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Mixed infestations of Alopecurus m yosuroides Huds. and broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals were controlled with a commercial formulation of ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop. used in mixtures or as sequences with isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl. As well as controlling A. myosuroides the mixtures, applied in the autumn, gave good control of Veronica persica Poir., Galium aparine L. Lilhospermum arvense L. and Viola arvensis Murr. weeds which were resistant to isoproturon used alone. A. myosuroides had the major influence on crop yield in three experiments. High infestations of A. myosuroides reduced the broad-leaved weeds so that crop yields were only slightly improved when all the weeds were controlled compared with the control of A. myosuroides alone. In the remaining experiment. V. persica was very competitive with wheat; additional control of A. myosuroides improved yields considerably. Ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop gave better final control of broad-leaved weeds when applied in the spring rather than the autumn but the sequence of a spring application following isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl in the autumn did not improve yields compared with the mixtures applied in the autumn. In all experiments, the highest yields were obtained from controlling both A. myosuroides and broad-leaved weeds in the autumn, provided that good control of A. myosuroides was obtained.  相似文献   

除草剂防除马尼拉草坪杂草试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付建华 《广西植保》2001,14(1):17-18
草坪宁1号7g/666.7m^2药后35d,60d的总体防效分别为90.8%和70.5%,明显高于阿特拉津100ml 都尔80ml/666.7m^2和阿特拉津100ml 乙草胺80ml/666.7m^2 2处理,对马尼拉草坪安全,值得推广。  相似文献   

2000~2001年我们进行了油菜田杂草的田间消长规律观察及不同药剂防除油菜田杂草的田间试验,现将调查及试验结果报告如下。  相似文献   

禾草灵防除春麦田禾本科杂草药效试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 材料与方法1 1 供试药剂供试药剂有 2 8%、36 %禾草灵乳油 (浙江一帆农药化工有限公司产 )、6 9%骠马水乳剂 (德国艾格福公司产 )。1 2 试验设计试验在西宁彭家寨乡彭家寨村小麦田进行 ,防除以野燕麦为主的禾本科杂草。设2 8%禾草灵EC每公顷商品量 (下同 )2 40 0ml、30 0 0ml、36 0 0ml,36 %乐草灵EC每公顷 1 80 0ml、2 340ml、2 70 0ml,6 9%骠马水收稿日期 :2 0 0 1- 0 6 - 0 4乳剂每公顷 750ml,以喷清水为对照 ,共 8个处理。小区面积 1 8m2 ,重复 4次 ,随机排列。 5月 1 2日施药 ,施药前 4d田间灌苗头水。喷…  相似文献   

水稻旱育抛栽大田秧苗叶龄小,人工除草难度大,对化学除草剂的安全性要求高,为了筛选适合本地推广使用的除草剂品种,1998年我们在中稻上进行了小区试验及部分品种的大田示范,现将试验结果整理如下。1材料与方法1.1供试药剂及用量用法每667m25%丁草胺颗...  相似文献   

In 2002, the Malaysian government had banned the use of the hazardous herbicide, paraquat. Most growers perceive that paraquat is the most effective herbicide and provides the fastest mode of action to control weeds. An experiment was conducted at MAB Agriculture-Horticulture, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia, from February 2004 to February 2005 to evaluate the efficacy and ability of the less hazardous herbicides, glufosinate ammonium and glyphosate, as an alternative to the hazardous herbicide, paraquat, in controlling weeds in immature oil palm (<3 years old). The results showed that paraquat needed high rates, 600 and 800 g ha−1, to control weeds effectively. However, lower rates of glufosinate ammonium (200 g ha−1) and glyphosate (400 g ha−1) gave excellent weed control. The results showed that the efficacy of glufosinate ammonium and glyphosate were much better than paraquat. The results also showed that, with no direct contact with the plants, paraquat, glufosinate ammonium, and glyphosate had no adverse effect on the vegetative and generative growth of oil palm in this study. These results proved that the less hazardous herbicides, glufosinate ammonium and glyphosate, could be used as an alternative to paraquat to control weeds in immature oil palm.  相似文献   

植物诱导抗性与寄生性杂草防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物诱导抗性不仅可以用于防治病虫害,也可以用于防除寄生性杂草。本文综述植物诱导抗性防除寄生性杂草的历史、发展、途径、机制及其前景。  相似文献   

The separate enantiomers of diclofop-methyl and fenoxaprop-ethyl were incubated with two soils under aerobic conditions. Rapid hydrolysis to the corresponding acids diclofop and fenoxaprop was observed. At various time intervals after soil treatment the parent compound and its free acid were extracted and the extracts were investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The determination of the K:S-ratio using a chiral stationary phase revealed that no racemisation of the esters took place. However, inversion of the hydrolysis products was observed. In both soils the acids with the S-configuration showed a significantly higher inversion tendency than the acids with the R-configuration. In one soil the S-acids of both herbicides were inverted (50% inversion in 4–7 days) to yield, ultimately, a residue containing 70% R- and 30% S-enantiomer.  相似文献   

除草剂的应用为农业生产带来便利, 但长期、单一使用某一种或相同机制的除草剂也引发了杂草对除草剂的抗性问题。抗性杂草种类逐渐增加, 抗性形成机制复杂, 导致农田杂草的治理难度增加。杂草对除草剂的抗性机制主要分为两种, 一种是除草剂靶标位点基因的突变或过量表达导致的靶标抗性, 另一种是杂草对除草剂吸收、转运、固存和代谢等一个或多个生理过程发生变化导致的非靶标抗性。本文综述了杂草对9类不同作用方式除草剂的非靶标抗性机制的生理、生化和分子基础的研究进展, 以期为抗性杂草综合治理提供参考。  相似文献   

不同除草剂对夏玉米田杂草防效和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哥弟玉能除草效果好,施后15 d对水芹等阔叶类杂草的株防效达到90%以上,比人工除草提高了49.9%,杂草总鲜重防效也达到了90%。施后30 d株防效和鲜重防效均有所降低,玉米产量施药区比人工除草和清水对照分别增加了14.9%和23.3%。玉丙草施后15 d和30 d总草株防效均为80.9%,比人工除草提高了42.7%~50.3%,鲜重防效比人工除草提高了43.9%~62.9%,玉米产量比人工除草和清水对照分别提高了12.2%和20.8%。  相似文献   

不同药剂防除油菜田杂草试验初报   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
随着种植业结构的调整 ,油菜种植面积不断扩大 ,其杂草防除的好坏直接影响到油菜籽的品质和产量。为了有效地防除油菜田杂草 ,为大面积生产提供科学依据 ,我站进行了相关田间试验 ,取得明显的效果。1 材料与方法1 1 供试药剂( 1 ) 4%喷特EC(美国有利来路公司提供 ) ;( 2 ) 1 0 8%高效盖草能EC(美国陶氏益农公司提供 ) ;( 3) 30 %好实多EC(江苏农药研究所苏研公司提供 ) ;( 4) 1 7 5%林克EC(江苏农药研究所苏研公司提供 )。1 2 试验处理试验共设 9个处理 :( 1 ) 4%喷特EC40ml/亩 ;( 2 ) 4%喷特EC50ml/亩 ;( 3) 4%喷特…  相似文献   

In four experiments the influence of application factors on the activity of a commercial herbicide mixture of dicamba, mecoprop and MCPA, applied to dicotyledonous weeds in spring barley was examined. The recommended dose or one third was applied at 45. 15 and 51 ha and at 250 and 350 μm diameter drop size, using controlled drop application equipment, and at 225 ha with conventional hydraulic nozzles. A single experiment examined the activity of a commercial herbicide mixture of bromoxynil and ioxynil applied at the same volume rates as above, but at 150 and 250 μm diameter drops, at either the recommended or one half of the recommended rate. Application of the dicamba mixture at the recommended rate was as effective at 45 1/ha as at 225 1/ha, but less reliable at 15 1/ha. At 51 1/ha the level of control was unsatisfactory with the higher rate of the dicamba mixture but at the reduced rate control was in some cases better. It is thought that this effect may be connected with the high concentrations of herbicide associated with lower volume rates. Differences in the effect of drop size were inconsistent and interactions of drop size with volume rate were not significant. The experiment with the bromoxynil mixture suggests control at 45 1/ha compares favourably with that at 225 1 ha but at both 15 and 5 1/ha it was unsatisfactory. Again differences in the effect of drop size were inconsistent at the reduced rate, but at the recommended rate the 250 μm diameter drop appeared to be more effective. Expériences au champ avec des applications d'herbicides, don't la dimension des gouttes a été contrôlee, pour la lutte contre les adventices dicotylédoens Les auteurs ont examiné dans quatre expériences au champ l'influence des facteurs d'application d'un mélange commercial de dicamba. mécoprop et MCPA, appliqué sur des adventices dicotylédones dans une orge de printemps. La dose recommendée ou le tiers de cette dose ont été appliqués à 45. 15 et 5 1/ha et avec des gouttes de 250 et 350 μm de diamètre, en utilisant un disositif de contrôle de la taille des gouttes; par aillears, le traitement a aussi été realiséà raison de 225 1/ha avee des buses hydrauliques conventionnelles. Dans une seule expérience a été examinée l'activité d'un mélange commercial de bromoxynd et d'ioxynil appliqué aux mêmes volumes que et-dessus, mais avec des gouttes de 150 et 250 μm de diametric, a la dose recommendée ou à la moitié de cette dose. Le tratement à la dose recommandée avec mélange contenant du dicamba a été aussi efficace à 45 1/ha qu à 225 1/ha, mais moris sùr à 151 ha A 5 1/ha, le degré d'efficacité n'a pas eté satisfaisant avec la dose la plus èlevees de dicamba, mais à la dose réduite. L'efficacité, dans quelques eas, a été meilleure. Les auleurs pensent que ce phénoméne petu étre rattache aux concentrations elevées d'herbicide associées à un faible volume de pulvérisation Les differences dans l'effct de la laille des gouttes n'ont pas été cohérentes et les interactions entre la laille des gouttes et le volume de bouille n'ont pas été significatives. L'experience avec le melange contenant du bromoxynil suggére que l'efficacitéà 45 1/ha peut comparer favourablement a celle obtenue avee 2251; mais à 151 et 5 1/ha, le résultat n'a pas été satisfatisant. De nouveau, les différences entreles effects de la taille des gouttes ont été incohérentes à la dose faible, mais à la dose recommandée, lee gouttes de 250 μm de diamétre sont apparures plus efficacies. Feldversuche mit Herbiziden zur Bekampfung dikotyler Unkräuter ber Applikation difinierter Tröpfehengrössen In vier Versuchen wurde der Einfluss von Applikationsfaktoren die Wirkung einer handelsüblichen Herbizidmischung von Dicamba. Mecrprop und MCPA auf dikotyle Unkräuter in Sommergerste geprüft. Unter Verwendung spezieller Geräte für die Applikation definierter Tröpfchengrössen wurde die empfohlene Aufwandmenge order ein Drieul davon appliziert und zwar mit einem Volumen von 45, 15 und 5 1/ha, bei Tröpfeben grössen von 250 und 350 μm. Daneben wurden 225 1/ha bei Verwendung üblicher Spritzdüsen ausgebracht. In einem Versuch wurde die Wirkung einer handelsüblichen Herbizidmischung von Bromoxynil und loxynil mil denselben Volumina wie oben geprüft. Die Tröpfchendurchmesser belrugen aber 150 und 250 μd und die Aufwandmenge entsprach bier der empfohlenen bzw, der Hälite davon. Die Dicambamischung wirkte bei empfohlener Aufwandmenge bei 45 1/ha genause gut wie bei 225 1/ha, a ber weniger gut bei 15 1/ha. Bei 5 1/ha war der Bekämpfungserfolg mit der höheren Aufwandmenge unbefriedigend, aber die reduzierte Dosis erbag in einigen Fällen bessere Ergebnisses. Letzteres dürfte auf die hohen Herbizidkonzentrationen bei geringerer Wasseraufwandmenge zurückzuführen sein. Herbizidwirkung und Tröpfchengrösse waren nicht immer korrelicrt, und die Interaktionen zwischen Tröpfehengrösse und Wasservolumen waren nicht significant. Bei der Bromoxynilmischung war die Wirkung von 45 1/ha mit der von 225 1/ha vergleichbar; 15 und 5 1/ha wirkten jedoch unbefriedigend. Auch hier gab es keine klare Beziehung zwischen Tröpfchengrösse und Wirkung bei reduziertem Wasservolumen. aber ber normaler Aufwandmenge schienen Tröpfehen von 250 μm am besten su sein  相似文献   

Kinetic measurements of the hydrolysis rates of flamprop-methyl, flamprop-ethyl,a flamprop-isopropyl and benzoylprop-ethyl have been carried out and the hydrolysis products analysed. The similarity of the data to that obtained from the hydrolysis of alkyl acetates show that these esters are hydrolysed by bimolecular acyl bond fission in both acidic and basic media. No buffer or salt effects on the rates were observed. The hydroxyl ion rates were approximately 10000 times faster than the protoncatalysed rates, so that optimum stability is found in solutions of pH 4. Equations are given to calculate hydrolysis rates when the pH exceeds 4 at ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

分葱是江苏省兴化市主要蔬菜品种,年种植1万hm2.葱田土壤肥沃,杂草生长旺盛,如防治不力,对葱产量影响较大.为筛选出适用于葱田的除草剂,我们进行了乙·扑等药剂防除分葱田杂草试验.  相似文献   

为探讨除草剂与安全剂混用对杂草的防治效果及对糜子安全性的影响,以'榆糜2号'为试验材料,在糜子三叶期选取两种茎叶型除草剂——阔世玛(3.6% 二磺 ? 甲碘隆水分散粒剂)和锐超麦(20% 双氟 ? 氟氯酯可湿性粉剂)与两种安全剂——芸苔素内酯(brassinolide,BR)和赤霉素(gibbrellic acid,G...  相似文献   

水稻直播、抛秧等轻简栽培技术在我省迅速推广后,导致稻田杂草发生严重,草相更加复杂。为此,稻田杂草防除在充分发挥各种农业措施控草作用的基础上,必须根据水稻种植方式以及草相变化特点,及时调整化除配方,以提高除草效果。  相似文献   

水稻秧田化学除草不仅是培育水稻壮秧的一个重要环节,而且是减少大田夹棵稗、减轻大田草害的有效措施。为了寻找高效、安全、经济的秧田化学除草剂,我们对丙草胺与磺酰脲类的复配剂进行了除草效果和安全性试验。1材料与方法1·1供试对象水稻品种为大面积主栽晚粳品种苏引201,播种方式分水育秧和旱育秧。播种前用25%使百克 10%吡虫啉2000倍液浸种48h,清水冲洗后常温催芽,出芽后播种。1·2供试药剂供试药剂有30%直播宁(丙草胺 苄嘧磺隆 安全剂)WP(太仓长江化工厂提供)、36%隆苗(丙草胺 吡嘧磺隆 安全剂)WP(浙江平湖农药厂提供)、50%杀草丹(…  相似文献   

江苏省淮安市楚州区麦田杂草种类繁多 ,主要为禾本科杂草及阔叶杂草。阔叶杂草主要有猪殃殃、荠菜、牛繁缕、大巢菜等。前几年小麦田阔叶杂草的化学防除主要以冬前使用氯磺隆和甲磺隆 ,春后使用施甲合剂 ,防除效果比较理想。但随着氯磺隆和甲磺隆的限制使用 ,冬前的化除有一定难度。近年来除氯磺隆和甲磺隆以外的其它磺酰脲类除草剂如苄磺隆、噻磺隆、苯磺隆等防除麦田阔叶草具有较明显的防治效果 ,也比较经济 ,但防效表现慢 ,对大巢菜效果较差。为了筛选冬后麦田防除阔叶杂草高效、安全、经济的除草剂配方 ,我们进行了本试验1 材料与方法1…  相似文献   

防除大豆田阔叶杂草除草剂筛选试验报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,山东省大豆田应用较多的芽前除草剂以乙草胺为主 ,芽后除草剂有盖草能、禾草克、拿捕净等 ,这些除草剂对禾本科杂草有较好的防除效果 ,但都不能有效地控制铁苋菜、马齿苋、反枝苋等阔叶杂草的危害。因此 ,筛选适宜防除大豆田阔叶杂草的除草剂显得非常必要。我们于 1 999年进行了克莠灵、豆必乐、克阔乐、Cadre及豆草灭等除草剂对比试验。1 材料与方法1 .1 供试药剂供试药剂有 44%克莠灵水剂 (德国巴斯夫公司产 )、38%豆必乐水剂 (德国巴斯夫公司产 )、2 4%克阔乐乳油 (德国艾格夫公司产 )、2 4%Cadre水剂 (Imazet…  相似文献   

苜蓿田杂草茎叶处理药剂筛选试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,北京市大力推广种植紫花苜蓿,以带动草食动物饲养业的发展.杂草危害是造成苜蓿减产和品质下降的重要原因,危害严重时影响苜蓿的建植甚至造成毁种.我国苜蓿田杂草防除是一个薄弱环节,可借鉴的相关资料很少.为了控制杂草的危害,提高经济效益,2001年我们进行了药剂防除筛选试验,取得了良好的防效和增产效果,现总结报道如下,以供参考.  相似文献   

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