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The variation in extractives content in sapwood and heartwood was investigated among 12 trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The study was carried out at the 15% height level and extractions used successively dichloromethane, ethanol and water. At all sites, heartwood had significantly more extractives than sapwood, on average 3.8 and 2.4%, respectively. Most extractives consisted of ethanol soluble material (on average 52% of total extractives). Among the sites, there was a statistically significant difference in the content of extractives but the most important source of variation was the within-tree variation between sapwood and heartwood. Differences in the content of extractives were also observed among trees. A strong relation between extractives content and heartwood proportion was found. The potential loss of pulp yield and problems associated with accumulation of extractives are directly related to the heartwood proportion in the eucalypt stems. Forest management should take into account heartwood development and selection for minimising heartwood extractives.  相似文献   

本文对云南省一平浪蓝桉实生种子园的子代测定林进行初期评价。该子代测定采用α-循环设计,21个重复,每个重复有18个不完全区组,每个区组分为15个小区,每小区2株树。全部270个家系均为自由授粉的半同胞家系,按来源分为3个类型(原产地天然林、云南地方品种和种子园),11个地区。调查和分析的数据包括造林后2年时的树高、胸径、冠幅、干形、抗寒性和存活率等性状。分析结果如下:1. 不同的类型在生长表现上存在显著差异,来自种子园的类型为最好。2. 自不同地区的蓝桉在各性状上都表现出显著差异。在生长表现上,来自维克多利亚东部、西部和各种子园的子代比其它地区的好。云南当地蓝桉子代的耐寒性和两年时的保存率为最好,在生长、干形和抗病方面与塔斯马尼亚东部和南部的蓝桉子代表现相似。采用两株小区,明显比单株小区降低小区缺失率,提高分析的可靠性。表3参7。  相似文献   

Eucalyptus globulus is widely used in productive exotic plantations but the expansion of these plantations is limited by low temperatures, as its cold hardening capacity is limited (0.5 to 3.0 °C). It is not well understood how nursery fertilisation affects the field performance of plants. This led us to study the effect of three mineral nutrients (N, P and K) on both plant quality and frost tolerance. The experiment comprised eight growth treatments in which a high dose (H-) or a low dose (L-) of each nutrient was applied. Nitrogen was the nutrient that determined shoot growth, new root growth after transplanting (root egress), frost tolerance and field performance. Performance was better with treatment H-N than with treatment L-N, leaf nitrogen contents being 1.53 and 0.89% respectively. The effects of phosphorus and potassium were not significant between treatments for any parameter. The exception was P which, when interacting with N, favoured root egress for the H-N treatment. It was concluded that nursery fertilisation offers a management tool for eucalyptus growers concerned with plant stock quality.  相似文献   

  • ? Environmental determinants of wood properties variation were examined in Eucalyptus globulus, a globally important hardwood plantation species, in southern Tasmania, Australia.
  • ? Radial variation in wood properties, measured with the SilviScan system, were re-scaled from distance to time abscissa using stem radial growth data measured with dendrometers. With this re-scaled data it was possible to evaluate how water availability and temperature affected wood density, microfibril angle (MFA) and fibre and vessel transverse dimensions in irrigated and non-irrigated trees.
  • ? Wood density, fibre radial diameter and MFA were sensitive to water availability. Wood density increased and fibre radial diameter decreased in response to reduced water availability. When high water availability was maintained, wood density was negatively correlated with temperature. Together, temperature and soil matric potential explained about 60% of temporal variation in wood density variation. In contrast MFA was not related to temperature but decreased with increasing water stress. Slower growing trees also had lower MFA than faster growing trees. Slower growing trees had a larger number of vessels per unit area of wood than faster growing trees within this even aged stand. However, vessel radius to the 4th power was significantly higher in faster growing trees than in slower growing trees.
  • ? Overall, E. globulus wood properties were sensitive to temporal changes in environmental conditions (particularly water availability) and associated growth rates. The data provided support for the hypothesis that growth rates are hydraulically mediated.
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  • ? The effects of clearcutting and of different slash management procedures on N mineralization were assessed in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. stand in Galicia (N W Spain). Treatments were no clearcutting (control), clearcutting combined with scattering, scattering + fertilization, windrowing, and two types of slash burning with two levels of severity: broadcast burning and windrow burning. Changes in mineral N were monitored in the soil during the 18 months following the treatments. Eleven years later, the treatment effects were again evaluated during a twelve month period to assess long-term effects.
  • ? During the first study period, slash burning led to a marked increase in the contents of N-NH 4 + , N-NO 3 ? and N-mineralization in topsoil layers (0–10 cm). In contrast, clearcutting followed by either scattering or windrowing of residues had no effect on mineral N in the top soil or in situ mineralization, relative to the control. Ammonium was the predominant form of mineral N. No residual effects of the treatments were detected eleven years later.
  • ? Fire severity, in relation to slash burn type, had significant negative effects on post-burn N mineralization and nitrification in the first period studied, but no long-term residual effects were observed. Some practical consequences for sustainable management of such stands are suggested.
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    The objective of this study was to compare the merit of the Colombian landrace relative to the various Australian native races of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus and study the genetic control of key traits such as growth, wood density, and leaf phase change in the unique conditions of the Colombian highlands.


    The genetic study was based on open-pollinated families from native Australian and Colombian landrace origin, tested across four trials spanning two generations of breeding. A multisite mixed linear model with genetic groups was fitted to the data to estimate race merit and the variance and covariances between traits, ages, and sites.


    Race effects for growth were small and only significant at the older site. In contrast, races differ significantly for height to phase change and density. The Colombian landrace and South and NE Tasmania races changed leaf type at a higher tree height. King Island and Recherche Bay had low density values, whereas the Colombian landrace had the highest. Heritability was moderate for growth traits (between 0.09 and 0.40), high for height to phase change (between 0.42 and 0.69), and moderate for wood density (0.28). The genetic correlation between growth and height to phase change was in general positive, but variable across sites. There was no correlation between growth and density. Despite large differences in growth between trials, pairwise genetic correlations suggest that genotype-by-site interaction is negligible. However, there was a poor correspondence between first-generation (ex-native stands) and second-generation families (ex-multi-provenance progeny trial). This suggests that breeding value estimates based on native open-pollinated material are unreliable.


    Results confirm negligible race differences for growth, but not for wood density. Future breeding efforts should include the various genetic backgrounds including the Colombian landrace which constitutes a very important source, especially because of its high density. Despite a low Genotype by Environment interaction, the poor genetic correspondence between the first- and second-generation trials indicates that selections for growth should be based on information coming mainly from the advanced-generation trials.  相似文献   

      Within-tree variation in kraft pulp yield, predicted using near infrared reflectance analysis, was studied in thirty trees of E. globulus and fifty trees of E. nitens to develop a non-destructive sampling strategy. Trees, aged 5 to 9 years, were sampled across a range of sites in southern Australia. Simulated core samples were removed at six fixed heights easily accessible from the ground (0.5, 0.7, ... 1.5 m) and at seven percentage heights (0, 20, 30, ... 70%). Whole-tree values, calculated from percentage height data, were correlated with the core data to determine the optimal sampling height. Core samples were found to be good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield for E. globulus, with simulated cores taken from the recommended sampling height (1.1 m) explaining more than 50% of variation in whole-tree pulp yield. Results for E. nitens were variable with large site differences apparent. On high quality sites, core samples from the recommended sampling height (0.9 m) were good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield, explaining around 60% of the variation. On poor quality sites, cores were poor predictors of whole-tree pulp yield. Radial orientation of cores was not important and predicted pulp yield was not related to tree size, basic density or fibre length. To estimate stand mean pulp yield to an accuracy of ±1% would require sampling 6 trees of E. globulus and 4 trees for E. nitens using either multiple discs or core samples. A single sampling height (1.1 m) is recommended for sampling for basic density, fibre length, fibre coarseness and predicted pulp yield in E. globulus. For E. nitens the recommended sampling height for basic density and fibre length is 0.7 m and 0.9 m is recommended for predicted pulp yield on good quality sites. Received 17 September 1998  相似文献   

    Heartwood, sapwood and bark content of teak trees grown in Karnataka, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    We evaluated heartwood, sapwood and bark content in teak trees. A total of 27 sample plots were laid out in teak plantations raised by State Forest Department in Karnataka covering different age groups...  相似文献   

    A non-destructive sampling strategy for basic density, based on removing 12 mm bark-to-bark cores, was developed in E. globulus and E. nitens. Fifty trees of each species, aged 5 to 9 years, were sampled across a range of sites. Core samples were removed on both a north-south and an east-west axis from 6 fixed heights in the base of the tree (0.5 m, 0.7 m, …, 1.5 m). Whole-tree values were calculated from disc samples removed at eight percentage heights (0, 10, 20, …, 70%) and correlations between the cores and whole-tree values were used to determine the optimal sampling height. Core samples were found to be reliable predictors of whole-tree density, explaining between 84% and 89% of the variation between trees. Core sampling of E. globulus and E. nitens to estimate basic density of whole-trees and stands is feasible; cores from trees at all E. globulus sites gave high correlations with whole-tree values. For E. nitens, site differences were apparent, and it is recommended that a small destructive sampling program should be undertaken prior to commencing a major sampling program. Recommended optimal sampling heights are 1.1 m for E. globulus and 0.7 m for E. nitens. Core orientation was not important and density was not related to tree size. Six whole-tree samples or eight core samples are required for estimating the mean density of a stand at a specific site to an accuracy of ±20 kg m−3 with a 95% confidence interval. Received 17 September 1998  相似文献   

    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different slash management practices on understory biodiversity and biomass in Eucalyptus globulus coppices in Central Portugal. The experiment consisted of four treatments: (a) removal of slash (R), (b) broadcast over the soil (S), (c) as in S but concentrating woody residues between tree rows (W) and (d) incorporation of slash into soil by harrowing (I). Understory vegetation was surveyed during 1–6, 9, and 10 years, the proportion of soil cover by plant species estimated, and diversity and equitability indexes determined. Above ground understory biomass was sampled in years 2–6, 9, and 10. The highest number of species in most years occurred in plots where slash was removed. Differences between treatments in the proportion of plant soil cover were never significant, whereas differences in diversity index were only occasionally significant and apparently related to the number of species. Thus, differences in the equitability index were not significant. Understory biomass did not decrease during the rotation period, and was usually highest in R and I, and lowest in S, but not significantly different. At the end of the rotation period, understory biodiversity indices and biomass were apparently independent of slash treatment.  相似文献   

    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between carbon isotope discrimination (Δ), survival and growth, to determine the value of Δ for screening for yield improvement under drought conditions. Intra-specific variation in carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was examined in Eucalyptus globulus. Wood samples were collected from 3 to 7 year-old populations from three different field-sites at Huelva (south-western Spain). Differences between study sites were related to the availability of water resulting from soil physical properties. Average carbon isotope discrimination ranged from 16.7 to 18.1‰. There was a 2.2‰ maximum range in Δ values among different trees of the same age. A strong, positive correlation was observed between average carbon isotope discrimination and average tree diameter at breast height (DBHob). Average carbon isotope discrimination was also strongly correlated with survival at the Valdeoscuro site (r2=0.95) and with the percentage of failures in neighbouring trees (r2=0.65) at the San Sebastián site. These results suggest a strong effect of availability of water on Δ values. Implications for the use of carbon isotope discrimination in selecting for better adapted genotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

    Sapflow sensors were used to investigate variation in sapflow velocity at different positions in the sapwood of three-year-old Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus Labill. trees. Sapflow velocity was measured at 5-mm intervals across the sapwood by moving two probe sets simultaneously on two opposite radii. Another probe set placed in a fixed position at right angles to the first two sets acted as a control. A sapflow velocity ratio was defined as the velocity given by each moving sensor divided by that given by the static sensor. Correlation between observations of sapflow velocity at different positions exceeded 95%, and the ratio of velocity between any pair of sensors was constant. We observed radial variation in sapflow velocity across the sapwood with the lowest velocities at the center of the tree. Variation due to sensor position was high implying the need for large numbers of sensors for accurate estimates of sap flux. To overcome this need, we used a correction coefficient, namely a simple weighted average of the sapflow ratios with depth in the sapwood, for each fixed sensor. We recommend the use of three probe sets to estimate the correction coefficient. Subsequently, two probe sets can be placed at two fixed positions for routine measurements of sap flux.  相似文献   

    Variation in wood anatomy and biometric variables was studied in 14 7-year-old Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in a clonal trial in Arauco, Bio-Bio Region, Chile. Biometric characteristics were measured for each tree and the anatomical variables were measured at three radial positions by image analysis on transverse microsections cut from radial increment cores sampled at breast height. Results showed, that among clones wide ranges of variation were found for vessel frequency, vessel area and vessel coverage. However, narrow ranges of variation were found for fiber wall thickness, fiber diameter and lumen diameter. From pith to bark, mean vessel area and vessel coverage increased gradually, whereas the vessel frequency decreased. The fiber wall thickness did not differ significantly from pith to bark. Mean fiber and lumen diameters showed the same radial pattern, increasing from pith to the midpoint of the radius to reach a plateau close to the bark. Furthermore, important commercial volume gains that can exceed 100% were found. Considering the commercial importance of tree volume, vessel and fiber anatomy in the pulping and papermaking process, it is suggested that the information given in this study may be used as an additional criteria for the selection of E. globulus.  相似文献   

    Adams  P.R.  Beadle  C.L.  Mendham  N.J.  Smethurst  P.J. 《New Forests》2003,26(2):147-165
    Interference by an introduced grass, Holcus lanatus L. (Yorkshire fog grass) in a young E. globulus (Tasmanian blue gum) plantation was investigated. The objectives were to determine (1) the critical period of competition, and (2) how the timing and duration of competition was related to the interaction between tree growth and resource availability. This was investigated during the first two years of establishment. Weed interference was severe with height and diameter growth of weedy trees being 52% and 40% of weed-free trees, respectively, at age two years. Most growth losses occurred during the first year. The critical period of weed interference was from planting to age 18 m and effective weed control was required for this period to maximise tree growth potential. The application of nitrogen to weedy trees promoted a significant growth response suggesting that competition for nitrogen was occurring. There was no significant response to level of irrigation. The use of critical period analysis is discussed.  相似文献   

    The influence of a commercial laccase on the grafting of 4-chloro-2-methoxyphenol, a model compound, onto Eucalyptus globulus sapwood was evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The grafting was carried out on extracted and non-extracted wood samples. The extraction procedure modified the surface composition due to extractives removal but with high data dispersion. The laccase-mediated grafting of the chlorophenol was demonstrated by the decrease in O/C ratio and the presence of Cl in wood surface after the enzymatic wood treatment. Laccase seemed to be adsorbed suggesting a possible competition between adsorption and grafting processes. The extractive compounds have no effect on the enzymatic grafting since similar Cl amount was analyzed in extracted and non-extracted wood. This enzymatic grafting methodology opens up new possibilities for wood surface modification in order to obtain new wood products with sustainable technologies and mild conditions.  相似文献   

    We studied heartwood and sapwood variation in western redcedar (Thuja plicata) at three sites, including a 95-year-old naturally regenerated, unmanaged stand, a 35-year-old planted spacing trial, and a 30-year-old naturally regenerated stand to which thinning and fertilization treatments had been applied. In the 95-year-old stand, we studied within-tree variation in heartwood and sapwood. In the thinning/fertilization trial and the planted spacing trial, we studied effects of cultural practices and growth rate on heartwood and sapwood. In the trees that we studied, sapwood width was generally fairly narrow, rarely exceeding 3.5 cm. Heartwood formation in western redcedar appeared to begin at a relatively small stem diameter (7 cm) and at a young age, probably 10–15 years. The amount and proportion of heartwood increased with distance downward from the top of the tree, with the implication that older trees will contain a greater proportion of heartwood than younger trees. For any given age, it appears that cultural treatments that favor rapid growth will result in stems with greater amounts of both sapwood and heartwood, and a greater proportion of heartwood.  相似文献   

    《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):145-154
    Eucalyptus globulus is the main eucalypt species grown in Australian plantations. The focus on seedling deployment systems, coupled with exploitation of large, open-pollinated base populations for breeding purposes over the last two decades, has required a detailed understanding of the reproductive biology of this species. We review our research on the reproductive biology of E. globulus, with a focus on its breeding system and advances made in seed production systems. While most improved seed is still obtained from open-pollinated seedling or grafted seed orchards, the development of the one-stop/single-visit pollination procedure has revolutionised the breeding and deployment of this species. The reduced costs of controlled pollination has meant full pedigree-control can now be maintained in large advanced-generation breeding populations and E. globulus is one of the few eucalypt species where large-scale production of manually pollinated seed for family forestry is being undertaken.  相似文献   

    Relations between various extracted basic densities and wood chemical components were investigated by their within-tree variations in Eucalyptus globulus for assistance in the prediction of the properties of wood or wood-derived products. Extraneous compounds affect the relations between various basic densities and wood chemical components such as holocellulose and the lignin syringyl/guaiacyl ratio. We also discuss the relation of various densities, the molar composition of neutral sugars constituting hemicellulose, and fiber morphology.  相似文献   

    A capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method for simple and rapid determination of ellagic acid (EA) in Eucalyptus globulus wood and in the filtrate from unbleached kraft pulp has been developed. This is the first application of CZE for the detection of EA in industrial streams from cellulosic pulp production. The EA determinations in wood extractives and in pulp filtrates were succeeded only after sample acidification. This new CZE analytical procedure allowed reliable determinations of EA in E. globulus wood (1.1 ± 0.6 g kg?1 of dry wood) and in the filtrates from unbleached kraft pulp (98 ± 0.7 mg L?1). Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used as a reference method for the quantification of EA in industrial samples.  相似文献   

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