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猫泛白细胞减少症(Feline Panleukopenia)又称猫瘟、猫瘟热或猫传染性肠炎。本病是由猫细小病毒引起的猫及猫科动物的一种急性、高度接触性、致死性传染病。主要发生于1岁以内的幼猫  相似文献   

为加强对罕见疾病假足菌肿的认识,给兽医工作者在诊治相似病例时提供参考,本研究分别从临床症状、诊断过程及治疗方法对1例犬小孢子菌引起的猫假足菌肿的病例进行报道。采集患猫尾荐部样本进行细胞学检查、真菌培养及菌株质谱鉴定。细胞学涂片中可见大量的炎性细胞、真菌孢子和真菌菌丝,诊断为真菌性肉芽肿性炎症。基于细胞学的结果,取样进行真菌培养。对培养出的菌株染色镜检,发现有6个以上分隔的大分生孢子。最后,通过质谱鉴定确定该病原菌为犬小孢子菌。综合以上检查结果,该病例诊断为犬小孢子菌引起的猫假足菌肿。治疗采用外用药浴与口服抗真菌药物相结合的方法。治疗初期,患猫尾部病灶有好转但并不明显,后期持续恶化,并于首诊后7个月死亡,主要死亡原因不明。建议兽医工作者在遇到相似病例时引起重视,采用细胞学检查、真菌培养及菌株鉴定等方法进行综合诊断。在疾病早期使用手术切除与抗真菌药物相结合的方法进行治疗,以提高患病动物的存活率。  相似文献   

阿维菌素是经微生物发酵、提炼和化学还原等工艺生产的一种新型广谱高效的抗生素类杀虫药。具有广谱高效、不与其它驱虫药产生交叉耐药性、药物体内持续时问长、见效快而强、驱虫效果好、用药剂量小、价格便宜的优点,而广泛地被应用于兽医临床。正是由于用药剂量小(0.2mg/kg体重、即1%阿维菌素注射液0.02mL/kg体重),对较小体型的动物(猫)很难控制有效的治疗剂量,而致使猫阿维菌素中毒的病例在临床上较为多见。  相似文献   

猫尿石症是猫临床诊疗中常见的疾病之一,其临床症状主要表现为精神不振、尿频、尿血、尿淋漓、尿闭等。其阻塞引起的肾后性氮质血症,严重时可危及生命,需要及时给予治疗。本文总结了两例典型的猫尿石症的病例,通过临床基础检查、血液检查以及影像学检查确诊,通过保守治疗和手术治疗,效果尚可,暂未见复发,以为该病的临床诊疗提供参考。  相似文献   

犬皮肤病的诊断与治疗汇集概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬皮肤病种类繁多,发病不分品种、年龄、性别和季节,有的还是人畜共患病,威胁人类健康,且皮肤病多为慢性经过,用药后效果不明显,加之兽医临床上绝大多数单位还未建立起实验室诊断,这给皮肤病的诊断和治疗带来困难,造成病情反复,久治不愈。而教科书中对皮肤病的介绍较少,有关犬皮肤病的诊断和治疗文献报道不多,有的仅单独报道其中一种病,有的则报道其中一种病继发细菌或真菌感染,如林德贵等报道了犬脓皮病,项夫等报道了犬的真菌与螨虫混合感染。本文结合临床病例对犬的皮肤病进行归纳整理,为临床诊断和治疗提供参考。1病因犬皮肤病的致病因子…  相似文献   

小鹅瘟的诊断防制概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着畜牧产业结构的调整和对肉类绿色食品的需求,养鹅业的发展日渐兴盛。小鹅瘟是养鹅业危害较大的传染病,本文对小鹅瘟进行了系统而全面的阐述,希望能使一些养殖户和专业人士有所收获。病原与流行病学小鹅瘟是雏鹅感染小鹅瘟病毒(Gosling Plapue Virus GPV)所引起的一种急性败血性传染病。1956年方定一在扬州发  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤癣菌病是小动物临床一种常见的皮肤病,该病不仅影响犬猫的外观,且可导致犬猫的瘙痒,严重时可引起疼痛,并显著增加畜主感染皮肤癣菌的几率,严重危害着动物及人类的健康。由于犬猫皮肤癣菌病本身的鉴别难度大、治疗周期长、复发率高及相关地域和环境因素的影响,导致近年来该病普遍流行并给临床诊疗工作带来极大困难。临床上可根据病史调查、临床检查、病原分离鉴定、皮肤病理组织活检等对该病进行诊断,并通过局部用药结合全身治疗,科学合理选用抗真菌药物,加强饲养管理等措施综合防制犬猫皮肤癣菌病。  相似文献   

Canine and feline dermatomycosis is the common skin disease in small animal,which not only affects the appearance of the canine and feline, but also leads to itching or pain, and even increases the risk of dog and cat owners suffering from dermatomycosis. Dermatomycosis is harmful to health of animals and human beings. The dermatomycosis is difficult to identify, has long treatment cycle and high recurrence, and affected by regional or/and environmental factors, lead to its prevalent and brought great difficulties to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Canine and feline dermatomycosis could be diagnosed according to illness history survey, clinical symptoms, isolation and identification of pathogens and histopathological examination. In order to curing canine and feline dermatomycosis effectively, systemic therapy combined with topical administration, scientific and rational use of antibiotics, and improvement of animal feeding management should be carried.  相似文献   

临床选取确诊为角膜疾病但眼压正常的犬、猫共28例,运用雾化熏蒸给药法,结合中医疗法的优势,根据病症分型,辨证施治。结果治疗犬、猫角膜疾病总有效率达85%,此结合疗法可为眼压异常的犬、猫角膜疾病治疗提供一定治疗模式。  相似文献   

猫传染性腹膜炎是猫科动物一种致死性的疾病,是目前导致猫死亡的主要疫病之一.该病的病原体是猫冠状病毒,该病毒有猫肠道冠状病毒和猫传染性腹膜炎病毒2种生物型,目前主流解释是猫肠道冠状病毒内部突变为猫传染性腹膜炎病毒,事实上该病的致病机制和免疫机制尚不明确.目前免疫组化是该病诊断的金标准,但由于其可操作性不强,临床上主要通过...  相似文献   

Human asthma is not a curable disease, although spontaneous resolution is common in adult asthmatics who developed asthma in childhood. We do not know if this is true or not for cats with asthma. We do know that some cats may be only mildly and intermittently symptomatic and that others may suffer life-threatening illness. An important new development in our understanding of this disease is the occurrence of airway inflammation even when patients are symptom-free. It is therefore crucial that we direct our therapeutic attention toward the underlying chronic inflammation that causes the acute clinical signs of cough, wheeze, and increased respiratory effort. Client education is also critical so that our clients develop realistic expectations of the effectiveness of these treatments for their pets. A great deal still needs to be learned regarding the pathogenesis of feline asthma and the optimal approach(es) to treating cats with this sometimes debilitating and potentially fatal respiratory syndrome. There is great hope and anticipation that ongoing research can bring new treatments for human and feline asthmatics alike.  相似文献   

PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: the clinical importance of feline hypertension has been recognised for many years and most feline practitioners are quite familiar with this syndrome. Once systemic hypertension is identified, long-term management of the patient is needed to avoid catastrophic (eg, blindness due to retinal detachment) or subtle (eg, accelerated renal damage) target organ damage. PATIENT GROUP: feline systemic hypertension is most commonly a complication of renal disease and hyperthyroidism, both diseases of older feline patients. By 15 years of age, the probability of having at least one of these two diseases is high. As well cared for cats are living longer, optimal long-term management of feline hypertension in patients with concurrent diseases is an issue of clinical importance. CLINICAL CHALLENGES: obtaining accurate blood pressure measurements in patients that are anxious, fractious or just plain uncooperative remains a significant issue in feline medicine, as does confident analysis of results from these patients. DIAGNOSTICS: careful measurement of systolic blood pressure using Doppler or oscillometric techniques in conjunction with evaluation for evidence of hypertensive choroidopathy (funduscopic examination) and hypertensive cardiac changes (thoracic auscultation) are essential to the diagnosis of systemic hypertension in cats. Other diagnostic techniques, including evaluation of renal and thyroid function, are needed to detect the underlying disease condition. EVIDENCE BASE: numerous well-designed clinical studies have greatly advanced our understanding of the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and therapy of feline hypertension.  相似文献   

陈大庆  李林翔 《野生动物》2013,34(5):281-284
2010年11月底至12月,苏州动物园3头华南虎相继发病,初期表现为精神沉郁、活动减少,食欲下降乃至废绝,发病后的3~5 d有清亮白色流涎,流灰白色浆液性或脓性鼻涕,5~8 d流泪,从鼻腔中掉出白色块状物,且伴有鼻腔出血;采集病虎鼻涕及鼻腔掉出白色块状物送中国人民解放军军事兽医研究所检验。经实验室核酸提取、RT-PCR/PCR和PCR产物分析,结果表明,此次3头虎发病是由于感染猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(FHV-1)所致,根据临床症状和检验结果诊断为猫病毒性鼻气管炎病。经过抗病毒抗感染、解热镇痛和补充维生素治疗,3头虎恢复正常。由于此病毒感染动物发病后临床症状与杯状病毒感染引起的猫鼻结膜炎、细小病毒感染引起的泛白细胞减少症以及衣原体感染引起的猫肺炎相似,因此很难从临床症状上得以区分,所以分子生物学检测手段在此病毒的确诊方面扮演着重要的角色。做好该病的预防和及时治疗工作至关重要。  相似文献   

对 2 5例自然发病的波斯猫传染性肠炎进行了病理学检查 ,提供了具有诊断意义的病理变化 ,同时对 2 6例患有传染性肠炎的病波斯猫 ,采用康复血静脉输血和母体供血均疗效显著  相似文献   

Background: Scores allowing objective stratification of illness severity are available for dogs and horses, but not cats. Validated illness severity scores facilitate the risk‐adjusted analysis of results in clinical research, and also have applications in triage and therapeutic protocols. Objective: To develop and validate an accurate, user‐friendly score to stratify illness severity in hospitalized cats. Animals: Six hundred cats admitted consecutively to a teaching hospital intensive care unit. Methods: This observational cohort study enrolled all cats admitted over a 32‐month period. Data on interventional, physiological, and biochemical variables were collected over 24 hours after admission. Patient mortality outcome at hospital discharge was recorded. After random division, 450 cats were used for logistic regression model construction, and data from 150 cats for validation. Results: Patient mortality was 25.8%. Five‐ and 8‐variable scores were developed. The 8‐variable score contained mentation score, temperature, mean arterial pressure (MAP), lactate, PCV, urea, chloride, and body cavity fluid score. Area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC) on the construction cohort was 0.91 (95% CI, 0.87–0.94), and 0.88 (95% CI, 0.84–0.96) on the validation cohort. The 5‐variable score contained mentation score, temperature, MAP, lactate, and PCV. AUROC on the construction cohort was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.79–0.86), and 0.76 (95% CI, 0.72–0.84) on the validation cohort. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Two scores are presented enabling allocation of an accurate and user‐friendly illness severity measure to hospitalized cats. Scores are calculated from data obtained over the 1st 24 hours after admission, and are diagnosis‐independent. The 8‐variable score predicts outcome significantly better than does the 5‐variable score.  相似文献   

猫传染性腹膜炎(简称猫传腹)是一类由冠状病毒引起、以严重腹腔炎症为特征的高致死性传染病,然而对其病原的诊断尚无公认的标准方法,且无有效的治疗手段可应用于兽医临床.因此,本研究通过描述一例猫传染性腹膜炎病例诊治过程,探索针对该病的合理诊疗手段.本研究利用高通量测序技术,综合临床症状、生化分析、血常规等检测方法,实现对该病...  相似文献   

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