or formula method did not differ (P greater than .10) for either data set.  相似文献   

Data on breeding soundness examinations (BSE) and performance traits were obtained on 549 yearling beef bulls at the San Juan Basin Research Center, Hesperus, Co from 1976 to 1984. Genetic parameters estimated for components of BSE included percent motility (PMOT), percent primary abnormalities (PPRIM), percent secondary abnormalities (PSEC), percent normal sperm (PNOR), scrotal circumference (SC) and BSE score (BSESC). Performance traits included birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight and average daily gain. The least squares model included birth year, age of dam and breed as fixed effects, sire/breed as a random variable, and age and percent inbreeding as covariates. Paternal half-sib estimates of heritability were PMOT, .08 +/- .07; PPRIM, .31 +/- .09; PSEC, .02 +/- .05; PNOR, .07 +/- .06; BSESC, .10 +/- .06 and SC, .40 +/- .09. Phenotypic correlations among BSE components and growth traits were generally favorable. Genetic correlations involving percent secondary abnormalities were highly variable with large standard errors. Seminal traits improved as age increased and became poorer as inbreeding increased.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine an appropriate method for using yearling scrotal circumference observations and heifer pregnancy observations to produce EPD for heifer pregnancy. We determined the additive genetic effects of and relationship between scrotal circumference and heifer pregnancy for a herd of Hereford cattle in Solano, New Mexico. The binary trait of heifer pregnancy was defined as the probability of a heifer conceiving and remaining pregnant to 120 d, given that she was exposed at breeding. Estimates of heritability for heifer pregnancy and scrotal circumference were .138+/-.08 and .714+/-.132, respectively. Estimates of fixed effects for age of dam and age were significant for heifer pregnancy and bull scrotal circumference. The estimate of the additive genetic correlation between yearling heifer pregnancy and yearling bull scrotal circumference was .002+/-.45. Additional analyses included models with additive genetic groups for scrotal circumference EPD for heifer pregnancy or heifer pregnancy EPD for scrotal circumference to account for a potential nonlinear relationship between scrotal circumference and heifer pregnancy. Results support the development of a heifer pregnancy EPD because of a higher estimated heritability than previously reported. The development of a heifer pregnancy EPD would be an additional method for improving genetic merit for heifer fertility.  相似文献   

Weight, hip height, heart girth, pelvic height, pelvic width and scrotal circumference were measured at 403 and 490 d on 427 Hereford bulls. The bulls were members of a random-selection herd so estimates of genetic parameters should have a minimum of bias due to selection. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated by normal paternal half-sib (PHS) correlation procedures. In addition, 256 son-sire pairs (RSS) were used to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations by regression and covariance methods. The PHS method produced heritability estimates in the range of .41 to .58 for all measures at both ages, with the exceptions of hip height at 403 d (.24) and pelvic height at 490 d (.23). The estimates derived in the RSS method ranged from .10 to .60. The RSS relationship would contain a portion of any maternal X direct covariance effects. A difference in heritability estimated by the two methods could be a reflection of this covariance. Genetic correlations tended to be larger than phenotypic and, in several cases, were negative. The difference in the correlation between two measurements taken at 403 d vs the same correlation estimated at 490 d was not readily explainable but may be evidence for differences in maturation rates or maternal effects. Scrotal circumference had a positive genetic correlation with weight and heart girth and near 0 or negative genetic correlations with pelvic measures. Hip height had positive genetic correlations with weight and heart girth at 403 and 490 d and with pelvic measurements at 403 d, but the correlations were not as large at 490 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aims: To provide herd managers with a set of decision rules allowing them to predict the likelihood that a juvenile bull is ready for Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BBSE), or breeding, if bodyweight and scrotal circumference are known.

Methods: This was a longitudinal study following two groups of young pasture-fed Holstein and Jersey bulls from northwest Tasmania, Australia. Individual scrotal circumference, bodyweight and semen characteristics were recorded at 6–8 weekly intervals, from 6–18 months of age. Classification and regression tree analyses were used to predict the probability that a bull had ≥70% normal sperm morphology based on scrotal circumference and bodyweight measurements.

Results: Overall 1,661 scrotal circumference and bodyweight measurements were obtained, and 518 semen samples from 356 bulls were assessed for sperm morphology, from 16 examination sessions that took place between 29 May 2015 and 17 August 2016. Classification and regression tree analyses generated a decision tree for Holstein bulls with four node endpoints, and for Jersey bulls with three node endpoints. Diagnostic test performance showed that for Holstein bulls, using the node endpoints of scrotal circumference ≥27?cm and bodyweight ≥349?kg, 98% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 10.4; 95% CI?=?2.7–41), and using the node endpoints of scrotal circumference ≥27?cm and bodyweight between 282–349?kg, 89% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 1.6; 95% CI?=?0.9–2.6). For Jersey bulls, using the node endpoints of bodyweight ≥259?kg and scrotal circumference ≥29?cm, 88% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 3.4; 95% CI?=?1.6–7.0).

Conclusions: This study provides a set of relatively simple decision rules based on bodyweight and scrotal circumference measurements that allows herd managers to assess the likelihood that juvenile bulls are ready for BBSE or breeding.

Abbreviations: BBSE: Bull breeding soundness evaluation; BRT: Boosted regression tree  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most costly feedlot disease in the United States. Selection for disease resistance is one of several possible interventions to prevent or reduce the economic loss associated with animal disease and to improve animal welfare. Undesirable genetic relationships, however, may exist between production and disease resistance traits. The objectives of this study were to estimate the phenotypic, environmental, and genetic correlations of BRD with growth, carcass, and LM palatability traits. Health records on 18,112 feedlot cattle over a 15-yr period and slaughter data on 1,627 steers over a 4-yr period were analyzed with bivariate animal models. Traits included ADG, adjusted carcass fat thickness at the 12th rib, marbling score, LM area, weight of retail cuts, weight of fat trim, bone weight, Warner-Bratzler shear force, tenderness score, and juiciness score. The estimated heritability of BRD incidence was 0.08 +/- 0.01. Phenotypic, environmental, and genetic correlations of the observed traits with BRD ranged from -0.35 to 0.40, -0.36 to 0.55, and -0.42 to 0.20, respectively. Most correlations were low or negligible. The percentage of carcass bone had moderate genetic, phenotypic, and environmental correlations with BRD (-0.42, -0.35, and -0.36, respectively). Hot carcass weight and weight of retail cuts had moderate, undesirable phenotypic correlations with BRD (0.37 and 0.40, respectively). Correlations of BRD with LM palatability and ADG were not detected. Low or near zero estimates of genetic correlations infer that selection to reduce BRD in feedlot cattle would have negligible correlated responses on growth, carcass, and meat palatability traits or that selection for those traits will have little effect on BRD susceptibility or resistance.  相似文献   

Growth and reproductive data were obtained on 779 beef heifers at the San Juan Basin Research Center, Hesperus, Co. Genetic parameters were estimated for age of puberty (AOP), age of first calving (AOC), julian day of first calving (DOC), julian day of second calving (DOSC), birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, and average daily gain from weaning to yearling and to cycling weights. The least squares model included birth year, age of dam and breed as fixed effects, sire/breed as a random variable, and day of birth and percent inbreeding as covariates. Day of birth was not included in the analyses of AOC, DOC or DOSC. Paternal half-sib estimates of heritability were: AOP, .10 +/- .17; AOC, .01 +/- .12; DOC, .09 +/- .13 and DOSC, .36 +/- .18. Genetic and phenotypic correlations were generally favorable, but genetic correlations were variable with large standard errors. Inbreeding had a detrimental effect on reproductive traits, and a seasonal effect was present for AOP.  相似文献   

Residual energy intake, defined as actual minus predicted energy intake during a production period, was estimated for each of 650 bull calves of 31 Holstein Friesian or Brown Swiss sires. Residual energy intake, measured under ad libitum feeding, had heritabilities similar to those of growth rate and energy conversion ratio with an estimate of approximately .3. Residual energy intake was related to average daily energy intake both phenotypically and genetically such that selection for decreased residual energy intake would lead to a decrease in daily feed intake. Such selection would also tend to increase carcass fatness (i.e., genetically fat animals are the most efficient). Residual energy intake estimated with and without correction for carcass composition were closely correlated. Thus, residual energy intake may be estimated without the knowledge of carcass composition in growing bulls of dual-purpose breeds.  相似文献   

Yorkshire and Duroc litter records were used to estimate genetic, phenotypic and environmental relationships between sow body weight and sow productivity traits. Two data sets with two subsets each were used to complete this study; 663 and 460 records included litter traits only, while 522 and 359 records also contained sow body weight for Yorkshires and Durocs, respectively. Heritability estimates for number born (NB), number born alive (NBA), total birth weight of live pigs (BWLIT), litter weight at 3 wk (WT3WK), sow weight at parturition (WTDAMPAR) and sow weight at weaning (WTDAMWN) were .24 +/- .14, .21 +/- .14, .42 +/- .16, .19 +/- .14, .72 +/- .21 and .42 +/- .18, respectively, for Yorkshires and .05 +/- .10, .04 +/- .10, .21 +/- .14, .25 +/- .15, .85 +/- .25 and .87 +/- .26, respectively, for the Durocs. Repeatability estimates for NB, NBA, BWLIT, WT3WK, WTDAMPAR and WTDAMWN were .13 +/- .06, .17 +/- .06, .27 +/- .06, .13 +/- .06, .64 +/- .05 and .54 +/- .05, respectively, for Yorkshires and .17 +/- .06, .21 +/- .06, .14 +/- .06, .17 +/- .06, .28 +/- .07 and .39 +/- .07, respectively, for Durocs. Genetic correlations among litter traits were high and positive in the Yorkshire data. Genetic correlations between NBA and WTDAMPAR, NBA and WTDAMWN, WT3WK and WTDAMPAR, and WT3WK and WTDAMWN were .37 +/- .25, .18 +/- .34, .60 +/- .29 and .29 +/- .45, respectively, in the Yorkshire data. Genetic correlations among litter traits in the Duroc analysis had large standard errors but were generally similar to the estimates obtained from the Yorkshire data. The genetic correlation between WTDAMPAR and WTDAMWN was .93 +/- .09 for Yorkshire sows. The primary conclusion from this study is that as selection increases sow productivity traits, there will be a positive correlated response in sow body weight.  相似文献   

Growth rates and weights at weaning, 365 d, and at slaughter were obtained on 616 bulls in a nonselected Hereford herd over a 10-yr period beginning in 1978. Carcass data were obtained for 401 of these bulls at 16 mo of age and on 101 that were sires or alternates and slaughtered at 30 mo of age. Fifty-five bulls slaughtered at 30 mo of age sired 301 male offspring on which growth data were obtained and 30 sired 169 male offspring on which carcass data were obtained. Bulls gained an average of .75 kg/d preweaning and 1.16 kg/d postweaning on a 168-d feed test. Rate of daily gain from the end of feed test to slaughter ranged from .7 to 1.2 kg/d. Time from the end of the feed test to slaughter ranged from 48 to 140 d. Slaughter weight, marbling score (Small = 12, Traces = 6), longissimus muscle area, fat covering over the 12th rib, percentage of kidney, pelvic and heart fat (KPH), and dressing percentage for bulls slaughtered as yearlings were 470 kg, 7.6 score, 82.5 cm, 8.2 mm, 1.0%, and 58.8%, respectively. The 30-mo-old bulls were slaughtered directly from range pastures. Marbling was devoid or practically devoid and fat covering over the 12th rib and KPH fat were insufficient to measure or estimate accurately. Sufficient variation was not available for statistical analyses of these traits. Slaughter weight, longissimus muscle area, and dressing percentage of 30-mo-old bulls were 583 kg, 91.8 cm, and 54.0%, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Genotype X environment interactions for postweaning performance traits of bulls produced by different lines of Hereford cattle were investigated in the contrasting environments of Miles City, Montana and Brooksville, Florida. During Phase 1 of the study (1966 to 1973), the performance of bull progeny from two unrelated lines (M1 and F6 previously developed in Montana and Florida, respectively) was compared at each of the two experimental sites. During Phase 2 (1967 to 1974), performance of bulls from two related lines (M1 of Montana origin and F4 derived from an M1 foundation through selection in Florida) was compared at each of the two locations. The line X location interaction effect in Phase 1 was highly significant for weaning weights and average daily gain during the postweaning test, and for end-of-test weight, conformation score, condition score and forecannon circumference. The interaction effect in Phase 2 was highly significant for 205-d and end-of-test weights and significant for all other traits except end-of-test conformation score. These results, consistent with results for traits covered in other papers of the same series (reproductive traits, birth-to-weaning traits of bull and heifer calves combined, and postweaning traits of heifers), indicated the existence of economically important genotype X environment interactions in beef cattle. Results from the series of papers indicated that adaptation to local environment should receive consideration in planning breeding programs, performance tests and interregional transfers of beef cattle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the heritability of scrotal circumference (SC) and semen traits, genetic correlations between SC and semen quality traits, and the effect of cytoplasmic line on SC and semen traits. Breeding soundness exam (BSE) data were collected on registered Angus bulls at 4 ranches over 7 yr. The American Angus Association provided historical pedigree information to estimate the effect of cytoplasmic line on SC and semen quality traits. After editing, the evaluated data set contained 1,281 bulls with breeding soundness exam data that traced back to 100 founder dams. Data were analyzed using a 2-trait animal model to obtain heritability, genetic correlation between SC and semen quality traits, as well as the effect of cytoplasmic line as a random effect for SC, percent motility (MOT), percent primary abnormalities (PRIM), percent secondary abnormalities (SEC), and percent total abnormalities (TOT) using multiple-trait derivative-free REML. Fixed effects included source ranch and collection year, and test age was used as a covariate. Estimates of heritability for SC, MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were 0.46, 0.05, 0.27, 0.23, and 0.25, respectively. Genetic correlations between SC and MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were 0.36, -0.19, -0.11, and -0.23, respectively. The proportions of phenotypic variance accounted for by cytoplasmic line for SC, MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were <0.001, 0.013, 0.023, 0.002, and <0.001, respectively. Genetic correlations between SC and semen quality traits were low to moderate and favorable. Cytoplasmic line may have a marginal effect on MOT and PRIM, but is likely not a significant source of variation for SC, SEC, or TOT.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize feed efficiency traits and to examine phenotypic correlations between performance and feeding behavior traits, and ultrasound measurements of carcass composition in growing bulls. Individual DMI and feeding behavior traits were measured in Angus bulls (n=341; initial BW=371.1+/-50.8 kg) fed a corn silage-based diet (ME=2.77 Mcal/kg of DM) for 84 d in trials 1 and 2 and for 70 d in trials 3 and 4 by using a GrowSafe feeding system. Meal duration (min/d) and meal frequency (events/d) were calculated for each bull from feeding behavior recorded by the GrowSafe system. Ultrasound measures of carcass 12th-rib fat thickness (BF) and LM area (LMA) were obtained at the start and end of each trial. Residual feed intake (RFIp) was computed from the linear regression of DMI on ADG and midtest BW(0.75) (metabolic BW, MBW), with trial, trial by ADG, and trial by midtest BW(0.75) as random effects (base model). Overall ADG, DMI, and RFIp were 1.44 (SD=0.29), 9.46 (SD=1.31), and 0.00 (SD=0.78) kg/d, respectively. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that inclusion of BW gain in BF and LMA in the base model increased R(2) (0.76 vs. 0.78) and accounted for 9% of the variation in DMI not explained by MBW and ADG (RFIp). Residual feed intake and carcass-adjusted residual feed intake (RFIc) were moderately correlated with DMI (0.60 and 0.55, respectively) and feed conversion ratio (FCR; 0.49 and 0.45, respectively), and strongly correlated with partial efficiency of growth (PEG; -0.84 and -0.78, respectively), but not with ADG or MBW. Gain in BF was weakly correlated with RFIp (0.30), FCR (-0.15), and PEG (-0.11), but not with RFIc. Gain in LMA was weakly correlated with RFIp (0.17) and FCR (-0.19), but not with PEG or RFIc. The Spearman rank correlation between RFIp and RFIc was high (0.91). Meal duration (0.41), head-down duration (0.38), and meal frequency (0.26) were correlated with RFIp and accounted for 35% of the variation in DMI not explained by MBW, ADG, and ultrasound traits (RFIc). These results suggest that adjusting residual feed intake for carcass composition will facilitate selection to reduce feed intake in cattle without affecting rate or composition of gain.  相似文献   

An experiment involving crosses among selection and control lines was conducted to partition direct and maternal additive genetic response to 20 yr of selection for 1) weaning weight, 2) yearling weight, and 3) index of yearling weight and muscle score. Selection response was evaluated for efficiency of gain, growth from birth through market weight, and carcass characteristics. Heritability and genetic correlations among traits were estimated using animal model analyses. Over a time-constant interval, selected lines were heavier, gained more weight, consumed more ME, and had more gain/ME than the control. Over a weight-constant interval, selected lines required fewer days, consumed less ME, had more efficient gains, and required less energy for maintenance than control. Direct and maternal responses were estimated from reciprocal crosses among unselected sires and dams of control and selection lines. Most of the genetic response to selection in all three lines was associated with direct genetic effects, and the highest proportion was from postweaning gain. Indirect responses of carcass characteristics to selection over the 20 yr were increased weight of carcasses that had more lean meat, produced with less feed per unit of gain. At a constant carcass weight, selected lines had 1.32 to 1.85% more retail product and 1.62 to 2.24% less fat trim and 10/100 to 25/100 degrees less marbling than control. At a constant age, heritability of direct and maternal effects and correlations between them were as follows: market weight, 0.36, 0.14, and 0.10; carcass weight, 0.26, 0.15, and 0.03; longissimus muscle area, 0.33, 0.00, and 0.00; marbling, 0.36, 0.07, and -0.35; fat thickness, 0.41, 0.05, and -0.18; percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat, 0.12, 0.08, and -0.76; percentage of retail product, 0.46, 0.05, and -0.29; retail product weight, 0.44, 0.08, -0.14; and muscle score, 0.37, 0.14, and -0.54. Selection criteria in all lines improved efficiency of postweaning gain and increased the amount of salable lean meat on an age- or weight-constant basis, but carcasses had slightly lower marbling scores.  相似文献   

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